The lights at the airport are shining, and people are rushing in and out, passing through the airport.

At the pick-up station, a tall woman was dressed casually, wearing a black woolen coat. She pushed her suitcase and strode towards the exit of the huge airport. Her long hair flew with her steps and flowed into the aisle. The wind flies back.

All the way out of the station, she ran towards the man who was waiting there with a smile, hugged and kissed him, showing her longing for him. After such an intimate moment, the two walked towards the parking lot.

Wang Yan pushed the suitcase and asked, "Why are you back so early?"

"It's not interesting to be at home. What happened back then has already happened. I haven't been home in the past few years, and I haven't had much contact. I feel thorny in my heart." Lucy sighed, "And because of me, they both It’s been six months since my mother had a baby, and she’s going to give birth in three months. It’s really…”

"Do you blame yourself or them?"

"It's all strange. If I had gone back a year earlier to relax, they might not have had this idea. Moreover, my mother is over fifty years old and is an advanced maternal age. It is too dangerous. Can she give birth and take care of her after she is born? They It's so irresponsible to act like this now, I just slapped my head on the head and let it happen..."

Wang Yan nodded: "What do you think?"

"That's what I thought."

"I mean, you don't care."

"Then I can't just watch, right?" Lucy said very irritably, "If something happens, won't it fall on me in the end?"

Wang Yan said: "Advanced maternal age is indeed very dangerous. In this way, let your parents leave for Changsha. I will find a few gynecologists and pediatricians to go over for consultation and check first. If the conditions are sufficient, or your parents are too willing, then arrange They are hospitalized there. When the baby is born, I will ask an expert to go over and try to be as safe as possible. "

Lucy came over and hugged Wang Yan's arm and said, "Thank you."

"I'm just looking for connections to provide some money and do my best. If you want to thank me, just behave well later."

Lucy smiled, hugged Wang Yan, and walked awkwardly...

In a few days, Ye Zhenzhen and He Minhong also celebrated the New Year and returned to Ode to Joy.

Unlike He Minhong who was originally obsessed with Qi Mu at the same time, everyone was quite happy to be together at this time. In particular, He Minhong is not only no longer confused, but also has made a lot of progress. He is no longer the person who ruins the atmosphere, and they get along much more harmoniously.

It was also at this time that Wang Yan helped Lucy arrange for experts to come over. Although they were actually looking for someone to consult Lucy's mother, in name, this was an exchange event between experts.

That is, some very high-level experts from Beijing and Shanghai unite and go to Changsha. The pharmaceutical company organizes and provides logistics for a half-month academic and practical exchange of experts in maternal and child fields, and sets up experts for these experts. No., it can be regarded as serving the people over there.

Of course, the test results were not good. Experts did not recommend giving birth to the child. However, Lucy's parents had already made up their minds and said harshly that they would give birth even if they died. Lucy could not control it, especially Wang Yan. I can’t care.

In the original play, Lucy's mother did not survive due to heavy bleeding during childbirth, and her father did not want to take care of the child, so Lucy took the child and took care of it. What Wang Yan is doing now is to try his best to save Lucy's mother's life, and it doesn't matter if she pays some money. Because in the end, if Lucy couldn't bear it and took the child over in the end, he would still be the one affected.

Apart from this incident, there is nothing else that has any impact.

Ye Zhenzhen is still doing her research day and night, Lucy is still busy after joining the core team of that Internet company, and Zhu Zhe continues to be her housekeeping manager.

He Minhong still goes to work every day to catch fish, and after get off work she writes her articles at home conscientiously, and often communicates and asks Wang Yan for advice. Her results are starting to get better, her fans are increasing, and her traffic is increasing steadily.

Yu Chuhui's work is very smooth and can be called a step-by-step success. But her mood was not very beautiful, because during the Chinese New Year, her father was having a hard time in her hometown, and her relatives and friends called her over and over again, which made her very upset.

A few months later, her father almost beat his relatives to death and got into a lawsuit. Of course, this matter also had something to do with her. She was the one who told the story that the house was not in her parents' name, but in the name of her grandparents. Others started thinking about the house, and that's how her father got it. I went to play with someone's life and almost got killed.

But she was also frightened. After all, she was still a girl. Her mother was the same, the mother and daughter hugged each other and cried.

However, after her father was caught, she felt relieved. After a period of time, she got used to it, and her mind settled down, and she went back to how she was before, working hard to make money.

