The world enters the age of myth

Chapter 273 The Road Home

The light of the soul fragments shone on his face, penetrated into his skin, and nourished Lu Yiming's soul.


Lu Yiming felt something strange, and his face became painful.

This light spot is not as warm as the nightmare space provides, which improves the soul in a silent way, but it is a kind of blazing heat!

The whole person seemed to be burning, and endless chaos exploded in his mind, quickly forming a huge turbulent wave, so that in an instant, Lu Yiming froze on the spot and froze!

Huge anger arose from his mind, and every pore opened, exuding moisture.

The confusion in my mind is almost all-round, ranging from confusion at the level of worldview and values, and even involves memory to a certain extent.

If he fails to survive this level, Lu Yiming will become a madman without any worldview or code of conduct. His every move will only follow genetic instincts, turning him into a crazy existence.

"Mind fragments" are essentially a special kind of spiritual energy, and human superpowers actually have an inexplicable relationship with spiritual energy. Thinking about life is the process of constantly creating this kind of idealistic energy.

But now, there is an external energy that is impacting Lu Yiming's originally stable world view, causing him to show signs of soul collapse.

"The main body...can't hold on anymore?"

After understanding this fact, the differentiated thoughts quickly returned, repairing the collapsed world view, and Lu Yiming's mental state improved slightly.

But even so, he was still in a stalemate for several hours.

"Lu Lu, Lu Lu! What's wrong with you? You've been sitting there in a daze?! I called you for a long time and you didn't respond."

"You just absorbed a point of light? How did it feel?"

"When are we going to explore?"

"Would you like a drink of water? To moisten your throat? Army, Army?!"

I don’t know how long it took, but Guo Weiqiang’s cry came back to my mind.

"Oh, I just did an experiment." Lu Yiming came back to his senses and said in a stiff voice: "The bottles contain impure soul fragments. If ordinary people use them, they may have a mental breakdown. It is really dangerous... I almost couldn’t hold on anymore.”

He was frightened for a moment, this thing was so dangerous... Hong Mama even swallowed it in one gulp.

Guo Weiqiang shrank his neck and felt relieved when he saw that there was no big problem with him.

He swallowed again: "This thing... can I use it?"

"It's better... try not to do it. I can't bear it, and the mental shock is a bit big. You might go crazy."

Lu Yiming sat on the ground and found that his whole body was covered in sweat. He took a hard drink of mineral water and gasped for air.

Carefully feel the changes in yourself.

There was an unprovoked anger in my heart, and I wanted to scold Guo Weiqiang viciously for no reason, but it gradually subsided, and then anger arose again, and it gradually subsided again...

Lu Yiming transferred this angry emotion to his mobile phone through a thought, and then directly abandoned the impure thought.

Abandoning your thoughts will bring about a period of weakness, but you will recover after sleeping.

I went back and forth like this to purify myself for two hours, and then the inexplicable anger in my heart slowly disappeared.

"Phew...I'm finally feeling better. I didn't feel like myself just now."

The feeling of getting through this is amazing.

His perceptions became sharper and the world became clearer.

The super power has been enhanced again. Since I don’t have a measuring tool on hand, I don’t know how much it has been enhanced, but it is at least 10%.

Moreover, Lu Yiming felt a strange feeling of fullness.

His expression moved, and after he differentiated the first idea, he differentiated the second idea.

"This is……"

He was suddenly shocked. This was the first time in his life that he had two different thoughts! This means that he can possess two items at the same time and control two rune knives. At the same time, after he uses the "twitch" method, his trembling speed can be doubled, and his mental resistance can even be increased!

"Maybe it's the result of another improvement in superpower."

Lu Yiming was very happy that his superpower had undergone a magical transformation. The improvement of mental resistance can differentiate into two different thoughts. Firstly, it brings an improvement in combat effectiveness. Secondly, it means that he can absorb these wonderful light spots more safely.

Of course, now is not the time to do this. He needs time to slowly digest the mental impact brought by the light spot.

That faint feeling of anger was still affecting his head and would not dissipate immediately.

And, most to return to the Unkai.

"That's right." When talking about this topic, Guo Weiqiang said excitedly: "I just asked, the micro camera has a special ability to recognize the way, it can identify the breath."

"Maybe we really have a chance to return to the world of Yunhai through the Yin World Corridor!"

"The universe... do you know what the universe is? Have you ever imagined what the nature of the soul is? What is our consciousness made of?" The miniature camera god chattered on philosophical topics.

