The world enters the age of myth

Chapter 191 Brand new scientific and technological data

It feels wonderful to return to the base camp again, and I don’t know how much more at ease I feel in my heart.

This mood was so relaxing that as soon as the tense nerves were relaxed, I immediately felt exhausted and fell into a drowsy sleep.

This time, Lu Yiming slept very sweetly and slept for more than 20 hours.

He had a vague dream, becoming a superman who could fly in the air, soaring and flying in the sky...

There was a beautiful woman throwing herself into the arms of Yunding Heavenly Palace. Under the blue sky, some untold stories happened between the two of them... As for what the girl in the dream looked like, I have almost forgotten it. Anyway, she was a beautiful woman...

"Um... I actually had an erotic dream?" Lu Yiming shook his head, feeling a little ashamed for no reason.

The essence of war is for the economy, and economy involves the right to mate... So the essence of war is actually for the right to mate?

He took a deep breath and stopped thinking so much: "Ahem, it's so good to be alive."

I slipped into the toilet and took a simple shower.

Lu Yiming felt happy.

As long as the scientists confirm that the materials they brought back contain important data, he will have the right to brag in front of the girls.

No, this is no longer just bragging, but truly awesome!

They were the only ones in the entire Yunhai Shelter who could risk a narrow escape to bring this information back.

If this information is awesome enough, it will be a great achievement and worthy of being recorded in history books.

Although the credit this time is equal to everyone, there will be no further division of who has greater credit and who has less credit. But looking back on the entire combat process, Lu Yiming's function is irreplaceable.

His superpowers are not only used for fighting, but can also be used to open locks, and he has also successfully memorized the room paths of the underground laboratory. These functions alone cannot be replaced by others.

Without him, even if there were several times more manpower, there would be no way to find the most valuable information in a short time. We would encounter more monsters and the casualties might be several times higher.

Of course, Lu Yiming's current status is high enough, and he does not expect to receive more rewards. He just wanted to brag in front of his companions. If the Sea of ​​Clouds could develop better, that would be great too.

"Is everyone still sleeping?" Lu Yiming looked at the nearby hospital bed, and Zhong Peng breathed evenly.

"That's right. In this operation, I was the least injured. They were too seriously injured... they should all be fine."

He simply spread out on the bed again and fell asleep again.

Not only Lu Yiming, but almost all the expedition members fell asleep immediately after confirming that the surrounding environment was safe.

too tired!

Really tired!

Everyone needs a break and needs to relax their nerves. Excessive use of stimulants can lead to severe mental exhaustion. This kind of overdraft cannot be replenished in a day or two. It may take several weeks of rest to gradually return to normal.

Next, after all the troops who went to war returned to the Sea of ​​Clouds, almost every soldier who went to war received a full range of medical testing and treatment.

Especially the five expedition members, when the medical staff discovered the scars corroded by acid on their bodies, they all showed horrified expressions.

Because some of the wounds have touched the bones inside, it is difficult to imagine the pain that needs to be endured in such large movements.

Even Liu Xuwei's eyeballs were corroded, leaving only a deep black hole!

Fortunately, the regeneration medicine in his body saved his life, but even the corresponding biological experts have no idea how well he has recovered. They just believe that this powerful regeneration medicine is still in the process of gradual repair.

Needless to say, when it comes to medical nursing work, there will definitely be the best nurses in charge.

Skin injuries can basically recover in a few weeks, and may leave some scars. However, for men, as long as these scars do not appear on the face, it is not a big problem and can even be regarded as a symbol of honor!

People with broken ribs like Zhong Peng need two to three months of rest.

However, as long as there is no life-threatening danger, everything is easy to say...

As soon as all the troops returned to the Unkai, language experts began to translate important papers in the database. Experts from almost all walks of life were sent in, such as hard disk data reading, information decoding, printer information restoration technology, etc. ...This series of cracking work is in progress in an orderly manner.

But what makes Lu Yiming feel a little strange is that the most fanatical group is not scientists, but the group of reporters!

The reporters in the Propaganda Department have a certain degree of political mission. If they don't publicize such a big thing, they might as well find a piece of tofu and kill it. This is also a great opportunity to unite folk ideologies! Don’t you have all the materials you lacked before? There are heroes too!

Some people even lost an arm and an eyeball in this operation!

Well, although Liu Xuwei played the smallest role, he was indeed the worst offender.

Once these photos are exhibited, they will surely arouse the empathy of the general public and feel the weight of this action, thus creating social cohesion.

