The Jin Empire had too little understanding of technological civilization.

The unknown naturally means fear.

Shenlong was injured and almost comatose, and Jin's strength dropped to its lowest point.

On the other hand, there is the problem of exploring new lands.

It will be dark in more than two months, and they must consider their survival in the dark. According to the results of divination, in the current direction of travel, there is a high probability that a new continent will exist!

If we explore together with a powerful technological civilization, we can also take greater risks.

Although Jin Civilization is not strong, it is not weak either. Many things can be solved safely. However, if we can cooperate with technological civilization, the risk will inevitably be smaller...

The Jin Empire cannot afford the next disaster.

Thinking of this, the old emperor made up his mind: "The trouble is serious. In two days, Gu... will go to the other party's ship in person to negotiate with the technological civilization!"

"Your Majesty, no!"

"Your Majesty, think twice!" The ministers below heard the old emperor's decision and shouted one after another.

Even the generals who stood silently expressed their objections with red faces.

"Your Majesty, no! Think again!"

The emperor of Jin civilization was not only an emperor, but also controlled the high-end combat power in the ancestral hall - those bronze coffins. Without the blood of the old emperor, those bronze coffins could not be opened.

The emperor even had the right to communicate with the dragon and could understand the dragon language.

And the wealth and life of their entire civilization are closely related to the dragon.

The next generation of successors are still young. If something happens to the old emperor, the entire Jin Kingdom will be implicated!

Seeing the strong opposition from so many ministers, the old emperor could only give in. He bit the bullet and said, "I will not show up in person. I will only act as an envoy and make suggestions from behind. Is this okay?" When it comes to state-to-state exchanges and Bu Zhan's envoys, you all think that the other party has a trace of goodwill and can communicate with you. Why are you regretting it now? It's just trade, so what are the risks?"

"Trade with technological civilization involves Shenlong's well-being and the future exploration of the continent. Can the decision be made by just a few of you envoys?"

Everyone fell silent. Indeed, this matter was too big to be decided by just sending a few representatives.

It is impossible for them to get the news, then come back to discuss it, and then go back and reply.

Above the Yang River, time counts as life, and there are only more than two months until dark. If the negotiation continues for half a month or a month, no one knows whether that powerful technological civilization will lose patience. For Jin civilization, this kind of negotiation speed is too slow.

"How about... fortune telling?" A minister said, "Summon the divine fortune teller."

Divination can only obtain a very small amount of information and is not necessarily accurate, but it is also an important reference. In the Jin Empire, the status of the divination lineage was very high.

"No!" General Zhao cupped his hands and strode out of the room.

Next, according to the summons of the old emperor, a white-haired old man who was proficient in Bagua divination entered the palace.

Behind the old man were several slightly younger juniors. The oldest one looked to be in his forties, and the younger ones were only fifteen or sixteen years old. They looked quite smart.

After the group of people saluted the emperor, the white-haired old man began to throw the turtle shells away. The color of the turtle shell is actually white.


With a "snap" sound, the turtle shell broke into more than a dozen pieces.

"Master... Ji?" The youngest guy, outspoken and outspoken, was the first to call out.

"Don't talk nonsense, the secret must not be leaked!" The elder hurriedly knocked a chestnut over, causing the young man's face to wrinkle into a ball, but in this situation, he did not dare to make a single cry.

The white-haired old man calculated for a long time. When he came to this conclusion, he felt happy and the wrinkles on his face trembled.

He calculated it several times and discussed it with the junior fellow students around him for a while.

After all, the emperor's life and safety were involved, and no one could be too careful.

"Your Majesty, the calculated result... is lucky!"

It is not so easy to calculate the secrets. Generally speaking, for one thing, you can only lose the turtle shell once.

Repeated calculations will only lead to confusing results. The hexagrams will keep changing, and even I can't figure out what's going on.

Therefore, the result of the first divination is the most realistic, as long as you believe in the first time.

"Is it really auspicious?" The old emperor was delighted.

"Although I don't know why the result of the divination is 'auspicious', the hexagram shows that it is so." The white-haired old man cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, things are accomplished with secrets, and failures are revealed with words. As the saying goes, the secrets of heaven cannot be leaked. . The method of divination is not the real reality. In the end, it all depends on man-made things."

What he means is that although the calculated hexagram is auspicious, the final result still has to be executed by people. If it is not executed well, it will be unpredictable.

