Unlike Luo Ji's half-time renunciation, Zhou Xianka has been consummating in Wushuang for many years. In order to break through the shackles, after so many years, what method has he not used?

  Of course, it also includes the means of studying the Martial God Realm.

As the signature method of the Martial God Realm, Zhou Xian has studied it over and over again, and even practiced for a short period of time. I want to see if I can use this to find a breakthrough in the Wushuang Realm and achieve Consummation in the War God Realm. Opportunity.

   But the result was obviously not smooth. He didn't have the cultivation base of the Martial God Realm, and didn't meet the requirements of that level. The "War God True Body" couldn't cultivate at all. After a lot of time was spent, it ended up just doing useless work.

   But now it seems that Zhou Xian's useless work is still somewhat useful.

   Whether it was Bai Ze, Luo Yong, or Wang Kai, when they first reached the Martial God Realm, they couldn't use the'War God Real Body', because they hadn't learned it before, so naturally they couldn't use it.

   But Zhou Xian is different, he has learned it!

   Although he hasn't practiced well, he still knows how to use the "War God Real Body".

   It is the first time to use it now. Although it is still unstable, it is already able to elevate his Wushuang state and form a phantom of the ‘War God’s True Body’.

   The breakthrough in the great realm directly caused Zhou Xian's strength to take a qualitative leap.

   Under the explosion of power, Zhou Xian took the initiative to kill him and fought Ibaraki Dozi in two rounds. Under Zhou Xian's conscious force, the battlefield once again escaped from the interior of the Star Destroyer and moved into the void environment.

   At this moment, the sun located at the core of the mechanical civilization has completely got rid of the shackles of the original outer mechanical devices, and the powerful solar rays are scattered to every corner of this galaxy.

   Compared with before, the stronger sun rays are burning and stinging the soul of Ibaraki Doji, making him feel more uncomfortable.

   And in this process, it will be affected, not only Ibaraki Doko, but an entire army of undead!

  Especially on the main battlefield, the undead army is the largest. Therefore, this is naturally the most affected.

  Originally, after smashing away the Hundred-Headed Giant Snake Shesha, the Yachi Orochi was planning to explode in strength and launch follow-up actions.

   As a result, as soon as the sun's rays came over, the Yaki Orochi became unbearable on the spot.

   When inside the planet, it can use the atmosphere to reduce the intensity of part of the sun's rays.

   But now, they are in a void environment.

   The effect that the sun’s rays can have on the undead units is fully exerted at this moment.

  While bearing the damage, the negative buff directly set on the head of the Yachi Orochi. At that time, the giant beast units headed by the sea king whale Hal could clearly feel the pressure drop on their body.

   With the support of the sun's rays, the Yachi Orochi was again restrained.

   As a top war unit, the Yachi Orochi is not completely immune to the influence of the ‘sun’ on it, so how can Zhong Mo’s other units in the undead army, especially the low-level units, be able to withstand it?

  The difference in strength is destined to be affected by the lower-level arms, far greater than those of the higher-level arms.

   The core of the undead army itself is based on the large-scale low-level arms and the formation of the sea tactics.

  Once an accident occurs in the lower-level arms, then the comprehensive combat capabilities of the entire army of undead will be directly compromised!

   "Damn it, what's going on? Just in case, before I evacuated, I obviously was around the sun, leaving enough garrisons."

   was caught off guard by the sun's rays, and the blood king Dracula, who was obviously stung, had an extremely ugly face. He hurriedly summoned bats and wrapped his body to block the direct exposure of the sun's rays.

   There is no time to think about what is going on. The main force of the civilization of the world that has seized the opportunity has already launched an all-out counterattack.

   Under the omnidirectional sun rays, their undead army's low-level arms were severely weakened, which directly caused their entire front to be as crisp as thin paper. Faced with the counterattack of the main force of the civilization of the world, they were torn to pieces on the spot.

   Seizing the opportunity, the Star Destroyer and Gawain's goblin fleet on the flanking battlefield, of course, will not be idle, immediately, the first time, the main battlefield here, launched the ultra-long-range fire support!

   Gaowen and their goblin fleet is a fleet with the "Hive" interstellar mothership as the core and carrier-based aircraft as the main means of combat.

   Among them, as the main flagship, the Conqueror King, its number of carrier-based aircraft and attack efficiency, is the one that can completely explode any ‘Honeycomb’ interstellar mothership, and it’s dozens of times as good as that.

  From this point of view, the Conquer King is undoubtedly a super star mothership.

   But in fact, this is not the case. The Conquer King is actually an integrated ship.

   To put it simply, it is the Conquer King, which not only carries a large number of carrier-based aircraft, but also deploys a large number of firepower weapons that only firepower ships have.

  In the field of ‘warship manufacturing’, there are few warships with such a comprehensive development.

   Basically, warships in various fields are clearly distinguished. Firepower is firepower, vanguard is vanguard, and frigate is frigate. All warships are focused on strengthening a specialty.

   Because with limited space and power, you want to develop everything, so in the end you can only build a warship that is not good at anything.

   This idea is basically enduring in the field of battleship manufacturing.

   is a benevolent idea that has been verified countless times in actual combat. At the same time, no one thinks that there is anything wrong with it.

   Until the emergence of the Conquer King...

  Because the Conquer King is different from ordinary warships, can ordinary warships have an exaggerated captain length of 50,000 meters and a huge internal space?

   This space gives them room to play.

  According to the original plan, the Conquer King was originally intended to be built into a super large-scale interstellar mothership, so as to fully utilize the advantages of the goblin fleet to the extreme.

   Following this idea, the design drawings were finalized a long time ago, and even the entire project has been built almost 70%. After all, this is a thousand-year project.

However, just because during the period of war with the mechanical civilization, funds were allocated to other more important projects first, and the projects on the technology side were all cut off. Among them, the manufacturing project of the Conquer King, of course not excluded.

   As a result, during this time, in the project team, with the arrival of a newcomer, new disagreements appeared.

   And that newcomer’s name is Kate!

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