"Tell me, how do we get back?" Lu Yiming was already a little affected by anger, but after being surrounded by it like this, his anger immediately rose.

The micro-camera is also a master who bullies the weak and fears the strong. He quickly said: "Aura requires the aura of items in the original world. I think the essence of the universe is a large neural network, and many things are interconnected. We can seek the ultimate goal through aura. source……"

Is it breath...

There are quite a lot of items brought from the Unkai. A lot of the things in the backpack were all brought from the Unkai.

The micro camera took pictures of them: "Very good, this is the smell of the items, I have written it down. Let's talk about Yu again..."

"You will show me the way later."

The two of them didn't pay attention to the guy's thoughts. They carried the large oxygen tank on their backs, helped each other carry the equipment, and activated the special effects of the faceless woman in red.

The world changed all of a sudden. Countless stars were shining in the dark night, forming one beautiful vortex after another.

They circle around and are extremely gorgeous.

And around here, there seems to be a deadly murderous intention hidden.

"Let's go in." Lu Yiming pointed to the crack in the distance and said.

"This is..." Guo Weiqiang's eyes widened.

Is this the corridor of the underworld?

He accidentally touched one of the light spots, and a line of information immediately entered his mind, "Wow, wow, ah, ah, ah!"

But it was just a strange noise.


Lu Yiming warned him not to act rashly or talk nonsense. He had been to this weird place several times and was experienced.

The first time I used my big eyeballs to save someone, I saw a scary black shadow.

The black shadow swept across and almost killed him.

The second time I used red clothes, I didn't encounter any danger.

"Don't be surprised. According to Professor Huang's theory, this ghost place is a gathering place of all kinds of messy information. Every point of light is a piece of messy information."

"Just like complex proteins can form material life, these messy information can also form powerful and regular life forms. Therefore, there must be huge dangers hidden here. Even if the legendary gods appear here, I will not I think it’s too much.”

Guo Weiqiang nodded.

He first breathed the air in the oxygen mask, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he asked: "Camera, do you know the way home? Can you go home through here?"

"It seems to be... very far away... but it can barely be sensed." The micro camera is not stupid. It also knows that it can no longer talk about its "cosmic philosophy" topic at this moment, and starts to work conscientiously.

Finding things is its instinct, and it can even be said to be a special superpower.

"Did you really feel it?" Lu Yiming asked again

"It should... be possible, but the location is very vague and not too clear. It may require a long period of exploration. Half a month, or even a month, is possible."

"As long as you can sense it, let's go out first."

With a flash of thought, the two passed through the red clothes and returned to the bus.

Breathe deeply, breathe deeply.

The two of them were gearing up and feeling a little excited!

It's always a good thing to come back successfully.

Lu Yiming took a deep breath and said: "This may be an expedition. Micro camera, how about giving you a name, Awei? You estimate how long it will take just by flying slowly." "

"I... I'm not sure, it's just a vague feeling. It's possible in a place very far away, 10 days, 20 days, 30 days."

Lu Yiming frowned: "It's so far away. First we have to find a way to get this bus in. There are so many survival supplies that cannot be abandoned. Otherwise, we may die due to lack of oxygen."

Guo Weiqiang said: "Lijun Lu, this...isn't possible?"

The width of the space rift is limited, and it can only carry small things. Two oxygen bottles are already the limit. If you carry more materials, you may get stuck. So in this case, it is impossible to bring a bus in.

Lu Yiming thought for a while, "We can only find a way to break it into parts. First dismantle the bus, then bring the parts in and assemble it. The rules of that world are different from ours. There is no gravity there, but There’s a special way to move forward.”

Guo Weiqiang said in a low voice, "It seems...this is the only way."

For Lu Yiming and Guo Weiqiang, a difficult Long March mission lies ahead.

But this must be done. If you don't do it, you will die here. They must use the superpower of the miniature camera to return to the Sea of ​​Clouds step by step.

However, Lu Yiming is not desperate. He has even solved the serious problem of paralysis. What else is worth despairing about?

"Let's go, this is a long journey, but we will definitely be able to return to the Sea of ​​Clouds!"

(PS: This plot is finally over, and I am finally relieved. I won’t write about the Long March in the Yin World Corridor in detail. The next chapter is the return to the Sea of ​​Clouds. Please don’t worry. I won’t write anything wrong.)

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