
As the person who personally destroyed the mechanical giant and wiped out the last territory of the main planet of mechanical civilization, Dracula’s originally unusually ugly expression suddenly turned into the face of the five mechanical X-class fighters who suddenly appeared. Distorted even more.

"This bunch of scrap copper and rotten iron are really lingering?!"

Just as they deployed troops near the sun, just in case, Dracula also deployed large-scale troops on the main planet of mechanical civilization that had been completely wiped out by them.

After all, at that time, Zhong Mo had already turned his face with Luo Ji, and the Styx civilization and the Ten Thousand Realms civilization had also started fighting. On the one hand, Dracula was eager to return to the main force, and on the other hand, he was on the main planet of mechanical civilization. He basically has done all the things he can do, and all the mechanically civilized factories have also been leveled.

Even if there are a few slip-through fish hidden in any corner, without the support of the production plant and energy supply, those mechanical races are basically like grasshoppers after autumn, and they will not be able to jump for a few days. , So Dracula stayed with the troops and left with confidence.

Who could have imagined that these grasshoppers would jump more than he expected.

If it were these five X-rank fighters, his garrison troops on the main planet of mechanical civilization and near the sun did lack some strength.

However, from another point of view, not all of the thirteen X-class fighters of the mechanical clan appeared, only five came out. In this case, either the opponent still has reservations, or the mechanical clan is indeed at the end of the road. To the point where even thirteen X-rank fighters could not make it up.

Dracula is more inclined to the latter, after all, he has already reached this point, and the act of keeping his hands has no meaning in itself.

Sending only five X-level fighters, to a large extent, shows that the other party can only send five X-level fighters.

This situation made Dracula feel very complicated.

If this point is reached, the mechanical clan can still send thirteen X-level fighters, then they will basically have no way to fight this battle.

Compared with thirteen, there are only five X-rank fighters. The situation is definitely better, but it is not much better. As soon as he enters the field, it firmly limits the relationship between him and Prince Bruch. action.

The latest situation was quickly reported back, and the emergence of the machine clan made them a little bit off guard.

From the fact that they have deployed troops around the main planet of the mechanical civilization and the sun, it can be seen that they have really taken strict precautions against this situation that may occur in mechanical clan units.

But in the end it was still not able to prevent...

To a large extent, this wave of counterattack by Ten Thousand Realms Civilization has brought a lethality.

"Mechanic... Luo Ji, are you teaming up with Caesar Trunk?"

While muttering to himself, Zhong Mo's voice paused for a while.

"Or, Caesar Trunk has been surrendered to you? But how is it possible? The system has clearly announced that the mechanical civilization has been defeated by me..."

Not to mention the Styx civilization, even their Ten Thousand Realms civilization, many people did not expect that at this point, the people who supported them would turn out to be the mechanical clan who had fought with them before.

But Luo Ji was in a state of'everything under control'.

That's right, Caesar Trunk has already brought his mechanical civilization to him!

Among several ultra-standard civilizations, Rowan Bollet, Cassendna Diego, and Ivan Last cannot voluntarily surrender and submit to him, but there is one exception, that is, mechanical civilization. Caesar Trunk.

The machine race is a race without complicated emotions. To a certain extent, the machine race is much purer than all the creatures in this world. Their every move is the most sensible and also the race that pursues the most cost-effectiveness. .

Therefore, in the celestial computer of Caesar Trunk, they determined that they had no chance of winning. When the civilization is about to die, according to the calculation results of the celestial computer, Caesar Trunk did not hesitate to make the machine One decision that the clan can continue is surrender!

Stygian civilization is not a good choice.

This civilization can be compatible with any biological unit and convert it into an undead, but there is no way to be compatible with their mechanical clan, nor can they convert their mechanical clan into an undead.

Under this premise, there is only one choice left, and that is the civilization of the Ten Thousand Realms.

According to the calculation results, Ten Thousand Worlds civilization seems to have the characteristics of annexing other civilizations and accommodating the coexistence of multiple races. From this point of view, this may also be his best choice.

In this way, as early as the battle outside the star, the X-class fighter of his mechanical civilization was defeated again, and after confirming the result, Caesar Trunk, who used the celestial computer to perform the final calculation, had already taken the initiative to Luo Ji initiated an application for surrender.

Luo Ji, who received the application, had no reason to refuse, so naturally he accepted it cheerfully.

However, the situation at that time, led by the top combat power of the Styx civilization, Zhong Mo's troops had already hit the stars.

Except for the stars, the only remaining planet in the mechanical civilization is the main planet.

They've all reached this point, and it's not much different from Quan Mie.

And according to Luo Ji's temperament, when he can handle it low-key and make a fortune in a muffled voice, he has never liked to jump out and pretend to be forced, and at the same time he has nothing to pretend to be.

With such a mentality, Luo Ji simply let Caesar Trunk act together.

At the same time, he also launched a branch project from the ‘Civilization Conqueror’ project on the development panel of his ‘Civilization of Ten Thousand Realms’.

There are two effects. One is to pay a sum of conquest points, which allows you to defeat or annex a civilization without the system not reporting in the audience, and the other is to fake system notifications to deceive opponents.

This project is not cheap, but on a tactical level, it is still very interesting.

But Luo Ji felt that he didn't use it very well.

Who would have thought that it would come in handy at this time?

In fact, it was somewhat of a sense of guarding against Zhong Mo. After all, Luo Ji had already been a little wary of Zhong Mo.

At that time, if he announced the inclusion of mechanical civilization in a high-profile manner, then if Zhong Mo was going to turn his face in the future, he would be prepared for mechanical civilization.

On the contrary, he did not announce it, and erased the original system notice with "Hidden from the sky", allowing Caesar Trunk to gather and preserve important combat power to cooperate with being destroyed by the undead army, and then he released a vacation at the right time. Announcement announcing the demise of the'mechanical civilization'.

After that, even if Zhong Mo still has doubts, but according to the player’s inertial thinking, the system has announced that there will generally be no problems, even if it is strange. uukanshu. Com will not be entangled even if he wants to.

This allowed Caesar Trunk and five X-rank fighters to hide in the dark.

At that time, in case Zhong Mo turns his face against him, then this force will become an amazing weapon for him to win!

The results proved everything. This wave of actions by the mechanical army, in conjunction with their counterattack from the civilization of the world, caused a heavy blow to the undead army’s forces, and at the same time, it also caused the undead army to lose its attention in an instant. Domination of a battlefield.

At this moment, this battle has reached the most critical point.

Zhong Mo, who confirmed the situation, took the Lich King Sorenk, once again cast a large range of undead spells, pulled up the strength of his undead army, and brushed up the gain BUFF on a large scale to enhance the army's combat ability.

Immediately afterwards, on Zhong Mo, the terrifying necromantic power surged, and "Yong Ye" was launched! Let the void battlefield that had been exposed to the sun's rays once again be swallowed by endless darkness! It abruptly turned it into the home of their undead!

At the same time, under the eternal night, carrying a blue and cold flame of the Pluto Dragon, shaking the dragon's wings, and entering the arena!

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