The first time, the last time.

The year of God's Descent 4138.

The year before the gate to the other world opened.

Silver Alliance, Snow River City, Alley Zero, Nameless Grocery Store.

It was night.

In the dim grocery store, the candlelight swayed in the wind.

In the shadows, a man and a bird were quietly flipping through something.

Beside Lin Ming, books and periodicals were piled up into a small mountain.

These books and periodicals recorded the major events in Cecil over the past hundred years.

They all had the same name - "Golden Hundred Years".


Time went back to the year of God's Descent 4051.

Black Sand Continent, Xia Empire.

Under Aaron's rule, this ancient country has regained its former glory, which is also a symbol of the pinnacle of the empire's rule.

Since Lin Ming left the Shia Empire, the empire has been developing rapidly in the past 25 years.

People say that Aaron is the greatest king in the history of Shia.

With his profound wisdom, Aaron led the Shia Empire to prosperity.

He is proficient in magic and uses his power to protect his people and protect the Shia Empire from foreign invasions.

He governs well and has wise policies, making every corner of Shia bathed in peace and prosperity.

He cares about his people and founded the Shia Royal Magic Academy, so that everyone with magical talent can feel the charm of magic.

The world's admiration for Aaron is like praise for his brilliant achievements.

However, Aaron is well aware of the darkness hidden behind this prosperity.

Someone once said that under every bluestone slab in Wangbi City is a corpse of a demon.

There are no more demons in the Shia Empire, at least on the surface.

Even the Dark Night Cult has retreated to the Silver Alliance.

But Aaron knows that the demons have not completely died out, and they have been waiting for an opportunity to make a comeback.

In the 4053rd year of the God's Descent, the Dark Night Cult really began to act.

They lobbied everywhere in Shia, bewitched the world, and recruited believers.

The leader of the Dark Night Cult, the mysterious woman in black, actually created a "god".

The birth of the "god" caused the Dark Night Cult to spread rapidly in Shia.

It even posed a threat to Aaron's rule.

For this reason, Aaron sent a team of court magicians to kill the gods, which is the most powerful magician army today.

However, facing the so-called "god", this powerful army was almost wiped out, and the survivors also fell into madness, repeating: "The world will eventually return to the silence of the night..."

In the silent castle, Aaron stared at the night sky with a solemn face: "God?"

He recalled a record in the "Xia Chronicles". A long time ago, Loren, the ancestor of the Yade family, tried to destroy the gods.

As the only surviving descendant of the Yade family, Aaron has the same determination as his ancestors. Even if there are gods in the world, he will definitely kill them with his sword.

"I don't know if the gods have souls, and can their souls be made into magic soul rings?"

In the 4055th year of the God's Descent, Aaron finally met the so-called "god" of the Night Sect - Ms. Night.

It was an existence that was difficult to describe in words, like a tall woman dressed in the night, the night was her skirt, and the endless darkness was her veil.

Her face was hidden behind the deep shadows, revealing only a pair of eyes that flashed with dim light, as if they could devour all the light, revealing an indescribable weirdness and majesty.

However, a moment later, this Lady Night twisted like a defeated sand pile, gradually becoming indescribable.

"This is not a god at all." Aaron firmly believed that the Lady Night in front of him was just a thief who stole the power of the gods, not a real god.

Nevertheless, since Lady Night at least had the strength of a titled magician, and Aaron was currently only a super magician, he was not her opponent and could only choose to retreat temporarily.

The Cult of the Night seemed to have really created something extraordinary.

In the 4056th year of the God's Descent, the Cult of the Night began to erode Aaron's power in the Xia Empire.

Strangely, the Cult of the Night did not launch an open war, but gradually eroded Aaron's power behind the scenes.

In the same year, the Temple of Light announced that the fifth-generation Saint Fu Yao returned to the temple.

The Temple of Light and the Cult of Night are natural enemies.

The main believers of the Cult of Night are demons, and the situation of demons was caused by Nightingale, the fourth generation saint of the Temple of Light.

As the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Fuyao's return gave Aaron hope of destroying the Cult of Night.

God's Descent 4057

, Aaron established the Temple of Light as the state religion.

In the 4059th year of God's Descent, the conflict between the Temple of Light and the Cult of Night intensified.

In the 4062nd year of God's Descent, the current master of the Temple of Light, Ashes, received revelation and comprehended stronger divine arts to purify Lady Night.

In the 4065th year of God's Descent, the Cult of Night was defeated again and retreated to the north of the Giant Wall Fortress. The reputation of the Temple of Light reached an unprecedented height.

After clearing all obstacles in the territory, Aaron launched the Second Magician War in the 4071st year of God's Descent.

It is said that the initiator of this war implicitly pointed to the Temple of Light and the "He" behind it.

This war lasted for nearly ten years, and with the fall of Snow River City, it finally ushered in the end.

At both ends of the Snow River, Jimmy and Aaron, the magic scholar, looked at each other from a distance.

The former brothers are now strangers and mortal enemies.

"Junior Brother Aaron, does this battle really have to end in a life-and-death struggle?"

Jimmy's face was full of fatigue. He was tired of such endless wars.

Compared to wars, he preferred to practice magic in the Silver Tower.

"It's not me who has to fight to the death, but Junior Brother Huijin."

Hearing this, Huijin's figure appeared behind Aaron, and Huijin pointed to the sky:

"This is an oracle."

"God? I don't believe in this."

Jimmy laughed at himself. He didn't believe in God, and he didn't believe that this was God's will.

But Jimmy also knew that the Silver Alliance would no longer exist after today.

In the 4082nd year of God's Descent, the Second Magic War ended and the Silver Alliance collapsed.

Snow River City, the place where God descended, returned to Xia's arms.

After more than two thousand years, Xia once again unified the entire Black Sand Continent.

This war promoted the integration of white magicians and black magicians.

They learned from each other's strengths and made further progress on the road of magic.

Therefore, magic developed to an unprecedented height in the following decades.

When the Black Sand Continent was unified, the struggle between the five tribes in the Wind Continent also came to an end.

The elves won the war, and the orcs, marsh people, feathered people, and goblins became slaves.

In the same year, the dwarves stepped off the Conqueror and set foot on the land of Black Sand.

The first ethnic war in the Cecil world kicked off.

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