The train whirred northward. In the dining car, Wang Xin looked at the receding scenery outside the window and smiled: "You know what, it's only been a few days since I last took the train, but it feels like we've been off the train for a long time. After taking the train today, I really missed it a little bit."

Ma Kui glanced at him and said, "You want to be a criminal policeman, and you also miss being a train policeman. How about transferring you back?"

"Look at you, can't I miss it?" Wang Xin habitually counterattacked.

At this time, a tall and thin woman opened the dining car door and walked in.

"Hello, hello, I'm the train conductor Li Aixia. I've heard of you for a long time."

Everyone was talking and laughing when they met. The old police officer behind Li Aixia shook hands with Wang Yan and said, "Comrade Wang Yan, we have all studied the book you wrote about catching thieves. It's rare to meet me today. How about you show us your skills after we finish chatting so that we can see them?"

"I'm also lucky. What's the point of showing off your skills? Let's communicate with each other." Wang Yan smiled gently, pulled everyone to sit down, took out a cigarette and smoked it, and said, "Let's talk about the case first, old brother."

"Old brother, my son is ten years older than you." The old policeman shook his head with a smile.

"Don't say ten years older, even if you are twenty years older, you are still comrades outside, and you are friends on equal terms, right, Uncle Zhou?"

The old policeman's surname is Zhou.

He pointed at Wang Yan and laughed: "You are a sly kid. I like to hear that, old brother."

"Okay, let's talk about the case."

Comrade Zhou said directly without hesitation: "You must have read the files several times. It was found that blood, human tissue and body parts were found in the sleeper car and the two freight cars towed behind. At that time, it was judged that a conflict occurred in the toilets of the two hard seat cars near the sleeper, and then the murderer threw the deceased out of the toilet window, and was rolled under the car and crushed to death.

At that time, we also tried our best to find the passengers of these two cars. Passengers, the crew also carefully recalled the previous process, including today after receiving your message, we are also thinking about it, but still can't think of anything useful.

There were relatively few passengers that day, and it was afternoon, and everyone was tired. No one noticed that a man and a woman entered the bathroom, and it should not be long. When there was only one man when he came out, no one cared. This murderer must have a good psychological quality and a certain anti-detection awareness. Our crew did not expect the existence of these two people. "

"To be remembered by someone, the girl should look good, right?" Wang Xinqi said.

"There are so many good-looking people on this train, can you remember them?" Comrade Lao Zhou replied with a smile, and he said, "This case can't be solved, there are no clues. I think you should stop studying it, it's a waste of energy. It seems that you have just been transferred to criminal police, let's be honest.

You have made contributions as train police, and you have to make achievements when you have just been transferred to criminal police. This case is hanging there, and we can only wait until the technology is advanced in the future. There is no need to work hard on this case, it's really not worth it."

Old Ma smiled and said, "Brother, what you said is indeed true, but we still have to check it again. This is how to solve a case. Whether there is something wrong or not, just look at it again. You can't guarantee that new clues will be found at any time and you can continue to move forward."

"That's the truth, but many times we do useless work."

"We do this, whether it is useful or not, we have to do it, to be worthy of the people who have been harmed." Ma Kui raised his head a little, and then asked some more detailed questions.

Everyone was on the train and was familiar with the work on the train, so it was not difficult to talk.

As expected, there was no gain from the crew.

After understanding the situation, Wang Yan's three-person team helped to patrol the train. Wang Yan caught three thieves at will, which surprised Comrade Lao Zhou.

It was already night when they arrived in Chunlin. The three-person team rested in the guesthouse for one night and went out according to the address the next day.

In a factory meeting room, Wang Yan and his three friends met a middle-aged male salesperson here.

After hearing the purpose of the visit, the salesperson said, "Are you investigating this case again?"

Ma Kui said that the people's police serve the people and will investigate for clues when they have nothing to do. He smiled and asked, "This time, I came to you to understand the situation at that time and describe the appearance of that person so that we can draw a portrait again. Comrade, you still remember it, right?"

"How can I forget it? How many murders can a person encounter in his life? At that time, you also showed me the photo of the girl. Oh my god, I was almost scared to death. I didn't lie at all. After seeing it, I didn't eat well for half a month, didn't sleep well, and got up at night to urinate. My heart was beating like a drum."