Someone has made such a big sacrifice, and it must be known to everyone, rather than selfless sacrifice.

This is absolutely an excellent opportunity!

Fortunately, all the expedition team members were not seriously injured and did not need to be interviewed by reporters for a while, so these people rarely spent a leisurely time.

On this day, Lu Yiming was lying on the hospital bed basking in the sun, chatting with Lily on his mobile phone, and even playing games online.

"...Okay, I know you are awesome, you are awesome, you are awesome, be happy! Can you have a good time playing the game? Don't brag all the time. You can see that Zhong Peng won't brag. It's just you. Awesome?"

Jin Lili was lying on her little bed, holding her cell phone and chatting with Lu Yiming.

I heard that they came back successfully and there were no casualties, so I was in a good mood... As for how important the information was, it was secondary.

I even listened with interest to him describing the entire battle process at the beginning.

But because Lu Yiming kept bragging all day long, for several days in a row, she was a little annoyed.

"Since you know that I am awesome, then you must fulfill my wish. Before setting off for the battle, didn't you say that you would fulfill my wish? Have you forgotten?"


Jin Lili's face was slightly red. She knew that once Lu Yiming's body returned to normal, he would show his gangster nature. She quickly typed on her phone: "No more playing. I have something to do. Bye!"

"Does she think my wish is to express my love to her? I just want to find an excuse to tease her, hahaha. After I am discharged from the hospital, I will continue to make wishes for her. I have a wish, but I will not make it." Lu Yiming Lying on the bed, he crowed happily.

The past few days of rest have made him extremely relaxed, and he has basically recovered physically and mentally.

In addition, this great achievement left Jin Lili speechless. He could be arrogant in front of her for weeks, even months, and be very happy!

When Zhong Peng saw Lu Yiming so cheerful, he cursed in great displeasure: "You bitch man and woman! Damn you!"

As for why he didn't brag in front of Jin Lili, it was because he couldn't do it... he wasn't thick-skinned enough.

He shouted in his heart: I also want to brag, I also want to brag in front of the girl, I also want to have sex with me too!

I want to brag in front of Ms. Lin...


But it can't be done.

Zhong Peng shed bitter tears deep in his heart.

Why don't you have such thick skin?

A solemn female voice came from the TV in the ward: "Great news... With the joint efforts of all the military and civilians, we have made breakthroughs and obtained valuable research information from the White Mist Continent. The relevant secrets are still in order. During the cracking process, I believe it will bring us a lot of profits soon."

"Next, we will usher in a new era!"

The overwhelming news has spread throughout the Yunhai No., and every time some information is translated, there will be several more news articles.

Everyone is excitedly discussing what this data means and what benefits it can bring to mankind.

Yes, this is great news!

Think about it, everyone can strengthen their body functions. Everyone’s physical fitness can be enhanced several times. They can run faster, jump further, and can resist more injuries. They can also have a longer lifespan, let’s not mention a few things. The life span of a hundred years has been increased, at least thirty to fifty years. A life span of thirty to fifty years!

There is even a certain probability of generating superpowers!

What is the concept of such scientific and technological information? !

If placed on the original Earth, this piece of information would definitely be able to change the world structure, and it would even be possible to trigger a world war!

Zhong Peng suddenly asked: "It has been confirmed. Is the information we moved back valid?"

"That's what it seems from the news. I haven't received any specific notification yet."

Just when everyone was thinking about the future, "dong dong dong", someone knocked on the door.

"Everyone, everyone, let me tell you some good news. The preliminary research results have come out. The machine you brought back does contain a large amount of research data, especially the one that is still powered on. It is equivalent to a real large database. !”

"Including some tapes and optical disks, the data stored in them can still be read."

When Ding Yuan mentioned this, he was very happy. Even though he usually kept a straight face all day long, it was still difficult to hide the joy in his heart at this moment: "However, it will take a certain amount of time to actually sort out these information. Several Maybe a month or a year. By then we will be able to use the latest technology."

Although people took huge risks in this operation, not only using a large amount of weapons and ammunition, but also dropping two nuclear bombs, the final result was very satisfactory and the price paid was well worth the money. .

"That's good."

After hearing the good news, the few people lying on the bed breathed a sigh of relief. If what they brought back with all their efforts was a pile of electronic waste, they would not be ashamed to commit suicide!

"That's good. Although there is a high probability that the garbage will not be found, we will feel relieved when the final result comes out." Lu Yiming breathed a sigh of relief and lay down on the bed again.

That’s it for today’s update!

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