The World Is Very Sick

This world is not light, 505 chapter

In theory, the longer of the Asta people live, the stronger strength, and in the mouth of the flame giant, defeated the Suttle of the eternal fire in the year.

In other words, O'Dodia lives at least 500,000 years, this level of accumulation, Kevin believes even in the king of the king, the father of Assassin, is also sure the best.

In terms of truth, whether it is dark, or a frost giant, the flame giant, these are O'Don's hand.

Frontal confrontation, the other party is impossible to win, but I don't know why, Kevin always has a faint uneasy, this intuition is intense.

Section 896 Chapter 877 O'Dodia (add more)

"Child, do you have any doubts, I may help you answer ..."

Fuli Jaji touched the stone pillar of the trunk texture, looking back to Kevin whisper, and the eyes were full of clear and quiet.

Kevin came back to God, overlooking the Ascad who danced to celebrate another victory and sang dance.

"His Royal Highness, the strength of the Asae people grows with age, what is the principle, I am very curious ..."

For some kind of taboo, Kevin does not directly say in the heart, and inquire about some of interest.

The Rieyang star war, he has a new understanding of the civilization system.

The Rich Yang is in the middle of the people, and the emperor is in the Tiangong matrix, with a heart, and attack and defense.

And the power of God of Ododia, what is it? This makes Kevin are very unsubstantial.

Freaka is very taking, and the venks are lighter, inscribed in the Lujun cyberry of the stone pillar, the huge world's beautiful star map is connected to form a tree structure.

With the onion white food finger, the roots are slightly turned, the world trees, the star map, the self-motion, to the branches, and lift up.

The final spot converges in the top of the world, gradually condenses into a similar fruit.

"Want to understand?"

Fuliki sees Kevin's face if it is thoughtful, gentlely got the lip inquiries, some play, and some expectations.

"Is it because of Asae itself?"

Kevin's eyes flashed a shitude of the foggy shine, and he gave a verification while seeing Franki nodded.

Although the nine world is affiliated to different universities, because of the special space law, it is built with each other to form a star field system such as a world tree.

Among them, Asa's affiliates live in the top of the world trees and enjoy the provision of other eight worlds.

Therefore, as the previous spot comes to gather, the free energy of the nine worlds will be passed to the highest level in a similar manner.

Asa's death king, probably assembling the birth of nine world universe essences [fruit].

Therefore, the powerful, key is not in the ASA, but is the region!

Therefore, time is the best catalyst, the longer it live in the fairy, the more powerful.

"You really are very smart ..."

Just one or two, Kevin can see the micro-knowledge, which makes Flijia who can not help but praise.

In a short silence, Flika went down to pick up the fruit of the nine major world star maps, looked at it withered, until it turned into a fingertips.

In the meantime, Kevin seems to see that Flika faces a flanged, she seems to be cumbersome of something.

At the same time, when the fruit is removed, the world tree consisting of the photographing star, and it is rapidly divided until a fire will burn it as ash.

Kevin's intention of Fliki and continuously pushed information on it.

If this thing is symbolizing the Ding, according to the characteristics of everything in the world, the more mature the fruit is ... The distance is not far from the distance? !

Since Chunhua Qiusi, can't escape the natural laws of the four seasons, then the king of the world trees, will there be a day of ending and dying?

Also, what is the reason for last Sol return to the Fairy? Odin caught in a sleep, you need him to go back to host a big overall situation ...

The more and more clear men, think of this, the face gradually downs, hesitate to throw again, reveal the guess in his heart.

"His Royal Highness, is you in the dusk? And, you may ..."


Fuli Jia's face changed, when the decline in the decline, it was clearly shocked to Kevin's answer.

After the god, he left around, determined that no one, the undulating chest was slightly flatted, and the green pupil flicked with complex emotions, and the atmosphere between the two gradually became solidified.

At the same time, Kevin pinched sweat for himself, although there was a rumor of the Nordic mythology of the Nordic mythology.

But after I truly entered the Fairy Palace, I was caught in the carnival. I am afraid that no one will believe that this is the Heaven Azassa, which will be facing the disaster.

What's more, Kevin is still embarrassing from O'Ddine to encounter the future, this is a little boy.

Once the Asaardians of some rectures, I am afraid they will flip their faces on the spot, think that this despicable foreign man is cursing their kings.

However, I don't know why, he is in front of this God, some words are always hiding, and it seems that the lady in front of you has a desire to be tangled.

"Child, this is not your hometown, I know that you have no malicious, but some words, you shouldn't say ..."

"At least, shouldn't be said to you ..."

Fliki reached out and gently pressed in Kevin's shoulders, some words were heavy, and they looked back to the null's scorpion.

Kevin saw this God to cover himself, and he took the advice, and he couldn't help but gratitude.

Suddenly, men slammed into my words in my myths, and Flika appeared in the Nordic mythology with the image of his wife and mother.

At the same time, she is also a propheter that has an unfold prophetic ability, knowing that everything is about to happen, but never leaked himself.

That is to say, even if the myth is not harder, her predictability should be unquestionable.

At this point, in the opening of "Thunder 3", the conversation of Sore and the flame giant has mentioned that he was repeating the dream of being destroyed by Astgard.

Obviously, as Flika's blood, Sol has a predictable ability, inherited from the mother.

After a short silence, Flijia deeply saw Kevin, and the look in the eye became firm, and it seems to date a certain decision.

"In fact, there is a piece of Lianluo and Sore unclear ..."

"In the late late, the power of the Asae people will grow geometric multiple, need a special way to adjust the gap between the body and the growth."

