The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

It is the 4140th year since the God descended.

Fuyao, the Saint of the Temple of Light, transformed herself into a huge wall of light, isolating half of the Black Sand Continent from the world.

The demons were blocked outside the wall of light. Even if the seven demon gods (seven holy masters) of the demons attacked at the same time, they could not shake the wall of light in a short time.

"This is a spell that costs oneself."

"My Saint Clan also has similar spells."

"However, even at the cost of Saint Kings like us, we cannot cast such a powerful magic."

"Why can that girl with horns on her head leverage such a great power?"

The first Saint Lord of the Demon Clan, that is, the Saint King of the Demon Clan, was very surprised that Fuyao could burst out with such amazing power.

As the oldest creature in the Holy Realm (Demon Realm), and as a personal experiencer of the five holy wars in the Holy Realm, the Saint King had never seen such a strange existence.

Any plane, no matter what kind of civilization, always abides by one principle.

That is equal exchange.

When new power is born, new power must perish.

Fuyao is just an existence that has just broken through to the Saint Level (Level 4), but she can leverage such a powerful force.

This is obviously unreasonable.

"It seems that this holy war is not as simple as I thought."

At present, the Saint Clan cannot break through the light wall at all, and this holy war has therefore fallen into a quagmire.

"Hua Wu stays here, and the rest of the Saints, follow us to attack other places."

Hua Wu is the third Saint King of the Saints, and she has another name - the Bewitcher.

Unlike other Saints, Hua Wu, like all the magicians in Cecil's world, also specializes in spiritual power, and is good at bewitching the minds of living beings and sowing discord.

In the 4140th year of the God's Descent, the demons split into two groups.

One group bypassed half of the Black Sand Continent and went deep into the wilderness.

The other group went to the Wind Continent to continue their journey.

Another year.

The Wind Continent fell.

The golden tree turned into a golden sea of ​​fire.

The Elf Dynasty was destroyed, and the Goblin tribe surrendered to the Demons and was willing to be their slaves.

The Orcs fought to the end and vowed not to be slaves!

The evil God Gul disappeared strangely after a great battle.

The Feathered People fell into the sea with their country and disappeared.

The Ze People were completely exterminated!

The civilization of Cecil World seems so vulnerable in front of the demons.

No, it should be said that it is so fragile in front of the Seven Demon Gods.

In front of this civilization where the power is concentrated in individuals, the power of the tribe is so small.

The Holy King can sweep the entire Cecil World with his own strength.

This is determined by the form of the two civilizations.

Cecil World, like the Demon World, is a civilization where the power is concentrated in individuals.

The existence of tribes is to create powerful individuals.

In other words, powerful individuals are the crystallization of these two civilizations.

The development of the magic civilization of Cecil World has been too short, and it has not yet accumulated powerful individuals like the Seven Demon Gods.

It took only two years for the Seven Demon Gods to take over most of Cecil World.

In the entire Cecil World, only half of the Black Sand Continent is still struggling to support it.

If Saint Fuyao hadn't sacrificed herself to keep the demons out, I'm afraid the entire Cecil world would have fallen.

Everyone, including the demons, knew it.

The day the light wall broke was the day the war of civilizations ended.

Today's Cecil world has become two worlds.

Inside the light wall, and outside the light wall.

Two worlds separated by a wall.


Inside the light wall, Xuehe City.

It was five years later when everyone in the light wall learned that other civilizations had been destroyed.

In the past five years, many changes have taken place in the light wall.

Even turmoil.

After Aaron's death, because he had no descendants, the throne of the Xia Empire also gave rise to many possibilities.

Even though there were dangers everywhere outside the light wall, and even though almost all the survivors had experienced that desperate war.

But after the comfort, they still had many distracting thoughts.

Forgetting the grief and the threat of the demons weighing on Snow River City, they began to cheat and fight for power again.

This is human nature.

It is also the instinct that Lin Ming deliberately left when he created them.

Greed drives people forward and also breeds many disasters.

It is difficult to say whether greed and other things are good or bad for the development of civilization.

"There is no hope."

"The saint sacrificed herself to win a ray of hope for the human race, and to win so much time

. ”

“People waste it on intrigue. "

In the Silver Tower, Jimmy, the magic scholar who was regarded as the temporary ruler, was disappointed.

There was also a lot of guilt in the disappointment.

Because today's situation was caused by him.

Jimmy spent almost all of his first half of his life studying magic.

He was not good at governance or calculating people's hearts.

After the light wall was formed, everyone in the light wall worked together at first.

But after discovering that the demons could not destroy the light wall, many people's minds began to become active.

Groups formed factions and struggles for interests are staged every day in the light wall.

Now, on the surface, Shia has formed at least three factions.

They are the Silver Hand formed by the remnants of the Silver Alliance.

Various temple sects headed by the Temple of Light.

And the Shia Royal Court.

There are also the Dark Night Sect and the Shadow of the Apostle hidden in the shadows.

In order to compete for the few magic resources in the light wall, the various factions are playing games openly and secretly every day.

"Are we still saved? "

Jimmy felt that his spirit was on the verge of collapse.

After he took Aaron's position, he realized that it was not easy to be a good leader of a country.

Thinking of Aaron, Jimmy's eyes were filled with sadness.

Back then, he and Aaron, Yanxio and Bibixi were roommates in the Dawn Magic Academy.

After graduation, Jimmy became a magic scholar and had many conflicts with Aaron, who became the monarch of a country.

They became both enemies and friends.

Yanxio died in the First Magician War.

As for Bibixi, some people said that they had seen him act with the people of the Dark Night Sect.

Time has passed, and things have changed.

Jimmy suddenly missed his time studying at the Dawn Magic Academy. He thought of the Cherubim and the mysterious dean.

Strange rabbit and bird teacher.

It was obviously a very distant thing, but it was so clear at this moment.

"Am I going to die? Why do I suddenly miss the past? "

"I don't know where the dean is now. If he were still here, he would definitely be able to drive away those brutal demons."

In Jimmy's eyes, Dean Lin Lei, who helped him create the Demon King, is a very mysterious and powerful existence.

He is even more unfathomable than the Holy King of the Demons.

"If the dean saw me now, he would be very disappointed, right?"

Thinking of this, Jimmy suddenly became very alert.

"I can't give up yet."

Jimmy has made up his mind. Even if he has to sacrifice his life, he will bring the entire Xia back on track.

The orthodoxy of magic will be protected and passed on by him.

The last spark of magic civilization will be ignited by him!

In the 4147th year of God's Descent, Jimmy, a magic scholar, launched a war in the light wall to revitalize Xia and became the first king of Xia who was not from another family.

The incarnation of the gods has long dissipated, but His will has remained in the world through other means.

With civilization, it continues.

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