The year of the God's Descent, 4139, is destined to be recorded in the annals of the world. The horn of the Second Civilization War was sounded in this year. Unknown creatures were born in the South Pole Sea. These creatures were strong and cruel. In less than a day, they completely occupied the South Pole. The dwarves who remained in the South Pole were annihilated. The dwarf civilization that lasted for four thousand years was destroyed. After this day, the dwarves will no longer have a homeland. Half a month later, the news of the fall of the Dwarf Fortress reached the Starry Islands. The mermaids were shocked. "What did you say?!"

"You mean, the group of dwarves who created the semi-artifact Conqueror died?"

"Except for the dwarves who are fighting outside, the dwarves who stayed in the extreme south are indeed dead."

"What are you kidding?"

Under the Starry Islands, in the Mermaid Kingdom, in the Eternal City, a group of mermaids were boiling after learning that the Dwarf Fortress had been destroyed.

In the impression of the mermaids, the group of dwarves who launched the first ethnic war was an extremely powerful race.

Dwarves are good at making various weapons, are naturally powerful, and have almost reached the extreme level of using fire element magic.

However, this group of dwarves, who were so powerful that the Xia Empire could not defeat them with all its strength, were actually wiped out within a day!

How could the mermaids believe this?

On the throne made of crystal, the mermaid king Kadis held the halberd of Poseidon in his hand, listening to the noisy discussions in the palace, thinking.

The mermaid king selected by Lin Ming himself has lost his immaturity.

He had witnessed Lin Ming destroy the previous mermaid king in an instant, so Kadis believed that there was indeed a power in this world that could destroy a race.

On the throne carefully crafted with crystal, the mermaid king Kadis was sitting there quietly, holding the sea god's halberd, which symbolized the kingship.

At this moment, the palace of the Eternal City was noisy and noisy.

But Kadis seemed not to hear it, just sitting quietly, lost in thought.

The mermaid king selected by Lin Ming himself has now completely lost his youth and immaturity.

In his deep eyes, there was a firm and wise light.

Recalling that moment many years ago, Kadis still remembered it clearly - at that time, he witnessed Lin Ming completely wipe out the previous mermaid king in a moment.

From then on, Kadis deeply understood that there was indeed a powerful force in this world that was enough to destroy the entire race.

So Kadis believed that the Dwarf Fortress had indeed fallen.

Now the only question that puzzled the youngest mermaid king in history was who destroyed the Dwarf Fortress.

Was it the man who had given him the Trident of Poseidon, or some other powerful being?

According to the mermaid who had received the news, they had seen a group of purple creatures with horns at the edge of the foggy sea.

Those unknown beings were surrounded by a cold breath.

Could it be that these unknown beings destroyed the Dwarf Fortress?

But as far as Kadis knew, there was no such a powerful race in the entire Cecil world.

Kadis thought of a person he met when he was traveling in Xia a few years ago.

That person called himself Ashes, the current master of the Temple of Light of the Human Race.

Although Kadis had used the Trident of Poseidon to hide his aura, the man still saw through Kadis's disguise at a glance.

Kadis still remembers the first sentence Ashes said to him, which was a question:

"Noble Lord of the Sea, have you heard of the War of Other Worlds?"

This was the first time Kadis heard the term War of Other Worlds, and he answered truthfully: "No."

Ashes looked as if he had expected it:

"The world we live in is a magical world called Cecil."

"And outside the Cecil world, there are actually other worlds."

Other worlds?

This information broke Kadis's cognition and reshaped his worldview.

Kadis had never thought that there were other worlds outside the world.

So far, the farthest place he had been to was the Black Sand Continent.

Kadis once thought that the Black Sand Continent was the end of the world.

Now a human named Ashes told him that there are other worlds outside the world.

Ashes was very satisfied with Kadis's reaction and continued


"In the first year of God's descent, humans first sensed the existence of God."

"In the 52nd year of God's descent, following God's guidance, humans first captured the breath of the other world."

"In the 110th year of God's descent, alien creatures first descended into Cecil's world, and the first war of the other world began."

Even though Ashes' three sentences were so brief, every word echoed in Kadis's mind like the top mermaid magic.

These three sentences contained too much information, and each of the information they conveyed was so shocking.

God, other world, God's descent...

These words were too unfamiliar to Kadis, the king of mermaids.

So much so that Kadis once thought that the divine magician who had a huge reputation in the human world was actually a charlatan.

"What is the first year of God's Descent? What is God?"

"God's Descent is just the year name used by our temple to record history. The first year of God's Descent is the year when God first stopped in the world." Ashes explained with a smile.

After the first fall of the Temple of Light, few people in the world used God's Descent as the year name to record history.

Every ethnic group and every dynasty has its own year name.

Only the Temple of Light and some historians still use God's Descent as the year name to record the rise and fall and evolution of the entire world.

"As for what God is..."

Speaking of this, Ashes' face seemed to be covered with a layer of white light, making him look very divine:

"I don't know either, and you don't need to know."

"Just remember that God is omnipotent and omniscient."

For some reason, after hearing Ashes' words, Kadis thought of the person who gave him the Halberd of Poseidon, and that person also seemed to be so omnipotent.

"So where is God now?"

Ember first glanced at the sky, then answered devoutly:

"God is everywhere."

Before leaving, Ashes did not forget the purpose of his trip. He put away his smile and said solemnly:

"Visitors from other worlds are coming, and evil will come to Cecil World again."

"You must be prepared."


In the 4139th year of God's arrival, the Mermaid Kingdom, the Eternal City.

"Not good!"

"Something bad is happening!"

The hurried voice brought Kadis's thoughts back to reality.

He looked in the direction of the voice and was stunned.

Above the sea, an overwhelming number of unknown creatures were heading towards the Eternal City.

Now, Kadis finally knew who destroyed the Dwarf Fortress.

He also knew that the Mermaid Kingdom was the next Dwarf Fortress.

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