"Good combat effectiveness is inseparable from cleanliness. This is especially true as the first platoon and third squad of the Seventh Steel Company. Internal affairs issues have already been discussed in the recruit company and will not be repeated.

Wang Yan, you use locker No. 3, Bai Tiejun, you use locker No. 4... you share desk No. 2. "


Wang Yan and Bai Tiejun stood at attention. In fact, there is a third person, but passerby A is not important...

Then Wu Liuyi arranged beds for them: "Wang Yan sleeps on bed No. 1, and Bai Tiejun sleeps on bed No. 3. Put your luggage down."


The two stood at attention again.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Liuyi repeated the arrangement of toiletries and personal belongings. Although he said that he would not go into details, he basically talked about the internal affairs.

Then, Wang Yan and others were asked to clean up the bed, and they introduced the other soldiers in the class. The one worth mentioning was Gan Xiaoning.

In the subsequent selection and assessment of Lao A, he did not hold back everyone and gave up on his own initiative. Later, Gao Cheng was promoted to the deputy battalion commander of the division reconnaissance battalion, and Gan Xiaoning was also transferred there. He belonged to Gao Cheng's direct lineage and has been following Gao Cheng.

Including later, Ma Xiaoshuai, the last soldier of the 7th Steel Company, full of military brilliance and personal persistence, the student soldier from the military academy, also followed Gao Cheng.

But Ma Xiaoshuai hasn't come yet.

After taking a short rest, a gathering whistle sounded outside. They had already known that the new recruits would be welcomed today, and the soldiers who had changed into regular uniforms in advance quickly went downstairs to assemble.

Downstairs, company commander Gao Cheng and instructor Hong Xingguo, both of whom were also wearing regular clothes, had been waiting there.

The veterans gathered together to form a line, but the new recruits from the company had no place, so they stood alone on one side according to their size.

After a while, two veterans came out holding a flag respectively.

Seeing this, Gao Cheng issued an order: "The new recruits and veterans are behind! Let's go!"

The soldiers of the seventh company left in a mighty manner until they stopped on the playground.

At this time, the scorching sun is hanging in the sky and the summer wind is blowing.

The two red flags held by the veterans were waved, one was 'Armored Tiger Steel Company 7' and the other was 'Blood-soaked Pioneer Steel Company 7'. This is the honorary title awarded by the army for the 7th Company's military exploits, and it is the pride of 7th Steel Company. .


After the formation of the team was completed, more than a dozen recruits were left standing on the side. Gao Cheng gave orders directly without any unnecessary nonsense.


Shi Jin saluted in response and stood in front of the team, with an angry look on his face in the blink of an eye.

"Welcoming Lianqi!"

With a 'pop' sound, the two veterans unfurled the military flag, marched past the team in goose-step, and then stood to one side, holding the company flag high.

Then Gao Cheng came over, standing in the same standard military posture with an angry look on his face.

He yelled and shouted: "Wang Yan!"


"How many people are there in the Seventh Steel Company?"

"The Seventh Steel Company has a history of fifty-six years. During the fifty-six years of its history, 4,955 people have become members of the Seventh Steel Company!"

"Wang Yan!"


"How many soldiers are you in the 7th Steel Company?"

"I am the 4942nd soldier of Steel Company 7! I am proud of myself! I am proud of the 4941 soldiers before me! I am proud of the thirteen people who come after me!"

"Wang Yan!"


"Do you still remember the senior who sacrificed his life for the Seventh Steel Company?"

"I remember the 1,104 seniors of Steel Company 7 who sacrificed their lives for the country! I am proud of them! I am proud to be the successor of these 1,104 seniors!"

"Now, recite this song without a song with us! The seniors who can sing this song have all died gloriously! Now, only the soldiers of the Seventh Steel Company are left to recite this song.

We hope!

We hope you can!

We hope you can hear the singing voices roared by 4,955 throats! "

Gao Cheng stood at attention, looked around at the people in the field, and shouted with a cracked voice: "A thunderbolt, get ready!"

The next moment, the soldiers recited in unison. Wang Yan is also reciting.

But the other recruits just opened their mouths nonchalantly, not knowing what to carry.

In fact, Wang Yan didn't know it in advance. Wu Liuyi had already told everyone on the truck when they arrived, but no one else had memorized it, only Wang Yan had memorized it.

This ceremony is mainly to show the soul. Whether the soldiers can remember it is not the most important thing. The main thing is to scare the recruits and make them worship them. In the following time, the new soldiers will naturally know this.

A thunderclap! A sword!

A group of tigers! Steel Seventh Company!

Iron will! Iron man!

