The World Is Very Sick

This world is not light, Chapter 644

Kevin came back to God, and the expression was dignified.

"No, it is our depth in the unnamed fog ..."

"Tianji Wang and Devil Queen can't wait, I plan to hunt the void god of the manifestation, wake up you and this dream in reality."

The angel Yan Qi lip responds, and the tone is serious.

"How is the situation?"

"Not optimistic ..."

Kevin's eyes are slightly smashed, and an inner depth birth of a violent violation, and then the wings have crossed the Caisa and rushed out of the space unit.

The god is the god! You are waiting to be divided into 30,000 copies!

PS: Have an appointment 10,000 words, you leave a message yourself.

There is also, although the dream of dreams, although the people who are asleep, it is not really true, but it is not so easy to eliminate.

Of course, the most wonderful people who wake up into the dream can see all kinds of light monsters, but also need to remain nature.

As a result, it has been played for 30,000 years by a variety of Zi Shi, and someone turned into an eye.

Section 1125, the first thousand seventy-eight chapters angel and devil battlefield

At this time, there is no name, the black and white shadow shuttles, and the various energy beams are interlaced.

"Call the left-wing three squad! Split the summer cover! Split the summer cover!"

"Warning! Warning! Found the gathering reaction! After the insect! Perform a blade trial! Clear the target!"

"No! A group of tank worm giant species, we can't go in!"

Angel Luo is noted that hundreds of beetle comparable to the biological warships are supporting the plastic shield, and the exposed insects will be protected by itself.

The impeller trial of the blade is alone, at least the left and right wing levels, can be done.

Ordinary advanced angels need to use the nearby stars energy.

However, in the unknown fog, the most widely effective light energy in the universe is greatly reduced.

In addition, the Tian Blade trial tends to range attacks, the power is not concentrated, so it is extremely difficult to hit the dry worm.

Over time, I took a second to three squadrons, and I was a suicide assault that was not afraid of a group of self-buys.

Luo Wei scored a sword, and a horror hunter afterwards, one divided into two, and when it was turned to the dark side communication network to explode.

"Transfer Demon 1! Transfer Devil No. 1!"

"Devil No. 1 is received! Dock space coordinates, the worm sniper is already in place!"

"I am being decentralized to pay attention! Sniper sniper!"

Suddenly, the microevere caves open, and the deep swirl quietly suspended the upper end of the insect.


Immediately, a dark beam is transversely foggy, after the crisis is increasing insect, it is obvious to retract back, but it is too late, the skull suddenly blows, bloody and broken bones.


There is no lonreated in the group, and the Summer worm population is sharp, the internal chaos, one of the strong female in the tank, crazy bite, self-discovery.

As a race of God's god, Attartus, once the queen, these insects have elected the way the next ruler is to use the killing and chaos to please their gods.

Therefore, this selection process is often the most cruel and bloody.

In this way, it is reversed to the third squadron.

"The sword of the flame is full!"

"Target area B12, executive Tian blade trial!"

Responsible for lending the angel of the left-wing three squadrons cold, and immediately seized the opportunity, aggregating the stars energy, and the bang sword in his hand, blazing.

Suddenly, the summer covers that were crushed by the light sword, countless deaths, and the querids of the circle were almost burn two-thirds.

This time, Xia Zhizi can be said that the vitality is greatly injured, and it is difficult to recover half of the previous quantity.


"Continue to suddenly, 12.7 light in front of the target, ready to share with the right wing!"

Luo can't compare the inner joy, excitedly swaying in the air, with exciting sounds while passing into the angel and devil's communication channel, obviously in both parties.

The scope of the day blade trial, the precision of the insects sniper tactics, the two are long, and it combines each other to explode an amazing power.

"You are Arno, let's finish this, please drink!"

"OK, I am waiting, don't hang!"

The Devil No. 1, with the high-level devil of the angel commander to the angel commander, touched the residual scars of the chest, and the thoughts pause the moment.

Immediately, the high-level devil named Arno received a new set of emergency signals, and the slightest expectations in the mouth were pressed, and the worm hole opened to the left side.

"The worm hole is opened! The worm hole is opened! Flexible!"

"The Ai force team is ready to retreat, return to the main business to supply!"

"All teams step up the defense! Keep the formation!"

"Seventh sector call at the end of the day!"

"Cover! Cover!"

"Discover gathering! Dangerous intensity rises sharply!"

"Avoid! Avoid!"

"Avoid a bird! Three, four squad, two wings, put the opposite to the big giant worm to play down!"

"Complete the annihilation directive! Complete the annihilation directive!"

"Ai Li requests to come back!"

"Enclose the insect door at A! Create a worm door!"

"Queen needs us! Just assemble! Rush!"

"The seventh brigade is suffering! It is not enough to solve!"

"There is data import! It is an angel! The left-wing cloud squadron!"

