I didn't see the sun when I went out today. The sky had been gloomy for a long time, and finally it started to rain... a light drizzle.

Feeling the moisture floating on his face, he raised his head and glanced up. In the spirit of working hard and leaving early, Wang Yan worked hard.

"Wang Yan...Wang Dashan..."

The shouts coming from not far away attracted the attention of the two men. They both put down their work, clapped their hands and stood up.

The team leader came closer and said, "You two pack up and stop working. The foreman is looking for you two."

Wang Dashan asked strangely: "Team leader, do you know what the foreman wants from us?"

After looking at Wang Yan, the team leader said, "Zhao Jiaqing took a few people to find the foreman. I don't know the details. You will know when you go there. Okay, you two pack your things and leave quickly. Don't let The foreman has been waiting for too long, I’ll leave first.”

Wang Yan nodded: "Okay, thank you, team leader."

The team leader waved his hand without saying anything more, turned around and walked away quickly.

Wang Dashan glanced at Wang Yan, turned around and went back to pack his things, and at the same time said loudly: "Do you think it's because of the card game?"

Needless to say? For sure. They can't come up with so much money, and they don't want to give them a house, so they can't do enough. The only thing they can do is probably of some use.

Wang Yan also squatted on the ground and packed his things: "Why are you thinking so much? Just pack it up quickly."

Sighing, Wang Dashan said nothing and sped up the movements of his hands.


The two walked quickly outside the foreman's office. After Wang Dashan calmed down his breathing, Wang Yan knocked on the wooden door with "bang...bang...bang...".


Hearing the sound from inside the door, Wang Yan pushed the door open and walked in. Wang Dashan behind him followed and closed the door.

Ignoring Zhao Jiaqing and others standing aside, Wang Yan approached and said, "Foreman, are you looking for me?"

The foreman stood up with a smile and patted Wang Yan on the shoulder: "Here you go, don't be restrained. Come and sit." As he said this, he gestured for the two of them to sit on the stools at the back.

"Thank you, foreman."

The two thanked each other and sat down on the stools.

The foreman glared at Zhao Jiaqing and shouted softly: "What are you doing standing still? Go get some water..."

"Ah? Oh, oh... pour water, pour water now." Zhao Jiaqing reacted and quickly walked to the side and picked up the kettle.

Seeing him like this, the factory turned around and smiled: "How are you two? How are you doing at work recently?"

Wang Yan nodded: "Thank you, Chief Engineer, for your concern. It's okay."

Wang Dashan on the side also nodded in agreement.

The foreman took the hot water handed over by Zhao Jiaqing: "Are there any problems in life? You can speak freely and speak up if you have any difficulties. We are all good comrades who are building the country, and we will definitely not sit idly by in the organization, including me. I will also do my best to help you."

Before Wang Yan could speak, Wang Dashan quickly said: "There's really no problem. Don't worry, foreman."

Smiling and nodding, the foreman looked at Wang Yan.

Wang Yan said: "Thank you, foreman. There is no problem in life. Everything is fine." As he spoke, he took the glass of water handed over by Zhao Jiaqing.

"That's good, that's good." Glancing at Zhao Jiaqing's back, the foreman took a sip of water: "Zhao Jiaqing and the others told me everything..."

After pondering for a while and looking at Wang Yan, the foreman continued: "I think we can discuss this matter. It is not easy, and it is not necessary for Zhao Jiaqing and others to sell their houses to pay off their debts. You should be held accountable for your behavior. , a group of people can’t get away with gambling, there’s no need to make such a big fuss. Let’s sit down and have a good talk. This will be good for you, for me, and for the workers of our entire section of the road. What do you think? , Wang Yan?"

He didn't show his identity and said forget about this or that, because it wasn't easy to do, and Zhao Jiaqing didn't have that much face. Yes, he is a leader, but how stupid is a leader? Fewer leaders are being beaten? Why doesn't it hurt if you hit me? He knew that Zhao Jiaqing had found people to besiege Wang Yan. Just look at the looks of Zhao Jiaqing and others. He couldn't bear it if Wang Yan was offended.

Upon hearing this, Wang Dashan secretly pulled the corner of Wang Yan's clothes and winked at him. The leader had already spoken, so he thought it would be fine to just let it go. Since Wang Yan bought so many things at noon, he knew he would definitely win a lot. Just don’t ask for a bicycle, that’s pretty much it.

After glancing at Wang Dashan who kept blinking, Wang Yan turned back to the foreman: "What does the foreman think should be done?"

The foreman pondered for a moment: "It's only natural to pay back debts. It's just that everyone bows his head but doesn't raise his head to see each other, so there is some sympathy. Why not let them raise as much money as possible, as much as possible..."

