"The first month of the year is the New Year, the first day of the New Year...ah..."

"Don't even ask about the man and the woman..."

"Oh my...oh my..."

On the train, men and women twisted their hips, turned flowered silk, and alternated their feet back and forth in the narrow aisle, walking in a small cross, singing the more popular Errenzhuan songs.

The passengers in a carriage gathered together, and some even stood on their seats and chair backs because they couldn't see, and some even climbed on the luggage rack.

The passengers in the adjacent carriages on both sides heard the noise and came to this carriage, standing on tiptoe to look around. Unfortunately, because the people in this carriage were tightly surrounded, they couldn't see anything, and could only hear the sound. But even so, everyone was very happy, and they were happy to see the excitement. After getting off the train, it was also a fun thing to talk about it with people at home.

But Wang Yan will make them happier...

"What's going on in front?" Wang Xin jumped and looked inside, then turned back to look at Ma Kui and Wang Yan behind him, "Why do I feel like there's a thief?"

"Then your feeling is absolutely right." Wang Yan nodded with a smile.

"Is it what you told me before? Setting up a trap to attract attention?"

"Not necessarily, but it's a big problem. People are so crowded that even if you use your feet to think, you can think that there are people taking advantage of the situation."

Wang Yan patted Wang Xin's shoulder, walked to the front, took a deep breath, and sent his strength from Dantian, through his lungs, through his throat, and shouted: "Quiet!"

The crowd was dense and noisy, and Wang Xin and Ma Kui shouted desperately, but people couldn't hear them, especially the people inside. With such a constant noise, people outside would pretend not to hear them, and would blame them for being nosy.

This job had to be done by Wang himself, he had a unique skill, he could shout.

The extremely penetrating and oppressive voice even overwhelmed the noise and swayed to another compartment. The shrill Errenzhuan in the field suddenly became quiet, but only for a moment, and then they started singing again.

But Wang Yan also wanted a moment of silence. When it was quiet, people subconsciously looked at him. He took advantage of the situation to pull out the crowded people, and walked in front of the team of men and women singing Errenzhuan, staring at them.

The two people couldn't hold on, but after a few seconds, their voices gradually weakened until they finally stopped.

The man who looked like Liu Neng said: "Comrade police, we two couples sing Errenzhuan for entertainment, isn't it illegal?"

"It's definitely not illegal, but you have to cooperate with us to investigate the specific situation. Let's go to the dining car to talk."

"No, since I haven't broken the law, why are you investigating me?"

He was still arguing, but Wang Yan no longer looked at him, but glanced around, then walked into the crowd and pulled out three people very forcefully.

"Can we go?" Seeing Wang Yan like this, Wang Xin smiled and patted the man's shoulder, and also looked at the woman who was about to cry.

The man who looked like Liu Neng nodded hurriedly: "Yes! Can go!"

After saying that, he lowered his head dejectedly, and he didn't have the energy just now.

"There are a lot of people, let's return the things first. Wang Xin, you take these two people back." Ma Kui took charge of the overall situation.

Wang Yan had no objection and blocked the other three in the corner.

"Come on, comrades, look at me, this group is a thief. They are performing a big show over there, and they stole your things here."

Even before Wang Yan could speak, he was not satisfied with Wang Yan and others interrupting the lively passengers, and he had already touched the valuables on his body. Then he began to buzz anxiously, asking the police to make a decision for them.

"Quiet!" Wang Yan suppressed the restlessness in the carriage, "It will take some time before we arrive at the station, we are all in a hurry. Don't fight or grab, let's do it one by one."

After saying that, Wang Yan turned his head and looked at the three thieves. Seeing them bowing their heads and pretending to be dead, he couldn't help but grab one of them and slapped him on the back of his head, which made the passengers in the carriage clench their teeth.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and don't delay things."

"Yes, yes, yes." The man responded quickly, cursing his bad luck in his heart, but he cooperated as much as possible on the surface, for fear that Wang Yan would be unhappy.

This action is not unexpected. To put it another way, if he makes trouble now and doesn't cooperate, there will be no passengers in a while. If Wang Yan really wants to deal with him, what can he do? There is no place to complain. It is definitely impossible to kill him, and it will hurt to hit him.

They were all habitual thieves who were organized and had dealt with the police many times. They had also been in prison. Now that they were caught in the act, they were definitely in trouble. Of course, they didn't want to cause any more trouble and just wanted to go to prison smoothly.

The matter was handled quickly. The thief cooperated, and the passengers also cooperated. The lost property was returned, and the names, addresses, and units were registered. Everyone was busy and happy.

After the matter was handled, the three people were escorted to the dining car to meet the couple from before.

When going to the dining car, Wang Yan stopped because he saw a familiar face, it was Hou Sanjin. It was Sun Xiucai who originally married Shulan in the world of "Do You Know?"

