The world enters the age of myth

Chapter 116 No destruction, no establishment

"Ahem." Lu Yiming changed the topic, "Has anything like that happened to you over there?"

"What kind of thing?"

"That's it!"

Jin Lili understood what he meant, nodded, and whispered in his ear: "There must be, my dad's friend wants to ask me to help him find a promising position with a higher salary. My dad Mom’s social status is not as high as mine now, but...well, I rejected her.”

Her parents used to be directors of a large pharmaceutical group and were once rich, but now their social status is really not as high as hers.

Lu Yiming said: "I found that most of the people who like to do this kind of thing are older elders. Young people don't like to beg others."

"Yes... because people of our generation may not have been in society long enough and are not smooth enough." Jin Lili sighed, "Where are you?"

"I have so many relatives over there that I can't cope with them." Lu Yiming sighed, "Someone will definitely come looking for me, and it will be really troublesome."

Yes, in the process, there must be some people who want to use personal relationships to open back doors. This kind of thing is indeed difficult to avoid. Most of the people who boarded the ship with tickets had their families and some friends. It is a natural human tendency to stick together with acquaintances.

However, the new government of Unkai has just been established, and all kinds of wastes are being made. If there is a lot of nepotism, what does it mean?

Therefore, this matter is the top priority of prevention at present.

After a busy day like this, Lu Yiming returned home and was about to lie down in bed for a while when he suddenly discovered that there were many gifts on the small table, such as chili sauce, beef jerky, and other small gifts.

"This is something, who sent it here?" His heart suddenly moved.

In the room, his father, Lu Guoqiang, was chatting with a distant relative. They were talking and laughing, and seemed to be talking about something. .

"Little Second Uncle!" Lu Yiming greeted.

Then go back to your bedroom.

After the relative left, his father, Lu Guoqiang, knocked on the door, entered his bedroom, rubbed his hands, and said, "I need your help with something."

Lu Yiming guessed what he was going to say: "What's the matter? Don't talk about helping others find jobs. You have to take the exam. There is no back door to open."

Lu Guoqiang was stunned for a moment, and then said hesitantly: "That's right, your second uncle's son is already 27 years old this year. He majors in finance and has no special skills now... We are all relatives. Well, I still have to help if I can..."

"Don't come to me to do this kind of thing in the future. It's very annoying, don't you know? If you can't accept gifts and the like, don't accept them. I'm just such a big-ass official, what ability do I have to help?"

Lu Guoqiang swallowed. He didn't know how old Lu Yiming was. He only knew that his son was responsible for the affairs of Community 56. He was not familiar with opening the back door or anything like that.

Facing his old father, Lu Yiming was quite rude. He said very unhappily: "The matter in Community No. 57 has not been resolved yet, and the trial has not yet come down. You have to force me to do this kind of thing."

"This is naked corruption, you know? You don't have any political consciousness at all, what kind of quality do you have!"

Lu Guoqiang's face turned red after being scolded, and he suddenly couldn't turn his head.

Lu Yiming softened his tone and said: "It's useless even if you come to me. In the end, there are still written tests, interviews, and competition for positions. I don't know how to evaluate and what the questions are. If I know, I can't reveal it to you, so There is no possibility of cheating. If the person you recommend is qualified, he will be able to get the job if he passes the assessment. If he is not qualified, it is impossible."

"The interviews are all done by people from other communities, I can't interfere."

In fact, Lu Yiming said this because Ding Yuan had given them a shot in the arm beforehand.

He knows that these current backdoor phenomena are intended to scare chickens and scare monkeys.

If it weren't for knowing the inside information in advance, Lu Yiming would really be a little troubled, at least he wouldn't be so tough on his father.

Lu Guoqiang felt quite embarrassed, and his old face was a bit confused: "Why can't you help? Do you have political awareness? With your little life experience, what kind of awareness do you have! Relatives should help each other..."

Lu Yiming spread his hands: "What's wrong with me just wanting to be an upright official? I gave them the ship tickets and they are still alive now, but that's not enough. Return the gift quickly. Who told you to accept it on your own?"

Lu Guoqiang was told that he couldn't stand down at all. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He took the things on the table and closed the door with a bang.

He thought angrily, how could this be considered corruption? In the past, it seemed to be an unwritten rule, right?

He felt that there was something wrong with his son's brain. He drifted away when he had some power, and he couldn't even distinguish between inside and outside.

In fact, he knew in his heart that not being able to get the hidden rules on the surface was a kind of corruption, but for the older generation, they didn't take this issue seriously at all. They thought this kind of thing was no big deal. Everyone is doing this, and if I don’t do it, I will suffer a loss.

The world itself is like this: some people think it's okay to take care of relatives and friends, and some people think it's unfair. Some people think that so-called "unfairness" is a common phenomenon in the world. Don’t you get to enjoy more benefits the higher you climb?

Lu Yiming faced his old father and sighed in his heart.

Once a person's three views are formed, it is difficult to change them through words. Only by being beaten by reality can you know the true right and wrong. The world is no longer what it used to be.

He felt secretly happy: "This time, it is estimated that a large number of people will dismount."

"Also, there is a higher chance that they are from the older generation."

But for a while, there was no need to worry too much about his father being imprisoned. In essence, Lu Guoqiang is an honest person with little ability, otherwise he would not have been a technician in a state-owned enterprise for the rest of his life.

He just wanted to save face. After being rejected by Lu Yiming, he would definitely return the gift, making it as if he owed others something by not helping.

Lu Yiming was lying on the bed, carefully planning his arrest plan this time.

This time, a large part of the exam is online, but there is also a part that uses paper.

After a long period of preparation, internal staff designed a large question bank.

It is expected that there is a certain probability that the work assessment questions will be leaked. After all, the current management staff is insufficient and there are a lot of loopholes in the system. With so many administrative workers, there are always a few who will leak a small number of problems because of good face or personal relationships.

At that time, the media will make a big deal out of the matter and trigger huge anger among the people.

Because this matter involves vital interests. The exam is fair to everyone, and if you fail, you will accept it. There is nothing to say about your skills being inferior to others.

But what’s the point of knowing the topic in advance?

Immediately after, under the influence of public opinion, the new government launched a thunderous attack to get to the bottom of the whole matter. Deal with it as it should and put it in jail as it should. By then, the social atmosphere will also be reversed to a certain extent, towards the direction of a contract-based society. develop.

Lu Yiming shook his head. Politics is really not something that normal people can play. In this way of digging holes and burying people, someone will inevitably jump in and be buried alive. But when I think about it, I feel very relieved. After all, I jumped into the pit of fire. Who will I blame for being buried?

“The current social environment cannot be destroyed or established!”

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