Wang Yan knew Ye Shang and Ye Fang.

Because they were Ye Zhenzhen's cousins, both of them were developing in Shanghai, and they looked after Ye Zhenzhen. They were the ones who investigated Lucy.

So now that these two people appeared in front of him, the reason was clear. Ye Zhenzhen must have communicated with his family yesterday and told them about his affairs. Ye Zhenzhen's parents listened to it, and they learned about it first, so they naturally assigned this task to Ye Shang and Ye Fang.

In the modern online world, people have almost no secrets. Some of his information is also publicly available, and the undisclosed information can be found by asking around with the relationship of Ye Zhenzhen's family.

Wang Yan estimated that it might be because he heard that his private equity fund had good performance, so he decided to invest some money on a whim. He also met him and learned about it in person.

Ye Zhenzhen's family has two mines, but it is definitely not just two mines. Seeking expansion, having bigger industries, and stronger influence, this is inevitable after having capital. The Ye family is in a relatively healthy situation, and it is normal to seek asset growth in many ways.

Wang Yan smiled and gave the two people a cigarette, and asked with a smile: "I wonder if you two have any concerns?"

"We have also heard of Mr. Wang's name, and we feel quite curious. We heard that Mr. Wang is the same age as us, but he has made such a career. It just so happens that Mr. Wang is in the company, so we want to meet him. There is definitely no concern. Mr. Wang's fund performance is good, that is famous. It's just that the threshold is relatively high, and many people can't get in. If it were a million to enter, I'm afraid Mr. Wang's asset management scale would have exceeded 10 billion long ago."

The speaker was Ye Shang, the tall and thin one, who was the one in charge.

"This is also a screening process. It's not good to have too many people. As for the fund size, it's just a nice word. No one will choose a fund company because of the large scale of fund management. Only when the performance is good and everyone makes money, it's really good. The management fee is indeed a large amount, but I hope to earn more dividends from the profits."

"Mr. Wang is quick to speak and speaks the truth. We also heard that Mr. Wang's performance is good, so we ran here early in the morning. The economic situation in recent years has not been good. It's not easy to do business in the real economy, and we don't understand other industries. The money is put in The devaluation in the bank is a headache just thinking about it. "

"So you two are in the real economy? What kind of business?"

"Import and export, to make a living. Mr. Wang is also clear about the world situation in the past two years. It's not easy to do."

"Changes in the world situation are most directly reflected in the financial market. My fund company's performance is okay at present, but there is no business that is guaranteed to make a profit. No one can win all the time. There will always be a time to lose. You two should still have a number in mind."

"Of course, we are most confident in leaving it to Mr. Wang's company."

"Then we will strive to outperform the market and live up to your expectations. trust." Wang Yan waved his hand, "Sign the contract with the two gentlemen and transfer the money to the account within a week. At that time, our company will create a group chat with the two of you, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual reports, all of which will be available, and there will be some gifts during the New Year. Occasionally, we may organize some activities, and we will introduce everyone to each other and make money together. "

"That's really good. To be honest, Mr. Wang, we are all from small places and really lack this opportunity. Thank you, Mr. Wang."

"You let me make money, so of course I will let you make more. It's really good for everyone to be good. . "Wang Yan smiled and put out his cigarette, "That's it, I have things to do, excuse me."

In the time it takes to smoke a cigarette, two men paid 20 million for me...

"What's wrong with his brain? He is two years younger than us, and he has an imposing manner when he sits there, as if he is meeting a leader. I feel quite uneasy. We pay him to make money, and he takes out 20 million. Where can he not smile? Not to mention going to the club or something, he just smoked a cigarette and sent us away. How can we complain?"

As soon as he left the house, Ye Fang, who had been holding back for a long time, couldn't help but complain.

"Listen to yourself, isn't what you said contradictory? You said he was powerful, but you were not satisfied with his hospitality. We were the ones who begged him to make money for us. You know how good his performance is. If we give him 10 million, he will surely make all our pocket money.

