Cai Xiaonian's family really made a plan. With Wang Yan's help, they no longer had to ask people in the courtyard to put together furniture like in the original drama. This family has a cabinet and that family has a stool, which also shows the human touch of the courtyard.

If Wang Yan helps this time, it must be new furniture, not to mention that the craftsmanship and price are guaranteed. So Lao Cai's family began to borrow money from relatives and friends. This family borrowed fifty, that family borrowed a hundred, and they also collected more than a thousand.

This is not a small amount of money. The normal salary of employees in these years is only forty or fifty yuan. Even Wang Yan himself has made so many contributions, and his salary is only more than 70 yuan a month. And this salary is already very high. Lao Ma has meritorious service, seniority, and the position of squad leader, which is equivalent to him.

Of course, Cai Xiaonian's family conditions are good. Lao Cai has been driving a train for many years. His professional title, evaluation, length of service, etc., can reach 70 or 80 in a month. Cai Xiaonian's salary is less, about fifty yuan. Cai's mother is a woman who stays at home and makes money by doing some handicrafts when she has nothing to do.

A family can earn more than a thousand yuan a year. But excluding living expenses, the amount of money that can be saved is relatively poor. It would take a family three to five years to repay this more than one thousand yuan.

This is normal. Even though Cai Xiaonian's family has a high income these days, they are not that rich after all. They are still an ordinary family. In any family like this, getting married will basically lead to famine. It’s not much different than it was decades later.

A few days later, when Cai Xiaonian came back, Wang Yan took him to the furniture factory, which ultimately cost him eight hundred and five hundred. Wang Yan paid for it and bought a standing cabinet as a gift. This also meant that he had traveled eight hundred and five miles.

Of course, Wang Yan is very particular about people, and Cai Xiaonian would greet him like a brother when meeting him, and he would not be stingy.

After all, he is really not short of money. In fact, even if he pays for everything, he still has enough money. It's just that he can't take it out, and Cai Xiaonian is not his son. Borrowing two hundred yuan and giving me a standing cabinet is the end of it.

This matter has come to an end for the time being, and we will only get married next spring...

Wang Yan's life is still very ordinary. He provides footprint identification for various units that come to him, occasionally participates in collective actions, occasionally gets into the car and goes for a walk to catch thieves and human traffickers. Of course, he also looks for cases to do.

Wang Xin took a file and put it on his desk: "How about taking a look at this case?"

Ma Kui looked at it first, and then gave it to Wang Yan to look through. At this time, Wang Xin said on the side, "Two years ago in the winter, on the section from Ningyang to Yinzhou, the road patrolman found a crushed body. After forensic examination It was determined that the deceased was a woman, aged 20 to 25, with signs of being raped. She had strangulation marks on her neck and was suspected to have died of suffocation. In addition, she had multiple wounds on her body, which were suspected to have been caused by the murderer's beating.

After checking the surrounding area, there were no missing persons. It was finally determined that the case was a rape, murder and abandonment of the body, and the investigation was shelved after numerous investigations yielded no results. Oh, yes, you saw this footprint once before. "

Wang Yan looked at the newly added white paper in the file. It was his handwriting and even his signature. Within Liao Province, there are relevant footprints, and his signature is the evidence. Without him, it's because all the footprint identifications he has done in the past have been correct, and he has solved hundreds of cases across the province. What remained unsolved was not that there was something wrong with his footprint identification, but that there were not enough clues, and the scope of the suspect could not even be delineated...

"Height 175, weight 120, age around 223." He looked at the footprints on the photo, confirmed it again, and said, "Do you have any ideas?"

Ma Kui also looked at Wang Xin.

The latter shook his head honestly: "No, I just thought that the one we made before was also a corpse. Can we try again this time? Judging from the current information, it was not thrown from the train, but from Moved from other places. The murderer was not from Ningyang, and he was not far away. He must be within this range. It is very likely that the deceased was in Ningyang, and he committed a human life. It is impossible. There are no traces of him.”

Ma Kui shook his head: "There are two things to do in solving a case. One is to determine the identity of the deceased, and the other is to determine the identity of the murderer. This is not like the previous case of Liang Lihong. There are clues to find her identity and confirm the murderer. Now this The only clue in the case is a footprint, how can we find it if we don’t know anything else?”

"As I said last time, look it up and look it up. Maybe there will be clues." Wang Xin was very optimistic.

"There's nothing wrong with what you said." Wang Yan nodded with a smile. He had never seen this case before. The last time he saw it was the footprints.

But now that I have seen it, it actually doesn’t matter. This kind of biometric information was the first to be cleared after the use of DNA extraction, detection and comparison technology in China.

But on the other hand, it always felt wrong to have to wait so many years to solve the case and let the murderer go free. And there is a difference between killing someone and never killing someone. If you dare to kill someone the first time, you will dare to kill someone the second time. This is also a hidden danger.

