Wang Dashan was frightened, and from then on he looked trembling in front of Wang Yan.

Although it's understandable that he dares to do it but doesn't dare to admit it, Wang Yan's bearish look made him look upset. After that, I never got together with their family again. It's like a child playing house, which is quite boring.

Luo Yuzhu also knew what was going on, and Wang Dashan definitely couldn't hide it from her. There are no small tricks, just work down-to-earth and diligently. good for everyone.

In fact, Luo Yuzhu thought about quitting her shares, but she had only been working for half her life. She didn't know what to do when she had some free time, and it was useless to ask for money. In addition, Wang Xu has been influenced by it since he was a child, and he also likes to do business. Wang Yan didn't object to his taking over, so why bother? Just slowly delegate power, train talents, wait until her son takes over, and she can gradually adapt.

The stars and the moon rotate, and time flies.

The Three Gorges Dam, the Wenchuan earthquake, the Beijing Olympics, Chang'e flying to the moon, the Qinghai Yushu earthquake... Long Teng's shadow is more or less reflected in many of these events.

Luo Yuzhu had retired a long time ago and was enjoying life with Wang Dashan. Instead, Wang Xu, who had been training for several years, took over. As long as you have some experience and follow Wang Yanding's direction, there won't be any big problems. It's a small problem, but for a company as big as Longteng, it's basically not a problem. I made a lot of mistakes, so I practiced it, and I did pretty well.

In the international market, as Longteng continues to seize market share, it also independently develops many competitive products, threatening the interests of some giants. Foreign capital cannot sit back and watch the dragon rise, and it will be shameless to ignore the situation, thus starting a protracted war.

In the areas of cutting-edge machinery, technology, raw materials, etc., sanctions, price wars, policy suppression, spending money to bribe Longteng employees, hyping up the pace in the country, beating Longteng store employees, and even inciting hatred against Chinese Americans, instigating ethnic confrontation, etc. Wait for the means above.

Wang Yan said that this is a routine operation, just do it.

There are always people who will sell anything for money, especially in the Western world. That should be called freedom. Again, if you harm me, I will harm you.

Although Longteng is very difficult, the domestic market is large and Longteng has a profound foundation. The two sides were not of the same mind. There were many overt and covert fights, and fights came and went.

2019, New Year’s Eve.

The Shanghai stock market, which had not snowed for decades, suddenly started to snow.

The auspicious snow heralds a good harvest, and the coming year will definitely be a good one.

On a hillside with a wide view in the suburbs, the cold wind rustled the windbreaker. Wang Yan looked at a dimly lit and cheerful villa area in the distance with a high-power telescope.

Through the telescope, Wang Yan saw the bald Chen Jianghe holding his eldest son's child and sitting with Yang Xue, who was no longer young. As if he was happy, Chen Jianghe opened his mouth and laughed. Yang Xue patted Chen Jianghe dumbfounded. The son, daughter-in-law, and unmarried daughter next to him were also full of smiles, and they were all enjoying themselves.

This family lived a good life, with a happy family and a smooth career.

Yang cooperated with Long Teng and recognized Long Teng as his big brother. With Luo Yuzhu taking care of her, business is naturally good. Chen Jianghe also made a lot of money from the real estate and Internet business he did with Long Teng.

The two of them are also old and have retired to old age early, leaving the company to their children.

Now, when Chen Jianghe mentions Luo Yuzhu, he just smiles and looks away from the world. It has all passed...

Looking at Yang Xue who was smiling and coaxing his grandson, Wang Yan smiled slightly, which was good.

This was the first time he saw Yang Xue in this world, and it was also the last time he saw Yang Xue.

After stretching his muscles and twisting his waist, the fifty-nine-year-old Wang Yan looked up at the sky, feeling the snowflakes coming towards his face, and raised the corners of his mouth... Another thirty years

Blue light flashed and Wang Yan disappeared...


Opening his eyes, Wang Yan stared blankly at the unfamiliar environment around him.

After a while, Wang Yan came back to his senses and felt his body full of strength. He rubbed his head for a while, then picked up an unopened bottle of water on the table and drank it.

After drinking water, Wang Yan pulled out the panel and took a look.

Wang Yan

Attributes: Strength 25

Agility 25

Physique 25

Spirit 35

Unallocated points 4

Storage space 2m


The task is completed and four attribute points are given daily.

In terms of skills, after getting started with carving, the rest are mainly some skills in natural science, which are not very high-level. They are the results of more than ten years of study and research. If you want to make some achievements, you still have a long way to go.

After watching it, Wang Yan put on his clothes, got up and went out to eat dumplings.

Before coming back, people were having a lot of fun with lights on, and he was peeping on other people's family fun on the hillside.

After a full meal of mutton stuffed dumplings, Wang Yan returned to the hotel to catch up with his parents. After chatting for a while, he washed up and went to bed early.

After visiting Bomi the next day, he set off and continued towards Sunshine City.

Thirty years of time does not mean that you have adapted. Rather than sitting there and thinking blindly, Wang Yan felt that he was still tired and pedaling like a calf. It would be better to find a young and unruly heart.

On a Sunday half a month later, Wang Yan, who had been wandering all the way, finally arrived at the Potala Palace Square.

There were a lot of people in the square. They were taking pictures in the concave shape in twos and threes, and there were also a lot of people pouring water on the ground and sticking their buttocks out to take pictures of the reflection.

"Wang Yan, help our team take a group photo."

Just after parking the car, before looking back, a man in his thirties came over and greeted Wang Yan.

Some people get faster as they get to the finish line, and some people get slower as they get to the finish line. These are different attitudes towards life.

Wang Yan is neither of them. He has his own rhythm and just strolls around.

This was a group of four people we met the day before yesterday when they were less than 100 kilometers away from Sunshine City. They were the ones who slowed down as they reached the finish line, as if they wanted to feel the glory before victory. Then I met Wang Yan's rhythm. Neither was fast nor in a hurry. We all had a good time communicating, so we simply went together.

Taking out his camera from his backpack, photographer Wang pointed and gestured to these like-minded friends to pose and take pictures. Needless to say, Wang Yan found a place with a backlight, took out his notebook, sat down on the ground and drew pictures on the spot, regardless of whether it was dry or not.

Simple modifications and beautifications didn't take long. Several people who had been thinking about the copywriting for Moments for a long time gathered around and looked at the photos while blocking the light.

"Niubi, you are so professional. Send it to me quickly. I have already thought of the words."

"What are you thinking about?"

"I say what I think is my own, and I'm afraid you'll copy mine, haha..."

"Fuck...don't even look at how many ounces of ink you have in your stomach."

After listening to a few people talking nonsense, Wang Yan smiled and sent them the original picture.

People who like sports are basically cheerful. If not, then it's probably boring.

It's a matter of life and death. After finally getting here, the sense of accomplishment in my heart can't be compared to the people next to me. It has to be done by my relatives, friends, wife and children. This is a good thing, everyone is happy.

Thank you (Heila Baji) for the 500-coin reward for your support.

Thank you to the brother (Hua Zong Shao Yue) for the reward of 100 coins for your continued support.

Thank you (Fairy Limit) brother for your continued support.

Thank you to the good brothers who voted monthly for your support.

Thanks to all the brothers who recommended it for their support.

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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