The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4032: , Out of control situation (3)

This whole situation has become worse and worse.

At present, the void battlefield assembled by the main force, the flanking battlefield that deviates from the main battlefield and the starkiller as the core, and the planetary battlefield, among these three battlefields, the only one that can hold the situation, I am afraid it is only the planet. This battlefield within.

On the side of the undead army, the core of this battlefield on the planet, there is no doubt that the deserted skeletons are the top war units.

However, in terms of individual strength, Huang Skull clearly couldn't fight the Gaia giant summoned by the two earth-based mages, Jie Zichuan and Dilit, in cooperation with the earth-based mage group.

After the two sides formally met, they were soon crushed and beaten by the Gaia giant.

But this does not mean that Huang Skull is so easy to deal with.

When Huang Skull was originally a strategic unit of the Hundred Ghost Civilization, it has the characteristics of ‘skeleton’ and ‘undead creature’. After the body is destroyed, it can show strong remodeling.

But now, after being transformed into a purer undead clan by the Lich Mages, this characteristic has undoubtedly become stronger.

So far, the Gaia giant, jointly controlled by Jie Zichuan and Dilit, has actually destroyed the Wild Skeleton four times.

But every time, Huang Skull can use the power of the Lich Mages to quickly reshape his body.

In addition, due to the fact that the number of bones and ghosts on the battlefield during the restoration process is larger than before, so every time Huang Skull is reshaped, it will become stronger than before!

Judging from the current situation, there are basically only two ways left to completely solve the desolate skeleton.

Either send troops to take down the opposite Lich Mage group, or continue to fight, fight for continuous combat ability, and drag down the opposite Lich Mage group!

At this moment, Zhou Yi has signaled that the wolf cavalry of the werewolf clan and the raptor cavalry of the lizardman clan, after killing the enemy's bridal force, continue to fight while consciously searching for the hiding place of the opposite Lich Mage group. Up.

However, it is obviously not an easy task to find each other.

Before they found it, they could only continue to implement the second plan.

Nowadays, the battle within the planet, although it is the civilization of their Ten Thousand Realms, has the upper hand, but if the situation is already clear, winning is only a matter of time, obviously, it has not yet reached that point.

Under this premise, if the battlefield on the planet is the battlefield with the best situation, then the flanking battlefield is definitely the battlefield with the worst situation at this stage!

After Shirasawa died in battle and the outer shield was blasted by Ibaraki Boys, the undead army on this side of the battlefield was fully overwhelmed. Although the dwarven troops were struggling to defend themselves, they could not change their line of defense. The fact that the undead army that has been advancing is gradually disintegrating.

"Emergency! d3 area needs reinforcements!"

"The K7 area has fallen, the enemy has invaded in, and is about to rush into the near defense zone!"

"The outer armor of the f4 zone was destroyed, a gap appeared, and the enemy invaded the interior!"

"E8 area..."

At this moment, in the commanding room inside the Star Destroyer, the information that was continuously fed back made John Thrall feel a burst of burnout.

Originally, after Bai Ze killed Yuzao Qian, those undead units that had been resurrected by Yuzao Qian's magic arts were turned into a pile of corpses again and lost their fighting ability.

This caused the strength of the undead army to plummet on this side of the battlefield.

Although the boy Ibaraki who arrived later burst their outer shield, the substantial drop in the enemy's strength also eased the pressure on them to a large extent.

Seize this opportunity to expand your advantage in military strength, and life on the Star Destroyer's side will definitely be a lot better.

As a result, this situation hadn't been maintained for long, Zhong Mo and the Lich King Solenke's round of large-scale undead spells were used.

Not only did they pull up a large number of undead units that had already been killed in battle, they even converted all of their dead soldiers into undead and pulled them over.

It must be said that Zhong Mo's method is really very demoralizing!

Not only is the comrade-in-arms who died in the battle turned into an enemy, but also because of the opponent's method, it is almost as if you are telling them that everything you do is useless.

Of course, John Thrall knows that such a large range of spells must consume mana.

But even if they knew it, it couldn't change the fact that the morale of their troops had been severely hit.

As the undead army pulled back its forces, the side of the battlefield where the Star Destroyer was located was once again suppressed by forces. Coupled with the churning of the top combat power of Ibaraki Boyko, the situation has gradually gotten out of control.

In each area, various problems were quickly exposed one after another.

It is not that John Thrall is too late to deal with it, but that even if he issues orders now, he does not have enough troops to follow his orders to carry out the tasks.

This directly led to fire on all sides of the battlefield with the Star Destroyer as the core.

Facing the undead army that has slowly snowballed on this side, John Thrall has gradually fallen into a dead end.

Priority will be given to the limited forces to deal with the f4 area that is in the worst condition at this stage.

In any case, the first priority is to ensure the stability of the Star Destroyer.

As a result, this side just ordered it, and then more areas fell into an extremely bad and dangerous situation.

The limited force cannot be mobilized at all.

Following this momentum, it will collapse across the board.

At the critical moment, in the void on the periphery of the battlefield, a large number of small fighters with a captain of only about 12 meters visually formed a battle formation and quickly supported them. The number is less than 500,000!

These large-scale small fighter groups seem to know the situation here from the very beginning. The entire support operation can only be said to be extremely purposeful and at the same time full of efficiency.

Frozen is in the shortest time, UU reading allows them to temporarily stabilize the situation on the Star Destroyer side by virtue of their ultra-high operational efficiency and sufficient scale.

When the news came back, John Thrall, who was in the commander-in-chief room, took a deep breath after confirming the information, and then quickly connected to a specific communication channel.

After the communication was connected, John Thrall, who had almost adjusted his mood, spoke slowly with sarcasm...

"I thought you were so scared that you slipped halfway?"

In this regard, on the other side of the communication, a voice sounded proudly...

"You know what a shit, the protagonist always comes on stage at the end! Don't you hurry up, thank you elder brother for saving you a dog?"

While speaking, in a void that has not officially approached this side of the star field battlefield, a large-scale interstellar fleet is slowly advancing.

The most eye-catching one is the super star warship that is guarded in the middle of the fleet with a captain of at least 50,000 meters!

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