Niu Dali was not very happy, and even wanted to die. He had no love and no interest in life.

He squatted in the corner beside the big pot of rice, where the aroma was the strongest. He had no idea of ​​mixing in anything to eat, and just kept smoking.

"Look at him like that." Cai Xiaonian took a piece of meat and ate it, not forgetting to give a portion to the children.

He is the king of children in the courtyard because he can really play with the children, playing pià ji (a kind of round card) and bouncing glass balls. When Wang Yan doesn't do anything, he is the first.

He pursed his lips and said, "Seeing that his soul is gone, do you think we should find a great fairy for him?"

"Just laugh at him." Wang Yan shook his head in amusement.

At present, it is obvious that Yao Yuling is the only one who wants Niu Dali to die. What made him really want to die was that he had no hope at all. That is when Yao Yuling and Wang Xin got married.

Today, at the turn of spring and summer in 1980, the sky is refreshing and the wind is gentle. People are happy, but it is a bleak autumn and a cold winter there.

Wang Yan's craftsmanship was recognized during Ma Yan's college entrance banquet. In the past period of time, whenever there was an important event in the courtyard, he would be the one to serve the wine, and he received unanimous praise from people. Wang Xin got married today, so he did his part.

Wang Yongge had spent a long time in advance, borrowing and exchanging tickets to save various tickets. He even decided on the menu and ordered some things with Wang Yan a month in advance.

Ma Yan was eating melon seeds on the side: "Brother Dali is indeed infatuated, but his vision is not good."

Although she did not like Wang Xin together with Yao Yuling because of Wang Yan's appearance, she also despised Yao Yuling. She told Wang Yan more than once that she thought Yao Yuling was too good at pretending, and was coquettish, promiscuous, and mean.

"Look at his pug look. Is that called infatuation? Let me tell you, in this situation, if little Yao'er throws a bone over, he will bite it. Just look at how irritating he is. ”

Wang Yan said with a smile: "This hero is suffering from beauty. He has been suffering for two years, but today is the hardest. It will be better after today."

"That's terrible." Cai Xiaonian shook his head repeatedly, "Look at that, you just have to tie a rope to hang yourself. How can this be better?"

Ma Yan said: "Comrade Cai Xiaonian, this Wang Xin is already married, why are you still dating? When will the relationship be over?"

"Can you force this thing? Then you have to wait until the bastard looks at Mung Bean." Cai Xiaonian said, "You are also talking about me. My brother and Wang Xin are the same age, and they are old enough to register for marriage. What are you two waiting for? What time?"

"We'll get married after graduation." Ma Yan smiled, "It's only a matter of two years, so you should hold on tight."

"It's definitely faster than you."

"Then we both have to wait."

"There is one thing I am particularly curious about, dear sister-in-law."

Ma Yan rolled her eyes: "What?"

"I really said it."

"Just tell me."

"You two have been together for such a long time, and you haven't...what is that?"

Ma Yan didn't know why: "What is that?"

"That's all."

"Did you understand?" Ma Yan looked at Wang Yan who was swinging a large spoon in confusion.

The latter smiled: "I asked if we both entered the bridal chamber in advance."

"Go away, why are you so embarrassed to say that?" Ma Yan used her anger to cover up her embarrassment, kicked Cai Xiaonian, and turned to look at Lao Cai aside, "Uncle Cai, did you hear me? This kid is acting like a hooligan. , you have to take good care of it.”

"I'll kick him to death when I get back." Lao Cai smiled honestly.

"This is a major event for the reproduction of our human race. There is nothing to be embarrassed about." Cai Xiaonian thought to himself.

"Come on, I can't talk to you anymore. Uncle Cai, hurry up and get him a wife." Ma Yan glared at Cai Xiaonian, hit Wang Yan again, turned around and left.

"You think I was wronged." Wang Yan shook his head helplessly.

"Then she is embarrassed to hit me, right?" Cai Xiaonian was still gloating, "But I also understand you. If you two go out of line, your father-in-law may not want to torture you to death. But you can't really torture you to death, right? What do you want me to say? , you are shameless and act like a rogue, everyone knows that you two are fine anyway, so what’s the point of going one day earlier and one day later?”

"Fuck you, I broke my leg, why are you paying for the medical expenses? If you miss a girl, you should find a partner as soon as possible. Don't study others like this."

"Yes, yes, Xiaonian, please stop yelling. Your brother will beat you up soon, and I can't stop him." Lao Cai smiled and had a good spirit of entertainment.

Along with the old Brother Wu who was cooking, several people laughed.

Niu Dali, who was in uncertainty about life and death, turned around and looked over. He was even sadder because the happiness of these people disturbed him...

As the deputy section chief of Ningyang Station, Wang Yongge is still very impressive. The marriage of his only son is naturally even more exciting. Many people from the railway system came, and many factories also sent representatives. In addition to other relatives and friends, Yao Yuling's mother-in-law also came, and the courtyard was also full of flowers. Yangwuyang, very beautiful.

