As Wang Yan and Han Qi said, managing Kaifeng Mansion is nothing more than training troops, clearing land, checking people, and collecting business taxes. Once these four things are completed, Kaifeng Mansion will basically be turned upside down.

Others can't do it because they are not capable enough and cannot distinguish between loyal and traitorous people, and because they are too timid to offend the rich and powerful people in Kaifeng Mansion.

Wang Yan is different, he does things within the law, and there is no way to defeat him based on the rules. He can fight and run himself, and no one can kill him. As long as he gets on stage, it doesn't take long for everyone to be united, and others can't do anything to him. Just like he could come back from the northwest, he didn't want to come back and no one could make him come back.

This is the foundation of his career as a king.

Of course, all kinds of work cannot be carried out smoothly. There are always people who are greedy for money, and there are always people who are desperate for their lives. So we have to do it hard, and we have to rely on punishment, prison, and lawsuits to bring people to justice. In general, military training and other matters are the purpose, and acting in accordance with the law is the means.

The purpose of training troops is to suppress the local area. Although there are forbidden troops in the capital, Kaifeng Prefecture still has an establishment of 8,000 troops. In the past many years, Wang Yan's method of reforming the Xiang army was followed, and the troops were eliminated and separated from the soldiers and workers.

But obviously, what Wang Yan did was not simply separation and elimination. He laid off people by dividing their land, and separated craftsmen to improve their salaries. It can be said that there are a lot of projects to be done. If the arrangements are not made properly, then it will just be a simple separation, just transferring the people who eat in the Xiang Army to the Gong Cao, which is obviously not possible.

So I still need to edit it some more. You don’t need to practice a lot to be able to fight, just don’t overwhelm them. After all, they are wearing armor, armed with bows and crossbows, and they have a numerical advantage. No matter how powerful a wealthy family is, they will not escape death. They will either be hacked to death with random knives or be killed by thousands of people. Arrow pierces the heart.

Even the Xunyuan Yamen also needs to be reorganized. Some people in leadership positions are tired of their work, so he needs to clean up.

As for the remaining tasks of clearing land, checking people, and collecting business taxes, Wang Yan is familiar with these things. He has no shortage of soldiers, no shortage of grassroots clerks, and no shortage of people who can check accounts.

Because he directly stopped the classes at the Imperial Academy and the Military Academy, and asked the supervisors to clear fields, check people, and check accounts everywhere. He asked the grassroots officers of this period of the Military Academy to serve as the grassroots officers of the Xiang Army, leading the Xiang Army and the Inspection Academy. The patrol officers patrolled the designated areas together. Those who commit crimes will be arrested directly, those who violently resist will be killed, and those who do not cooperate with the government will have their homes ransacked.

It took more than ten years for Kaifeng Mansion to recover and become more prosperous. However, it took less than two months for Kaifeng Mansion to be killed by Wang Yan. A large number of shops were sealed and a large number of relevant personnel stopped working.

But they didn't lose their jobs, because they just couldn't sell the goods, but they continued to produce and their wages were paid. No one cared whether the host's family was still alive or not.

As for the overall social situation, it is certainly better. There were even more people active on the streets. Everyone knows that Wang Yan is the one who makes decisions for the people.

Prices of various commodities remain stable, without any fluctuations. There is no bad impact except that business activities have been hit. The people in Kaifeng even praised Zhao Shu, saying that Zhao Shu was a good emperor and let good officials make decisions for the people.

At the beginning, some people would praise Wang Yan. Besides praising Wang Yan, they would also like Zhao Shu. But as time passed, the voice of "Zhao Shu is a good emperor" became more and more popular. Instead, it became a situation where the emperor was praised first and then the king was praised.

Of course Wang Yan sent people to guide this situation. How could he be better than the emperor? That's what's wrong with him. Even in the northwest, he has always emphasized that it was Zhao Zhen's trust that allowed him to achieve what he did at that time.

Today is no exception, not to mention that Zhao Shu is still the one who re-employs him, giving Zhao Shu a sense of what the people want, leaving Zhao Shu confused.

Zhao Shu was really confused. His favorite thing to do was to send people to inquire about people's affairs. He even went out of Da Nei incognito a few times and visited Bianjing City. He was instantly satisfied and felt that he had less headaches. A lot.

After taking the throne, he has deeply felt that it is not easy to be an emperor. He wants to be a good emperor and establish greater achievements than Zhao Zhen, which is naturally more difficult.

