The train was steaming and clanging...

The thousands of passengers in the train were also keeping their windows open because of the heat.

Because the earth was warming up, the ice and snow were melting, and the swallows returned to nest. The swallows believed that they were still the same family as last year, and the family believed that they were still the same nest of swallows as last year.

The train was crowded with people.

Ma Kui was dressed in a uniform, like an old tree sprouting new buds in spring, full of energy and full of energy.

He had a smile on his face, showing a good and friendly mental outlook.

They are back, they are all back...

"Look how excited he is. Oh, it's unbearable to watch..." Wang Xin, with a look of disgust, followed behind and quietly came over to whisper to Wang Yan.

Wang Yan smiled and said, "This is a real policeman, he loves it. You know what his situation is. Now he can return to the team, who would be confused."

"That's true, I can understand, but it's annoying to watch."

"Then you have a lot of annoying times." But they had already walked to the connection between the carriages, Ma Kui turned around, "I'm 40 years old this year, I can still work for 20 years, just bear with it."

"This guy has a good ear." Wang Xin didn't feel that he was caught for talking bad about someone behind his back, and continued to bicker, "Why, I have to work under you for 20 years? Let's not talk about being an official, with all my unique skills, how can I not be a criminal policeman? And catch thieves on this train every day? If I were an official, hum..."

"Huh hum..." Ma Kui also hummed, looking down on him.

"What's the matter? You don't believe I can be an official?"

"I do. Why not? Let's not talk about you. If I hadn't been in, I would have been an official. You were the second in the police academy. You are very capable." Ma Kui's words were heartbreaking, with the emphasis on "second" and "capable".

"You are a grown-up, but you are still like me, so talkative."

"You still know that you are a talkative person?" Wang Yan shook his head with a smile.

Ma Kui nodded repeatedly: "You know yourself well, you can be a big official."

Then he ignored Wang Xin's gritting his teeth and continued to patrol forward.

"The old guy's mouth is really poisonous." Wang Xin curled his lips and resigned himself to following behind him.

Wang Yan smiled and followed slowly...

"Hey, uncle, we changed carriages again today. It's hard for you to change every time." At the connection of the carriages, Wang Xin looked at the old blind man and said.

"It's really new. I also want to know which one is which."

"Oh, you are so amazing. You can tell everything with your nose. You are better than a dog. Besides, you are blind, not dumb. You can't ask."

"You also know that the old man is not dumb?"

Wang Xin said...

The old man laughed proudly again and stretched out his hand: "Come on, old man, have a cigarette."

Wang Yan took out the cigarette, but before he could do anything, Ma Kui, who was watching on the side, took it away. He took out a cigarette and put it in the old blind man's mouth, and then lit it with a match. Then he naturally slapped the rest of the cigarette into the old blind man's hand.

"Brother, can you check the ticket?" Ma Kui said.

"No ticket." The old blind man was a little impatient. He stretched out his hand holding the cigarette to the side and sniffed hard. "New here? And he is old. What about Xiao Li? He is not yet retired, right?"

Xiao Li is Wang Yan and Wang Xin's previous leader, Lao Li. But this old blind man is indeed worthy of the name. He is not young in age and has aged a lot over the years. He and Lao Lu both call each other Xiao Lu.

Ma Kui smiled and said, "I haven't retired yet. I've changed shifts. I will take care of these two troublesome people in the future."

"Isn't this worrying? I tell you, you must have accumulated eight lifetimes of virtue to lead them. They are so powerful. They are good at catching thieves and human traffickers. I heard that they have caught five. The old man is counting on them to help me catch people."

Seeing Ma Kui looking at him, Wang Yan said, "His daughter was kidnapped on our route and he has been looking for her for 20 years."

"Brother, you can't see with your eyes, how can you find her?"

"Smell it. Didn't you hear that kid say I have a dog nose? I can smell the smell of the human trafficker. If I smell it again, she can't escape. They are also in this car, one is more If you are a powerful person, you never know when you will be caught. "

Ma Kui let out a long sigh and patted the old blind man on the shoulder, "Brother, it's not easy."

"Who can say that it's easy? You smell like medicine, bitterness, and sourness. You are destined to be a hard worker."

"You know what, you are right. You are destined to be a hard worker."

The old blind man patted Ma Kui's arm: "You feel sorry for me, but I have food and drink, and I smoke. Isn't this a good life? As the old saying goes, only when you are content can you be happy. I am very happy now. Okay, the old man is happy to smoke cigarettes, so go and do your own things."

"Look, he has caught up with others." Wang Xin spread his hands helplessly.

"I just don't have a ticket! Whatever you want!"

"If you don't have a ticket, I can just buy you a ticket. It will be convenient for you to get in and out of the station."