After her troubles were over, Zhu Zhe's troubles followed one after another.

Last year, her younger brother wanted to get married but couldn't get married. He wanted to work but had burdens. He encouraged his mother to ask Zhu Zhe for money and asked Zhu Zhe to find a way to arrange a job in Shanghai.

Later in the year, he went directly to Shanghai. After some research, perhaps following and inquiring, he found Zhu Zhe's whereabouts. He was making a lot of noise and wanted to take advantage of people who didn't know the truth and kidnap Zhu Zhe morally. However, because the location was in a hotel or at the underground entrance, his plan failed.

After being scolded by Zhu Zhe, he had to deliver couriers and takeaways, and even behaved with Zhu Zhe, always wanting Zhu Zhe's financial help.

But after all, they are still a family. Even though Zhu Zhe was extremely disappointed, she couldn't bear to see her brother like this. She would often call him and help him with ideas. Later, she introduced her brother to a company she knew.

The boss of that company was her friend. He started his own business and asked her brother to go there. Although it would still be tiring, it was not a simple physical labor like delivering express or takeout.

So far, things have been pretty good. But there are always twists and turns, which always catch people off guard...

On this day, everyone was having dinner together outside. Because Zhu Zhe was promoted to the deputy general manager of the hotel branch, he had been busy for a long time and finally sorted out his work and had time to relax. The time of others finally caught up. Just when they were eating, drinking, talking and laughing happily, Zhu Zhe received a call from home and lost control of his emotions.

"Mom, am I your child? How much have I suffered for my family over the years? How tired have I been? I saved money to buy the house. What does it have to do with my brother? What do you mean by relying on him for support? What did he support? All the money I earned over the years was used to support his studies. What did he learn? Ah?"

Everyone was still talking and laughing before, but Zhu Zhe's sudden outburst made everyone in the room quiet down in an instant. Everyone looked at each other, and didn't know what to do for a while. They just listened to Zhu Zhe's trembling crying voice and complaining to her biological mother.

Everyone understood what was going on with Zhu Zhe's words that broke their defense just now. She had a house, which was something everyone knew. What kind of character her brother and sister were, was something everyone could see. What her parents' attitude was was also something everyone could imagine.

Now the situation is very clear. Zhu Zhe's parents heard from somewhere that Zhu Zhe had bought a house, so they wanted Zhu Zhe to give the house to her brother so that his brother could really gain a foothold in Shanghai. Maybe she would have to continue to pay the loan...

After a while, Zhu Zhe, who tried to reason with his mother and make things clear, gave up completely. He hung up the phone and sat down against the wall dejectedly.

Ye Zhenzhen and Lucy were close to each other, so they hurried over to support Zhu Zhe and helped him sit on the chair.

Zhu Zhe burst into tears and looked at everyone miserably: "It's quite ridiculous, isn't it?"

"Jiji..." Ye Zhenzhen patted Zhu Zhe's back and tried to comfort him, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she found that she didn't know what to say.

The same is true for Lucy and others. They have such a family and such a thing happened. It's useless for them to say anything, and they don't know what to say.

It's bad just to listen to it, and you can imagine how Zhu Zhe, the person involved, thinks.

But they all turned their eyes to Wang Yan, who was eating and drinking there. This was a man with a solution, so they winked at him one by one, hoping that he would say something.

Wang Yan drank a sip of tea and said to Zhu Zhe: "You have expected this kind of thing, otherwise the matter of buying a house would not have been hidden. Today it finally happened, and you should give up. The most urgent thing is to solve the problem. It is useless to escape.

Otherwise, if this matter is delayed for a long time, your parents will come to Shanghai directly and block your hotel and make a scene, which will affect your work. It is not easy to get to this point today after working for so many years. We can't let these things affect the current good situation."

"Yes, yes, Wang Yan is right, Jiji, you still have to cheer up, solving this matter is the most important thing." Ye Zhenzhen followed closely.

The others also spoke one after another, and they all echoed.

Wang Yan continued, "You have two choices now, either give or not, what will you choose?"

"Of course I won't give, Brother Yan, do I even need to ask?" He Minhong was the first to speak, indignant, "Sister Zhu's parents and her brother are too much."

Zhu Zhe shook his head and choked up and said, "I've given enough. My family has raised me for 16 years, and I've raised my family for 17 years. Whether I'm a daughter or an elder sister, I've done well and have a clear conscience."

