The world enters the age of myth

Chapter 219 A tough night

Gondor replied: "You are referring to the special ability of the wooden fish? I am not sure. It is well preserved and is the biggest secret in the South Wind. Only a few people know it. Maybe it is the knock of the wooden fish. The sound of knocking can drive away other strange creatures and make them afraid to approach. Do you think that thing could be..."

He made a mouth gesture that meant "ghost."

Real ghost!

It only appears when killing people, and under normal circumstances, there is no trace at all.

"Can't you find any trace at all?"

"Yes, when we heard the news and rushed over, we found that it had disappeared."

Lu Yiming thought for a while and then asked: "The people above you should be using this wooden fish to ward off this disaster, right?"

Gondor sighed, "It should be like this. As long as other civilians knock on the wooden fish, there will be no problem in self-protection. Anyway, it is not you who is sick and old... If you can live a few more hours, just a few more hours." .”

Lu Yiming was thoughtful.

With this choice of the Nanfeng, even if a small number of high-level people can survive, others will have already left the company and will eventually be liquidated.

For the senior management of the Nanfeng, the best result is that the Unkai was seriously injured in this operation, and the Unkai was finally able to resolve the matter, leaving no room for liquidation.

In this way, they have the possibility to maintain their status.

"That text message, was it sent by someone from your side? Who sent it?"

"Well...I don't's a mess over there." Gondor was stunned for a moment, seeming to understand why Lu Yiming asked like this, and sighed in his heart, "I was thinking, the legendary treatment Are ghost methods useful? For example, peach wood sword, black dog blood, realgar, etc..."

Lu Yiming said: "We have also prepared some. However, I don't think it is of much significance. It is supernatural and weird. If some ordinary items can deal with it, it would be too bizarre."


At this time, Lu Yiming received another piece of not-so-good news: the death toll on the Yunhai increased again.

This time, the number of visitors quickly increased to more than 30, affecting several different communities!

"I'm going..." His heart skipped a beat. The accident happened in Community 45, Community 51 and Community 56.

More than thirty people were killed suddenly. The appearance of the corpses was very terrifying. The blood and water in the bodies had been extracted, and they looked shriveled like mummies.

The death of so many people will inevitably trigger even greater internal riots!

But he could only wait here, because he himself was also a priority target.

"I'm so fucked! I knew there must be someone who was just lucky enough to receive the text message, but they didn't say they didn't receive it. They were just being clever and thought it would be fine if they deleted it!!"

"Let them be isolated, but they have to hide in their own dormitories. As a result, they are harming others and themselves!"

Shi Dayong cursed on the phone: "This time, many people saw a red shadow drifting slowly from the corridor. The number of witnesses exceeded 300. If this continues, the number of people in isolation in the safe room will be reduced." The fortress can no longer be maintained.”

Lu Yiming was also upset after hearing this. Although these communities are a bit far away from Community 56, these crash victims are also serious citizens of Yunhai. So many people died at once, and it was natural that he was in a terrible mood.

After a while, his parents also called and asked what happened, why the level 1 security alert was issued, etc.

"Of course there is a reason for sounding the alarm! Don't go anywhere! Don't be curious if you hear a noise, just stay home!"

Lu Yiming could only comfort them and tell them not to wander around. As long as they didn't witness anything strange, they stayed in the room obediently and turned on the lights to the maximum, the danger was still controllable.

That's all it can do.

He didn't know whether he could still control the inside of the Unkai, so he could only wait here anxiously...


Wait patiently.

"Your side..."

"We can't contact you at all." Gondor spread his hands, "I don't know what's going on."

After a while, Ding Yuan called and said, "Lu Yiming... we plan to dim the lights in your house."

He said on the phone: "There is no way. Now the inside of the Unkai is under attack. So many people have died all at once. It is becoming more and more difficult to control the situation. Moreover, the internal lights of the Unkai are far too bright in terms of brightness. Far less than the spotlight in the safe room."

"That's all we can do now. After we dim the lights in your room, maybe we can lure that thing... over. It will attack humans in the dark first."

"It seems to have calmed down now. No one inside has been attacked for the time being. I don't know how long this period of calm will last."

Lu Yiming nodded and said: "I know. You guys can try to dim the lights a little... By the way, we have been waiting for so long, and we are all a little tired and hungry. Only when we are full can we have the strength to work. Send us some food. .”

, anyway, what is supposed to come will come, sooner rather than later, even if you live a few more hours, it is meaningless.

