The World Is Very Sick

This world is not light, Chapter 496

"I said, don't quarrel."

"They have two vibrant T and G series viruses, and there is also a strong evolutionary and regenerative ability. Life is not so fragile."

"Moreover, this spatial fault in this universe is formed, which seems to reduce the activity of DX-1118 C viruses, there will be no problem in a short time."

"Now, the biggest trouble is the impact of the spatial barrier after the miniature nuclear bomb!"

Dr. Eric picks up the goggles, and will have some turbidity, and the glance of silk, turn to the other side of the mountain connected to the base.

"Once the machine is activated by the universe, it is faulty, not only the DX-1118 C viruses in them, but will be seriously out of control ..."

"Moreover, the space channel opened by another research base is not just a crack."

"When I arrive, there will be anything in the fog, no one can guarantee!"

At this time, Elix's same face changed, it seems to have a deep mountain range, and it is a deep tone, and he will inform everyone.

In fact, the study involved in the fog town, two projects, two connected mountains, separated by two connected mountains.

In front of you, it is naturally the universe's Rubik's Cube Energy Technology, and some of the partial entry can be extracted, and the energy fluid can be extracted, and the space channel can be opened.

Inly, the US military has never gave up the so-called "Super Soldier Plan", and even the project filed the case, and the energy technology of the universe is the energy technology.

They are very eye-free by using T virus reinforcement batch to use T virus reinforcement, which is very eye-hot, hoping to create a new virus legion through the power of the national machine.

And, there is a demonstration of the SCP Foundation, the military's ambition is more expanded, and the requirements for new gene agents are comprehensively catching T virus.

However, it is difficult to develop new drugs, and there is no difficulty in the sky, and the US military has no shortprint for many years.

Until half a year ago, a group of secrets delivered to the small town, became the key to open the Pandora's magic box.

"I only know that most of these things come from Japan and Europe, and the seventh fleet salvage from the Pacific South Sea area."

"But even if there are some of the living parts, there is still terrible activity, their existence, simply incredible!"

Ai Lax-open data bags, puts a few photos and some specific documents to Kevin et al.

Kevin looks at the photo of the purple-red wrist, some sealing boxes, the triple sign of the Tel Avis family.

Even, saving these monster organs, tentacles, is also an extremely eye-cooked front God Luo company's magic can soaked.

The man's right fist is in the brain, bowing words, thoughts, have finally connected the source of this super soldier plan.

Europe Travis family, South Pacific Waters, Japan Qixing Village, colorectal biology research ...

Everything is around the origin! This actually has a deep origin.

It is no wonder that these viruses have a red-black blood shape, very Kasu Lu; it is no wonder that the black guards after being transformed by the virus, no first time is attacked by bugs ...

The DX-1118C of "Black Light Virus" is the same as the monster of the city of La Lie, created!

It is not good, this thing also combines some of the characteristics of the colorectal virus, in summary is a more divestive death results.

Ai Lax rushes the high-purity black light virus stock solution, and the eyes are slightly smashed, there is a kind of creative appreciation, and there are some regrets.

"The first phase of the successful black light virus, nearly perfect ..."

"The predecessor of this town is originally a military nursing home, there are many soldiers who are disabled, voluntarily join the experiment."

"Individuals after injection of black light viruses, initially reacting everything is normal, can be regenerated, intelligence and reaction ability have been upgraded."

The researchers swept the generals of the Landel next to it, and some sorry.

"But over time, they seem to always hear something old whisper, this is getting stronger."

"Later, it is like a madness, I am aroused by biological killing."

"Eventually, their consciousness will fall into chaos, and the body will also have an almostoy reaction, and die first."

"There is no way, you can only return the second, dilute the concentration of black viruses, which uses a degraded version to create a super soldier watching."

"But very strange is that when the super soldier in black, when you contact the universe's energy, your ability will continue to increase, as if you have received any invisible call."


At this point, Dr. Eric, who is responsible for developing the universe, has realized, refers to the generals of the Ailev and the Randel on the side.

"I understand, this is the reason why the Cosmic Rubik's Cube Study Project is moved here, I hope to cooperate with the super soldier plan?"

As a seat of the O5 Parliament, I naturally know that the nine-tailed fox formation is in the islands, and it is also very clear that these so-called tentacles, what is related.

She immediately took a forehead, the rotten stall in front of him, and he was unable to feel weak.

"The universe is the exploration of the unknown" Egyptian] plan, it is polluted! "

"It is because the information provided by those tentacles can lead to space energy, and open the path to connect these monsters!"

Aida eye is slightly smashed, whisper reminds.

"It seems that the nine-head snake has been infiltrated into the military. They originally wanted to control black watch after the two plans were completed, and they took over the universe."

"As a result, the interference of these South Pacific, leading to the space of the universe, there is a problem, the fog is trapped in the town and the surrounding mountain range."

Dr. Eric woven some dizziness, immediately moved out of a box of Rubik's energy extract, pushing to everyone, and reaching out to another side of the mountain research room.

"Don't worry, in turn, you can't make the gap opposite, you must clean the monsters in it as soon as possible!"

"After using these extracts, bridge the space gap, let the universe's Rubik's cube is separated from the traction of the machine, completely shut down the channel!"

"Waiting for the following troubles, let's handle these problems outside."

PS: Note, Dr. Eric - The astronomer of the "Thunder" series of "Raytheon" series, I took a friend of Thunder, I know the existence of the nine worlds.

Section 880 Chapter 842 "Selection of Guests"

"Is this the road to the black light virus biological laboratory?"

Kevin looks at the passage of a metal door, and the cable is peeled off, the channel is peeled off, and the passage of the seafood sedate is skeptical.

The General Landel snorted to explained before, and dispelled Kevin's doubts.