Wang Yan nodded and said, "Your brother must have told your parents about this, so it's your brother's problem in the end. Do you know where he is? Let's go over and talk to him and see what he thinks."

Zhu Zhe looked up at Wang Yan and said, "I'll listen to you." After that, she stood up.

"Are you full? Do you want to eat more?"

"How can I have the appetite to eat?"

Wang Yan took another sip of tea and stood up with a smile: "You guys eat slowly, I'll go with her to take a look."

Ye Zhenzhen and others who planned to go together sat down again after hearing this, and gave a few instructions. After watching Wang Yan and Zhu Zhe leave, they began to talk about it...

Zhu Zhe's brother is in Jiading, and he shares a house with others here.

Wang Yan drove Zhu Zhe to the outside of the community where they lived. Zhu Zhe called her brother and waited for more than half an hour before he came out. It was obvious that he had communicated with his parents on the phone and prepared himself mentally before coming out.

"How do you know I bought a house?" This was Zhu Zhe's first sentence when they met.

Brother Zhu Zhe glanced at Wang Yan, who was smoking and laughing, and said, "A man named Wang, your former boss, came to our company to chat with the boss. He heard that I was working here, so he asked me to come over and talk to him. He told me this. Big sister, you are really good at hiding things. Every time I was short of money, you just stood by and watched me die. I didn't expect you to buy a house without saying a word."

There was still a bit of resentment in brother Zhu Zhe's words. Previously, he had made money and kept it for Zhu Zhe, but now his attitude was a little subtle.

It's easy to learn bad things, but it's really hard to learn good things...

Zhu Zhe stared at his good brother and said, "You came down after such a long time. You must have called your parents. Tell me, what is your attitude?"

"Sister, you've seen what I've been like these past six months, and you still don't believe that I've changed my ways? I really don't want your house. Tell my parents. It's also my fault for not thinking so much. I didn't expect that my parents would Let you give me the house and continue to pay the loan."

"So what you mean is that you don't want it, but your parents and I want to go over and give it to you, and you won't refuse. Am I understanding you correctly?" Zhu Zhe looked at the good brother she had supported in front of him with red eyes. .

Brother Zhu Zhe did not expect Zhu Zhe to grasp his thoughts immediately, but of course he would not admit it, so he concealed it: "Sister, you really misunderstood me. The house is yours, what does it have to do with me? Besides, now the loan I can’t change my name even if I haven’t paid it back yet. My parents insist on giving me the house, and I can’t control them. But don’t worry, eldest sister, I definitely don’t want it.”

His conduct was really not worth mentioning, and he couldn't hide his inner thoughts in front of Zhu Zhe. Although he looked eager to prove it, 'want' was still written on his face.

What's more, there are other aspects that can prove it. For example, he knew that Zhu Zhe had a house, but why didn't he contact Zhu Zhe, whether it was to condemn or anything else, but contacted his parents. It wasn't until now that Zhu Zhe came to the door that he said these useless nonsense.

Seeing his appearance, Zhu Zhe was sad and couldn't help but shed hot tears again.

Wang Yan stamped out the cigarette butt and stepped forward with a smile: "Do you still remember me?"

"Brother Wang, how could I forget? Besides, I also heard that you are in a relationship with my sister, right? You can also call me brother-in-law. It sounds closer to you." Brother Zhu Zhe wore a somewhat flattering smile. , "Brother-in-law, please advise my sister, I really don't care about her house."

"You don't want me to pay off the mortgage and then transfer it to your name, do you?"

"Uh... how is that possible? You and my sister have nothing to do with each other, so how can we spend your money?" Noticing Wang Yan's smile, brother Zhu Zhe continued, "Besides, I didn't want it in the first place. That house, brother-in-law, why don’t you believe it? With you as my brother-in-law, why should I ask you to introduce me to a good job? Isn’t that better than anything else?”

"Aren't they all the same? I advanced money to repay the mortgage. If things get messed up with Zhu Zhe in the future, it will be Zhu Zhe who owes me money. I won't delay your living in the house, and let me find you a good job. "

Wang Yan nodded with a smile, "You have improved compared to when I saw you before. Your mind is sharper and you can hide your words. It's good."

Brother Zhu Zhe jumped anxiously: "Oh, eldest sister, brother-in-law, why don't you believe me? I am so unjust..."

He argued eagerly again, wanting to prove his innocence...

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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