When all the guests arrived, at an auspicious time, Wang Xin and Yao Yuling tied the knot and met the guests and friends.

They wore period-specific, ill-fitting suits and distinctive wedding attire. Met my parents, stepped over the brazier, and played some games. A set of procedures is lively.

Niu Dali's eyes turned red.

"Don't just drink, eat some food." Cai Xiaonian ate a delicious meal. He ate it with Wang Yan and others. The cook's rice was very fragrant. It cannot be said that they eat better than others, after all, they are all the same, but they eat more.

"I can eat as much as I want..."

"Stop teasing him, I can't stop your mouth with food." Wang Yan waved his hand, "In a while, the old cow will hit you eagerly, and you will be honest."

"No, Old Silly Niu knows what's going on. I believe him."

"I don't even believe in myself." Niu Dali snorted and continued to drink, ignoring him.

The people at the table laughed and said nothing. People can see how infatuated Niu Dali is. Although people in the compound have a negative attitude towards Niu Dali's infatuation, people still recognize Niu Dali for his level of infatuation.

Everyone here was laughing and eating and drinking. Wang Yan and others got up from time to time, helped scoop out the vegetables in the big basin, and asked some helpers to fill other tables. Over there, Wang Yongge, Wang Xin, and Yao Yuling began to toast and greet each table.

Soon we arrived at the table where Wang Yan and others were sitting. The situation was quite embarrassing. Everyone knew about Niu Dali. In addition, there was Lao Ma sitting at this table. Lao Ma himself didn't like to see Wang Yongge. It was really a shame to sit down and drink today. It’s such a big honor.

"Come on, Lao Ma, Lao Cai, Lao Wu, Wang Yan, Xiao Nian, and Dali, the three of us respect you. This is cooking and helping, and it's not easy. I did it. "

The red-faced Wang Xin and his wife poured wine for a table of people. Wang Yongge said this in a scene and drank more than one or two liters of white wine in the glass in one gulp.

He showed the cup around and said, "Old Ma, it's done."

Ma Kui didn't say anything, just took a sip.

"Old Niu, drink." Wang Xin raised his wine glass and looked at the red-eyed Niu Dali with a smile.

"Brother Dali, I respect you." Yao Yuling raised her wine glass and smiled at Niu Dali, who had red eyes but was determined not to cry.

Since the two of them started dating, Niu Dali had almost never spoken to Wang Xin. Every time Wang Xin greeted him, the latter just dealt with it with a "hmm" and refused to say anything more.

Niu Dali was determined not to cry, but the half-full bottle of white wine he held in his hand was spilling out. He hurriedly clinked glasses with Wang Xin and Yao Yuling, raised his head and drank the wine in one gulp.

"You two live a good life, have a son soon, and have a happy marriage for a hundred years."

Niu Dali only looked at the beautiful Yao Yuling.

Wang Xin smiled: "Thank you for your blessing, and I hope you find a good match as soon as possible. Come on, Ling'er, have a drink."

Looking at each other with Yao Yuling, they both drank full glasses.

Wang Xin drinks, Yao Yuling drinks water...

Lao Cai waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay, you hurry up and ask them to go, we are all our own people, you don't need to worry about it, go ahead."

"Okay, then you guys eat and drink well. You must eat and drink well."

The three members of Lao Wang's family said some kind words and teased a few more words before leaving.

"Okay, sit down, old silly cow, when will you see it again? Why don't you give up by listening to the wall again tonight?"

Cai Xiaonian's words were very, very poisonous. Lao Cai even slapped him on the back of the head, but Niu Dali had no intention of caring about it anymore.

He poured the wine on his own and drank heavily, while everyone at the table was trying to persuade him.

"Stop trying to persuade him, let him drink! He'll drink it to death!" Old Brother Wu couldn't stand it and just ignored it. "You're really an eyesore. Come on, come on. I'll give you all the wine on the table. If there's not enough, I'll give it to you." Take two bottles and go home and drink it yourself. You man, you are just like a bitch, you are so lazy."

Niu Dali drank quickly and was not drunk yet. He was so startled that he suddenly became excited. Perhaps it was because of this excitement that his mind was fine, but his stomach couldn't hold it anymore. His throat was loose and his mouth bulged subconsciously.

Wang Yan, with quick eyes and quick hands, reached out and put his palm on Niu Dali's chest, knocking him back.

Then he tilted his head towards Cai Xiaonian and said, "Leave it to you. Help him go to the toilet to vomit. After vomiting, send him home. Leave some food for him later, go ahead."

"Okay, I'm just working hard. You can tell me that you feel uncomfortable, why are you torturing me, you old stupid cow." Cai Xiaonian muttered, and helped Niu Dali leave the table.