Especially when he put Wang Yan in power, it was even more difficult.

There is a lot of discussion in the court and localities about Wang Yan's ascension to the throne. Because Wang Yan's house raids are no longer limited to Kaifeng Mansion. After all, the people here are all big families and they are widely involved. Wang Yan directly sent a letter to the local government and asked the local officials to raid their houses and seize people. If the local officials don't do it, Wang Yan will collect evidence of their crimes, impeach them, and then raid their homes. This blow will be too broad and he can't bear it.

In a short period of time, Zhao Shu felt in the court that the Song Dynasty was in turmoil and there was a hint of the end of the country. But when he left Ouchi and took a look at the situation in the city, his back suddenly became stiff.

Returning to the court, he continued to hold on to power and continued to make personnel adjustments.

In fact, even if he was really in trouble, Zhao Shu would not be able to kick Wang Yan out of the capital. Instead, he would have to rely on Wang Yan's ability to rebuild the Zhao Song Dynasty. What's more, it's all an illusion now. The Song Dynasty's army is at its peak, hundreds of thousands of troops have not been transferred back yet, and the national treasury has countless money and food. This is the confidence.

And there is another very important point, that is, Zhao Shu has been in power for too short a time and has too little power in his hands. He can now keep his word, and Wang Yan is supporting him.

Just like when Wang Yan was in Kaifeng Mansion, he kept his word because the Inspectorate Office listened to him, and there were also his old subordinates in other positions. These people listened to him, and his power was extended. Instead of having a back and forth power struggle with various officials. Now anyone who disobeys will be punished. The same goes for Zhao Shu.

Wang Yan was in charge of the Kaifeng Mansion. If anyone disobeyed, Zhao Shu would deal with it directly. He is in the position of having the right to know the affairs of Kaifeng Mansion, which is enough for Zhao Shu to perform...

The last time he served as the military inspector, he was kicked out of the capital. This time, no one could kick Wang Yan out again.

With the steady progress of various tasks, the discovered fields and population have skyrocketed. As for commercial taxes, a considerable part of them have been inspected by Wang Yan, which is not very difficult. As for those who were not inspected, they were fined a large amount of money.

He even involved the royal family, and no one ran away.

A large amount of money and food was received in Kaifeng Mansion, and before the Third Division came to snatch the money from him, he started various projects directly. The construction and maintenance of land roads in Kaifeng Prefecture, the dredging of waterways, the construction of ports, the construction of various water conservancy facilities, the welfare of the orphans and orphans, the welfare of the orphans, helping the people who own their own land, lending them money, and They plant the land, buy cattle in large quantities, smelt steel and other things.

Such things, one after another, all requiring a large amount of money and food to support, were unfolded, but they were not able to use up the money and food. This shows the wealth of the powerful people in Kaifeng Mansion.

Some money was symbolically handed over, and the remaining part was reserved for emergencies. Some of it was used to improve the salary and food of the officials in Kaifeng Prefecture, and the other part was used for urban reconstruction of various cities.

This was done last because compared to the current conditions of people, it is not actually necessary to transform the city. Now that I have some extravagant wealth, I just spend it. It is reasonable and reasonable to take it from the powerful people of Kaifeng Prefecture and use it for the common people of Kaifeng Prefecture.

Moreover, urban reconstruction is a long-term major project that can boost various indicators and make the economy more prosperous. People can earn more money by working hard. He actually hired people to work, and also stipulated the minimum salary for working in Kaifeng Mansion. No matter what kind of job you do, you must earn at least that amount of money. If you dare to miss a penny, it will be miserable.

In addition, there is another very important problem, that is, human trafficking and the existence of slaves, which is quite bad. Because although some of the people who were sold were unwilling to survive, there were also people who were caught and kidnapped.

For domestic servants who sold themselves, wealthy families often beat and scolded them. Even if they were beaten and killed, there would be no problem. They would only be fined a small amount of money. This kind of thing is really not good.

However, the level of this issue is relatively high and the relevance is relatively wide. After all, if the people can survive, how can they sell their sons and daughters? If we don't solve the problem at the source and just blindly prevent people from buying and selling people, the result will be that the trading of people will turn from bright to dark, and the price will continue to rise with the intensity of the crackdown. On the contrary, the industry of buying and selling people may develop better.

Just as Fan Zhongyan and others always advised Wang Yan, things should be done step by step and not in a hurry. Although Wang Yan did everything he did step by step, there is nothing wrong with his words.

