The old man was born in a strange land, and the old man was born in a strange land.

The 4140th year of the God's Descent, the revival of spring, the moon, the night.

Black Sand Continent, Xia Empire, Snow River City.

Alley Zero, the nameless grocery store, the former residence of the gods.

After Lin Ming's incarnation disappeared, the nameless grocery store was hidden in the void again, sinking into the past history, and ordinary people could not detect it.

However, at this moment, an uninvited guest appeared in front of this nameless grocery store.

The uninvited guest was a woman covered in a black robe.

She stood alone in front of the nameless grocery store. The whole alley zero was busy, but it seemed that no one saw her.

"Here, there is a trace of His breath."

"What a disgusting breath."

Under the black robe, a perfect and infinite face was revealed. It was the Saint of Destiny, Jian.

Jian walked to the door of the nameless grocery store and tried to push it open.

The moment she touched the door, she suddenly felt a strong resistance.

She tried her best, but the door did not move at all.

"This door does not seem to exist in this time and space."

"Is this one of the methods of the gods?"

"It can seal an object in a certain time and space."

Jian, as the first person in the Cecil world to study gods, has been committed to the study of gods for thousands of years.

However, despite this, she still knows very little about the existence of the high and mighty god.

"The trajectory of fate once intersected here, but unfortunately, I have never seen anything else."

Jian knew that this nameless grocery store was no longer of any value to her.

At least, for her now, this grocery store can no longer provide more information about the gods.

Cocoon did not stop, but she did not leave Snow River City.

Instead, she walked through alleys, then stopped at a dead corner and pushed gently.

The next second, a door appeared in the air.

Behind the door was a staircase extending underground.

Cocoon stepped onto the stairs, and countless candles lit up on both sides of the stairs.

After walking for an unknown period of time, Cocoon finally reached the end of the stairs.

At the end of the stairs was a huge underground space.

In the center of this space was a magnificent altar.

On the altar was a "god" that was still incubating.

And under the altar were all kinds of strange and bizarre demons.

This underground city was the core of the Dark Night Sect.

Who would have thought that the remnants of the Dark Night Sect that Aaron, the contemporary monarch of the Xia Empire, had been hunting down had been active under his feet.

The reason why Jian chose to move the headquarters of the Dark Night Sect to Snow River City was not because it was the most dangerous place, but because she felt that the gods had stayed in this magic city. The most important thing was that Jian saw countless destinies intersecting here. Not only the fate of Cecil's world, but also the fate of the so-called demon world. They were all entangled here, weaving a huge web of fate, wrapping all living beings in it. No one could escape. ...

In the nameless place, Lin Ming's room, the residence of the gods. Lin Ming stood in front of the bronze box, like an audience, patiently waiting for this grand drama to be staged. Except for the two saints and the Heavenly Book, Lin Ming had no other means to participate in this grand drama. Although He was the only screenwriter of this play. He could not predict the ending of this play. He could not rewrite the plot that had already been written. In other words, the two saints and the Heavenly Book were still one of the keys to this civilization war. At the moment when the cocoon touched the nameless grocery store, Lin Ming suddenly felt that he seemed to have a vague connection with the Cecil world.

Although this connection was so weak, it did exist.

After the start of the civilization war, the God of Creation and the world he created would be cut off from all connections.

However, after the start of this civilization war, the Saint Cocoon was able to reestablish a weak connection between Lin Ming and the Cecil world.

This is enough to illustrate the uniqueness of the "Saint".

In fact, during the years when Lin Ming studied Saint Fuyao, he had already come to a conclusion.

The existence of the "Saint" is indeed a very unique existence in the Cecil world.

Because the "Saint" belongs to both the Cecil world and the Cecil world.

They were born in the Cecil world and are the product of the Cecil world civilization.

But the Saint has something that the Cecil world does not have.


And the status of this source is very high.

So high that the Saint can ignore the rules of the Civilization War.

For example, after the Civilization War begins.

The Saint Cocoon can still see the fate of all beings, and not only the beings in the Cecil world, but also the beings in other worlds.

In the first Civilization War, she could see the final fate of the Demon King.

And in this Civilization War, the Saint Cocoon can also see the fate of all beings in the Demon World.

This is something that even Lin Ming can't do.

After all, the Demon World is not Lin Ming's world.

It is the world of another Creator God.

Lin Ming can only compile and see the fate of all beings in the Cecil world at most.

"The Saint does not belong to the Cecil world, nor to other worlds."

"Then, there is only one possibility left."

Thinking of this, Lin Ming turned around and looked around the nameless land.

His gaze passed through the nothingness and finally fixed on the nameless corpse.

"Will it be you?"


At the same time.

Cecil World, Black Sand Continent, Giant Wall Fortress, Temple of Light.

In front of the magnificent temple, a large number of divine magicians gathered.

The leader is the current master of the Temple of Light, Ashes.

Ashes graduated from the Dawn Magic Academy and is one of the most talented magicians today.

At the same time, he is also the strongest divine magician today.

In the field of divine magic, Ashes has shown extremely high attainments.

He created more divine magic on top of the original divine magic, allowing divine magic to show more possibilities.

It is precisely because of this that Ashes is also called the greatest divine magician in history by a group of divine magicians.

However, Ashes does not agree with this.

Because Ashes thinks that the existence above the sky is the greatest divine magician.

Although Ashes has a very high reputation within the Temple of Light, he is still not the leader of the Temple of Light.

Above him, there is the Saint.

According to the rules set by the Book of Light, the Saint will always be the will of the Temple of Light.

At this moment, Fuyao, the contemporary saint of the Temple of Light, was kneeling devoutly in front of the statue, holding the heavenly book, and praying for the last time for the trip to the Temple of Light.

After doing all this, Fuyao, dressed in white, walked out of the temple, and the divine magician army quickly stood on both sides and opened a road.

Fuyao rode on the white magic pet and passed through the crowd, with a holy face, looking full of divinity.

She came to Huijin and gave an order.

In less than a second, the entire divine magician army took action, marching south all the way to the destination of this trip - Xuehe City.

And Xuehe City is also the next destination of the demons.

The two most powerful civilizations in the world will fight for life and death in this ancient city.

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