"Showing off one's own strength", these practices are naturally learned from Nubi's people.

Long-term survival and development have naturally formed some unspoken rules in Yanghe. Civilizations that meet each other display high-end combat capabilities. After both parties estimate, the possibility of war will be greatly reduced, thus improving each other's survival chances.

"Well, that's right. We are a technological civilization, and airplanes and helicopters are typical examples. They must be released. By the way, some larger artillery must also be released."

Artillery is actually a relatively low-end weapon, and its accuracy and power are completely inferior to real missiles.

There are also many types of artillery. According to their ballistic characteristics, they can be divided into howitzers, mortars, howitzers and cannons.

For Unkai and Nozomi, cannons and howitzers are the main combat units. Its range is about 35 kilometers, and it is easy to produce and has low technical content, but it looks quite powerful.

Of course, to really fight a war, we still have to rely on missiles. After all, missiles can be precisely guided and can also be equipped with nuclear warheads. Unlike artillery, which can only rely on ballistics.

"It's just a pity that we don't have the kind of super-large artillery, anti-gravity aircraft, helicopters and other weapons that can expand our appearance, and there's a high chance that they won't be able to understand it."

"What you are considering is not a big problem." Lu Yiming said with a smile: "Don't treat others as fools. They have already been exposed to the technological products of the first industrial revolution. As long as they are not complete magicians, they should be able to analyze our It is a technological civilization.”

He thought in his mind: Maybe this is a civilization that has survived for a long time and is relatively friendly?

The Unkai believed that its military strength was very strong and that it would be easy to crush its former rival, the Nubi civilization, but there were still too few reference points. People urgently need more reference objects to know their true level.

After a while, after the destroyer was ready, artillery pieces were placed on the deck of the destroyer. The black muzzles looked a bit inconsistent with the 10,000-ton destroyer. No matter how powerful the cannon is, it still seems a bit backward.

But there is no way, ancient civilizations just did this.

Since the time now was 8 o'clock in the morning, which was too long before 12 o'clock at night, Lu Yiming did not enter the different space to accumulate energy, but decided to negotiate in person.

He selected Colonel Dai Lun, who had the ability to predict, as his deputy, and brought 50 soldiers, 30 scientists, plus some soldiers necessary for the destroyer, to board the 10,000-ton destroyer.

The troops are more sophisticated than numerous. This destroyer also carries psychic shields, as well as various weapons such as torpedoes and helicopters. If it really starts a fight, it is more than enough to protect itself.

"How should the translation problem be solved? Is it really possible to use a miniature camera to translate?" Dai Lun rubbed his temples and asked, "Or should we use the translation ability of Little Devil Doro? After long-term training, Little Devil Doro It can already understand human language easily. It is not impossible to ask it to translate."

"The camera, although that guy is a bit unreliable, we can only rely on it temporarily." Lu Yiming also smiled bitterly, "Or we can only beg Nubi to translate... However, because of this small problem, Nubi took action, It’s not a great deal.”

The little devil Doro is not considered for the time being, it behaves too mysteriously.

"Oh, by the way, Heishasha also has strong translation capabilities, but it needs to collect enough data."

Translation issues are indeed a major pain point for them at the moment.

However, as long as the combat power is strong enough and there are enough cards, this problem is only a minor problem.

Long-term progress and strong military strength are the basis for people's foreign contacts.

The engine hummed, and the destroyer quickly left the dock of the Unkai.

Half an hour later, the destroyer and the opponent's sailing ship finally met.

The size difference between the two sides is still quite large. The destroyer is a 10,000-ton destroyer with complete functions, including missiles, torpedoes, helicopters, and radars.

The ancient sailboat had a displacement of two thousand tons and was the largest wooden sailboat in the Jin civilization. Some vegetables were grown on it...

Placed in front of a 10,000-ton engine, a sailboat is just a small thing, only about a quarter of its length.

Lu Yiming saw a general standing at the front of the sailboat from a distance. He was wearing a set of shiny black armor and holding a Fangtian painted halberd. His body was quite strong, almost two meters tall.

Next to the general, more than a hundred soldiers holding bows and arrows stood upright.

Some soldiers actually held telescopes in their hands and were looking at their destroyers.

Lu Yiming couldn't help but wonder. Could it be that telescopes have become popular?

There is also a triangular flag hanging on the mast of the sailboat, swaying in the wind, showing some special image on it.

"Maybe...a dragon. The image on the flag looks like an image of a five-clawed dragon." Li Yao whispered.

Only he can see clearly something so far away.

Lu Yiming was not too surprised when he heard the word "dragon".

"Eastern civilization?"

Human civilization in a parallel world has a high probability of having a similar culture.