In addition to the large sum of money he got from the demolition, he has achieved what he has today by himself. We can't compare with him. To be honest, it's almost like having an equal dialogue with him if Uncle San comes here. He is really a big shot. This is really, people will die if they compare themselves to others. There is no reasoning. Okay, I'll call Uncle San and tell him about Wang Yan's situation, and then we'll go see what's going on with Lucy."

As he spoke, Ye Shang took out his mobile phone and called Ye Zhenzhen's father...

Two days passed in a blink of an eye. This Saturday, some workers had a break.

At around nine in the morning, Ye Zhenzhen found a ladder and changed the light bulb at the door of 2202, doing her daily good deeds.

Just like in the original drama, when Ye Zhenzhen said that she would settle down in Shanghai after studying abroad, He Minhong started to talk nonsense, saying that Ye Zhenzhen went abroad to study just for a Shanghai hukou, which was a violation of fair competition.

Yu Chuhui certainly couldn't stand it, so he grabbed He Minhong and scolded him. He Minhong couldn't get a fart out of others, but he was unwilling to give in to these people who were already familiar with him, and he immediately started to quarrel.

"Why are you so angry so early in the morning? I heard it upstairs."

The noise stopped immediately, and everyone looked at Wang Yan who came out of the stairwell.

Ye Zhenzhen looked him up and down, and said with a smile: "Okay, Boss Wang, I didn't realize you were so attractive."

Wang Yan was now wearing a tights on his upper body and sports pants on his lower body. Under the effect of the tights, his good figure was revealed.

"I'm an athlete."

"I've seen it before. You're on top of the list of our WeChat sports, and you get push notifications every day. You walk 20,000 to 30,000 steps every day, which is scary. No wonder you can eat so much. Your figure, wow..."

"I understand. You're after my beauty. I'm a gentleman."

"Bah, who would believe that?"

After joking around for a while, Wang Yan asked, "What are you arguing about? So noisy?"

"Brother Yan, come and judge for me." He Minhong walked over and repeated the previous conversation indignantly, "Tell me, Brother Yan, am I right?"

"I'm very straightforward."

"Brother Yan, you should tell the truth."

"You said it yourself." Wang Yan smiled and said, "From the perspective of human relations, You didn't consider your friends' feelings at all. You especially didn't consider Zhenzhen's feelings. You just said it so bluntly because you felt it was unfair. You didn't care about them at all. To put it more seriously, you are completely self-centered.

Then let's talk about it from the perspective of facts. Your words are indeed correct to a certain extent, but they are biased. You have to understand that the world we live in is far from achieving the universal harmony described in books. Fairness is a big proposition and there is no way to discuss it easily. It's just that Zhenzhen went abroad for the purpose of Shanghai Hukou.

Some people go abroad just to get gilded. Some people go abroad, but they really want to study. In many fields, we are still a long way from developed countries such as Europe and the United States. This is a gap we must face up to. Zhenzhen is doing life. Scientific research, judging from what she does, it's still okay. She's not a fake, but has real talent.

Then our country has certain preferential policies for these overseas students. Zhenzhen said that she was sharpening her head to make you think that she was using a backdoor, of course, there may be some manipulation. But the premise is that Zhenzhen herself must have enough level, so that she won't do things for her and there will be no risks in the future.

I know you have a righteous heart and your ideas are good. But you have to consider that the real world is not a utopia you think of in your mind. Some people are rich, and some are poor. The same is true for people, some are smart, and some are muddle-headed. From ancient times to the present, there has only been relative fairness, not absolute fairness.

You think it's unfair , then what do you need to do to feel fair? Is it fair if you get a permanent residence and become rich? "

"I'm not, Brother Yan, I don't..."

"I understand what you mean, you just spoke too quickly and didn't think so much. But now that you've heard me say so much, you understand. No one has ever told you before, and you haven't thought about it, right?"

