The ruins of Xuehe City.

The face of Hua Wu, the third demon bewitcher, was surprisingly ugly.

Her magic domain is the second-level domain, and there are even core fragments of her previous world Lianchitian in her domain.

But it was easily resolved by the guy in front of him who was emitting blue flames.

"How is this possible!"

"No, his magic domain seems to be not just a single domain, but a double domain, or even a triple domain.

Not only the power of magic, but also the power of the soul, and an unprecedented power, the night? Faith?"

Most of them are saints, and the magic domain they comprehend is a single domain.

Even the magic domain of a single element.

Only a very small number of people will comprehend multiple domains.

And such an existence may not be one in a world.

Even Hua Wu, who had experienced many holy wars, had only seen one being who had comprehended multiple domains so far.

And that being is now the Demon King of the Holy Realm - Ai Ting.

"This guy who was killed by my clan once, is so talented.

Could it be that the will of this world has piled all the resources and all the luck on this guy?"

Thinking of this, Hua Wu couldn't help but have a little more jealousy in his eyes.

Hua Wu was also the child of destiny of a world, but he didn't have such a talent.

The main reason was that the world where Hua Wu lived at that time, Lianchitian, was only a second-level world. Hua Wu, who was born in such a world, couldn't be much more talented no matter how high his talent was.

"If this guy really comprehended the three domains, I'm afraid only the Second Saint Lord and the Holy King could defeat him."

Hua Wu knew the horror of multiple magic domains.

He also regretted why the demons listened to the words of the woman in black and gave Cecil civilization five hundred years.

Hua Wu couldn't help but question the original decision of the Demon King.

"Perhaps, the Saint King had some profound reasons for choosing to give Cecil civilization five hundred years."

Hua Wu never thought that it was not the demons who gave Cecil civilization five hundred years, but Saint Fu Yao who gave Cecil civilization five hundred years.

The reason why this time is five hundred years is that the life span of most super magicians is only five hundred years. Only when these people are close to the end of their lives can the demons carry out their plans.

Now, the demons have indeed succeeded. They destroyed the wall of protection without any soldiers.

Obviously Hua Wu did not think of this, nor did she think about these.

At the moment, she only hopes that the Demon King Ai Ting will come soon.

Otherwise, these demons will die in Aaron's kingdom of the dead.

After dispersing Hua Wu's magic field, Aaron did not say a word and took advantage of the victory to directly pull their demons into his own magic field.

"Black Flame Cave Heaven."

"Extreme Storm."

"No, my magic domain cannot be deployed!"

In the Kingdom of the Dead, five demons deployed their own domains, but they were quickly dispersed by Aaron.

"Asshole! That woman deceived us. What kind of monster did she raise!"

Since this holy war, these powerful demons have never felt so angry.

They have never been so angry.

If the first demon king Ai Ting and the second demon plague source do not come again, they will really die here.

"The Holy King will not allow us to die here." Between life and death, Hua Wu was very calm.

She was sure that Ai Ting would come to save them.

Because they still have value and are Ai Ting's property.

Just as Hua Wu said, soon, she saw a rainbow light in the kingdom full of the dead.

That was Ai Ting's magic domain, and it was also the only seven-layer magic domain in the Holy Realm - Rainbow Township.

The symbol of Rainbow Township is the rainbow light that looks gorgeous but is actually very deadly.

At first, there was only one rainbow light that shot into the Kingdom of the Dead, but soon, thousands of rainbow lights followed and completely penetrated Aaron's magic field.

Under the illumination of the rainbow light, the entire Kingdom of the Dead was completely transformed into a colorful world - Rainbow Township.


The moment the Kingdom of the Dead was broken, the blue flame on Aaron's body instantly weakened several times and almost extinguished.

Obviously, he was seriously injured.

"Aaron!" Jimmy quickly opened his magic field to heal Aaron, but it was just a drop in the bucket.

"Go, you are not her opponent, take the rest of the people, find a place, and start again." Aaron

He pushed Jimi away and protected Jimi and others behind him.

Jimi walked to Aaron and said softly:

"You are not her opponent either. Even if you fight for everything, you can't buy us any time.

But I am different. My magic field is special. It can purify a place in a short time, form an absolute defense, and buy you time to escape."

As Jimi spoke, the sky above his head gradually turned colorful.

He had no time to hesitate.

Before Aaron could react, Jimi unfolded his magic field.

This was also the last time Jimi unfolded his magic field.

At the moment when Jimi unfolded the fountain of knowledge, everyone present seemed to hear the sound of the spring water flowing.

Then, an absolute defense area was instantly formed behind Jimi.

And Jimi himself evaporated in an instant and ceased to exist.

At the moment of death, Jimi seemed to see that he had returned to his hometown.

It was an unknown seaside town, peaceful and tranquil.

Jimmy also saw a black giant bird flying across the sky, a giant bird as big as an adult.

Jimmy knew it was just a raven.

The raven landed in front of Jimmy, stared at Jimmy curiously, and said:

"Jimmy Rusxiu, from Guanhai Town, 18 years old, the son of Dr. Rusxiu, is it you?"

At this moment, it was as if fate gave Jimmy a chance to choose again.

He could choose to be an ordinary person and live his life in peace.

He could also choose to be a magician, enter the dangerous magic world, and finally die in Rainbow Township.

Looking at the familiar raven in his memory, Jimmy did not hesitate, smiled brightly, and gave a positive answer:

"Yes, I am Jimmy."

Even if he had to do it again thousands of times, even if he knew that he would end up in Rainbow Township, Jimmy would choose to enter the wonderful magic world without hesitation.

And the moment Jimmy answered, the dream he was in also collapsed.

A gust of wind blew past Jimmy's ears, gently caressing his cheek.

At this moment, he saw Aaron escaping from the ruins of Snow River City with the last spark of civilization.

He also seemed to see the stone-like Cherubim and the mysterious Dean Lin Lei.

Seeing them, Jimmy smiled like a child:

"Teacher, Dean Lin Lei, I finally lived up to your expectations."

Hundreds of years ago, the seeds planted by the gods in the world.

Today, hundreds of years later, they protect the magic civilization created by Him.

After the war of civilizations began, the gods left the world.

But they are everywhere.

The whole world is full of traces left by Him.

Like the ubiquitous wind, He silently guides the direction of all things in the world.

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