Therefore, Wang Yan did not crack down on human trafficking, nor did he abolish slavery. But Ren Yazi was beaten to death a lot, and that was not his intention, but the aftermath of clearing land, investigating people, and collecting business taxes, all of which were implicated.

However, in order to deal with human trafficking and protect the human rights of slaves, Wang Yan set two requirements.

The first point is that all people who are bought and sold must have clear and verifiable household registration information, and they must also be asked whether they are willing to do so. Of course there will be fake ones, but as long as they are truly investigated and killed, they can be of great use. Even if it's only used a little bit, it's better than nothing.

The second point is to register all the slaves in Kaifeng Mansion. Logically speaking, slave status is also a status, and if you have a slave status, you will be registered. But obviously, if this is true, then the world will be too harmonious. .

Not only registration, Wang Yan's minimum wage is also applicable. Selling one's body means selling one's body, but one's personality is still protected. Any bad behavior such as deducting wages, beating or scolding for no reason, or even beating to death will be punished, even to death.

Of course, things could not be smooth sailing. There were countless overt and covert confrontations, and there was no accurate data on the number of people who died. Wang Yan suffered four more assassinations, one poisoning, one arson, one close assassination, and one distant chaos. Killed by arrows, they all narrowly escaped.

His family is safe, and everyone understands that as long as Wang Yan is not killed, it will be of no use. Because Wang Yan was in his prime and had no shortage of wives and children. If you really want to kill Wang Yan's family and make Wang Yan crazy, their fate will only be worse. Ling Chi will take it lightly. Now Wang Yan has imposed more punishments, and has invited officials from the DPRK and China to watch the executions, which are quite brutal.

No matter what, this time all the policies Wang Yan implemented in Kaifeng Mansion were being implemented, and nothing could stop Wang Yan's reform. Even with his current power, he has started tax reform in Kaifeng Prefecture. Based on the previous work of Fan Zhongyan and others, various miscellaneous taxes were further reduced and implemented first in Kaifeng Prefecture.

Two years have passed, and Wang Yan's management of Kaifeng Mansion can be seen with the naked eye.

The roads are wider and better, the waterways are also wider, and the waterways have been improved to be more reasonable, and the materials supporting Bianjing are running more smoothly. The streets have been renovated and widened, making walking more comfortable. On the imperial street, there is a twelve zodiac sign made entirely of copper and about two meters high.

The market was planned and all surrounding houses were demolished, expanding the size of the market in the city and making it more prosperous. In the counties near Bianjing, many factories were built to produce various materials.

There are more schools than before, and there is even an extra library in each county in Kaifeng Prefecture, full of books. The officials have become darker and thinner, but their spirits are better.

The common people are naturally the biggest beneficiaries. After two years, all common people with land will have surplus food at home. Many people have been given seeds of sweet potatoes, potatoes and other crops at home and have been planting them for a year.

The harvest is large, much higher than the yield of traditional grains. In the third year, the people saved the seeds and planted some themselves. This is exponential growth, and it will get better over time.

It is impossible to wait until the cultivated yield per acre is exaggerated before starting to promote planting. It is about nurturing and planting at the same time, and constantly improving. Currently, families who grow potatoes and sweet potatoes are being given livestock and poultry by the government. With their food surplus, they naturally began to raise meat.

The people of Kaifeng Prefecture feel like it's the Chinese New Year every day in the past two years. They have less taxes, more income, and no one bullies them. This was something they never dared to dream about before, but now it has actually come true.

Compared to the common people, the emperor and various ministers were more surprised.

They have long known that Wang Yan is awesome, but many of them have not been to the places where Wang Yan has governed and have no real experience. There was only one person in Hangzhou who paid money to the court. The rest, what they saw was how cruel Wang Yan was to punish people, and they had no intuitive concept.

This time they saw that despite their hindrance, Wang Yan used two years to manage Kaifeng Mansion with a completely new look, which blinded them.

But those who should oppose reform are still opposed to reform. No one wants to have a knife on themselves. This is the wealth accumulated over generations, and it is also the wealth that generations have been accustomed to earning. No one can bear the sudden decrease.

But Zhao Shu couldn't bear it, he couldn't bear it too much. In two years, he consolidated power. To be honest, he is no worse than Taizu and Taizong in controlling the country. Of course, there is a prerequisite for that, that is, Wang Yan must listen to him.

