The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

4160 years after the God descended.

Black Sand Continent, the Wall of Protection, outside the wall.

Twenty years have passed since the war between the demons and the Temple of Light.

After that war, all ethnic groups in the Cecil world basically retreated to the Wall of Protection.

And outside the Wall of Protection, it became the world of the demons.

After occupying the world outside the Wall of Protection, the demons began to plant unknown plants on the land.

These plants can gradually demonize the magic power, air and other substances in the Cecil world, making the entire Cecil world more suitable for the survival of the demons.

The demons have begun to take root in the Cecil world.

If this continues, the world outside the wall of protection will be completely assimilated by the demon world.

By then, the world outside the wall of protection will no longer be the Cecil world, but the demon world.

In addition to the destruction of the civilization of one of the parties involved in the war, there is another sign of the end of the civilization war.

That is the assimilation of the world.

The environment, plane rules, etc. are assimilated.

And the Cecil world is being assimilated by the demon world.

This is also the rule discovered by the demon saint king after participating in many civilization wars.

For the civilization war, the seven saints of the demon world are already familiar with it.

The civilization war is called the holy war in the demon world.

It means a sacred war.

In the demon world, the highest will has never been the saint king.

It is the world will that has existed since the birth of the demon world.

In every holy war, the world will will convey its will to the saints.

And after the holy war, every demon who has made contributions in the holy war will be rewarded fairly.

Those who made great contributions.

They can even become holy lords.

The seven holy lords (seven demon gods) of the demon world today are those who made great contributions in the previous holy wars.

Some of them do not even come from the demon world.

For example, the third holy lord, Hua Wu, the bewitcher.

Her original body was a magic lotus from a world dominated by plants, Lianchitian.

That world was destroyed by the demon world.

Hua Wu, as the leader of the demon world in that holy war and a traitor to Lianchitian, received the gift of the will of the demon world after Lianchitian was assimilated by the demon world and became a holy lord.

As the winner of many holy wars, the demon world has always been an inclusive world.

At least that's the case in the eyes of the first holy lord and holy king.

For example, at this moment, even though a human woman was sitting opposite the Demon Saint King, she could remain calm and talk to the other party calmly:

"You said it was the Saint of the Temple of Light?"

"To be precise, it was the former Saint of the Temple of Light. If you want, you can call me by my name, Jian."

Jian looked calmer than the Demon Saint King, as if she was not in her living room at the moment, but in the heart of the Demon Clan.

It was precisely because of this calmness that the Demon Saint King decided to receive Jian.

It was not the first time that the Demon Saint King had received someone from another world.

A long time ago, when the third Saint Lord Lianwu was still a person from another world, it was the Demon Saint King who personally received her.

She knew very well that in the face of interests, enemies could sometimes be transformed into friends.

She didn't mind turning a valuable enemy into her own people.

The premise was that the person had to be valuable.

"The title is not important. What's important is, as a human, why are you here?"

The Demon Saint King said, and carefully looked at Jian from north to south.

For some reason, Jian gave her a very strange feeling.

It was as if Jian was not the existence that should exist in this world, and she was so incompatible with this world.

The Demon Saint King was looking at Jian, and Jian was also looking at her.

Jian never expected that the first demon god of the demon clan, the so-called Demon Saint King, actually looked like a woman.

Yes, a woman.

The Demon Saint King looked exactly the same as a human woman.

Long black hair, fair skin, and a beautiful face.

Except that the golden pupils were decorated with complicated patterns, she was no different from a normal girl.

Unlike other demons, she had no horns on her head.

How interesting.

The so-called Demon Saint King actually looked like a human. What secrets were hidden in this?

Jian really wanted to know the secrets behind this.

It must be a secret related to them.

But the cocoon now obviously cannot reveal these secrets.

However, I believe it won't be long until the holy war is over.


When Jian becomes the eighth Saint King of the Demon Clan, she may know why the Saint King of the Demon Clan looks like a human.

For Jian at the moment, the most important thing is how to gain the trust of the Saint King of the Demon Clan.

Thinking of this, Jian smiled and said:

"I came here to end this war."

"I can help you get living beings."

The Saint King of the Demon Clan became interested and asked, "How to help?"

"I have a way to destroy the wall of protection." Jian said it very calmly, as if destroying the wall of protection was a very easy thing for her.

For some reason, although this was the first time the Saint King of the Demon Clan and Jian met, she did not doubt what the other party said at all.

If Jian was a spy sent by the human race to gain the trust of the demon clan.

The Saint King of the Demon Clan was pushing the entire demon clan into the abyss.

But she still chose to believe Jian.

By intuition.

By her intuition as the first Saint Lord of the Demon Realm and the oldest battle mage.

The Saint King of the Demon Clan believed in her intuition.

Because this is also His intuition.

"So, what should our race do to destroy the wall of protection that the human race talks about?"

After hearing this, Jian knew that she had achieved the purpose of this trip.


In the next half day, Jian and the Demon Saint King talked for a long time.

This is a meticulous plan, which is the most beneficial plan for Jian based on the trajectory of fate.

It is also the only way to destroy the wall of protection in a short time.

Before leaving, the Demon Saint King told Jian his name:

"Aiting, you can call me Ai Ting."

"Except for the other six saints, you are the only one who can call me that."

Jian knew that she had completely gained the trust of the Demon Saint King Ai Ting, and she smiled and said:

"It's a very nice name, like the name of a king."

After speaking, Jian just turned around and wanted to leave, and the Demon Saint King Ai Ting suddenly called her.

"I saw this passage in the Book of Light in your Temple of Light, which confused me."


Jian was very curious about what words could confuse the strongest being in the world today:

"What words?"

Aiting suddenly became serious, with a complicated expression:

"According to the records in the Book of Light, those who can see the gods in this world are saints."

"Then, am I a saint who can see the gods?"

After saying that, Aiting raised his head and looked straight at the sky.

Above the sky.

It was the gods.

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