The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4123: , Forcibly kicking the door and technical unlocking

This video image was undoubtedly taken by the reporters and accompanying cameras who were around at that time.

But on the premise that the shooter was not captured in the picture, how could Luo Ji find the target in the picture?

However, proper and reasonable intelligence analysis can still be done...

"Based on the analysis of the shooting trajectory in the image, the target has a 93.87% chance of using a sniper rifle and shooting from a height."

At this point, Luo Ji's voice paused for a second.

He used this second to search the layout of buildings around the House of Lords on Karen Bell’s network, and analyze and calculate the entire layout.

"According to analysis, in the area near the House of Lords of Karen Bell, there is only one building that meets the requirements for sniping..."

At this moment, before Luo Ji could say the answer, Ye Qingxuan knew it in her heart, and her eyes became a little deeper.

"Karen Bell Capitol."

"Yes, it's the Karen Bell Capitol."

Luo Ji's affirmation confirmed Ye Qingxuan's thoughts.

Immediately afterwards, the Karen Bell House of Lords and the three-dimensional images of the surrounding layout were unfolded in front of everyone.

It is impossible to have tall buildings around such important buildings. Those buildings are a hidden danger to the House of Lords itself.

Therefore, the surroundings are flat enough to make one unobstructed Congress Plaza.

And if there is any tall building in this area, it is the Parliament building itself!

What needs to be mentioned here is that the House of Lords is part of the Parliament.

There was a sniper who shot and killed a member of the House of Lords with a sniper rifle on the heights of the Capitol?

This thing sounds ‘interesting’!

"Luo Ji, can you hack into the surveillance system of the Karen Bell Capitol quietly now?"

After getting along for a while, before not knowing it, Ye Qingxuan and the people called him directly and simply became "Luo Ji".

In this case, if you want to find out the identity of the gangster, the group of them can only count on Luo Ji.


"This machine cannot do it. The distance is too far. This machine is not a dedicated electronic warfare machine. The distance exceeds the operating range of this machine."

The city where the congressman’s shooting took place is Karen Bell’s capital, Surrington. It’s not too far from where Ye Qingxuan and the others are now. If you drive a spaceship and take a high-speed passage, it will take less than an hour if the road conditions are smooth Distance.

But even so, there are almost five cities in the middle.

Just like Luo Ji said, he is not a dedicated electronic warfare machine, so it is difficult to hack in remotely at such a distance.

"Then we move to the vicinity of the Karen Bell Capitol? Can it be done?"

"Still unable to do it."

The Karenbel Capitol, as the ‘heart’ of Karenbel, inside the building, the defense level of the entire defense system is not comparable to a monitoring system on any road.

Despite the technological power of the mechanical race, facing Karen Bell, it has an overwhelming advantage.

But for a cosmic country that has developed to this level, don’t think that their technological capabilities will be so bad that you can’t find a monitoring system that allows you to enter and exit the Capitol at will.

If Ye Qingxuan didn't ask Luo Ji not to be discovered, and let Luo Ji forcefully hack in, then Luo Ji could try.

After all, the difference here is basically equivalent to forcibly kicking the door and technically unlocking.

Forcibly kicking the door, as long as your strength is in place, everything is easy to say, but if you unlock the technology, you really need some professional skills.

Under this premise, although it is simple to kick the door forcibly, after you kick the door, you have to think about the consequences.

Doing so will bring them a lot of unnecessary troubles, and even make the whole situation worse.

If Luo Ji could go in silently and without leaving a trace, then things would be simple.

And now, it is undoubtedly a little troublesome.

After pondering for a while, Ye Qingxuan said decisively...

"Everyone, get ready. Let's set off immediately to Surrington."

In fact, there is nothing to prepare, their important items are basically in the spacecraft, and they can set off at any time.

Maintaining high efficiency, Ye Qingxuan and his party boarded their own private spacecraft, quickly left the city, entered the high-speed passage, and sailed to the capital of Karen Belle, Surrington.

Skimming the spacecraft that can only travel under the atmosphere does not mention, for those spacecraft that can travel in the universe, under this atmosphere, due to the safety considerations of all aspects, a significant speed limit is required.

The time is now at 2:41 pm, avoiding the peak period, and it is not a holiday. There are relatively few spacecrafts on the high-speed passage, maintaining the highest speed allowed under the atmosphere. Ye Qingxuan and his party are unimpeded all the way. Drive at high speed in the direction of Surrington, until it is close to Surrington...

With the toll gate of Surrington as the gateway, the current high-speed passage has been completely blocked by the spacecraft that can't see the end.

Congressman Gallen was shot and killed on the spot. Although the capital Surrington was not directly blocked, the interrogation of those entering and leaving has obviously become more stringent than usual.

Especially after that, people who want to leave Surrington can almost enjoy the treatment of this level of household registration.

This caused a long queue of spaceships at the toll station.

Relatively speaking, although those who want to enter will also face interrogation, the level of interrogation will undoubtedly drop a lot and the efficiency will be much higher.

Lined up all the way to 6:29 in the evening, UU Reading had been in line for nearly three hours, Ye Qingxuan and his party finally entered the city of Surrington smoothly.

After this, Ye Qingxuan did not rush to take action, but first went to the hotel chain that had basically been acquired by their Ye's Chamber of Commerce.

It's not that she is not in a hurry, but because some time ago, they just enjoyed the treatment of being watched all day by the relevant departments of Karen Bell. In addition, they are foreigners. It is very possible to enter Surrington during this sensitive period. Will be watched again by relevant departments.

Sure enough, they were targeted.

Uncle Li was already around the hotel and found several surveillance personnel who were clearly directed at them.

If it is in normal times, Ye Qingxuan certainly doesn't mind the slow vacillation with the other party as before.

But now the situation is special. She has already negotiated the machine race, the Orc Federation, and the Otto Empire. How can Karen Bell lose the chain?

She still has to think of something and start acting as soon as possible! Just fix the situation here!

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