The world enters the age of myth

Chapter 194 Sakura Potion

Lu Yiming was receiving the award on stage. Naturally, he would not know because his low profile caused a series of troubles for his cousin.

Even if he knew, he would still laugh at Ye Qingqing viciously...

It's actually very fun to tease a little girl!

"Now, let us congratulate these outstanding contributors with warm applause! Without their contributions, we would not have a better future."

There are a total of 5 special combat heroes this time, namely Lu Yiming, Shi Dayong, Zhong Peng, Liu Xuwei and Li Yao, the elite explorers who entered the laboratory.

There are also 5 first-class combat heroes, that is, 5 of the 10 people who killed the first scorpion monster on the destroyer. One of the soldiers, Chen Wei, was killed in action and was memorialized as a "first-class martyr."

As for the other second-class or third-class merit, the number is even greater, and they are outstanding contributors to this war...

The entire award ceremony was grand, and there were many interviews that followed.

After Lu Yiming received the award, he returned to the hospital and continued the serious training process.

All he suffered were superficial injuries, and he recovered quite quickly, as long as he paid attention to cleaning the wounds. However, he was happy to be able to take some more time off.

As for the Special Combat Hero Medal, it is not only an honor, but also involves a real welfare system, including higher welfare benefits, post-retirement subsidies, parental condolences, and the policy of extra points for children's college entrance examinations, etc.

These benefits are real.

Although Lu Yiming doesn't care much about this, he has no wife or children, he is relatively rich, and he doesn't pay much attention to welfare benefits and the like.

But not everyone is as wealthy as him. There are paupers like Liu Xuwei who just boarded the ship with nothing, and other ordinary soldiers who hope for better treatment.

After the awards were given this time, all the winners were talking and laughing, and everyone was in a good mood.

Obtaining these scientific and technological data is a process of expanding the "cake", and everyone can live a better life.

"Hey, actually I have benefited from you. Apart from killing some eyeball monsters at the beginning, I was almost unconscious the whole time... It actually had some side effects. I had to ask Li Yao to carry me back. It was completely helpful. Too bad. The Special Hero Medal is really a bit deserved."

After all the reporters left, Liu Xuwei closed the door of the medical room and said with a wry smile.

He is still aware of this.

No matter how thick-skinned you are, you can't insist on saying that you have done a lot of credit this time.

He just participated in the process...

"You can't say that." Lu Yiming waved his hand and said with a smile: "We are on the same team, so don't worry about who has more credit and who has less credit... If you are missing, maybe we will be killed less. With only one eyeball monster, this operation was a complete failure?"

"So there is no need to worry too much about this matter. Being able to participate is already a great thing..."

"Is it amazing? Well, in fact, to a large extent, I was forced. The superiors have given orders, can I not go?" Liu Xuwei shook his head: "In comparison, I think you who volunteered to participate in this People who take part in an event are even more remarkable.”

Lu Yiming shook his head and stopped talking about the matter: "By the way, where is your girlfriend? Why don't you come over to visit? If you don't take the opportunity to brag, your style is a bit unlike you."

"I didn't let her come. It's too scary to be like this now. It's too late to hide." Liu Xuwei pointed to his eye. The destroyed eyeball had not really grown back, and there was a layer of transparent film around the wound. The film seems to have something growing inside it, which is quite magical.

"Alas, I also used up that bottle of precious regeneration potion. I feel really sorry..."

Shi Dayong was also in the room, and he said carelessly: "Mother-in-law! No matter how precious the regeneration potion is, its main purpose is not to save people? Who should be saved? There is nothing to say about this. Should I just watch you die?"

"Don't think too much. Maybe more drugs can be developed from the scientific and technological data this time?"

While Zhong Peng was playing with his mobile phone, he also cursed: "Like a bitch!"

Everyone said this, Liu Xuwei still felt a little bit sorry, but after thinking for a long time, he couldn't say anything useful, so he could only continue to lie in bed and rest.

He spent some time in the Western world and is actually quite a believer in "individualism."

What does that mean? That is to say, we believe that "the individual is the ultimate value of society" and there are clear boundaries between the individual, others and society.

This kind of thinking believes that it is enough for everyone to take care of themselves and be responsible for their own actions, and then the whole society will naturally get better.

He does not believe in the collective and thinks that the most reliable person is himself.

This kind of value is actually a universal idea, and it cannot be said to be wrong. There is nothing wrong with being self-centered as long as it does not harm the interests of others. This is also a prerequisite for forming a complete personality.

