The World Gamer

18. conquest of islands

“If the hostages have escaped by the time Seymae fails to complete this shaman, I say again, all of you will be satisfied. ”

At Tokugawa Katana's words, the longevity leader bows even more. You have Seymae's disciple taken hostage so that Seymae can make a proper shaman.

Of course, I did three experiments to make sure that it was securely connected to the Korean Peninsula and that the other echoers were thoroughly taught about this shaman.

If something goes wrong with this shaman without Sae Mae, just in case. Nevertheless, they did not intend to release Seymae's disciples until they took over the Korean Peninsula completely because they were anxious, but let them escape.

Of course, it is Tokugawa Katana's idea that there will be people who have cooperated here. His henchmen were not so soft. I'm sure the guards did the right thing.

But nevertheless, someone took it away. And because it was Tokugawa Katana who didn't want to admit it, she pecked her henchmen, but never punished them much. The most important shaman is the finished one.

“You are at the forefront. Your sins. Raise your balls and eliminate them. ”

“Hot!! ”

Tokugawa Katana said to the direct supervisors of the soldiers who lost the hostages this time. In fact, I didn't have to do this, but I did it to motivate the soldiers.

The damage inflicted in the first and second battles has caused the Navy no idea how long it will take to recover. That's why I had to watch the battle as only the Army remained.

All things considered, war is also the first battle won and lost. That's why I had to motivate them even more.

“Do not engage in battle until all troops are moved. After that, I'll leave it to your judgment. ”


“Then go. ”

As Tokugawa Katana's words fell, the longevity workers stood up and the one with the highest rank among them raised his hand and shouted.

“All forces!!!! ”


Along with the cheers of the soldiers, the conscripts activated the shamans. It was a shaman linked to a mountain without anyone on the Korean Peninsula. It had the same effect as the warp gate of the universe.

The only disadvantage is that if the universe's warp gate is installed once, unless it is destroyed, it charges itself and remains permanent, the shaman must continue to maintain it using Mana. Of course, it was not to mention that Mana was consuming a lot.

“Breaking news!!! Move fast!!! ”

Longevity workers rushed the soldiers as they watched the yin begin to sweat. And as the first flock moves through the shaman, the shaman's light fades and the yin settle down. There was no strength to stand because of the massive Mana consumption.


Soldiers remove the reluctant yin and the new yin scatter all their mana to activate the shaman again. Even if you do this, up to 4 times is the limit. And the number of troops that could move to number four was 50,000.

“Again, the duration is too short. ”

A maximum of 4 shamans may pass. And the maintenance time is less than a minute. On the other hand, 5,000 people ran as hard as they could, so they could only put it in.

“Is it impossible to make more modifications? ”

“Yes, if it was a semi-mae, why did it take so long for us to do it? And if they do, all the men who have crossed the Korean Peninsula and the commanders will die. ”

Tokugawa Katana nods at the attendant's words. It took time, but I couldn't help it.

* * * * * *

“I'm over it.”

The minimap indicates that an enemy has attacked. And as I moved my vision there, I could see the people hiding in the mountains.

“Let's move this way, too. ”

Operation Name. voicemail. Here we go.

* * * * * * *

Voice mail. It means yelling from the east and hitting the west. Which means we're east. That is, I will meet them in my territory. Of course, you shouldn't sweep it away right away. An attack in the west. We must drag them around until we take over the empty Japanese archipelago without them.

“We have now moved 100,000 out of 500,000 troops. And 100,000 soldiers are moving to attack the war. ”

“What about defenses?”

“Excellent. But the soldiers' training and levels are dropping beyond our wildest dreams. I don't know if this is going to hold...”

I nodded at the words of the seagull resonance. The Japanese, of course, are the ones who are falling.

“We don't have to sacrifice time as part of it. Just hold off until half a million troops come through. ”

“Yes, Your Majesty. ”

“Are all the transports ready? ”

“Yes. As soon as you give the order, we'll start moving our forces slowly from the north. ”

“The important thing is that the enemy doesn't know we're attacking until the end. You know that, right?”

“30,000 spies are on the move with all their might. ”

“Yeah. Let's stick to the plan then. Get out.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. ”

The personality letter is what I thought. The first time I spoke my opinion, everyone, including my resonance, agreed with me. It was a brilliant idea.

In fact, it's just empty plunder. In this case, the Elion usually denounces each other. And I hate it the most.

I never go to the Elion. As my sister says, I'm the one who puts defense first. My way of playing games is to tire the opponent of his/her own game by playing constantly at the same time as defending him/her.

Of course, sometimes the opponent can only defend himself to the end, but that doesn't mean he can't beat me. The defensive fighters seem to be losing control, and in this case, I draw my maximum force and attack the opponent head-on, flanking the opponent and knocking him down.

When it comes to medicine, I've had it before. And you cannot be the opponent of the Gale Resonance. What do I know about the decimal? However, the experience of war itself is not lacking for them.

It's a strategy simulation, even though it's a game. Depending on the situation in real time, you need to decide and change your play at that time. And I'm a player called a legend. Tokugawa Katana's tactics have been repeated, and they've all been counter-attacked.

“There's a good chance they're up on the ground...”

If you think about Tokugawa and his usual behavior, it's 100%. It was frustrating and frustrating, but I had to make some sacrifices now. All we have to do is wait until the 500,000 troops pass through and Tokugawa Katana himself gets here.

“Then it's game over. ”

Defend and counterattack. Everything will happen at the same time, and this attack will definitely end Tokuga and Katana.

* * * * * * *

“Last one.”

Movement of troops over 10 days. And today is the last day. Taking a last look at the remaining troops, Tokuga and Katana check their weapons. Now it was my turn to move through the shaman.

“Prepare yourselves!!! ”


And the shamanstones were activated and a portal was created.

“Here we go!”

Tougawa and Katana make their way there, running with all their might. Then I definitely came out with a different view. And I didn't stop running there. Takuga and Katana continue to run, retreating to the side as 5000 soldiers have to come out from behind.

Then all the troops arrive and the portal disappears. Then Tokugawa Katana looks around. It was a nameless wilderness.

“Welcome, Emperor. ”

In Suu's words, Tokugawa Katana nods.

“What's the status? ”

“He's very persistent. ”

“It's supposed to be weeds. Then let's head to the castle we're currently attacking. ”


* * * * * * *

“Tokuga and Katana and all their troops have left the archipelago. Your Majesty.”

“Then what are you doing? Let's move and sweep. ”

“As instructed.”

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