Wang Yan waved his hand: "Forget it, Lao Ma. If anyone doesn't let this old man have a good time, he will take a bench and sit at the door of a unit, and then knock on the rice bowl, and see if he will be inconvenienced."

"Hey, I came here like this." The old blind man was a little proud, but also self-deprecating.

In the past, who didn't want to have a face, but now there is no other way, he lives with this little thought.

"Okay, then I won't be generous. Let's go, brother."

"Goodbye." The old blind man smoked happily...

The three of them continued to patrol, passing one carriage and arriving at another. Someone saw the police appear and subconsciously touched their bags. Then they stood up and greeted: "Comrade police! Comrade police! I lost my wallet. It was still there before, but I don't know when it was stolen."

Wang Xin asked: "Are you there after you got in the car?"

"Yes!" the passenger said with certainty, "I went to the toilet just now and my wallet is still there. Police comrades, you have to help me find it. It must be in the car."

Ma Kui frowned: "Please touch me again."

"Oh, I've touched it several times. When you guys came over, I looked through it. I searched it all, but it's not there."

Ma Kui turned back and tilted his head to Wang Yan, saying, "Aren't you awesome? Come on, make signs, it's a mule or a horse coming out for a walk."

Wang Yan smiled, walked straight forward, and found a man who seemed to be smoking at the junction of the carriages. He seemed to be watching the excitement, but in fact he was observing the situation.

The man who threw the thing also looked over, and when he saw the man's appearance, he suddenly realized: "I remembered that he was sitting next to me just now, and I asked him to hold a seat for me."

"Don't be so stubborn. Let's talk in another place. You'd better not make any small moves." Wang Yan patted the man's shoulder, gently took the cigarette from his hand, and took him to the dining car. .

Ma Kui didn't react for a while and turned to look at Wang Xin. Do you usually catch thieves like this?

Wang Xin spread his hands, what can he do?

Immediately, the two of them took the passenger who had lost his wallet and followed Wang Yan over.

It's easy to get to the dining car. Ma Kui is a veteran policeman with rich experience. With a glare and a shout, he was immediately frightened. The person who stole something simply admitted it, and the person who lost something found it, and it ended happily.

It has to be said that when public officials face the people, they take advantage of older people, because people will subconsciously think that older people are more reliable...

After handling the case and letting the thief squat down, Ma Kui looked at Wang Yan who was puffing away and asked curiously: "How did you tell?"


"Hey, you're looking for a beating, right..."

Wang Yan said with a smile: "I feel it. I glanced around and felt that something was wrong with this kid, so I asked him. I didn't wait to ask. I was trembling at that time."

"Yes, Uncle Ma, my brother Yan has that criminal germ." Cai Xiaonian is really praising him, but he has the potential to act in a sketch.

"Fuck you, that's called the sense of crime." Lao Lu glared at his good apprentice, "Returning bacteria, I think you look like bacteria, I told you to read more and study more, but you just don't listen."

"I think what he said is quite funny, Uncle Lu, it's called humor." Yao Yuling beside her burst into laughter.

Cai Xiaonian felt like he had learned about his confidant: "Look, look, Ling'er said this is humor, you don't understand."

Ma Kui frowned and looked at the unorganized and undisciplined group beside him. After all, he let out a sigh of relief and said nothing else.

Wang Yan shrugged: "That's pretty much it. Anyway, I felt something was wrong when I saw him. Even if he didn't steal the thing, there must be something else."

"You look down on young comrades. Now it's an eye-opener." Wang Xin said with a smile, "Don't be too strange. This round trip takes a long time. Just take a look and it's over. As the saying goes, when a threesome is together, there must be my teacher. Learn more from my brother Yan. Be careful, old horse."

That's not enough, Wang Xin walked over and patted Lao Ma on the shoulder, looking like he was encouraging his younger generation to make progress.

Lao Ma might as well make a small grab, buckle Wang Xin's arm, and pin it directly to the table.

"Hey, hey, wrong, wrong, old Ma! Uncle Ma!!"

Wang Xin is quite naughty.

Of course, Ma Kui didn't use too much strength. It was just because of the awkwardness of his joints that it only hurt a little bit.

It's not that Ma Kui doesn't trust Wang Yan's intuition, because many things are a bit mysterious. He couldn't identify the perpetrator immediately, so his original idea was to watch Wang Yan ask questions step by step and finally identify the person. This is normal procedure.

But Wang Yan did it. After listening to a few words, he was still not sure whether the passenger who lost the thing had remembered it wrong. After looking around, he went directly to arrest the person. This was a bit scary...

But the shock that Wang Yan brought to him had just begun. He had always heard about Wang Yan's achievements in the past, but today he saw it with his own eyes. Whether he was a greedy thief or a habitual thief with unique skills, he was really fast and accurate in catching people. It doesn't make sense at all.

Every time a theft occurred, Wang Yan was always able to identify the target in the shortest possible time. He had never heard of such an ability.