In the past, Liu Xuwei even vaguely despised some ideologies that clearly focused on collectivism and obliterated individual independence.

After all, the contradiction between collectivism and individualism is irreconcilable. It is like a scale, if one end sinks, the other end will inevitably rise.

When he first accepted the mission, the government promised him many benefits, including reputation and financial benefits. In addition, he was a soldier and had not yet retired, so he was willing to set off after a combination of multiple factors. .

But now, his contribution in this mission is actually not too great, but he has received a corresponding reward, which is really a bit deserved.

"Maybe, sometimes it's good to have a warm group..."

Liu Xuwei tossed and turned on the bed, still not feeling at ease...

"The sunshine is so beautiful!"

At this moment, Lu Yiming walked out of the infirmary and came to the deck of the Yunhai to bask in the sun.

This leisurely cultivation time can last for several weeks, and it would not be good to let it go to waste all the time. So Lu Yiming planned for a while, and finally decided to study hard and make progress every day.

Yes, study!

"Study, study, only by studying can you make progress...even if it is very reluctant."

Learning can bring power, such as using your mind to open a lock. This step is not as simple as you think. You must understand the structure of a metal lock to open it quickly. Using brute force will not work; another example is that in industry All kinds of content, even if you are a fitter, you still need knowledge.

But now facing the warm sun, I feel like taking a nice nap again... Lu Yiming yawned and squinted his eyes.

I have to say that for human beings, it is difficult to be diligent, but it is too easy to be lazy.

As long as he was lazy for a few days, he would regain a little salty mentality.

"No, this won't work! I'm no longer the person I used to be."

Lu Yiming shook his head and threw this salty thought behind his head. He took out a professional book "Mechanical Design and Construction" and read it carefully.

"Hehe! Little Lu Yiming, look here, look here, there is a little gift I want to give you!"

Turning around, he saw Jin Lili. She was wearing a white lab coat and a single ponytail. She must have just come out of the laboratory.

Lu Yiming looked at her clothes and asked, "Hey, are you dressed like this and going to the laboratory to do experiments again?"

"Yes, I have found Professor Yuan Shanshan to be my doctoral supervisor. He mainly studies biological sciences. Look at this, take a look!" Jin Lili held a small bottle in her hand with a mysterious look on her face.

Recently, she has been studying seriously and has been interning in a graduate school for quite a while.

If he is too busy in the future, he may resign from his position as a peace officer and focus on the research industry.

At present, the entire Yunhai is gradually settling down. There are not so many fights and there are also standard administrative systems. The importance of super-powered vigilantes is not what it used to be. It doesn't matter if there is one more or one less.

Routine social governance work can be completed by professional police officers, while superpowers can engage in more professional industries, such as dealing with strange objects, or studying supernatural phenomena, etc., so that they can better demonstrate their value.

Lu Yiming is in the research institute, using his superpowers to complete certain experiments. In the same way, Jin Lili is also engaged in biological research.

"Professor Yuan, she is indeed a good biology professor... I have met her several times, and I heard from Professor Huang that she is also very famous in the industry."

Lu Yiming took the small glass bottle, which contained a transparent liquid, only about 1 ml. I picked up the bottle and thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure out the reason. I smelled it and there was no smell.

Lu Yiming said: "Why does it look so mysterious? It can't be poisonous, right? Do you want to poison the special combat hero?"

Suddenly, his expression changed and he collapsed on the chair, "It's over, this thing is highly poisonous! Someone is coming, escort me, there are unscrupulous people who want to harm me!"

"Stop being so beautiful! You are still a fighting hero!"

Jin Lili smiled happily when she saw his performance: "Just give it back to me, I'm reluctant to give it to you. I spent a full 54 hours preparing this bottle of potion!"

Lu Yiming sat up from the chair: "Is it just for drinking? You have to tell me what this thing is used for, right?"

Jin Lili said seriously: "A special potion prepared using the The x element, plus some special chemicals, are prepared according to a special ratio."

"Sakura, such a nice name? What's the use?"

She took out a small glass bottle from her pocket, also containing a colorless and transparent liquid, and explained: "This potion called 'Sakura' has a very special ability. It can greatly enhance the fun of learning and accelerate the learning of knowledge. process. If you drink it and then study, you will feel that studying is a very, very happy thing and you can't stop at all. Isn't it amazing?"


Lu Yiming's eyes widened and he felt a little incredible. He truly understood the boring nature of learning.

"What, is it true? Can the fun of learning be improved?"

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