"Because the out of control of the Rubik's Cube," the biological laboratory of monsters) is pretended to have a bioactic laboratory, and there is a spatial crack that leads to unknown yuan ... "

Ellik is taking a smile, unveiling of black watching scars.

"They think that they can control the situation, so before and after, they sent thousands of troops into the biological laboratory to biochemical suppression."

"As a result, the army of this old brother, all spell, the fog and the strange shape, but more and more, can't stop!"

"Finally, the biological laboratory has become a monster's nest, even the black watch is also maintained in a good nine-headed snake group anti-water."

"Reverse is us, can only be turtled here, etc.

Super soldier plans, this is not to be light, not to lead to a number of disabled soldiers who participate in experiments.

Randall led a black watch, it was a hyena responsible for the dry dirty, nature is not a good man.

Since I don't want some negative rumors to disclose, the best way is that some people who know forever.

If there is no accident, Aikes naturally belongs to the sealing object.

Before, Landel and his black watch team were removed from the biological laboratory, only the key information was taken away.

They let these researchers, in the dangerous area of ​​the fog, they are self-destroy, obviously there is a plan to take the opportunity.

Just, you have a big life, run out, as for other colleagues, I am afraid that you are not lucky.

The original nine-headed snake anti-water success, and this insider, it is no wonder that it is a natural enemy's Randel and Elicick, will temporarily squat together.

A little confused in Kevin's heart has been answered, and it is unintentionally to continue to delay, and the Aida and Laura are waved.

"If you need help, our black watch can help ..."

General Landel took the initiative to propose, whispering, obviously in addition to intentional help, there is still something that is still in the biological laboratory.

"You don't have to ..."

Kevin checked the equipment under the body, put the Rubik's cube extract the liquid, and reached the "good intention" of Randel, turned his eyes to the brownfriends.

"Elix, you are the most familiar, responsible for the way, no opinion ..."

The instinctive admiral of Ellik, is heavy, and the pupil of the instinct is shrinking, just wants to refuse.

But when he looked up and touched Kevin's eyes, the neck had a fine cold sweat and agreed to bind her mind.

Just a feeling, it is like this guy to slaughter the cold in the valley.

AiRax is not stupid, from the streets in Manhattan, when he was secretly turned into the Town Biological Research Institute, he knew ...

Some "select rights", just a guest's set of words, if it is true, society will re-educate what reality and power.

"Right, ask a private problem, there should be freezing centrifuges from separation serum?"

Kevin saw that Elix had made a clear choice, somewhat gratifying, and inquired a few words.

Elix is ​​unclear, but it is still aware of the consciousness.

"Commander, I have notified the outer wolves, if this is 15 minutes later, there is no response, immediately responsible for cleaning up the Alpha tactical nuclear bomb ..."

Just as the friendly conversation between two people, Laura in the corner, attached to Kevin to tell the Kemin, to bridge the spatial crack, exempt from the worries.

Eida pulled out the electromagnetic pulse pistol and was irradiated with the metal door, so that the closed channel with a slight harsh friction sound, slowly opened.

"Can you go to the outing,?"

Kevilou looked at the passage of white fog, squinted, and first entered the road.

When the metal door to the dangerous area is again dropped, Dr. Eric reactivates the energy light screen of the universe Rubik's cube, and it is a bit confused and worried.

Continuously put in thousands of people, there is no flourish, and I don't know how to pin it is on them, will not succeed.

When Dr. Eric turned, he saw the monk of the unmanage of the wounded in the corridor, guarding in the dangerous area channel, with two cups of coffee.

General Landel hesitated and took this show that the old man in two years old, taking each other.

"Thank you for your coffee, doctoral ..."

Dr. Eric blinked and smiled.

"Can you sit here to drink coffee, I have to thank you not? General ..."

"You can call the nuclear bomb before the fog has not been completely spread, and it is flatly flat."

The Randall will be slightly frowned, and the tone is sinking and resolute.

"Doctoral, you and opposite the group of madmen who are keen on biological transformation and virus research ..."

"And, this town is not completely polluted, and there is also the value of salvation ..."

"Black Watching this time should be blocked in front ..."

"Only, the diffusion of disasters exceeds my expectation and black watch control ability ..."

The monk of the monarch is cold, drink coffee, continue to stand, and there is not much about each other.

"Dr., can think of using the universe Rubik to remove the infected area from the spatial range, keep the town, this is your credit ..."

"If you can also contact the Ministry of Defense now, I will definitely ask them to clean here!"

"So, don't thank me ..."

Dr. Eric took the empty cup, and his eyes were somewhat embarrassed, not shocked gently.

At the same time, after entering the narrow tunnel, Kevin et al. Through the filled white fog, vaguely seeing the walls of the walls of the walls that are covered with a bricklaying.

That is deep into the wall, and the prey with blood nails, as well as ventilation pipes, etc., is enough to prove that those soldiers are desperate at the time.

The tactical tactical debris over the ground, covering a transparent mucus, the guns discarded on both sides, not being smashed by some sharp things, which is to empty the bullet.

The cable is pulled on the ceiling, take off the chandelier, swing back and forth, and the electric spark flowers from time to time are somewhat strange and horrific.

When passing through the broken ceiling, the debris of the building is in the neck of Ellix, bringing slightly itching.

When he looked up slightly, he found that the ceiling seems to be moving ...

wrong! It is shock! The fog can absorb sound, but it can't shock! There is something around!

The emoticon expression of the AiRax, the pupil shrinks, and the original pale skin color is more sick.

"I just came to a welcome ceremony? The people in your institute are really enthusiastic."

"Friends, will it shoot?"

Kevin and Laura, Eida looked at the eyes, allotsed out of unusual turmoil, and the commander looked back to see some nervous Elix, play the taste.

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