He Minhong nodded repeatedly: "That's it, Brother Yan, I know you understand me."

"Now is the Internet age, and there are hot news every day. Every time there is a hot event, netizens always comment on it at the first time, stand in a clear line, but often experience a reversal in the end. But every time, netizens are like this, they always seem to be right.

Your current situation is somewhat similar to those netizens. Always occupying the moral high ground, looking at things and blaming others according to your own ideas, this is very one-sided. Materialism and dialectics, you still need to learn more.

You have to learn from your lessons and control your mouth. Before speaking, hold the words in your mouth, turn them around in your mind, and think more. Many times, not everything you see or hear is the truth. You are a writer, so you should understand this principle. A sentence can have the opposite effect in different situations. There are endless incidents of quoting out of context.

Many things are helpless. Zhenzhen's family is well-off, and I am from a demolition household. There are also all kinds of messy unspoken rules, drinking culture, so-called human relations, etc. But this is reality, the actual operating rules. If you can't change the rules, you should make yourself stronger. Instead of raising the moral banner and condemning indiscriminately when you catch something.

You will definitely not be able to change this problem in a short time, but you must consciously control it. Watch more, listen more, think more, and say less. Control your strong desire to express yourself, and you will make progress after a while. "

He Minhong took it in for a while with his eyes blurred, and said: "Thank you, Brother Yan, although your truth is a bit hurtful, no one has ever told me so much, I know you are doing this for my own good."

She pursed her lips, looking pitiful.

"Apologize to Zhenzhen."

"Oh, no, no, I know Honghong is simple, I don't mean anything else." Ye Zhenzhen smiled and waved her hand.

He Minhong walked over, keeping a pitiful look: "I'm sorry, Zhenzhen, it's my fault, I will definitely pay attention next time."

"Okay, I don't blame you."

At this time, Lucy from 2201 opened the door and came out, greeting them in a friendly manner: "Are you all there?"

Without waiting for others to answer, she looked at Wang Yan: "Then let's go?"

"Let's go."

"Where are you two going?"

Wang Yan said, "She's going to the gym for training. I made an appointment with her for lunch to thank her. She asked me if I wanted to join her. I didn't have anything to do, so I just went with her to have some fun."

"Oh." Ye Zhenzhen nodded, "Actually, after the last incident, I think it's good to have some self-defense skills. If it's convenient, I'll go with you to have a look?"

Seeing Wang Yan looking over, Lucy smiled and said, "It's okay for me. The gym is not far from here, it's very convenient."

"Brother Yan, Lucy, I also want to go and broaden my horizons."

"Let's go, let's go, I'll treat you to lunch at noon."

Yu Chuhui Waving his hand: "Forget it, I have a part-time job teaching children to learn dance, and I have to go to class soon." Zhu Zhe also refused: "Forget it, I want to make some beef sauce at home. I was actually about to send you a WeChat message about Wang Yan I told you about last time. Besides, there are many things to do in the hotel. Although it is a day off today, I don’t know when he will find me, so I have to go there at any time." Wang Yan fiddled with his mobile phone and said: "I sent you the password of my home door, you can do it yourself. If you have nothing to do, come to my house to eat in the evening and taste Zhu Zhe’s cooking together." "I agree." Ye Zhenzhen was the first to raise her hand. Next came He Minhong, who loved to join in the fun, especially now that she had made Wang Yan her confidant...

Yu Chuhui said, "Then let's go to Brother Yan's house to broaden our horizons."

"It's just ordinary, what kind of horizons can we gain." Wang Yan shook his head with a smile, "Then let's do this, we'll probably be back at two or three in the afternoon, and then we'll buy all the vegetables together. You don't have to rush to make the beef sauce, let's all do it together when we get back."

Zhu Zhe opened his eyes wide: "Did I agree?"

Wang Yan smiled: "Don't you agree?"

"Can I say I don't agree?"