It's just that the police are humans and not gods, so they have no choice but to put it aside, dig it out and take a look, or look forward to technological innovation...

"Look, my brother said this before." Wang Xin nodded happily, "Actually, I also have an idea, but I don't know if it will work."

Ma Kui was not angry: "Then you should tell me."

Wang Xin chuckled and said: "The deceased was not old, and the clothes he wore were not too bad, and his family conditions must be okay. If such a person is missing, his family will definitely report the case, and all units will definitely file a case when they receive the police. Let's put it on file The list of missing persons in Ningyang and nearby areas was pulled out. Women of similar age were involved in making a single list, and there was a high probability that the identity of the deceased could be confirmed.

As long as the identity of the deceased is confirmed, we can investigate next. "

Ma Kui smiled: "Then why did the comrades who were in charge of the case not do it?"

"It's different, Lao Ma. At that time, comrades had to go from place to place to adjust the list. Now the list must be compiled. Ignore other things, let's adjust the Ningyang people first, and just go to the city bureau. Counting the people who lived in that winter, how many people could there be? It is true that many people were missing, but it cannot be that there were not tens of thousands of people in that winter, right?

If Ningyang doesn't have it, forget it, it really can't afford it. I guess they haven't done it before, and this is the same idea. There are too many cases at hand to take care of. Fortunately, we have my own brother in our team. He has achieved results very quickly. In addition to joining forces, we can also look into previous cases. "

"Don't tell me, you are really using your brain now."

Wang Yan also nodded with a smile: "Okay, then go ahead and adjust the list. I'll go see the body later and try to get the age of the deceased more accurate."

Wang Xin's eyes widened: "You can do this too?"

"I was taught in school. I read some more books and studied a bit. I am a genius, so don't compete with yourself."

"Hurry up and go, second in the police academy!" Lao Ma laughed and taunted.

Wang Xin let out a long breath and shook his head helplessly: "Since Yu is born, why should Liang be born..."

Although he was used to being hit, he still didn't feel good every time it was shown to his face. He left immediately and ran to the city bureau to collect information...

Lao Ma asked curiously: "Can it really be determined?"

"Look, we are still a family, and you don't believe me?"

"What level?"

"Maybe it's worse than my footprint identification? After all, it's all theory. I've only seen a few corpses? Only practice can lead to true knowledge." Wang Yan said very modestly.

"Let's go then. I'll go through the formalities and let's go to the funeral parlor."

The murder case has not been solved, and the identity is unknown. In these years, usually after the medical examiner issues a report, confirms the cause of death, and extracts various information, the person is sent to the crematorium for cremation, and then placed in a funeral home for safekeeping. It will be returned to the family after the identity of the deceased is confirmed. This was the case with Liang Lihong before. She had been cremated and some bones were left.

The situation is the same now. The body from two years ago cannot be saved. We don't have the conditions at this time and can only burn it. But what Wang Yan was looking at was the bones.

In the funeral home, under the watchful eyes of the funeral home staff and Ma Kui, Wang Yan put on his gloves and flipped the bones back and forth, pretending for a while, and finally made a judgment.

"The previous forensic judgment was good. There is no problem between the ages of 21 and 25. Let me be precise, between the ages of 22 and 23. Let's check based on these two ages first, including the lunar and solar calendars. ”

"So sure?" Lao Ma looked doubtful.

"Then who can be sure? Check the age first. If it doesn't work, expand the number. There aren't many people in the first place, so we just need to attack accurately first. It's good to avoid unnecessary mistakes."

So the two went to the city bureau to meet Wang Xin, and the trio found the missing persons who met the requirements one by one.

First of all, the time was set, which was within half a month from seven days before the incident to the day after tomorrow. After all, it was inevitable that the time would be relaxed because something happened to the deceased. The second is gender, it must be female. Again, it was the age chosen by Wang Yan.

In the end, only three candidates were identified.

The threesome didn't waste much time, each one was responsible for one person, and they just dispersed to visit.

In the afternoon, Wang Yan and Ma Kui went back to the bureau one after another. Wang Xin didn't come back until evening.

"Found it." As soon as he came back, Wang Xin drank up all the hot water that Wang Yan had left to dry.

Opening the small notebook, he said, "My name is Feng Xiaoling. She is twenty-three years old. On the afternoon of November 15th two years ago, she went to see a movie with her friends and then disappeared. In the middle of the night on the 16th, the patrolman The bodies were found, and they all matched up. Take a look at them, and they look pretty good.”

After handing over the photo, he continued, "I also asked for that friend's name and address, but I haven't gone there yet. I'm not very knowledgeable and I'm afraid of delaying things."

"Oh, I really look up to you." Ma Kui chuckled.

"Then you see, I am self-aware. This friend's name is Zhang Yinglan. Together with Feng Xiaoling, they are both employees of the cannery. The two of them also met after work. They usually walk close to each other and often hang out together during breaks.

