The world enters the age of myth

Chapter 490 Fair sale, equal value transaction!

The old emperor of Jin Civilization was wearing casual clothes and looked at the large destroyer with slightly cloudy eyes.

It is indeed a large ship made purely of steel, floating quietly on the sea. Only by observing it up close can you feel its majesty. Ancient civilization would never have been able to build such a ship.

What a spirit!

Steel is a really good thing. If the two sides collide, the steel ship will be able to smash the wooden ship to pieces just by virtue of its tonnage...

"What a big ship!"

Twenty years ago, when the Jin Empire still existed, they were arrogant and closed-minded. When they saw these items, they would even mistakenly think that these creations were supported by evil magic!

How is it possible for steel to float on water? !

How is this possible? It must be a witchcraft!

Recalling these past events, the old emperor couldn't help but shake his head, sighing at the pedantry and stupidity of the past, which was no different from being mentally retarded...

When they first fled into Yanghe, their Jin Empire encountered a relatively friendly ancient civilization.

In the hands of this ancient civilization, people saw a real steam locomotive!

Don’t think that the fleeing civilizations on the Yang River are all fools. There are still many civilizations that want to develop technology.

Although the development of science and technology is a little more difficult, as long as we enter the era of the first industrial revolution, it will be enough to defeat most agricultural civilizations and allow the people to live a better life.

But at that time, the sound of the steam engine stunned the emperor at that time, and the huge "chugging" sound made his ears roar.

And he also discovered that the train driver dared to sit in front of him!

This is really unreasonable!

The emperor of the Jin Dynasty at that time would rather have human power to pull the cart than ride a steam locomotive.

Therefore, I missed an excellent communication opportunity...

"Steam locomotives, it would have been great if they had existed at that time."

These memories couldn't help but make the old emperor smile bitterly. He missed the opportunity and waited for the crisis to occur, which would naturally require more people to die.

The former emperor died in a certain turmoil!

Then, the current emperor can take the throne.

In one disaster after another, not only him, but also many ministers had to change their traditional ideas to survive until now.

At this time, all the ministers began to discuss in low voices, and most of them agreed that what General Zhao Yi said was indeed true. These ministers are generally quite open-minded.

"Your Majesty, look behind you. The place further back is the opponent's base camp." A minister handed over a telescope.

Behind the destroyer, about 15 kilometers away, there is a huge steel floating island like a mountain!

This floating island is really too big. There are many giant ships of 10,000 tons staying nearby. These giant steel ships look like chickens in front of the super floating island.

"Technology... is so good!" They couldn't help but sigh deeply, "It's possible to build such a large steel floating island."


"Your Majesty, we will be arriving soon. In the culture of the other party, there are also gestures of bowing and cupping hands, which are similar to our habits, so... we still have to take the initiative to visit them."

"When you are out and about, don't call your Majesty, keep everything simple." The old emperor waved his hand, he looked at these things very lightly.


If you are not as strong as others, you should visit the other party.

The Jin Empire arranged a total of more than 20 people to board the small wooden boat.

General Zhao was sliding the paddles on the wooden boat. The waves on the Yang River were not big, but everyone seemed nervous.

The small wooden boat arrived near the destroyer, and it was still the same as before. After Lu Yiming ordered the ladder to be lowered, more than 20 people from Jin Wenming climbed up the ladder to the deck.

The two sides bowed to each other and said hello in a friendly manner.

"Dear envoys of Jin civilization, hello, we welcome you." Lu Yiming waved his hand and invited them to sit at a large table.

There were some blooming flowers on the table, but there were no fruits, so as not to seduce the gluttons in the parrot's belly and distract both parties.

These Jin people seemed very polite. Even though they were curious about the surrounding facilities, they did not look around.

Lu Yiming smiled slightly, stretched out a hand, pointed in the direction of the destroyer headquarters, and took the initiative to introduce: "Dear friends who have come from afar, as you can see, we are a civilization with the development of science and technology as its main purpose. . We advocate reason, love peace, and are willing to communicate with your civilization on an equal footing and make progress together..."

It's definitely right to say some polite words at the beginning.

"Dear Yunhai Civilization, hello." The leader, General Zhao Yi, bowed his hands.

The parrot standing on his shoulder also nodded its head and began to translate seriously.

This time, the golden parrot brought by Jin Wenming finally came into use.

Its supernatural language expresses extremely clear and complete meanings. When speaking, he would look at people with bright eyes, as if he had his own wisdom.