Seeing Wang Yan staring directly at him, the foreman felt a little guilty. After all, Zhao Jiaqing and the others are nothing, and if they don't admit their defeat, it's two different things. If Wang Yan hadn't been strong enough, it's hard to say what the consequences would be. Now I am asking him, the leader, to come over and make peace, which is a bit bullying.

After finishing speaking forcefully, the foreman asked: "Do you think... can it be done?"

Looking at Zhao Jiaqing and others who were holding their breath, Wang Yan said with a smile: "The foreman has already spoken, what else can I say. In this way, if they come up with five thousand, this matter will be over."

He had expected this result. Facing such a powerful creditor like him, they didn't have many choices left. Either go all out and beat him to death and be done with it, or admit it. As for calling the police for gambling, it's not as serious as shooting, and it will come out no matter how long it takes. They have brains and are not stupid. And he didn't intend to force them to death, so he simply let them go.

"Foreman, we..." Upon hearing this, Zhao Jiaqing opened his mouth anxiously and wanted to speak. It would be great if you can come up with five hundred, but where can you get five thousand?

The smile on the foreman's face froze, and he changed his face and shouted: "Shut up. Wang Yan has already given in so much, what else do you want? Do you still have me as the foreman in your eyes? Huh?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Wang Yan next to him. Seeing him drinking water quietly without looking at him, he knew that his thoughts were in vain.

Putting on a smile again, the foreman looked directly at Wang Yan: "Okay, as you said, five thousand. But can you extend it for some time? You also know their situation. In this way... one week, they will give you the money after one week. , five thousand yuan is not bad at all.”

Wang Yan nodded: "Okay, that's it."

"Okay. You two have been working very hard recently. Just go back early today. I don't count your early departure."

"Thank you, foreman, let's go first..." Wang Yan stood up and said politely.

The foreman waved his hand and said with a smile: "Go and have a good rest."

After walking out the door, Wang Dashan grinned and walked briskly: "It seems that everything is fine. I'm not telling you, Wang Yan, don't be so reckless in future things. Fortunately, the foreman acted as the intermediary. We really want to thank the foreman. If Zhao Jiaqing and the others are desperate and fight you, what will you do if something happens?"


If he confiscated the money, Wang Yan could eat the railroad tracks. What qualifications do Zhao Jiaqing have to stand up to the foreman? Forget about the high-sounding words of uniting comrades and avoiding influence, they might still lose their houses. With Wang Yan being so fierce, the foreman would dare to criticize him, not to mention the useless Zhao Jiaqings, who were designated to be controlled to death.

Wang Yan laughed and boasted: "Forget it, what are they? Are they desperate? I'll give them three moves."

"But you made a lot of money this time? Liu Jinhu's five thousand, and now it's five thousand, which has become a ten thousand yuan household. But... do you really want Liu Jinhu's money?"

"You are just worrying about it. Don't even think about it. If Liu Jinhu really wants to cause trouble, will Zhao Jiaqing and the others still need to find the foreman?" Wang Yan said with a smile: "Stop thinking about it, let's go quickly. I can't bear to think about all the meat." If you're hungry, go back and let your wife cook."

Wang Dashan thought so logically, rubbed his belly, and followed quickly with a smile.


Luo Yuzhu wrapped the tea eggs and handed them over, then collected the money with one hand: "Four cents, just right."


"Hey, haha." Wang Dashan happily stepped forward and hugged Wang Xu, who was running over with an apple in his hands, and patted his rear: "Call someone."

"Hello, uncle." Wang Xu called Wang Yan next to him.

Wang Yan smiled and rubbed his head: "Okay, so are you." Looking at the tiger-headed child in front of him, Wang Yan's mind flashed to what he would look like when he grew up, um... more mature?

"Why are you two back so early?"

Luo Yuzhu looked at the two of them, walked around her tricycle and took two steps closer, and asked strangely.

Glancing at Wang Yan next to him, Wang Dashan said: "The foreman has spoken, asking us two to go home early and have a good rest. Okay, let's talk about it when we get back. Wang Yan has been shouting all the way, so tell me too. If you’re hungry, let’s close the stall first.”

Luo Yuzhu didn't ask any more questions, turned around and started packing her things.

Even adults are greedy, they just have to control themselves. There was no business before, so she idly looked through the things Wang Yan bought. To be honest, the seats for the waiters were not so generous, so she had already arranged everything.

"You come down first, dad goes to help mom."

After leaving Wang Xu, Wang Dashan helped Luo Yuzhu to close the stall.

Wang Yan rode a tricycle and followed Wang Dashan's family of three chatting and laughing back to their hut beside the railway.

After returning home and letting the children play by themselves, the three of them sat on the pony and gathered around to choose vegetables and chatted.

"Da Shan told me yesterday that you went to play cards with Zhao Jiaqing and the others. Seeing that you bought so many things, you must have won a lot, so there is no trouble, right?"