There is always a process for people to adapt. Ma Kui was generally the same as everyone else. After seeing a round of arrests, he directly and simply accepted Wang Yan's awesomeness. There's nothing you can do if you don't accept it, it's very efficient...

But in fact, no one expected that Wang Yan had just started to catch him now, and his power had not yet been demonstrated. After he has been in custody for three to five months, the effects will be apparent.

It is definitely not possible to catch all thefts, because there are always thefts, but it can reduce the probability of thefts. After all, he was so ruthless in arresting them, especially when quite a number of habitual thieves with special skills were killed, which was a fatal damage to the entire train's theft atmosphere.

Stealing things also has psychological factors to a certain extent. For example, if a habitual thief gets into a car and loses something, he may consider himself unlucky. The second time this person loses something, it may affect his mentality. Then the next time he is in the car and he sees someone's things that have been forgotten, he will take advantage of them. If you see something in someone's pocket exposed, you may have to take it away quietly...

In short, Ma Kui accepted their new way of working as a trio. He was responsible for interrogating, taking notes, and signing. Wang Xin wrote the crew report and was determined to catch the thieves. Wang Yan was mainly responsible for catching the thieves. The main thing is to mediate conflicts and maintain train order. This must be done. When the three of them patrol together or in shifts, they will be solved.

Moreover, Wang Yan and Wang Xin do respect their old comrades. They are now proficient in the business and there is no need for Ma Kui to work night shifts. Therefore, Ma Kui basically sleeps all night...

Four days later, Wang Yan and others returned to Ningyang again.

Wang Yan kept his word, and the first thing he did when he came back was to go to Lao Hu and ask for a house for Ma Kui. Of course, Lao Hu agreed with a pat on his chest, and this matter was guaranteed to be done.

In fact, over the years, Lao Hu has also taken great care of Wang Sufang and Ma Yan, an orphan and widowed mother, and has given them things during the New Year to help them live. After all, Lao Ma was not in good condition when he went in. He was short of everything, let alone meat. It would be nice if he didn't wake up hungry.

After talking about this, I reported on my work situation and then returned home.

Unexpectedly, on the way home, I ran into an acquaintance.

"Aunt, what are you doing here? Uncle Ma is talking to Lao Hu. He won't be back for a while."

Wang Sufang nodded and said, "I'm waiting for you."

Seeing that she was hesitant to speak and even started to have red eyes, Wang Yan sighed: "I asked Uncle Ma on the day of departure. He said he would take you to the hospital, but he didn't go when the results came out. He hid it. Bar?"

"Did you really see it?"

"Uncle Ma told me that you bought all the medicine for the next two months."

Wang Sufang wiped away her tears: "I thought at that time that you, the child, had figured it out, and the medicine prescribed would definitely be effective. Wang Yan, tell the truth to your aunt, I need your medicine for this disease..."

"It works, but it can't cure it." Wang Yan said, "It works well because it makes you feel much more comfortable, pain-free, and inhibits the spread of cancer cells to a certain extent. To put it simply, it means you can live a few more years. "

"Then how many years do I have left?" Wang Sufang asked tremblingly.

"Aunt, this disease doesn't kill you immediately. It has a process. My medicine affects this process. This is closely related to your physical fitness and mood. If you are in a good mood, don't always think about it. If you take care of your funeral, you can live longer, but if you think about life and death all day long, frowning and not thinking about food and drink, then the medicine is of no use. "

Wang Yan sighed, and then said, "If you maintain the same mood as when I was drinking at your house before, worry less, don't work too hard, rest when you are tired, and don't work hard, there will be no problem in ten years, or even eleven It doesn’t matter whether it’s two years or thirteen years. But I can’t stop taking this medicine, but I will drink less in the future. It’s mainly about my mood.”

Wang Sufang's eyes widened: "Really?"

"Keep a good mood and don't be too tired. That's true."

"Hi..." Wang Sufang laughed for a moment, wiping her tears, "I feel relieved when you say that. The doctor scared me, saying that he was terminally ill and could only wait to die. If he wanted to intervene, our country would not The condition is that we have to go abroad. There is no cure for this. It’s enough.”

"Yes, just keep in a good mood." Wang Yan nodded with a smile, then asked, "Aunt, why don't you tell Uncle Ma and Ma Yan?"

"Stop talking, don't you tell me to stay in a good mood. If I told them, the father and daughter would think that I would die tomorrow. They would cry and moan for me every day and not die of illness, which would make them both mad. You too. Don’t tell them, do you hear me?”

Wang Yan didn't respond, looked into the distance and said, "Ma Yan is here."

Wang Sufang quickly wiped her tears. After thinking about it, she felt something was wrong, so she ignored her daughter and went home first...

Thanks to Brother (Tianshan Eagle) for the reward of 500 coins for your continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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