Iron-blooded defense of the country! Protect your home!

The sound of killing scares the enemy!

The reputation of winning every battle is legendary!

Attack must be defeated! Stay strong!

Step on the enemy's bones and sing victory!

This was recited by the soldiers of the Seventh Steel Company, not sung. However, the singing voice was loud and loud, resounding throughout the military camp. It was the heroic spirit of the Seventh Steel Company, singing this powerful song again...

After the ceremony, everyone relaxed, and Gao Cheng was not an overly serious person.

On the contrary, he is a person of interest. He likes to listen to music and has a set of speakers. After the Seventh Steel Company was disbanded and he was transferred away, he left that set of speakers to Xu Sanduo who stayed at the camp...

Gao Cheng laughed and shouted applause, and the soldiers clapped their hands vigorously together.

For a moment, he pressed his hands down to suppress the applause.

He said: "The joining ceremony is over. From now on, you are part of the Seventh Company. The spirit of our Seventh Company is not to abandon or give up. I hope you will remember this and practice it. In our company, you must remember that you are the nth soldier. This is the root of our Seventh Company. Of course, there may be other ways out in the future, so I won't ask for it, but in the Seventh Company, you can't forget. Whoever forgets, I will deal with him. Do you understand?"

"I understand!" The new recruits headed by Wang Yan answered in unison.

"Okay, let's introduce ourselves and get to know each other. Wang Yan, start with you."

Gao Cheng called the name, and Wang Yan responded, walked out of the queue, stood in front of the veterans' queue, and began to introduce himself.

It's nothing special, it mainly shows his humor and friendliness. After all, his name is very popular, which is due to his strong performance in various military subjects, and people have heard of it.

Besides, Wu Liuyi is the single-soldier champion of the 7th Company. He was defeated by Wang Yan in boxing and physical fitness. The veterans knew all these things.

Gao Cheng said with a smile: "You all know Wang Yan. This guy can fight, run, and shoot accurately. If you think it's boring, you can learn from him and promote each other."

"The company commander is scolding us. Who doesn't know that the deputy squad leader Wu is not Wang Yan's opponent? Can we still make trouble for ourselves?" A soldier said so.

"No future." Gao Cheng scolded with a smile, and then waved his hand, "Next."

In this way, the new recruits introduced themselves and everyone got familiar with each other.

There are more than a hundred people in a company. It is definitely impossible to say that everyone is familiar with each other. Moreover, they are divided into squads and platoons, just like the classmates next door in school. Some people may know each other, and some people may not know each other.

But relatively speaking, the relationship between soldiers in a company is still closer. Everyone lives and trains together on weekdays, which is much closer than the next class. After a few months, everyone can talk to each other. As for whether the relationship is better, that is another question.

After the introduction, the recruits were arranged into the queue and the formation was adjusted, and it was time for lunch.

It was no different from the recruit company. They still had to stand in line outside the cafeteria and sing songs and shout at the top of their voices. After passing this, they went to the cafeteria to eat.

When eating, the squad was the unit, and buzzing was also not allowed. Only a few officers gathered together, and laughter came from time to time.

Of course, everyone still whispered a little while eating like fighting.

"How is it, Wang Yan, after our company ceremony, how do you feel?" Gan Xiaoning muttered.

Wang Yan replied: "I am proud of the Seventh Steel Company and proud that I can join the Seventh Steel Company."

"Tsk, you are not just talking nonsense." Someone shook his head with a smile.

"Your consciousness is low, you don't believe this yourself? Squad leader, you have to do some ideological work on him."

"Yes, we need to clean it up." Shi Jin nodded with a smile, "I think the comrades have relaxed a little in their thinking for the past three months that I and Squad Leader Wu have been busy with the recruit company. We need to hold a class meeting when we go back."

"No, that's what I mean, I..." This man looked aggrieved, unable to express his pain.

Wang Yan smiled and said, "I know you don't mean that, but I really think so. It's really exciting, I can't wait to pick up the gun and do it."

"Oh, that's right, our Steel 7th Company needs this kind of spirit." Wu Liuyi smiled, "But you can't just do it recklessly. Don't think that the things in the recruit company are just like being a soldier. We are an armored reconnaissance company, and there are many things to learn."

"I know, didn't the company commander tell me when I was in the recruit company. Our company has nine infantry fighting vehicles and three sniper groups, all of which are top soldiers. We must master the shooting of various types of firearms, the principles, maintenance, and repair of firearms, various terrains and night operations, driving and repairing tanks, mastering vehicle-mounted weapons, individual anti-tank, anti-armor, anti-tank missiles and anti-aircraft missiles, firing of various types of artillery, as well as artillery firing instructions, and radio and so on."