"Isn't it settled? It's such a happy decision."

He Minhong said, "Will Sister Zhu be able to go with us then?"

"I beg you, let me lie quietly in bed." Zhu Zhe looked listless.

"Then Jiji should have a good rest, and Honghong and I will go change clothes first." Ye Zhenzhen said.

"Then let's go down first."

So, Ye Zhenzhen and He Minhong ran back to change clothes, while Wang Yan and Lucy went downstairs first.

"You get along well with the four of them. You've only known each other for three days, right?"

"I've met them three times."

Lucy smiled and said, "You're pretty friendly. You got to know them so quickly."

"They're all extroverts who like to make friends. You're more aloof."

"Aren't we friends?" Seeing Wang Yan nod with a smile, Lucy raised her eyebrows and said, "I'm just like that. It'll be fine once we get to know each other."

"It should be because of some different experiences that made your enthusiasm come later."

"You're a veteran, you're really good at judging people. But then again, who doesn't have some stories? You're all thinking about it yourself, and you feel like you're going to die, but in the eyes of others, it's just so-so, right?"

"I understand. You must have had a bad experience. No one has helped you yet, and no one is standing by you, which makes you feel a little discouraged."


Lucy was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and smiled, "I can't talk anymore. I feel like there are no secrets in front of you."

There are indeed no secrets, whether outside or inside, above or below, in front or behind... There is no back! He doesn't like it!

Of course, Wang would not show this kind of vulgar and bad taste. His expression did not change, and he was still smiling: "It was just a casual remark. You just shook your head and smiled lightly, or said in a joking tone that you guessed it right, and it would be fine. Now I know that I guessed it right."

"So what?" Lucy asked with a smile.

"So you have to love yourself and love life."

Lucy followed Wang Yan's eyes and looked at her wrist. She subconsciously adjusted the bracelet again to cover the scar on it.

Seeing Wang Yan's smiling face, she was silent for a long time, and said: "In fact, I heard the quarrel between He Minhong and Yu Chuhui before. This world is unfair. Some people can take advantage of the times, occupy high positions, and do whatever they want with the power in their hands."

"Power and profit magnify the dark side of human nature, which is a very normal thing. Just like most men want to have a red flag flying at home and colorful flags flying outside, but most people don't have this capital."

Lucy was silent again, and shook her head and smiled bitterly after a while: "It seems that I need to practice more. I can't hide anything in front of you."

Because Wang Yan's "just like" didn't say anything else, just a little thing between men and women.

She asked, "How did you guess that?"

"Because you're beautiful."

"What about you?"

"I'm definitely not a good person, but I'm definitely not a bad person either."

"Oh, all men are the same." Lucy rolled her eyes for once, and she let out a long breath, "Actually, it's nothing to say, someone just wanted to take advantage of me, but I fought back desperately and didn't let them succeed. The price I paid was this scar on my wrist, and I was criticized so much that I had to move abroad. I got to know mixed martial arts abroad, and I thought that if something like this happened again, I would have some strength to fight back and smash his dog head."

"You can beat me to pieces, but can you not point your fist at me?"

Lucy knew Wang Yan was trying to ease the topic, so she pretended to be relaxed and provoked him a little: "Let's practice later?"

"Men and women should not be intimate with each other. If we really fight, we can't control ourselves and have no sense of propriety. Who knows when we touch something we shouldn't touch? My dog ​​head is still useful, please let me go."

"What era is it? Why are you still talking about this?"

"Don't pretend to be open. You are either wearing tights or short skirts with your big white legs exposed every day. In fact, you are more conservative than anyone else."

Lucy glared and didn't say anything more, because Ye Zhenzhen and He Minhong had already come over.

"Let's drive a car with four of us. We can chat on the way." Ye Zhenzhen said.

Wang Yan nodded with a smile: "Okay, how about you drive my car?"

"Wow, you are a gay man, and you let me be the driver?"

"I know Dr. Ye has a heart that can run fast."