Zhao Shu did not doubt Wang Yan's sincerity, because he believed in Wang Yan very much because of the matter in the northwest, and was secretly happy for Wang Yan's loyalty.

He really didn't understand why Zhao Zhen suppressed Wang Yan and prevented Wang Yan from taking the position. If Wang Yan came to power early, what level would the Song Dynasty be in?

But it doesn't matter, he will let Wang Yan take over.

In the spring of the third year of Zhiping (1068), Zhao Shu decided to wipe out the barbarians in Lingnan, transferred Han Qi to the south to lead the war, worshiped Ouyang Xiu as prime minister, and promoted Wang Yan to participate in political affairs.

Wang Yan was promoted and became the king, the hero of promoting loyalty and assisting in luck, the doctor of Yinqing Guanglu, the right pusher, the Pingzhangshi under the Tongzhongshu family, the deputy minister of political affairs, the bachelor of Jixian Palace, the supervisor of the history of the country, and the pillars. The founding father of Guangling County in Guangzhou granted 3,000 households in the city and 1,500 households in Shishi. He was given a purple gold fish bag and said that his official position was extended.

You can tell by looking at his official position that he is not one of the many "involved in political affairs" because he has the two official positions of "Tongzhongshumenxiapingzhangshi" and "Jixiandian Bachelor", which are the hallmarks of a prime minister. match. In name, he is the Vice Minister of Literature.

But in fact, everyone knows that he is the prime minister.

Wang Yan once again expressed his determination at the court meeting and was proud of his ministers.

After the dynasty was over, Wang Yan followed Ouyang Xiu and others back to the Political Hall. Zhao Shu sat high, Ouyang Xiu followed, and Wang Yan came again. This time, it’s not about age, but about official position.

"Wang Qing has always wanted to smear the country of the Song Dynasty, and now he finally got what he wanted..." Zhao Shu smiled and stretched out his hand to indicate that Wang Yan would preside over the small meeting.

Wang Yan raised his hand and said, "It's all due to the trust of the officials. I'm terrified in my heart, lest I make a mistake and mislead the Song Dynasty."

"Wang Qing is humble. Stop chatting and let's start the discussion."

"To govern a country, you must first govern people, and to reform laws, you must first change officials. Today, the implementation of new laws across the country is not like that of Kaifeng Prefecture. People must be employed to supervise various places to prevent local collusion and resistance to the imperial court. So the first thing today is, I want to find some suitable people. What do you think?"

"Just tell me whoever the Prime Minister wants to transfer to the capital." Fu Bi laughed at the side.

"I like to speak directly because I'm afraid that you guys have been too gentle for a long time and won't get used to it." Wang Yan smiled, took out a list from his sleeve and handed it to Zhao Shu. He said, "Wang Anshi, Feng Jing, Fan Chunren , Fan Chunli, Ouyang Fa, Zhang Dun, Lu Huiqing...Zhonge, Zhang Da...etc. are all capable, capable ministers and officials, and the country's fierce generals can be our pioneers and supervise the implementation of the new law..."

The first thing to do when taking office is naturally to eliminate dissidents and purge the court. If Wang Yan puts his own people in various positions, then of course he will be successful.

But it is impossible to win all the key positions. Not to mention the factional interests of the ministers, even Zhao Shu is not willing. After all, that would really make Wang Yan inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. Imperial Quan, what if Wang Yan becomes cold and there are caring subordinates to approve the clothes?

So in this day's meeting, everyone didn't discuss anything else, and all the work was put down, just to fight for various positions. Of course, it was others who fought with Wang Yan.

Wang Yan took two steps back appropriately, then turned around and dealt with them one by one. The main thing was to arrange his people first.

As for other reforms, there are established examples and they can be implemented directly. Nothing more than more water transportation, salt and iron, etc. When he ascends to power, his purpose is to kill.

There is consensus.

From ancient times to the present Zhiping period, the powerful ministers, reform ministers, and cruel officials of all dynasties did not end well.

Wang Yan had gathered all the elements and was involved in all military and political affairs. He even directly mobilized most of the Western Army and Northern Army to go south. Otherwise, how could he have brought out Zhong E and others.

He wanted to forcefully implement various policies and suppress those who were not convinced by the army. At the same time, he also carried out more detailed reforms of the army...

He came to power. For Zhao Shu and others, it was just the beginning, but for him, it was already over...

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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