The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4759: , Ivan's choice

The latest website: Inside the Elf Kingdom, this matter cannot be concealed at all. The news that the Elf King died and the entire mission was killed by the Dark Iron Empire soon spread throughout the entire Elf Kingdom.

In a world where the Internet has become ubiquitous, it is almost impossible to control the spread of these messages.

Not to mention the capital, the silver-armored guards have already arrested all the personnel of the embassy of the Dark Iron Empire and imprisoned them.

Of course, this move was not enough to satisfy every citizen of the Elven kingdom.

In this very short period of time, a large number of citizens in the elf kingdom have expressed that all the personnel of the embassy of the Dark Iron Empire should be executed!

In the eyes of the citizens of the Elf Kingdom, the news of the death of the Elf King and the Mission can be said to be the most thorough declaration of war.

This is already a blood feud, and there is absolutely no room for turning around!

In fact, as Jason Rust's son, isn't the news of his father's death not a source of grief and anger to Ivan?

If possible, he also wants to wave his hand and directly lead the army to attack the Black Iron Empire.

But he wouldn't do it, after all, that's his nature.

It's not that he is timid, but because he is good at thinking, or when encountering things, he will habitually think, and he will control his emotions, rather than simply being swayed by his emotions.

In fact, that night, when Ivan Last drew his sword, he really had the urge to stab Diplomat Carlos to death on the spot, but he finally controlled himself.

And this is one of the main reasons why Jason Rust is more optimistic about Ivan.

After all, a leader who is always influenced by his own emotions is unqualified no matter how he thinks.

At the same time, over the years, he has been telling Ivan to learn to think at all times.

Considering the current situation, let alone the people, even those elders and ministers expressed their indignation that they would execute all the members of the embassy of the Black Iron Empire to let the Black Iron Empire know their powerful remarks.

However, Ivan Rust, who had calmed down a little at the time, directly dismissed the remarks on the spot.

This made the elders and ministers who made those remarks feel a little incredible.

After all, the elf king, the father of the second prince in front of him, is dead! Died in the palace of the Black Iron Empire, and the other party even slandered their elf king with ulterior motives, trying to assassinate the Black Iron Emperor!

When I heard this at that time, even the elves who always paid attention to their own words and manners, almost couldn't help but say, 'Put your mother's stinky shit! ! 'Come.

Treating kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs, all the actions of the Black Iron Empire this time are simply an insult to their elf kingdom.

A strong counterattack must be given! Let the other party pay the price in blood!

However, the second prince in front of him turned it down?

As soon as these remarks were made at that time, some ministers who had already turned to support the second prince were secretly anxious in their hearts.

As supporters of the second prince Ivan, of course they know what Ivan thinks, their highness is just pure reason.

Reason itself is a good thing, but at this juncture, "reason" alone is not enough.

Now the whole country is excited, and the mood of revenge for the Elf King continues to rise, and now Prince Ivan's move is not equivalent to standing on the opposite side of the people of the whole country?

While confronting public opinion, there is still a great possibility that he will be charged with 'unfilial piety'.

Prince Ajel is the eldest son of the royal family, and he is brave and good at fighting. He has won the support of many military generals in the country. In terms of inheritance, he has a huge advantage.

As the second son of Prince Ivan, if he wants to compete with him, he can only go through the ability to govern. This is undoubtedly the weakness of Prince Ajer, and as the heir of a country, the ability to govern is strong. Weakness is a very critical factor.

After all, you can let the generals under your command do it. The emperor's main job is to govern, and to work hard for the better development of the country.

One of the best examples is Jason Rust. His Majesty the Elf King is not good at military affairs. In the field of military affairs, he is basically handed over to Marshal Philip to handle them, while he concentrates on government affairs.

After so many years, no one can deny that he is an excellent elf king.

Under this premise, the ministers who support Prince Ivan can basically see that over the years, their majesty, the elf king, is actually a little biased towards letting Prince Ivan succeed him.

In fact, they also felt that it was the right decision, otherwise, they would not support Prince Ivan.

But now things have changed.

Once he is charged with this crime, it will be difficult for Prince Ivan to succeed him!

Considering this, as supporters of Prince Ivan, they naturally want to try their best to avoid this from happening.

To be honest, according to Ivan's mind, it is impossible for him to not be clear about the current situation and the doorway inside.

At this time, if he directly executed all the dwarf diplomats and staff, and then declared a strong war on the Dark Iron Empire, he would definitely be able to get a lot of public support, and even many military generals would change his mind.

But there was no way for him to abandon his reason and make a stupid decision for this.

At this moment, facing the excited ministers, Ivan Rust, who had already adjusted his mentality, spoke calmly...

"I understand everyone's feelings, and at the same time, I am deeply saddened, but don't forget, our country also has a large number of diplomats and clansmen in the Dark Iron Empire. If I order the execution of all the diplomats of the Dark Iron Empire Officers and staff, then how can the safety of our clansmen in the Black Iron Empire be guaranteed?"

Ivan Rust's remarks, word by word, were very clear, and the ministers who were emotional at the time were stunned.

They have to admit that when the Elf King died and the nation's dignity was being challenged, they did ignore this issue to a certain extent.

In other words, for the dignity of the country, in order to make the Black Iron Empire pay the price of blood, UU read www. Subconsciously, they had already planned to sacrifice this part of the tribe.

If everyone doesn't mention this, then at the moment when they decide to send troops, this part of the clan will be sacrificed by default.

But once someone raises this point, it will be difficult for them to answer this question.

Due to the sparse population of their elves, they attach great importance to the life of each clan, which also makes them a very united race.

Sacrifice part of the clan by default? This kind of thing was completely unimaginable before this.

Even once this matter is heard, the elf who said such words will surely be cast aside by all elves.

Not to mention that it was Prince Ivan who made this point now.

This made it impossible for them to avoid this problem. For a while, the atmosphere in the conference room completely froze...


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