"I'm telling you, I can't stand him being like this." Old Brother Wu scolded Niu Dali, disgusted with him, "But thanks to his sense, if he drinks too much and causes a scene, it will be really lively. ”

The few people stopped talking about Niu Dali, who was a spoiler, and turned to other topics. They drank wine, ate meat, talked and laughed, and the time was peaceful for a while...

By the afternoon, the stickiest people who had been drinking had left, leaving only a group of people in the compound cleaning up the mess after the excitement. It is not easy to organize a banquet and organize things. Although we eat and drink, we are still tired.

After cleaning up, people lost their energy and sat lazily in the yard, chatting without a word.

"What are you doing?" Ma Yan looked at Wang Yan and went out with his things.

"This kid fed himself the food left for Niu Dali."

"I was wondering what you left for our family. Come on, I'll go take a look with you."

Wang Yan smiled and went out with Ma Yan.

As soon as he came out, he heard Cai Xiaonian say: "What are you two doing?"

"I left some food for Niu Dali. I guess it's time to wake up and eat something."


So, the three of them went to Niu Dali's house together. At this time, Niu Dali was staring at the ceiling with his eyes wide open. His soul was sucked out and his spirit was broken. He was as lifeless as a walking corpse.

"I really need to find a great immortal to send him away. Don't you want to attract something..."

Niu Dali on the bed said, "I'm fine. There's no need to find a great immortal."

"It's okay. Get up and eat." Ma Yan knocked on the table, "You too, what's so good about Yao Yuling? You've bewitched this guy."

"It's useless now."

Niu Dali got up and sat at the table, eating the leftovers left by Wang Yan.

In fact, the leftovers of this kind of banquet taste very good. The various meat and vegetable dishes are mixed together to create another taste. Wang Yan likes to eat it, but there are not many opportunities.

Niu Dali also eats very fragrantly and with big mouthfuls.

"You are so greedy for it. I have to eat another bite. Do you two want to eat?" Cai Xiaonian asked politely.

Wang Yan and Ma Yan shook their heads at the same time. Cai Xiaonian took the bowl and chopsticks, poured half a glass of white wine and drank it, and persuaded Niu Dali again.

Niu Dali didn't say anything, just listened and ate with big mouthfuls. Cai Xiaonian didn't care, anyway, he was just chanting.

Maybe he was full and finally had strength. Niu Dali waved his hands again and again: "Okay, okay, stop talking. Wang Yan, I remember you told me before that the country is going to change its policies. I heard that Shenzhen is different now?"

Without Wang Yan speaking, Cai Xiaonian answered: "That's really different. We need to develop the economy. Now there are many people selling things on our car, selling everything. You are burning the boiler in the front, you can't feel it, it's so lively every day. What, do you have any ideas?"

"A little bit, I also heard that it's easy to make money in the south now, and you can make a lot of money by trading things."

Niu Dali lit a cigarette and didn't forget to give one to Wang Yan and Cai Xiaonian. He took a big puff and sighed and exhaled the smoke, "They got married, and I also There is no hope. Now I have become a joke in our courtyard. There is no point for me to stay here. Instead of working hard and earning a few dozen dollars, I might as well go to the south to see what happens. What if I become a millionaire someday? Don’t you think so? "

"I dare not say anything about this, dear brother, you should say it."

"Who dares to say it? This is a major event in life." Wang Yan shook his head, "We can't influence your choice. As long as you think it over and want to go, no one can stop you. Come on, you are so hurt. It's not a big deal, so I won't say anything more. You can decide whether to go or not. I'm leaving."

"Then I'll leave too. I'm so talkative. I can't bear this responsibility."

"Oh, you still know." Ma Yan mocked.

"It's an advantage to have a clear understanding of yourself."

The three of them ignored Niu Dali and left as soon as they said they would.

Just when they were about to go back, Wang Xin staggered out.

"This groom, if you don't love your wife, why did you run out? You can still get up after drinking so much?"

"I didn't drink too much." Wang Xin came over and raised his head to Niu Dali's house, "How is it?"

"He is very sad. He is studying to make money in the south and become a millionaire."

Wang Xin lit a cigarette and squatted on the ground: "It has nothing to do with me. I haven't let him down. Why can't he figure it out?"

"Maybe this is love..."

"This is unrequited love, what kind of love is this." Wang Xin scratched his head, "Okay, don't talk about him, do whatever you want, anyway, it's not a relative. I can't do anything about it. Wang Yan, I heard that Lao Hu seems to be promoted to the captain of the criminal police team? "

"Uncle Wang, you said that? It's true."

"What about us? We have been working as train police for two years. You have almost caught all the professional thieves. Are you not satisfied yet?"

Wang Yan smiled: "What's the matter, are you satisfied?"

"I have been satisfied for a long time. I can catch thieves. What's the point? There is no challenge at all. We must make progress and have aspirations, Comrade Wang Yan."

Wang Yan smiled but said nothing...

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