Here, this kid is a thief who stole someone else's watch and became acquainted with Ma Kui and Wang Xin. Later, he did business, and then lost money and went to Shenzhen. He disguised himself as a woman to deliver messages for drug trafficking, and was dealt with by Ma Kui and Wang Xin. There was also a son who was thrown on the train and asked Ma Kui to pick him up and raise him...

At this moment, Hou Sanjin was coming out of the toilet. He probably saw them coming and hid in the toilet. After waiting for so long, the excitement was over and he thought the matter was over, so he came out.

But he bumped into Wang Yan who was passing by. When he saw the police, he took a photo and put it in the newspaper. Many people knew the police. Hou Sanjin's eyes shrank.

Wang Yan nodded: "It's just right, you come with me."

While speaking, Wang Yan didn't give him a chance to defend himself. He first slapped him on the chest, and then slapped him on the back of the head. He was hit so hard that he was dizzy. He just grabbed the back of his neck and left. This was a bonus.

Arriving at the dining car, Ma Kui asked, "How is it, have you confessed everything?"

"Look at the two of them, how can they not confess? Not only the two of them, but also the three of them."


Someone wanted to scold Liu Neng, but was slapped back by Wang Yan, who then pulled the man's hair and approached him and said, "You are very arrogant. You don't look like a good person. Have you killed anyone?"

"Police grandpa, I'm just a cowardly thief, how dare I."

Wang Yan looked at the man trying to stay calm, and then slapped him in the face: "Make a note for him, let someone investigate it carefully. He didn't kill the man himself, but he got involved. He must be involved in a murder case."

Wang Xin's eyes widened, but he didn't say anything else in the room full of criminal suspects. He lowered his head and continued to write in the book. This is a preliminary investigation. Some situations need to be recorded and then handed over to other comrades at the stations along the way who receive the suspects. Some things must be correct. If they are not correct, it means that the suspect is lying and must be dealt with severely.

Wang Yan lit a cigarette, sat on a chair, crossed his legs, looked at Hou Sanjin who was squatting in the corner with his hands on his head, and waved to him: "Come, come here. I'm calling you!"

"Ah?" Hou Sanjin raised his head and met Wang Yan's smiling eyes. He was startled and moved his body quickly and squatted in front of Wang Yan.

He took out a razor blade, tweezers, several wallets, a bunch of banknotes, and a Seagull watch from his pocket and carefully placed them on the table.

He showed a flattering smile to Wang Yan and said, "Report to the government, I confessed and surrendered the stolen goods."

"Are you a stranger? Where did you work before?"

"My name is Hou Sanjin. I used to work on two routes in Liao Province. I was mainly a coach. It's not easy to go back and forth, police comrade."

"Then why did you want to come to our train?"

"I know your name is Wang Yan, and I call you Brother Wang. Brother Wang is close to you." Hou Sanjin flattered his face and said, "I learned this skill before, but I couldn't make a living. I had no choice but to rely on this to support my family. Let's do this, although there is no big money , but he is not short of small money, and he has mastered his craft. I saw in the newspaper that Brother Wang was commended, and he called on his comrades to learn from Brother Wang.

Brother Wang, we are not outsiders, we are all brothers, I will not lie to you, I will tell you the truth. In fact, I saw in the newspaper that you caught more than 100 people in less than two months, and most of them were thieves. I was itching to try my hand. The people on this train must be richer than those who take the bus in the countryside. I just didn't expect that Brother Wang, you are really awesome. You just took a look at me and caught me. "

This is the truth, there is almost nothing to hide.

When Hou Sanjin was talking, Liu Neng and others all looked at him, and also secretly looked at Wang Yan, even the contestant who might be involved in the murder case. Their expressions were roughly the same, and they all looked sad.

Obviously, this group of people also meant this. To make a fortune is definitely to make a fortune, and they came here originally. But now they come here, more or less with the intention of challenging Wang Yan, the famous policeman.

Now they got what they wanted, someone was happy, but it wasn't them, the smiles were transferred to the faces of Wang Yan and others...

Speaking of which, Wang Yan helped Wang Xin by arresting Si Liuneng and his gang this time.

In the original drama, after Wang Xin and Yao Yuling started dating, because of arresting Si Liuneng, not only did he fail to arrest him, but he also caused trouble for himself. Si Liuneng beat himself and insisted that it was Wang Xin who beat him. A righteous reporter published an article criticizing Wang Xin, so that Wang Xin was transferred to a small station to be a station police. Yao Yuling saw that Wang Xin might have no future, and with her mother's persuasion, she broke up with Wang Xin.

Now that this group of people has been arrested early, there will naturally be no more trouble.

Recently, Yao Yuling's offensive has become more and more fierce. She flirts with Wang Xin all day long, and it seems that it won't take long for them to get married.

Poor Niu Dali, Cai Xiaonian said that Niu Dali had been drinking with him for several times, but he still didn't give up...