"Come on, comrade, smoke, smoke, talk." Wang Xin sensibly lit a cigarette.

The salesman was just like the comrade from the police station. He first pinched his cigarette and hesitated for a while before speaking: "I didn't notice it before, but I remembered it when you came to me later to find out the situation. I was in car 15 at the time, and I left my seat to go to the aisle to smoke. Others don't pay attention, but we should pay attention. When I was about to reach the restroom, I saw a man coming out and greeted me.

The boy's clothes were a little messy, and he felt a little panicked when he looked at me. I didn't pay much attention and passed him by. Later, when you asked me, I remembered that this person was rather suspicious. That's all, I don't know anything else, and I can't be sure about this person. "

The trio all nodded. This person's words were basically the same as those recorded in the file from years ago.

The reason why Comrade Lao Zhou didn't know about it before was of course due to the order of investigation. It was the railway patrolman who discovered the body, and then the railway criminal police conducted an investigation, checked the surrounding area, confirmed that there were no missing persons, and then determined the number of passing trains. Then I asked the flight crew for information, then collected passenger information and visited them one by one. Furthermore, Comrade Zhou was cooperating with the investigation, not a case handler.

Wang Yan smiled and said: "Okay, then tell me about your appearance, and I will draw it again."

"Is your drawing accurate? Someone also drew it last year, and it seemed quite different."

Of course, sketching is a technical job, and it is not easy to copy someone's painting realistically, let alone listen to someone's description and draw it out of thin air. Technically weak, understandable. After all, various systems and technologies are still developing. There are definitely some good people, but they are still in the minority. It is not the technology that will sink later. The quality of technical personnel is constantly improving and the bottom line is improved.

"No matter how bad it is, I still have to draw. But my drawing skills are not bad, you can tell."

"This man is half a head shorter than me. I am 1.82 meters tall. That man must be 1.756 meters tall. He looks to be in his thirties. He is thin and has a thin face. His face is long and fair. Yes, the eyes are longer..."

As the salesman frowned and recalled, Wang Yan and Wang Xin both took pencils and paper and started drawing. Lao Ma couldn't draw, so he sharpened his pencil with a knife.

After more than twenty minutes, under the constant instructions of the salesperson, the two of them made continuous fine-tuning and finally finished the painting.

The salesman's eyes widened in surprise and he looked at the painting in Wang Yan's hand: "This portrait of yours is better than the one painted by that comrade last year. This comrade's painting feels a bit similar to last year's painting. It's still the one that looks the most like you, basically. Just like this, you can recognize people by looking at their pictures.”

"Let me take a look." Wang Xin came over, looked at his drawing again, and asked, "Does it really look like it?"

"Tsk, why am I teasing you? That girl is so miserable, how can I be so talented that I can't stand up to you about this kind of thing?"

"Then if you meet a real person, can you recognize him?"

"Yes!" the salesman said with certainty, "I have a good memory, which I have developed over the years of doing business. I can definitely recognize people when I look at them."

Ma Kui nodded: "Okay, that's it, we won't bother you. If we really find the person, we may have to trouble you."

"What kind of trouble is this? I just want it."

"Let's go, comrade, thank you."

The trio packed up their things and left the factory. Wang Xin was still holding the painted portrait in his hand to compare: "How can I draw the same portrait as last year?"

"Just after seeing it, I subconsciously imitate the one from last year, psychological factors. This is the difficulty of this kind of drawing out of thin air. If you don't pay attention, you will follow the subconscious."

"I've never seen you show off your skills like this before?"

"Maybe this is a genius." Wang Yan clasped his hands behind his back, looking like a lonely master, with a sad tone, pretending to be cool.

Wang Xin shook his head helplessly and said: "Look carefully, there are actually some similarities, and you can still see them a little bit blurry."

"A slight difference is a huge mistake." Lao Ma said, "Besides, you can't believe everything the man just said. It's hard to say whether it's really like this or whether his memory is biased. The previous files were written Okay, his description of his appearance this time is still a bit off. He said he remembered it more deeply, but we can’t believe it.”

