The World Gamer

15. Yeah, it's about time this came out.

“We're a game company and a software company. Where on earth did you come up with that? ”

A shareholder said. I agree with that. It would take considerable preparation to make such equipment. Who didn't think that you could just skin a monster and make it into armor?

The problem is, you can't just make it. It's the most fun I have in the world right now. No. Monster byproducts are the type of industry that can be used to save money. They make things out of corpses.

Of course, the whole world depends on it. Somewhat successful, but not as dramatic as those from novels No, just the original strength was enough, but not even that.

The power that remains of the corpse after the monster's death. In other words, the specialness disappears. It remained to some extent, but it was certainly not satisfactory because it was a little better compared to those of ordinary animals.

That's why they say you have to catch monsters alive. But no one knows how the experiment came about. It is probably because it is so cruel that it is being kept secret in many countries.

“Of course. It was the individual who made these gloves in the first place. ”

“... Abilities. ”

I said, President Kim nodded.

“An ability to harness the corpses of monsters that have never been seen before... Did the shareholders gather here to catch him properly?" ”

“Yes, he is an employee of this company, and when he accidentally developed his abilities and said his abilities were the ability to utilize the remains of monsters, I asked him to stay in the company because I would give him all the conditions. And he said he would. But there are conditions. ”

“What are the terms? ”

“I asked for 10% of the stock. Then he said that everything he made would only be traded through our company. ”

The conference room is buzzing with Mr. Kim's words. I don't get it. 10% of the shares of this company. When I last checked, our company's total market price was about $30 billion. 10 percent is 3 billion dollars. If you do this with Korean money, it is 3 trillion won.

It's a lot of money, and of course, the theme of the game company is that this crazy company is crazy, but it's a fair price to pay to be active in non-gaming software. The stock couldn't have been expensive for no reason.

“Do you know how much that is? Mr. Kim, if you look at the end of the market today, 10 trillion won is 4 trillion won! ”

Maybe the value has risen in the meantime.

“I know. But his ability will bring us more money than that. You all know that, right? ”

“Knng... So you want us to give up our shares? ”

“Just give me a little. All of you here own at least three percent of the shares. If you put them together a little by little, and you make five percent, the other five percent will be enough for the Grand Master to transfer. ”

Is it me?

“You want me to give you 5% of my shares. ”

“Yes, but we need to think about the benefits of that. ”

Heh. I don't really care about money...

“Hmm. Would any of you like to sell your shares because I'll give you some money? ”

I don't care about the money, but this company was built by me and Bubbles. I try to bring it out once because it doesn't feel good to take over the company's shares. Of course not.

“..... ”

“I see no such thing. Let's meet him and talk about it. Are you at work?”

“Yes, I do. I'll bring it in right away. ”

And after a while, Kim instructed his assistant to bring him in, and a healthy man in his early 30s entered the conference room.

“He is the world's first true monster by-product worker. ”

“Nice to meet you shareholders. ”

A man who bows his head with Ms. Kim's introduction. Looking at him, I thought, I'm going to make a deal.

“You said you wanted 10% of your shares. Is that correct?"

“Yes, it is. I love this company very much. I love the fact that the game is good and I have developed the game as much as I want here. I know my skills are great, but I still don't want to leave the company. Rather, I want to use this ability to make the company bigger. ”

I nodded at Lee Ji-won's words. It didn't seem like he was lying.

“10% of the shares are. It turns out that the shareholders here are a little bit more than five percent, and I'm giving them five percent. This will be the contract money. ”


“You know, I'm not really interested in money. This company wants to keep me and the bubbles built with him, not keep the stock to make money. You can give us as much as you want for 5% of your shares. But I'm not hiring you for this company. ”

In my words, the shareholders looked surprised, and so did Kim and Lee Jang-kyung.

“The company is a game company and software company. If we move towards leveraging Lee Jing Wook's capabilities in such a company, it will be a disruptive act for me and Bubbles to think about as we build this company. So I employ Lee Jing Wook as an excellent game-related employee, but I do not employ Lee Jing Woon, who has the ability to utilize and process the corpse of monsters. ”

“Grand Master! You're out of your mind! ”

One of the old shareholders looked at me and cried out. Still, it is forgiving not to say anything. Other shareholders also reacted.

“If you want to hire a government, you can create 10% of your shares. ”

Then it gets quiet again. Well, they're a waste of their stock. Moreover, if he comes in and works, he will run dozens of times more than he is worth now, so he won't want to give you any more shares.

“Mr. Lee Jang.”

“Oh, yes. ”

The foreman who was beating the bruise answered me.

“Don't you have anything new in mind? ”

“New... you mean? ”

“Yes, I will invest in you. We'll bring you the monster's corpse, support the money, and protect you. ”

“A corpse and money, but protection? ”

“Isn't Lee Ji-won the most talented man in the world? A powerful nation like America would kidnap you and take you. ”

“... Will it? ”

“It's more like a movie than a movie. You already know that, don't you? ”

“Even so, I have the strength to protect myself. ”

As he said that, Lee Jing Wook lightly clenched his fist and reached into the air, but with a bang, the air spread out everywhere. Plus, I couldn't even see him reach out with his fist.

“You don't have the same abilities. ”


“Excellent. Even so, the opponent is only as good as his own. ”

“Then how will Grand Master Kim protect me? Are you going to hire a capable man as a bodyguard? ”



“We'll hire a talented man to protect you. ”

Of course, it's summoning, not a power. Obviously, the ability of the worker is coveted. But not necessarily. Monster Corpse Utilization?

It ended in my country a long time ago. There are dungeons, monsters, and other monsters. Don't you think there's a way to utilize the corpses of monsters in such a world?

Of course there is. It's still being developed.

“That's enough for 20 of us. We'll be guarding Lee Ji-woong 24/7. ”

“... are you sure you can do that? ”


Apparently, they were worried about their abilities. However, it is a great ability for employees of general companies. Fortunately, there is one skill on the battlefield, but his other abilities are far too great.

At that age, you should know by now. Society. You know how cold the world is. That's why he's committed to this big corporation. Probably believes I'm a good person. Well... it's worth it to think about employee benefits.

“If that's the case, you can do it in this company. 10% of the stock. We'll make it ourselves. ”

There you are, old man.

Artwork Reviews


I'm really busy at school. Assignments and reports for each class.

The time it takes to get there and there.

Class ends today at 12: 00, comes home, eats, exercises at the gym, and comes home at 6: 00 p.m.... and it's really good timing. These days.

Raid has to play with this every day... sorry. But I'll keep trying. So you can join every day!

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