Originally, Niu Dali had a relationship with Yao Yuling, and they were even planning to get married. Now that Wang Yan is involved, this story is unlikely to happen. Yao Yuling can only be Niu Dali's most beautiful memory...

Wang Yan was thinking about all sorts of things. Ma Kui beside him raised his wrist to check the time and estimated that the station was about to arrive. Hou Sanjin didn't have time to interrogate him and shouted, "What are you trying to get close to? Are you going to let you go? Don't dream. Go squat!"

Old Ma glared and pointed, and Hou Sanjin hurriedly moved to the side and squatted honestly with Liu Neng and others.

Ma Kui found bags and packed the belongings of these people one by one, and wrote their names. Thanks to Wang Yan's ability to catch people, there were a lot of messy things on the car, and there was a box of handcuffs, which was specially used to deal with the situation where there were too many people caught and not enough handcuffs. But there would be no waste. People were sent to various places here, and the handcuffs would be returned to Ningyang later.

At this time, everything was in short supply, and industrial capacity was insufficient. Even if handcuffs did not have much technical content, they could not withstand the huge demand in the country. Damage, wear, loss, etc. were all losses.

At this time, the door of the dining car was opened with a bang, and Cai Xiaonian walked in with people: "Brother, these people lost things, you caught several people, see if you have their things?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Without waiting for others to speak, the passengers ran over.

Wang Yan did not stop him, but still said: "Let's identify the people. Is it them? Let him see."

Hou Sanjin certainly understood that he was being told this. He looked at the crowd, then at the things in their hands, and then pointed at one of the men and said: "He took an extra wallet. The loose change is his, but not the wallet."

Wang Yan glanced at the man. He saw clearly just now that the man came to take the things last.

Seeing everyone's eyes looking at him, the man waved his hands repeatedly: "Why should we listen to him? He is a thief, is there any truth in his mouth?"

"Bring the wallet here, tell me how much money is in the wallet, let's check it. A difference of three or five dollars is nothing." Wang Yan knocked on the table.

"I... I can't remember, is it okay?"

He is so timid that even a child can see that he is not sincere.

Wang Yan shook his head: "What kind of family do you have? Can't you remember how much money you have? Hurry up, put your wallet on the table and get out. If you keep asking, I'll detain you for seven days to teach you a lesson."

"You are really brave. You want to make money in front of the police? I have practiced the skills of a thief for ten years, but I dare not do this." Hou Sanjin was full of admiration and spoke with a hint of yin and yang.

The man blushed with embarrassment, put his wallet on the table quickly, and then ran away. As long as no one saw him again, he would not lose face...

"Boy, you have been stealing for ten years, right?" Ma Kui looked at Hou Sanjin with a smile.

"No, no, absolutely not. I just said that. I was just describing how difficult it is to practice this skill, and I wanted to vent my anger. Grandpa, please don't bother with me."

"Get out of my way and shut your mouth."

Seeing that Ma Kui was unhappy, Hou Sanjin bowed his hands repeatedly, squatted quietly on the side, and said nothing more...

When the train arrived at the station, Wang Yan and others escorted two groups of six people off the train. After a brief exchange of information and receiving admiration and praise, Wang Yan and others stood aside and watched the passengers get on and off the train, and also watched Lao Wu and others tinkering with the locomotive over there. They said that there were some minor problems and it was normal to be delayed for a while.

Wang Xin offered Wang Yan a cigarette and struck a match to help him light it: "It's true that people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being fat. We have caught eleven people since today's dispatch, and they are all habitual thieves, and there is also a human trafficker. I just can't figure out what these people are thinking? Why are they looking for death?"

"What's there to be confused about? They just don't want to accept it. After practicing the craft for many years, they haven't been caught for so many years. Who doesn't have pride? It's normal. Wait for us to catch it for another two months, and the news will spread along the way, and it will probably be quiet. The famous thieves in the Northeast may be buried on our train."

Wang Yan exhaled a long puff of smoke and looked at the train parked on the track in front of him. There must be some dirty hands and feet in it, but he hasn't seen them yet. Up and down, coming and going, he really can't see them all.

There are indeed some oversights.

Thefts and fights on the train have occurred frequently recently, and they are all aimed at him, Wang.

It was mainly because of his fame, and this route was the most profitable in the Northeast, so more people took risks, which was understandable...

"Wang Xin, what's wrong?" Yao Yuling got off the car and walked in front of Wang Xin.

"It was said that there was something wrong with the front of the car, and it would take some time to repair it."

Wang Xin and Yao Yuling were getting further and further away from Wang Yan and Ma Kui, mumbling, making moves, and laughing.

Ma Kui looked disgusted, and he couldn't bear to watch.

Then he thought of something and looked at Wang Yan dangerously.

"Hey, old Ma, what's that look? Am I that kind of person?" Wang Yan had a serious expression and acted like a gentleman, waving his hand, "Let's go, the little thief on the car is still waiting, hurry up and send him off..."

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