It's similar, not exactly the same.

Just like the Nubian civilization, it is similar to a certain Western civilization on Earth.

The civilization we have encountered so far seems to be a civilization with Eastern culture...

Of course, whether it is Eastern civilization or Western civilization, they are the same in people's minds. Lu Yiming couldn't be so naive that he would look down on the other person and think that the other person was friendly just because he had Eastern culture.

Just like some countries on the earth, they clearly inherited some of the culture of the Xia Kingdom, but claimed that the Xia Kingdom copied its culture, turned against foreigners, and thought that they were the center of the universe. There are also some countries that have similar cultures, but are extremely anti-Xia.

This kind of country is actually a part of the Eastern cultural circle, but what they do makes it hard for people to feel good about it.

"Culture and other things are only secondary. Only interests are eternal."

When the distance between the two sides was only two kilometers, Lu Yiming waved his hand, and the soldiers pushed the cannon one step forward. A large number of barrels were exposed from the deck, and the metal barrels shone with a black luster.

This is a great weapon in naval battles.

Two helicopters rose from the deck, their propellers roaring loudly.

The helicopter made a large circle in the sky, which was a declaration of its combat effectiveness.

Flying objects in the air were a very troublesome problem for ancient civilizations. Ordinary ancient civilizations have no way of knocking helicopters down from the sky, so showing such power is enough.

The tall general on the sailboat put a hand on his eyebrows. He looked at the black barrels and thought: "Artillery!"

"Sure enough, they have artillery."

Coupled with the helicopters flying in the sky, there was a "buzzing" sound.

The sailors of the Jin Empire were greatly frightened by this kind of military force.

But they also knew that when the two sides met for the first time, they wanted to show their fighting power. This was an unspoken rule in Yanghe.

The general lowered his head and gave some instructions to the people below him. A minute later, a huge creature more than ten meters long climbed out of the cabin!

This huge creature roared loudly into the sky.

Lu Yiming was observing the other party with a telescope. When he saw this huge creature, he couldn't help but swallowed and his pupils dilated slightly: "What is this again?"

"Why does it look a bit like that... dragon? Dragon?"

It's not that he made a fuss, but everyone would be surprised for a while after actually seeing a creature from myths and legends.

This huge creature does indeed look like a dragon!

The horns are short or even absent. Its neck has white patterns, its back has blue patterns, its chest is ocher, and its body limbs are colorful like brocade. It has four legs, and the front end is like a very wide oar for paddling. There are hard flesh spines on the tip of the tail. On the eyebrows of the dragon's eyes, there are protrusions of flesh that cross between the eyes.

Lu Yiming was not worried about the combat ability of this thing. As long as it was a normal life form, Yunhai would definitely have a way to deal with it, but... he was very curious. This kind of mythical and legendary creature actually existed. !

Experts, including experts on the destroyer, also began to discuss this matter excitedly.

"It really looks like a dragon, like a big snake has grown limbs."

"Can it fly? If it can fly, it will indeed pose a threat to our helicopters... It should be a deterrent to us."

"Jin Lili, can you measure its ether value?" Lu Yiming asked.

"It's too far. There's still a difference of two kilometers. The instrument can't detect it. You have to get closer!" Jin Lili replied in the earphone.

As a result, before anyone could take a closer look, this ten-meter-long creature moved. After roaring, it moved very quickly, jumped into the sea with a "plop", and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The vast Yanghe River is the best cover. Even people with sensitive vision and super powers can hardly penetrate the water at a depth of two thousand meters.

"Is this a deterrent to us?" Lu Yiming smiled and ordered the investigation team members to remain cautious. "If anything goes wrong, report it immediately!"


The ships from both sides continued to approach, and finally stopped when they were about 200 meters apart.

The general in black armor waved his hand and pointed to a small boat. He only took a few soldiers with him and was ready to land.

Lu Yiming also nodded, waved the flag, and allowed the other party's landing request.

Because according to the experience given by the Nubians, in the unspoken rules of the Yang River, it is appropriate for the weaker party to take the initiative to talk to the stronger party's ship.

This is also an unspoken rule.

The general only brought five accompanying soldiers, and there was a beautiful big bird standing on his shoulder... It looked a bit like an owl, with cyan feathers and a red beak. However, it was very big, at least one meter. body length.

"It should be a parrot, such a big parrot."

"Wow! Wow!" Before anyone could analyze it too much, the big parrot screamed loudly, and the loud scream spread for several kilometers.

"The cry of this bird contains a weak ether value." Jin Lili's voice came from the earphones, "The psychic strength is around 100, which is not very high. The specific superpower is not yet clear."

"It should be some kind of special translation ability..."

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