"His Majesty, every year must enter the Odinsleep state,"

"Otherwise, his power will cut, the body will become weak ..."

Kevin frowned, suddenly heard the sound outside the string, and his face could not help but have some ugly.

"Her Majesty sleep, will not be in the near future?"

Fliki nodded, his expression was bitter.

No wonder the "Raytheon 1" frost giants entered the treasure market, they were easily perceived by O'Dezin, and the "Raytheon 2" in the middle and dark elf sneaked into the prison, but did not be aware.

It is no wonder that the drama is killed by the dark elf, and the sorrowful anger is not the first to organize the army, and the enemy is annihilated.

It turned out that this Assassin king is fundamentally weak.

So, including many puzzles in Solo Palace, I will decline.

But at the same time, the situation in such a mountain rain, the crisis of the ASA, can be borne!

Kevin looks at Flijia who wants to say, and gently press on both sides of the temple, show dry.

"Do you have any bad news, let's talk together.

PS: Today's three has been completed, seek recommendations, seek blades, ask for a monthly ticket, and vomit. Tasting three more tomorrow.

The 897th chapter of the 898th chapter is mixed, it is still

After God, the color of the memories, whispered.

"In fact, Your Majesty has been suppressing his own strength, because he has changed, the more people go further ..."

"And when this absorption of nine world free energy is rotten, it means that the world tree is about to die, entering a new round of life and death."

Kevilou looked at the three pieces of three components of the tree crown in the half-air, and the eyes were slightly smoldering.

This is the Shangwuheim, the Warnheim, the Warner, where the Assa's Nazhen is located, the third tribute to the Wanyanheim, the elves.

In theory, the nutrients of trees are transported upwards from the root system, apparently the composition of the nine worlds, and has also created a similar energy matrix.

So, the top three is the most prosperous, but it is like a day, it is like a definition, enjoy too much, and it is necessary to return sooner or later.

Kevin is thinking, just as the tree has a risks, the world that is constituted in this form, it is also necessary to experience spring and summer autumn.

The most obvious affected by the environment is the crown, that is, the so-called top three ...

So, if Odin fell, this declared an end of an era, lost the world tree of fruit, and naturally did not continue to prosper.

Then, the dusk of the gods is probably the winter of this world tree.

At that time, the human world in the trunk, the easter is not finished, and it is difficult to settle up, but the top three is absolutely the most beautiful.

Sure enough, come out, it is still.

Freaki visited the eyes of Kevin to reproduce the Qingming and continued to make a low voice.

"However, the nearest spirit of my majesty is somewhat awkward, the body has been bad, and the power has also begun to appear."

"He is facing, not just the sleep of O'Din."

Immediately, I saw Kevin, I saw Kevin, and I watched to the Golden Palace. The ten fingertips of being wrapped in handkerchief. Silently, the silent film sighed and slowed down.

"The new generation of God king, is about to rise, want to replace it, may plunder the original nutrients ..."

"This is a kind of inheritance, also a fate ..."

"Now the nine national kingdoms, there are smokkers everywhere, now there is now that the dark elf and the flame giant have appeared, I am worried that he will can't help ..."

"Even if there is a battle to add, Sol him is too young ..."

Kevin is floating, and the heart is gradually coming.

Millions of years ago, O'Dean continued to expand, probably hoping to find more star farms that make the world tree root.

Combined with myths, he should shorten your growth cycle as soon as possible, lead the ASA's gods to brilliant, and prepare for the future gods.

But people are not as good as the day calculation, the edge of the cosmic edge, let him stop the expansion, self-contained arms, and turtles in Asae recuperate.

The sequelae of the exclusive expansion has therefore broke out, the frost giant, the dark elf, the flame giant, etc. civilization is all sinned, even the female Wu Shen army ...

and many more! Female Wushen Force! Even the predictions destroyed the flame giant Surtel in Asaard in the game, is that it means that the commander of the female Wushen army should I wake up?

O'Dinsein, that is awake ... Time is too big?

Sol is too young, will not real incentives ...

I haven't resolved it yet, and I have a trouble! Asa is really a hot pit!

Kevin wants to pass a certain joint, the brain is hurting, some regretting himself staying in the Asa gods, and it is not easy to take it.

The man thought of a moment, and the situation in front of her eyes was surging, such as a mess, wrinkled, wrinkled, slightly smile.

"His Royal Highness, this hidden, I am afraid that Solo is unclear, why tell me a single one?"

After God, Fliki stroked the top of Kevin, with a milder like the elders, the eyes of Kevin, such as the vast starry sky, deep and unbreakable.

"Child, I can see the future of Asaard, this should be dark, but since you appear in front of my eyes, the tragedy that has been determined, it has become unknown chaos ..."

What is the ability? Kevin's heart is a little stable, and for Fliki, it also found part of the reason.

"So, do you want me to stay to help Asaard, rewrite the tragedy of the gods dusk?"

However, God, Flijia, but shook his head, looked at the Golden Palace under the watercolor mountain, and the helplessness was helplessly concealed.

"No! I hope that you leave, the sooner, the better, the gods, inevitable ..."

"No more, born to death!"

"Holocaust is coming! Go back to the earth, then it is your main battlefield, we will drag these disasters and give the nine national countries to strive for more preparation time."

"People are dedicated to the gods with faith. At this moment, God should fight for people!"

"Promote me, protect Sol, and the people of Asa, this is my only request ..."

Frega hands pressed on Kevin's shoulder, and the eyes were full of wings and beg.

In the face of this loud answer, Kevin's face is a little solid, and the tight cheeks have a touch.

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