This parrot alone makes people feel good.

When it is not talking, it always raises its head, proud and elegant, and will not be attracted by the new things around it.

Hidden in the cabin, the think tank members couldn't help but discuss, this parrot is the real high-end product!

The green parrot I bought two days ago is just a greedy low-end product and can also curse. It is really uncultured.

"The difference is huge. The same superpower, used by different birds, is almost completely different."

"I kind of believe in bloodline now."

But it’s normal to think about it. How can a truly high-end product be sold cheaply with just two hundred light bulbs?

On the contrary, the ether value detector detected some other information. Jin Lili reported in a low voice: "The golden parrot's psychic strength is also about 300... which is not too high."

"Some of them are wearing black armor, and they generally have a psychic strength of about 30,000... I don't know what special abilities they have. If this kind of armor can be manufactured in large quantities, can I buy a set and study it?"

The strength of 30,000 is already a level higher than the limit of human beings.

"Yes, try to buy a set of armor. There must be a lot of good things hidden in Jin Civilization."

Of course, generally speaking, unless it is a huge benefit, the Yunhai will not choose to start a war and rob rashly.

On the one hand, robbery will have a certain impact on the internal social atmosphere of the Unkai.

There will always be a difference between a just war and an unjust war, and the response of public opinion will be different.

On the other hand, once a war starts, people will die. God knows how powerful an ancient civilization will be in a desperate situation. If hundreds or thousands of soldiers are killed, it is completely uneconomical.

The development of science and technology and social progress are to protect more lives, not to develop purely for the sake of development, otherwise it would be putting the cart before the horse.

Therefore, in the relevant meetings, it was made clear: as long as fair trade and equal exchange can be achieved, robbery is not necessary.

In other words, earning not a big problem.

It is an inevitable phenomenon that the trade between industrial civilization and agricultural civilization will form a scissor gap.

If it can be solved with money, there is no need to use force or the lives of soldiers to solve it.

Dozens of people from the Jin Empire found their seats and sat down.

The old emperor sat behind Zhao Yi and slightly to the right.

After the two sides were polite, Lu Yiming did not talk nonsense to the other party, and said straight to the point: "Dear Jin Empire, we are looking for breakthroughs in the supernatural discipline. If your civilization has special birds and beasts, mysterious supernatural items, or We will be paid enough for the supernatural knowledge we know nothing about.”

He made a few gestures and took out a picture of a scale: "We advocate the principle of equal exchange and have had transactions with many civilizations. We must have the knowledge or items you desire. In addition to population, We can buy anything here and sell anything, as long as you can afford the price."

The tiny camera responsible for translation was having a bit of a problem.

It had been brewing for a long time, and I didn't know whether the other party could understand terms like "supernatural knowledge", so I just said it out loud anyway.

"Buzz buzz... buzz!"

A mosquito-like cry appears in the mind of every Jin person, making people a little irritable. This is the instinctive sequelae of the camera language. However, with the self-cultivation of Jin people, this irritability can easily be suppressed.

"Not trading population? This is a good thing." After hearing this sentence, the people of Jin Civilization breathed a sigh of relief.

Even though their Lord Jiaolong had confirmed that this technological civilization would not sacrifice to evil gods, he still felt relieved after hearing this.

Lu Yiming is not bragging. People have traded with two civilizations: the first one is the humans on the Curse Continent, and yellow paper costing 10 yuan is sold for 400 yuan; a ton of nuclear power plant fuel, the recycling price is 20,000 yuan, and a ton of The manufacturing cost of nuclear fuel is approximately 15 million.

There are also precious metals such as gold and silver. The purchase price of a ton of gold is 50,000 yuan. The production cost of gold... is about 200-250 yuan per gram!

In this transaction, Yunhaihao made a huge profit.

As for the last transaction, 200 light bulbs were exchanged for a parrot. The industrial cost of light bulbs is very cheap, 3 yuan each, which adds up to 600. The cyan parrot has a small amount of supernatural power. It can also speak and translate. Even if it has no research value, it is initially estimated to be worth ten thousand yuan...

No matter what, such a big piece of meat, even if it is slaughtered and eaten, it is not a loss!

Don't blame the people on Yunhaihao for being evil-hearted, because knowledge is the real wealth!

Without enough knowledge and industrial power, even if you have a mine, you won't be able to use it. It's better to sell it and get some start-up funds to make your life better.

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