"What did Honghong say?"

He Minhong didn't understand, and looked confused: "Zhenzhen, what did I say?"

But Ye Zhenzhen smiled and said: "Brother Yan, you understand me." She wanted to imitate He Minhong.

"How can I be like that?"

"You are just like that."

After such a laugh, everyone got on Wang Yan's S8. Ye Zhenzhen was the main driver, and He Minhong strongly requested to be the co-driver. Wang Yan naturally sat in the back seat with Lucy.

Along the way, the four people chatted happily. It was mainly because He Minhong and Ye Zhenzhen talked a lot, and Wang Yan guided them from time to time, and Lucy just listened there with a smile.

Of course, Lucy was a very defensive person, and she would not easily tell others about her thoughts.

It was just that the two of them would meet every morning during morning exercises, so they would always have a few jokes. In addition, they had the same experience of catching the sneak photographer before, so they were not distant. Today, they talked about those things one by one.

Of course, this was not the main reason. It might be that Wang Yan's words "So you have to love yourself and love life" hit her, and her eyes were already a little red at that time. When her emotions reached that point, it was natural for her to talk about her experience.

Later, Wang Yan told herself about the dog head to amuse herself, which eased her emotions. In fact, her eyes were still a little red at that time, but she deliberately avoided the sight of Ye Zhenzhen and He Minhong, and was not discovered by the two of them. It was fine after getting in the car for a while.

This can be regarded as a heart-to-heart with Wang Yan, and the distance between them has shortened a lot. They are all good friends...

After chatting and laughing all the way, everyone came to the boxing gym where Lucy applied for a membership card.

As soon as the four of them entered, a man ran over to greet them: "Lucy, you're here."

Lucy smiled and nodded: "Are you here so early?"

"No, I just arrived too."

Another man who followed this man joked: "Yes, I've only been here for fifty minutes."

Being embarrassed, this man started to quarrel with his friend again.

Lucy said: "They are my neighbors. They came here today to experience it."

"Hello, my name is Li Qixing, and I'm Lucy's good friend. This is Xiao Huang." He introduced himself and glanced at Wang Yan, with a slightly aggressive look in his eyes.

He really didn't see it just now, because his eyes were focused on Lucy, and everyone else was out of focus. This is called arrogant.

Ye Zhenzhen also introduced: "My name is Ye Zhenzhen, this is He Minhong, and this is Wang Yan. I just came here with Lucy to broaden my horizons."

Li Qixing nodded in a friendly manner.

Lucy said, "Then I'll go change clothes first."

"Hey, Lucy, I've been practicing for a while, how about we practice today?" Li Qixing asked with some anticipation.

Hearing this, Lucy stopped immediately, and then subconsciously turned back to look at Wang Yan, who was smiling with his arms folded. Because Wang Yan just said that fighting is taking advantage...

Seeing Lucy looking at Wang Yan, Li Qixing felt a little jealous.

He smiled and said, "Hey, I didn't notice it just now, buddy, you have a good figure, are you a professional fitness?"

"Just moving around when I have nothing to do."

"Well, anyway, you are here to experience it, and you have such a good figure, so your strength must be great. I'm a beginner, and you heard it just now, and I want to practice. How about we practice together? You don't have to worry about getting hurt, we can both wear protective gear."

Ye Zhenzhen and He Minhong looked at each other, with a little excitement in their eyes.

Lucy glanced at Li Qixing, then looked at Wang Yan with interest: "How about it? Do you want to try it?"

Wang Yan looked at Lucy deeply...

Before he could speak, Li Qixing saw the eye contact between the two and was already jealous.

"Don't you dare, buddy?" He began to provoke.

Wang Yan smiled: "Then let's try..."

Thanks to (netizen surnamed Wang) for giving 3,000 coins to continue supporting.

Thanks to the good brothers who voted for the monthly ticket, recommended ticket and read the book silently for their strong support!

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