It's not surprising that Luo Yuzhu can think of these things. It's human nature to treat others the same way as oneself. In addition, her father is an old gambler. He heard that there is a life-threatening person who really jumped over the wall and tried to kill everything.

Wang Yan smiled: "What trouble can there be? Just accept it if you lose. It'll be fine."

Wang Dashan on the side was afraid that Luo Yuzhu would ask questions. Knowing that the two of them were besieged by a large group of people at noon, he quickly changed the subject: "He has taken care of everything, there is no problem. By the way, how is the business today?" ?”

After taking a look at Wang Dashan, Luo Yuzhu was relatively familiar with him and was not good at telling lies. Seeing that his face looked unnatural, he knew that something was definitely wrong. Thinking that it was not convenient for Wang Yan to talk here, she didn't continue to ask questions and turned around to talk about the business she wanted to do most.

"It's not that good. Our place is a bit small, and there aren't many people at the station. We can't sell much in a day's work. Dashan, I still think business in the city is easier. Don't you, Wang Yan?"

Wang Yan knows these things well. There is indeed not a lot of traffic outside the station, but there are only a few stalls outside, so Luo Yuzhu makes a lot of money. It is no exaggeration to say that you can easily sell dozens of yuan a day. It's just that all the ideas in Luo Yuzhu's head were bound to the stall at the entrance of the station and had no place to display them.

Without waiting for him to speak to Ben, Wang Dashan stopped and said, "Yuzhu... I think it's better to wait. It's not too late to wait until my son is older..."

Knowing that this was the case, Luo Yuzhu rolled his eyes and turned to seek support: "Wang Yan, what do you think?"

Regarding the couple's affairs, Wang Yan and Wang Dashan couldn't talk about it alone. Of course, it didn't matter if they were on good terms. Now if he openly supports Luo Yuzhu, what will he become?

Wang Yan nodded: "There is indeed a problem. You have to make money as early as possible. Opportunities are limited. It is a good idea to go to the city to do business. Now that the country is vigorously reforming, there are opportunities. If it is too late, In the future, when there are people in many fields, it will be difficult to make a lot of money.”

Luo Yuzhu received support and beamed. Wang Dashan's face looks ugly. He can't stop him, but you are here to seduce her, you idiot?

Before Luo Yuzhu could speak, Wang Yan changed the subject: "Of course, the problem of children is indeed difficult to solve. When you go to the city to do business, it will be inconvenient to bring children with you, and it is easy to be careless. And what's more, your business No one can say whether it will go well or not. He works on the railway, and his income is stable. It is a guarantee, and he cannot resign easily. The child is still so young, he cannot live without others, and he has no elders to help him, so it is difficult..."

Wang Yan shook his head and sighed...

It's a lot of nonsense, it's better not to say it. Glancing at Wang Yan angrily, Luo Yuzhu greeted: "Okay, okay, don't talk about this. You two move faster, my son is so hungry that he is wilting, isn't it, son?"

Wang Xu, who was rolling around in boredom on the bed, suddenly started cooking: "Well, I'm hungry. Let's cook quickly."

"You brat, I heard what your mother said. Your mouth hasn't been idle all afternoon. Are you hungry now?"

Wang Xu chuckled and didn't answer. He continued to roll around as if Quan didn't hear him.

Looking at the happy family of three, Wang Yan smiled and lowered his head to choose vegetables.

Zhao Jiaqing was subdued by him and had no money to go out to play. Then it is impossible for Zhao Jiaqing to continue to come here to find Wang Dashan to take over his job. As long as he doesn't mess up, Wang Dashan will not die. The corresponding thing is that Luo Yuzhu will not continue to be in a relationship with Chen Jianghe. Therefore, if Yang Xue, a good girl, gets entangled with Chen Jianghe, that's basically it.

The only problem may be that Yang Xue, a rich girl with considerable wealth and a good life, has a pride and a desire for control that have been cultivated by her smooth life since she was a child, which will cause some trouble in their life together. But Wang Yan believed that Chen Jianghe was not a vegetarian. After all, he had a lot of travel experience, so he should be able to handle this problem.

As for Luo Yuzhu and Chen Jianghe, who loved each other deeply, he could only say sorry. There are so many regrets in life. Not being able to love is a problem, but it is definitely not a big problem. Who doesn’t have a person in his heart?

Moreover, Chen Jianghe had already seen Luo Yuzhu's happy life and was prepared. It was time for Yang Xue to meet him and fall in love with Chen Jianghe's humor, frankness, and openness.

After dinner, Wang Yan was full of wine and food, so he said goodbye and went home.

The light rain was still falling from the sky, the visibility was very low in the gray sky, and there were no street lights so I couldn't enjoy the scenery. Wang Yan mostly walked on the road, all the way back to his two-story building.

After boiling water to wash up and reading for a while, Wang Yan lay on the bed and fell asleep.

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