The World Gamer

17. Traces of a friend.

“That's why the monkeys are in trouble. ”

The old woman nods as she watches TV. The news they're watching right now was a massive scandal that rocked the world.

There's been a huge shock all over the world with evidence that Mr. Lee's death was an assassination, not an accident, being called the world's best game creator and programmer. The person who made the request is known as Congressman Kim Yeon...

“Killing a man like that for his bowl... and I haven't actually touched the bowl yet." ”

“We're not so different after all. If you have time to curse, turn to yourself. ”

The old man coughed at the woman's words. In fact, this story really sucks. Those with them always calmly drove away those who tried to climb to their position. It was happening everywhere in the world.

“But... things will definitely get bigger. I wonder if today's event will work. ”

“If the elders of the family find out, they will fall by the back of their neck. Aris, what is the pride of England doing dressed like that? ”

Aris shrugs at the old man's words and stands in a full-body mirror staring at his costume. On the first day, your favorite character's costume for battle.

And today I wore a costume that I usually wore, a costume that was quite exposed, and a belly button that stuck to the hot pants. Thanks to that, her figure was becoming more prominent. Especially that part.

“Is there a problem? ”

“Too much skin is exposed! ”

“It's nothing compared to a bikini. Well, I'll be off then. ”

“Are you sure you want to go out dressed like that? ”


Then he leaves his hotel room, looking at Iris, and the old man sighs after her.

* * * * * * *

As Iris said, the chairman of the game paradise was very excited. I didn't brag about the story of the game, I bragged about the death of this thing.

And as I watched their reactions, I sighed and eventually got a microphone from the congressman to announce it to the venue. If you're at this event, just think about enjoying it.

But it didn't calm down. But after a special event, I calmed down. Of course, I ended the game with three wins without losing again.

Then the story of the foam's death disappeared a little. Of course, it didn't completely disappear. And it's day three. The event was almost ruined, but it went on somehow and made it to the closing ceremony safely.

Day three. The secretary who ordered the assassination thought it was over by suicide, but of course I didn't want to be there to watch, so I found evidence that the secretary was killed.

Thanks to you, this country is in chaos now. Especially when it came to journalists from all over the world because of this game paradise.

Despite the national embarrassment, people raised their voices and, of course, Congress went crazy. It was neither called the Iron Congress nor this time.

At the moment of the Iron Congress, there was an atmosphere of rioting, and the members of Parliament tried their best. Moreover, the biggest problem was not one or two people.

All the congressmen I caught started coming out to die together. He thought he was going to start an Iron Congress, but he was sturdy because he didn't have Iron Congress.

Of course, it doesn't self-destruct. Of course, the spies used their hands a little.

“I'm sorry it had to end this way. Moheim.”

“I can't help it. ”

After the fair, I stood in Busan Station to return to Seoul. And I met Moheim like that. Mohammed will also have a lot of regrets about this fair. But he said it was a relief.

I thought it was more important to uncover the truth of the foam's death than the fair. I was a little sorry for what happened because of me, but I didn't intend to give up on this.

“I'll be there then. ”

“Ah. I'll see you later. ”

After saying goodbye, I got on the train. And there was a smile on the other side of the table.

“What about disposal?”

“Perfect, Your Majesty. Just as you would expect, there is a very high probability that a cotton bat will lead to punishment. The mishap is obvious, but there's nothing else we can do about it. ”

“Of course. How can a judge and a prosecutor move on one side? The moment the parenthesis is decided. Kill him. And leave a trail. ”

“If you say traces. ”

“Leave a card shaped like a triangle. Let's get this started right. ”

“Do you want to clean extensively? ”

“I'm not hostile, but I think I'll do it right. ”

To be honest, I didn't think this far. But it started anyway. It has begun. I'm going to end this for sure.

“Let's take care of about half. ”


“You know we have to deal with the people involved, right? ”

“If so, it could be powered. ”

“Then we need to power it up. ”

“Yes, Your Majesty. ”

* * * * * * * *

“It's been a long time. ”

It was a cosmic civilization that arrived in almost a week. And there was a lot of change in the week, and the biggest change was also the land in the north that was developing.

The land also occupied more and more parts, and it was not impossible for them to take over the old fashioned territory they had only seen in the history books.

“Welcome, Your Grace. ”

“Long time no see. We've expanded quite a bit. How did you deal with the monsters? ”

“I can tell the soldiers it was a good hands-on experience. ”

You mean wiped out.

“Did anything bad happen while I was gone? ”

“Seymour's capture was successful. Seymae then completed the islands and shamans that can move through space, and now they are preparing to attack here. ”


At his words, I nodded. Obviously, me and that Tokugawa Katana were still at war.


“All you have to do is decide whether to dig a trap and wait for their attack or counterattack. ”

“Of course it's a trap. ”

You don't have to suffer for the easy way.

“Are you sure about Seymour's capture? ”

“I saved his disciples and returned them to him. He's just saying that getting into power because of his actions is a school day and he's never going to belong anywhere. ”

“I'm afraid I can't help it. It's not like we don't have enough talent to convince everyone we don't want to. ”

They say they don't have enough people, but they don't have to force people to hate them. No, that's not enough, so I can use talent scouting to add talent right away. I had a lot of faith.

“What else do you have? ”



I guess this country went well while I was gone.

“Then let's be thorough in preparing the traps and crush them completely because we've been waiting for them. Let's head straight for the counterattack. ”

“Yes, Your Majesty. ”

And I headed to the science base. This is a place where all the research laboratories in different fields are called the Science Base, and this is really where all the technology in the country is made. Even magic and aerospace were being created here.

The first person to arrive here was the marshal who oversees the scientific base. When I came to see him, he welcomed me.

“What brings you here? Your Majesty.”

“I just wanted to see if I had improved a lot while I was gone. ”

“There's something we'd like to boast about. I'll show you right away.”

Then he took me to the Eternal Hall. The first place we got was the Computer Lab.

“This computer is currently for demonstration purposes. ”

And the computer that the Office of Young-goon showed was a computer that looked like a modern day computer. There's a monitor and a keyboard on the mouse. From there, to the desktop top, it was all modern looking computers.


“Not enough. But it's rising at a rapid rate. ”

“How much? ”

“This is what it looks like, but it's mid-90s. ”

“Hmm... really? ”

“Yes, but with magic, energy efficiency is superior to Earth's computers. At the same time, even though the processing speed is the same, our computers are superior. I think we'll soon be able to build a modern level computer. ”

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