Just dim the lights a little bit.

"Understood, let's arrange it."

After a while, a dozen logistics soldiers pushed the dining cart and brought dinner to everyone. Everyone had two meat and two vegetarian dishes, plus hot white rice. The food was much better than usual.

For the refugees on the Nanfeng, this meal was definitely the most hearty and satisfying dinner. Many people didn't care too much and started to feast.

People are like iron rice and steel. No matter how dangerous the surrounding environment is, you still have to eat food. No matter what, these are delicious dishes.

Several soldiers of the Nanfeng behind were eating chicken and lamenting the living conditions of the Unkai. They had indeed not eaten chicken for a long time. The interior was a mess and it was impossible for anyone to cook or cook. It would be a good idea to replenish their strength now. .

"No matter what, I have to be a starving ghost."

Lu Yiming picked up the chopsticks and ate with big mouthfuls.

Throughout the process, the brightness of the spotlight in the room is slowly decreasing. The original brightness was too high, just like the sun at noon in summer, which makes people unable to open their eyes. However, as the brightness gradually decreases, human eyes have been able to gradually adapt to this light intensity.

The people around them, because they were focused on eating, did not pay much attention to the dimming of the light...

Even if a few people noticed that the lights were dimming, they just didn't know why. They didn't have enough information, and they didn't know that "light intensity" was a condition for determining an attack.

Twenty minutes after the meal, Lu Yiming burped and placed the tableware on the dining car.

I have a lot of strength and my mental state is pretty good.

He took a deep breath, turned around and asked several soldiers on the Nanfeng: "Everyone has eaten, let's get ready. The lights are dimming. Maybe... we will come when."

Gondor was the only one here who could speak Chinese. He repeated Lu Yiming's words to the soldiers in his own language.

The few people following behind all had their Adam's apples twitching and nodded nervously while clenching the weapons in their hands.

This mission is extremely dangerous. It is even possible that you are fighting just to obtain a little information, and your personal life is not guaranteed.

"Your soldiers are very good!"

"Hehe." Gondor smiled twice: "We are not fools. Since we have been targeted, why not stand up and resist? What's the point of hiding behind and knocking wooden fish? Wait until we kill the weird ones, and then send them away A few bullets for them. That's what my heart desires."

"Haha, that's right. I hope we can survive."

Lu Yiming stood by the window of the safe room and stared at a large group of soldiers who forcibly escorted the witnesses of the Yunhai to another safe isolation room to wait. The whole process was noisy.

The military appears to be very tough on its own civilians, and the imprisoned people are also quite aggrieved. Many people still don't understand the situation. They only know that something invaded the Unkai, but they don't know why they were imprisoned.

The Yunhai government also seems to be in a difficult position. If you tell them the truth, these civilians may be more frightened and resistant. If you don't tell the truth, some people may be lucky.

The light in the safety isolation room of the Yunhai was turned on to the maximum, and the probability of being attacked was actually not too high.

Those who will be attacked first will most likely be Lu Yiming and others.

Lu Yiming looked at the moon in the sky: "It's a difficult night..."

Time passed slowly.

The highly concentrated spirit began to become exhausted, and the weirdness that was supposed to appear has not appeared for a long time. This made everyone a little tired, sitting in their chairs and starting to feel drowsy.

Lu Yiming saw a lot of civilians behind him lying on the tables and falling asleep. There was no way to stop this physiological phenomenon. He discussed it with several soldiers and concluded that it would not be a problem if this situation continued. Humans are not robots and cannot work at high intensity for a long time.

They planned to take turns keeping vigil, so that they could squeeze in some time to rest.

Anyway, there are so many people in this room. After being attacked, the probability that it will be your turn immediately is not very high, so you should still have some reaction time.

"Then I'll squint for a while." Lu Yiming sat down and closed his eyes.

"no problem."

Even if you don't really fall asleep, you can close your eyes and rest your mind.

His thoughts slowly fell into silence.

The hours passed quickly.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps in his ears, and Lu Yiming suddenly became alert and found that Shi Dayong was leading a small group of soldiers to run into the safe house to explore the situation here.

He looked up at the time. It was already seven o'clock in the morning. It was still dark outside and the moon was still hanging in the sky. But in theory, a standard night has passed.

"Is there...nothing happening here?" Lu Yiming looked behind him and found that many people were still sleeping normally. He swallowed and got up from the stool.

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