"That's the truth." Wang Xin nodded, "Lao Ma, on behalf of the organization, I want to affirm you, and you have to be an old comrade."

"Fuck you, whoever you are is the representative."

The trio laughed and rushed to the train station, and got on the afternoon train to Harbin. Another person who saw the murderer was in Harbin.

This person is also an employee of the company, but he went to Tianjin to visit relatives.

He said: "I was on the 14th bus at the time. I really don't remember which stop, but I remember that it was some time after we passed Jincheng. I went to the toilet and heard a man and a woman arguing in the aisle. I was very emotional. He was excited, but his voice sounded subdued, and he was quite public-spirited, so I passed by and took a look.

Because that girl was quite exciting (beautiful), I even gave her a few words of advice. Then I didn't care. It's normal for men and women to quarrel. I fight with my wife every day, so aren't we living a good life?

Oh, yes, and the accent, I really didn’t recognize it. I haven't traveled much, but I can still hear the accent from the north. You asked last year.

When I came out after peeing, I saw the back of the man who had been arguing, and he was walking towards the car behind me. Then after waiting for more than a month, you came to see me. Two people came over at that time and were also in this room. "

Then this person talked about the characteristics of men and women and began to draw portraits.

But this time Wang Yan didn't draw any men, only Wang Xin was drawing. Wang Yan listened to the description, which was basically the same as what a salesman comrade said. Finally, he took out the picture he drew earlier, and sure enough, this person insisted that it was the one.

And when I saw the portrait of the victim drawn by Wang Yan, I also said that the painting looked like...

But as Ma Kui said, none of these can be done, although Wang Yan is confident in his portraiture skills.

After visiting this person who had seen the murderer and the victim, the trio did not go to a restaurant in Harbin. After all, the funds for handling cases are limited and the salary is also limited. How can we always be so luxurious? Instead, he went directly to Harbin Station, where dinner was provided to the crew. They used to eat there, and occasionally went out to restaurants to satisfy their cravings.

Moreover, Hacheng Station also provides accommodation. Even if the three of them are now transferred to the criminal police, they should normally spend money to stay in a guest house, but the place in Hacheng Station is always rich. They are shameless to stay there. Who can say anything? , we are all friends, and we don’t live there forever. We can stay here occasionally, no problem at all.

The three of them finished their meal and came to the dormitory. I was seeing Lao Cai, Lao Wu, Lao Lu and others playing poker, and I was surprised to see Wang Yan and others coming over.

"Hey, why are you here?" Lao Lu asked.

"Working on a case." Lao Ma replied with a smile.

Cai Xiaonian asked curiously: "What case is it?"

“That guy crushed that one just last year.”

"Can it be broken?"

"Good guy, are you going to go to the kang at home? Just break it up? The three of us have been running for two days without stopping. In the end, there are no useful clues. It was basically a waste of time."

"It's not in vain, isn't your wife here?" Cai Xiaonian said with a smile, "Little Yao'er said something about you at noon today. As a criminal police officer, you can't look at others and have a problem. Go find your wife quickly, don't be here It’s vernacular.”

"We're still holding a small meeting to discuss the case, so there's no time left. Anyway, we'll see you in the car tomorrow."

Lao Lu said: "Hey, that's just right. You can catch the thief when you get back. I'm not saying that the police on the bus can't catch the thief now, but you can catch more and faster."

After chatting happily for a while, the trio found an empty room, closed the door and chatted about the case.

"Tell me, what should we do next?" Ma Kui poured hot water and drank it.

Wang Yan and both of them lit up cigarettes, as it seemed that discussing the case would be almost meaningless without smoking.

"What we know so far is limited. What we can determine with a high probability is that the portrait we drew this time is correct. Of course, it does not rule out that the one in the back is a person who just copes with things and is right in everything he says. In addition, after listening to what this person said today, I am sure No, I just have a feeling."

"How can I scold you if I say something wrong? I just need to think divergently. Besides, feeling is so important. We just rely on feeling to catch thieves." Wang Yan laughed.

"That's not necessarily true." Wang Xin glanced at Lao Ma.