"Cheng! Maintain a worm hole! Cooperate to pass! Don't miss the groups!"

"The battle is chaotic, who is now lost!"

The devil commander's eye beads, after the fire, the firearms are automatically deformed, turned to slap the trigger, and the special .. ...

The angel cloud smoke was shaken by blood, shaking the wings, nodded by the filth, the direction of the branch, and then gathered the troops and gathered to the insect door opened to A.

Among the fog, the battle is fierce, and there is constant angel or devil from the queue, falling into a massive void bioactive camp.

Just support for a while, these experiences have experienced high-intensity battle, they are torn by a variety of monsters, flesh and bloody organs, all walking around.

But even so, the angel and the devil do not dare to stay, speed through the insect hole, go to the markup collection.

At the same time, the unnamed fog core zone, thousands of planet wrecks, such as the shells discarded after being emptied, floating miserable.

Some metal rubbish engraved with runes, which can be seen in the space station and the contour of the big machine.


The main cannon bombards in Tianshi 5, the silver white beam passes through.

The impact wave caused by violent energy, abandoned the thick gray cumulus over the planet, was torn, revealing the land of the nearby planet.

Those abandoned planets, vaguely visible wisdom biological activities and traces of construction, under the dispatch, a layer of white bones, laid-bearing mountains, is shocking.

At the same time, the gray fog violently surged, the distilled figure of the dense numbness, from the planet wreck, from the space station, from the depths of the crust, drilled from the void crack, flocked to this.

On the No. 5th, He Xi looked at the center of the planet, and the diameter cracked dozens of light-aged twisted space fault belt, the eyebrow tightened.

The information contained by the Zagu family is probably the mouth of void organisms.

It's been 30 days, and the Caisa still doesn't wake, maybe I can only throw, and give the empty god god of the dream of the dream!

Nothing to say! let's go!

Tianji Wang is lazy and light, it is cold, and it will make a thunderous concession.

Three thousand door rune matroons, suddenly roars, angel's flame beam, devil's dark energy manipulation, mixed, thick and viscous gray fog, is passed through.

Suddenly, one of the abandoned planets, detonated disintegration, and left the void organism, and fry it into a fragment.


However, with the shaking of the space break, two huge shadows, squeezing the gap, turning the thousands of eyes in the body surface, and the evil is staring at this unhappy guest.

Double Wing Sphiny Wheasant - Non God! Shape is a creep green meat, the center has a red giant eye - liven!

There are two king-level void gods to appear!

Mo Ganna appeared on the Tianyi No. 5, pumping a breath and dignifies.

PS: I don't know how the stars have a war, the expression of the sci-fi war can only do this.

Section 1126 The first thousand seventy-nine chapters take off your pants to bite me?


In the sharp explosion, the rear steel wings of Mo Ganna, along with their own demon, is strongly impact wave shock.

At the same time, the spirit of the Chinese fascinating spirit shocked, the devil queen, the mind, the headache, the scene, the scene, suddenly white.


Waiting until she broke freewheel, thoughts, suddenly saw a round of extension sights, the horizontal gear was cut off at her, and the tattoo of the lived.

However, it is because of the distracted assistance of He Xi, causing a vulnerability in her defense system.

Three primary gods, more than ten real gods, Montenegro, rushing to the King of the King, with a bit bite.

"Attack! Execute an annihilation directive!"

"Right wing cut! Guarantee the Queen of He Xi!"

Number Angel formation leaps from the first-wing defender angel, jumping from the Tianyi No. 5, responsible for welcoming the void organisms around the surrounding star field.

"Upper up! Solve the ones on the left!"

"Open the net red dust! Tighten the calculation of the void biological track! Don't miss one!"

Almost at the same time, the sword magic Aokos led the elite, building a defense, and the terrorist hunter of the other side, the essence, etc., and hit together.

However, after all, He Xi is a part of the form. The power can achieve, this is insufficient, so the crisis has not been eliminated.

The unconsciously distorted head, changing an angry side.

Immediately, thousands of huge giants, the energy impact bundle of similar sound waves.

In the moment, sharp and high whispered, straight into the brain, let the Tianshu Wang Hexi before the green gluten riped, and the blood is overflowed in seven.

Then, with the blending of the lids spread the miserable green tentacles, cross-shaking, rotting and withered taste spread on the wrist.

"Each team covers me!"

"Start the void engine! Enter the concept to fight!"

"Master, support!"

The right-wing guard is released, and the shocking bright silver is separated from the formation, and the tentacle that gathers in the group is inserted.

But all around the miserable green blood, flying quickly, and rendering the surrounding fog, rendering the strange colors.

Slow, weakness, numbness, sight, etc. Negative state, then disgusting sickness, let the lying angel engine, have passed the sorrow.

Obviously, the followers are the spiritual spirit of the Black Goat, which is mastered to destroy and rot.


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