The more you go, the more you will die.

"You actually want to go to heaven?"

Jian laughed, and laughed crazily: "You said I was a real crazy woman, in my opinion, you are the real crazy woman."

Fuyao didn't care about Jian's sarcasm at all, but looked up at the sky: "We have said our part, and you don't have to persuade me again, because next time, I will really kill you."

"You won't, because in the future I see, I won't die in your hands."

Jian had already seen her own end, which is why she dared to come to Fuyao alone.

"Then have you ever thought about it, I have so many opportunities to kill you, but I never killed you?" Fuyao asked a question that Jian had never thought about.

Jian relied too much on the guidance given by fate and never thought about detailed questions.

But after Fuyao's reminder, Jian realized this problem for the first time and soon thought of the answer to this problem.

In this world, only He can command Fuyao.

Why didn't Fuyao kill Jian.

The answer is obvious.

For a moment, Jian felt that she was still the same as before, like a puppet, being manipulated at will.

But she had no way to turn back.


In this civilization war, every meeting between the two saints had a huge impact on the direction of this war.

This time was no exception.

After this meeting, Jian was like evaporating from the world and never appeared again.

Fuyao guessed that Jian was deliberately hiding herself and reducing her sense of existence, so as to get rid of the fate of being a chess piece.

However, Jian forgot that this is the world of gods.

No matter where Jian hides, she is always in the world of gods and always under the watchful eyes of gods.


The disappearance of the Demon King and the sealing of the Demon Gods once again gave Cecil civilization time to breathe.

And Cecil's breath lasted for five hundred years.

God descended 5160 years ago, the Giant Wall Fortress.

Although five hundred years have left no significant physical traces on this ancient fortress, it has added a strong historical atmosphere to the fortress.

Under the influence of magic, the buildings of the Giant Wall Fortress have become more and more new.

Compared with five hundred years ago, the Giant Wall Fortress has also prospered a lot.

Back then, after Ashes saw a glimpse of the true meaning of the law in the Giant Wall Fortress, he never left the fortress again.

In the past five hundred years, Ashes has always kept Fu Yao's words in mind, trying to preserve Cecil civilization and expand it.

After five hundred years of development, the Giant Wall Fortress has gradually replaced the original Snow River City and become the current center of Cecil's magic civilization.

Under the deliberate actions of the Temple of Light, the royal power has gradually faded, and the royal court has become history.

In the past history, every time there was peace, the struggle between theocracy and royal power would be staged as scheduled.

Ashes knew that Cecil civilization could not repeat the same mistakes, so the first thing he did after taking over the Giant Wall Fortress was to wipe out the Royal Court.

Now the entire Giant Wall Fortress is under the control of the Temple of Light.

Outside the Giant Wall Fortress, because the demons have not been completely cleared, the world outside the Giant Wall Fortress is still a dangerous place for humans and other races.

With the rapid increase in the population in the Giant Wall Fortress and the shortage of magic resources, Ashes once again established the Adventurer Association.

This move aims to form an adventure team to explore the world outside the Giant Wall Fortress and open up new territory for Cecil civilization.

Because of the lack of magic resources and the gap in magic genius, today's magicians can no longer practice all kinds of magic like the magicians in the past, and can only specialize in some magic.

As a result, many new magic professions have been born in Cecil civilization.

For example, archers who specialize in emitting magic energy, assassins who specialize in assassinating hidden, paladins who specialize in treatment, warriors who specialize in physical strength, monster masters who specialize in taming monsters, etc.

As a result, many magic professional associations have been derived.

In order to solve various problems in the adventure, adventure teams have almost become inevitable, and lone wolves are becoming fewer and fewer.

Unless you are a magic genius who can handle all kinds of magic, you will choose to adventure alone outside the giant wall fortress.

But there are fewer and fewer such people.

With the advancement of adventurers, Cecil civilization has gradually recovered their homeland from the hands of the demons.

The territory of the Kingdom of Xia has gradually expanded southward from the giant wall fortress at the beginning, bordering the former Snow River City.

That is where the Witch Tower is now.

Five hundred years ago, Snow River City was attacked by the demons.

, turned into ruins.

After years of development, although Xuehe City is no longer a ruin, it is no longer as prosperous as it used to be.

It is more appropriate to call Xuehe City the Xuehe Village.


South of Xuehe Village is the southern end of the Black Sand Continent.

This is still the base of the demons.

However, not long ago, adventurers have begun to set foot in the southern end of the Black Sand Continent.

The arrival of adventurers has also brought a lot of vitality to the villages near Xuehe.

As people who have lived on this land for generations, no one is more familiar with the environment of the southern end of the Black Sand Continent than the villagers of Xuehe Village.

In order to reduce risks, many adventurers will hire some villagers in the villages near Xuehe as guides to go deep into the southern end of the Black Sand Continent.

And Lambert is the most famous of these guides.

At this moment, Lambert is following the most famous adventurer team in Xia today to go deep into the southern end of the Black Sand Continent.

"The place we are in now is called Wisteria Forest. Further south is the famous Xianan Port, which is where the dwarves landed on the Black Sand Continent in the first tribal war."

"I heard that the legendary semi-artifact [Conqueror] was destroyed there. I wonder if we can pick up some fragments to study."

Lambert told the adventurer team behind him all the information he knew.

His face was full of flattery, after all, those people behind him were honorable adventurers.

In the Kingdom of Xia, adventurers have a very high status, and almost no one does not want to be an adventurer.

Lambert is no exception.

Unfortunately, Lambert's magic talent is too low, and he is not qualified to enter any magic professional association.

'If only I could become an adventurer. '

Lambert couldn't help sighing in his heart, and just as he sighed, they finally arrived at the destination of this trip-Xianan Port.

However, just as they stepped into Xianan Port, a rainbow light suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Before everyone could react, they were enveloped by the rainbow light and disappeared from the world.

Except for Lambert.

Because he walked in front, he luckily escaped the attack of the rainbow light.

"Are they... all dead? What on earth is that colorful light?"

Lambert was shocked and broke into a cold sweat. He took a deep breath and soon calmed down.

After the rainbow light dissipated, Lambert suddenly found that a black-haired woman was lying in front of him.

Before Lambert approached, the woman suddenly opened her eyes and stared at Lambert.

It was a golden pupil that Lambert had never seen before, with complicated patterns.

"Who are you?" The black-haired woman asked first. She looked very weak.

And she had no horns, so she must be a human.

Lambert was bold for this and smiled:

"Me? I am a man destined to become a legendary hero. You can call me Lambert."

"You can also call me Lambert Merlin."

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