"Okay, I remember everything the company commander said." Shi Jin smiled.

"Xu Sanduo also wrote it down. He kept talking about it when he had nothing to do. I remembered it after listening to it many times."

Wu Liuyi waved his hand and did not continue Xu Sanduo's topic. He said: "I will teach you what you just said later. Don't think you are in good health. Most of these things have nothing to do with your body. You will suffer."

"I am actually quite good at studying." Wang Yan smiled.

Wu Liuyi wanted to refute subconsciously, but just as he opened his mouth, he remembered what Wang Yan had told him before that his academic performance was affected by his parents' accident.

He took it back and slapped his forehead instead: "Hey, look at me, you are a seedling of college students, you must learn quickly."

"Okay, you are too fake." Wang Yan shook his head, "I am a grown man, what's the big deal, it makes me feel like I am going to die."

"Get lost, you are also very poisonous." Wu Liuyi laughed and scolded.

Shi Jin waved his hand: "Alright, that's enough. We have plenty of time to talk. Let's eat!"

Then everyone quieted down and continued to eat like they were fighting a war. Everyone's appetite was really good.

Wang Yan also let them see what a glutton is...

After lunch, everyone went back to the barracks for a nap, which was the building in the play. This building did not belong to the Seventh Company, but only two floors, including dormitories, honor rooms, meeting rooms, sundries, etc.

So after returning, the new recruits also visited it by the way to get familiar with the environment.

After returning to the class, everyone started to laugh and chat.

"Wang Yan, you are really good at martial arts?" a soldier asked.

Bai Tiejun laughed and said, "You are asking unnecessary questions. You didn't see it. Seven or eight veterans surrounded him and beat him up. He beat them all. It was very fierce."

Wang Yan shook his head with a smile: "I have practiced a little, but it's not the kind of high-altitude flying you think. It's not that mysterious. We soldiers also practice hard skills, and we are all beaten. In the final analysis, it's to train the body. If the body is well trained, you can run fast, jump high, climb easily, and it can be regarded as another kind of flying over the eaves and walls."

"What I mean is, you can do it?"

"Don't soldiers know how to do it?" Wang Yan said, "Just climb from the first floor to the top of the building, and then climb down from the top of the building. Basically, everyone can do it, right?"

"I haven't tried it, why don't you show it?" Someone encouraged Wang Yan.

"Get lost!" Shi Jin cursed, "That's not easy to play, what if you fall?"

Because of Wang Yan, everyone knows how to get lost.

In fact, this saying is not unfamiliar in the army, especially here is still in the north, and there are people from the northeast in the team. Now that Wang Yan is around, everyone will naturally mention this famous Northeastern saying. As time goes by, they get used to it and everyone knows it.

Swear words spread quickly. Even foreigners will call people stupid.

Wang Yan smiled and said, "Don't we have training in this area?"

"At most, we can climb the second floor." Wu Liuyi explained, "We are armored infantry. Why do we climb the stairs for no reason? Especially since we are a reconnaissance company. What is a reconnaissance company? Its main function is to detect the enemy situation. When there is a real war, even if it is a street battle, we will blast obstacles when we encounter them, and bombard enemies when we see them. We will not engage in close combat unless it is absolutely necessary.

I remember there will be live-fire target shooting training next week. You will understand when you see how fierce our training artillery fire is. In addition, when you participate in two exercises, you will know what war is like."

Wang Yan listened humbly and revealed his expectations at the right time.

"I still remember that we had a class that challenged a company."

"That's just a beautiful imagination. Don't go up and beat you up. That would be embarrassing."

Wang Yan didn't care: "Everyone has a time to be embarrassed. I'm thick-skinned and I'm not afraid. If this is done, our class three will be awesome."

"More than that." Shi Jin laughed, "If the standard of the exercise is high, we can all get a collective third-class merit."

Then he waved his hand again: "Okay, okay, go to bed and rest, the more you talk, the more nonsense you get."

"I can't sleep, squad leader, find those professional books for me, I want to study."

"I still have such a request?" Shi Jin was stunned for a moment, and then found a pile of books that were more than one meter high.

He smiled and patted: "It's all here, see, if you learn all these, you will be the best scout."

Wang Yan was fearless, he just took the book and lay on the bed to read it, and joked with the new veterans from time to time, mainly because Bai Tiejun was good at making jokes, plus the atmosphere of the third class was good, there was no bullying, exclusion, etc., it was quite harmonious...

I would like to thank the good brothers who voted for the monthly ticket, recommended votes and read the book silently for their strong support!

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