The latter scolded him directly: "You're a fool, you're talking about something serious, hurry up and say it, you're just whining."

"I feel that this murderer may be from Ningyang, or at worst, he must be from the area south of Ningyang."

Seeing the two people looking at him, Wang Xin took a puff of cigarette and continued, "The body of the deceased was found in the section of Liaozhong and Ningyang. It feels like something is wrong. If there is a grudge, he would have been killed long ago. There is no need to talk nonsense, or even It was necessary to do it on the train. I think this girl must be going to Ningyang. After arriving at the station, she would have some influence on the murderer. The murderer didn't want to be affected by this, so he took the initiative to kill. "

Ma Kui stared: "Is it over?"

"It's over. Look, let me say it. I said it, and you still stared after I said it."

"You should say more, you have a feeling, you have to analyze it. Just assume this is the answer and work backwards. Second in the police academy? Humph." Ma Kui stabbed, "Come on, first in the police academy Talk about it.”

"He felt right, and I felt the same way."

Wang Yan said with a smile, "I asked all the comrades from last year. The passengers we found were scattered in various carriages, but none of them said they saw a man and a woman together. The girl is not bad looking, we He even looked at the man's wife today and pointed out some female workers in the factory for him to evaluate and confirm his aesthetic vision. What he said was exciting was really exciting.

But after the train passed Jincheng, today this person saw the two of them arguing. This illustrates one point. The murderer most likely got on the bus after the woman. It doesn’t matter if he guessed wrong. Anyway, no matter where he got on the bus, the murderer never met the woman.

You could say they weren't familiar with each other. They kept their voices down when they quarreled. You could say they were familiar with each other, but this murderer didn't go over to talk earlier. To say that it was because of feelings or stalking, this girl kept herself clean and was still a virgin according to the forensic examination. It must be that there is some emotional dispute, the matter has not been settled, and it has not reached the point of killing someone. Instead, you should go there early to talk and build feelings.

Anyway, that's all. I feel, I feel, the murderer may have been observing in the previous period. He was afraid of something, so he never talked to the deceased. After passing Jincheng, his pressure increased. He had to go, but the girl was resistant, which was why the two sides quarreled. But the murderer had some information that prevented the girl from shouting.

Then, the two of them broke down. As you said, what handle does this girl hold have an influence on the murderer? The closer he is to Ning Yang, the more pressure he will feel and the more murderous he will be. "

Ma Kui nodded: "It makes some sense."

"Then what?" Wang Xin asked.

"What then?"

"What to do next? It's useless for us to know this now. There are so many people in Ningyang, we can't just ask them one by one with the portraits, right?"

Wang Yan said: "You can check the train tickets. At present, we have a consensus that this girl went to Ningyang, and it is also certain that she came from Guan Nei. Then start from the departure station, including those who paid for the tickets on the way, and all Passengers whose destination is Ningyang will be screened again.

On the other hand, you can also check the trains starting from Ningyang and going to various stations in Liaozhong and Shanhaiguan a few days before the crime, and determine the list of people within five days, and then confirm the trains where the crime occurred, and at each station along the way, Is there corresponding personnel information? "

To buy train tickets these days, you need a letter of introduction, all are registered, and your identity can be checked. Of course there are fare evaders, but that’s another story.

"What are you talking about, brother?" Wang Xin's eyes widened, "Do you know how many people there are? Thousands, even tens of thousands, how to find them? When people are blind, they will miss it by accident. , How do we find it? Why didn’t the comrades last year do this?”

Wang Yan shook his head in amusement: "But last year, the comrades did not make a conclusion that the deceased's destination was Ningyang, nor did they make a guess that the murderer was from Ningyang. Once these two points were confirmed, the workload was reduced sharply.

The amount of searching for the murderer is really huge, and the three of us can't handle it. Let's search for the dead first. Starting from the departure station, the number of people who bought tickets to go directly to Ningyang is definitely not many, and one hundred and eighty people died. As long as this girl doesn't evade fares, there is a high probability that she can be found. Lao Ma, what do you think? "

"Do as you say. When we return to Ningyang, we will contact various places to ask for records." Lao Ma smiled and nodded, doing as he please...

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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