If the intermediate process is underestimated because of the final result, the result will eventually change.

But this divination result has silenced the rest of the opponents. The divination lineage has a very high status in the Jin Empire, and has a very brilliant record all the way up to now.

Since the final result is "auspicious", as long as they are careful, there should be no problem.

In this way, two days passed in a hurry...

The sun moves westward bit by bit, giving people a subtle sense of urgency.

Life in the Sea of ​​Clouds is still the same as before, without many changes. Common people are concerned about the exchanges with the ancient civilization "Da Jin Empire", but most of the secrets are not directly disclosed, and a lot of information is kept confidential.

Civilians don't know about things like dragons and parrots, and the government doesn't reveal much information.

So without more confidential information, it slowly lost popularity.

Ordinary people still maintain a relatively reassuring attitude. They eat when they should, play when they should, and work when they should. People's trust in the government is still quite high...

On the other hand, the construction work of the psychic shield is still continuing, and more areas can be laid out every day. It is expected that more than 60% will be completed in 2 months, that is, before it gets completely dark.

With the overall strength improving rapidly, everyone's self-confidence has naturally skyrocketed. Some people are even discussing on the Internet whether to recruit a reliable younger brother and support a loyal younger brother hand by hand. This is also a very good choice.

"Maybe the Jin Empire is suitable? After all, we all belong to the Eastern cultural circle... I just don't know what their strength is and what their ideology is like."

"Everyone, everyone, the first thing to consider when accepting a younger brother is the issue of interests. We have to ask what they can provide us. If we just keep giving, there will be no reason to accept the younger brother."

"...They are worshiped by their ancestors. We can also be considered worshiped by our ancestors, right?"

"We are not worshiping our ancestors. After all, kowtow is not popular anymore. Grave sweeping is just a culture. We are pure atheists. Ancestors are a culture. No one's blood is precious or mediocre. After all, Whose ancestors have never been generous?"

Of course, these discussions are all the opinions of keyboard warriors among netizens. In the exchange of civilizations, where is the so-called loyalty?

We are not playing a game. A single data "loyalty" can show everything. It is absolutely impossible in reality.

Things like ideology are too complicated.

The Yunhai government has also been extremely busy recently. In the past two days, the top government officials received a wave of small surprises. A new technological breakthrough has occurred: a simple psychic potion has been developed!

This potion is mainly targeted at civilians.

After using this potion, it can stimulate the human body's potential most quickly, activate "psionic energy", and thus become a "human flesh battery" to recharge the psychic energy network in the shelter!

However, this approach sacrifices future potential to a certain extent. After using this simple psychic potion, the activated psychic mind strength will only be two thousand at most, not more than three thousand at most, or even not even one thousand.

And in the future, the possibility of upward advancement will be slim.

Because of these side effects, the academic community is divided into two factions, arguing with each other.

Radicals believe that ordinary civilians do not need to participate in fierce battles, and they do not use psychic powers in their daily lives. It is impossible for them to spend a lot of time exercising themselves like soldiers, so after taking this potion, it will not cause any changes in life and work, and they will continue to do whatever they should.

But at critical moments, it is quite good to be a personal generator, at least it can come in handy when danger occurs!

Even if one person only has a psychic strength of 1,000, and there are 300,000 people in total, even if the psychic shield cannot be superimposed "1+1", it is still an extremely terrifying number!

The shield activated by 300,000 people can even compete for a period of time with a powerful demon like Nubi, who has a mind strength of one million.

The other faction is naturally the conservatives. These believe that there is no need to sacrifice the potential of ordinary people to do this.

What if there are a few super warriors inside? Wouldn't it be delayed after using this simple potion? What if some people suddenly regret it after taking this potion? If they return en masse, the social turmoil will be huge.

After all, it is just a simple potion, a mass product that can be mass-produced, and there is a big difference between the second-generation enhanced potion tailor-made by scientists.

Anyway, the two factions are quarreling fiercely, TV news is constantly broadcasting, and experts are constantly debating, which has attracted the attention of the public to a large extent...

"It's really troublesome. These people are so noisy all day long. News about this is everywhere."

"What do you think?"

At eight o'clock that morning, Lu Yiming, Shi Dayong and others walked out of the central building of the Yunhai and came to the deck.

The agreed day for communication has arrived again.

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