In addition, Feng Xiaoling was also engaged at the time and would get married in the spring of next year. The man’s name is Zhao Youmin and he works in the district government. I had a good relationship with someone before, named Yu Huaiwen, but he said he got angry and broke up with her. Feng Xiaoling's parents said that their girl was usually very quiet and she didn't offend anyone, let alone make enemies with anyone. There were no unusual situations before, just sudden disappearances and killings, but now there are only so many.

What are we going to do? Should we go now or wait until tomorrow? "

"It must be tomorrow. The food at home is ready, so let's go home for dinner." Wang Yan said with a smile, "Besides, it's easy for people to misunderstand if you come at night. It's better to go during the day."

"That's right." Ma Kui nodded.

Wang Xin picked up the cigarette Wang Yan had put on the table, lit one and smoked happily. If he hadn't smoked with Wang Yan every day, he would have quit smoking...

"Look, what did I say, is there a clue?"

"Don't be proud, clues must be useful to solve the case, otherwise it's useless."

"That's not right, Lao Ma, you have to follow the clues to check first to know if it's useful."

"Yes, you said it's useful."

The two of them laughed and bickered, and Wang Yan took this time to look at a few more footprints, and then the three of them went home to eat after work...

Early the next morning, Feng Xiaoling's family came to the bureau. Although Wang Yan and Ma Kui gave Wang Xin a high degree of trust, since everyone was there, they showed them the photos and retrieved the bloody clothes. They confirmed that it was the clothes Feng Xiaoling wore that day. Then they made some inquiries, but there was basically no discrepancy and no more gains. Then they arranged for someone to take them to the funeral home to collect the remains.

The trio acted together and inquired about people who were in contact with Feng Xiaoling.

When there is a murder case, find acquaintances as soon as possible, and basically 90% of the cases can be solved. Most of the murders are caused by conflicts between acquaintances, revenge killings, love killings, and profit killings, involving relatives, lovers, friends, and even neighbors.

The remaining 10% is various other situations. Such as the crimes committed by interest groups, criminal gangs, etc., and then some temporary greed for money, greed for sex, etc.

So last night, the three did not say anything else. Since the identity of the deceased has been confirmed, it is necessary to thoroughly investigate the deceased's network of relationships.

The three visited for many days and can be said to have investigated Feng Xiaoling clearly. It is no exaggeration to say that her parents do not have a more comprehensive and detailed understanding of her than the trio.

But it is the comprehensiveness and details that make people feel more uncomfortable because nothing is gained.

Wang Xin looked at the pile of handwriting on the notebook and the network of relationships drawn on the newspaper, and collapsed on the chair dejectedly: "It's over, a dead end. Old Ma, you are right, the clues are useless. But it can't be said that they are useless, at least the parents have given up hope."

Ma Kui was not affected, and only Wang Xin felt depressed. After all, he proposed it, and he found the family of the deceased first, confirmed the identity of the deceased, and had high hopes for the investigation of this case. But the result was not satisfactory, and the disappointment was greater.

Ma Kui said, "Isn't this normal? Don't act like you're dying. If everyone is like you, with so many cases on the shelf, wouldn't the comrades in charge be crying? Police officers must be persistent and never lose heart."

"I just said that. It's been almost half a month. I've checked everything that should and shouldn't be checked, but it's useless. I'm upset."

"What do you mean by useful and useless? We have to wait and see."

"No, that's not what you said last time. Well, I'll let you say both the pros and cons."

Wang Yan shook his head with a smile and said, "If this road doesn't work, then change direction. If it doesn't work, then wait for technology to improve in the future."

Wang Xin let out a long sigh and said, "At present, it is most likely a random passion killing. Feng Xiaoling and Zhang Yinglan went home after watching a movie and met the murderer on the way. The murderer saw that Feng Xiaoling was beautiful and dressed well. Not bad, he wanted both money and people.

We investigated Feng Xiaoling, she was soft on the outside but strong on the inside, and she must have resisted fiercely. The murderer was afraid of being discovered by others, so he killed her. Then he used some tools to hide Feng Xiaoling's body, took it out of the city, and dumped it on the railway line.

So there are two possibilities, the murderer either lives nearby or is passing by. Then there are two more possibilities, he has a means of transportation, or he is walking by.

In short, no matter what, what we have to do next is to check the road from the cinema to Feng Xiaoling's house. "

Wang Yan raised his eyebrows at him: "Look, it's good to use your brain more, you think so clearly. So, you go to Feng Xiaoling's house and ask for two more photos, or ask for two more negatives. Tomorrow we will take the photos and ask along that road."

Wang Xin didn't say anything nonsense, he responded and left to ask for photos.

He knew himself clearly. Wang Yan was a thigh, Ma Kui was a nominal leader, and he was dispensable and a laborer. So just like what he said before, all the errands in the group are his...

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