The exercise site is located near Zhangbei, with plains, mountains, and hills, and rich terrain.

The red team is the T Division, and the blue team is also an armored division, but the simulated equipment and weapons are one level higher than those of the United States, and the troops are also more.

This is how the combat effectiveness of the main front-line field force is tested, otherwise nothing can be seen.

In terms of equipment, military strength, and the combat quality of soldiers, the ordinary Type B infantry regiment is not qualified to compete with the 702 Regiment, and is not an opponent of the same level.

At noon, the team drove to the designated location, which was a sparse jungle.

But there was no time to eat lunch, but to seize the time to build fortifications, arrange cover, and make jungle-painted tarpaulin camouflage.

They are the weaker party. At this time, it is not yet the scheduled time to start the war, but various electronic reconnaissance has been arranged in advance, and the opponent can even mobilize satellites. Even if Wang Yan and his team are a reconnaissance company, the tentacles of the entire regiment, in modern warfare, it is impossible to act rashly at this time.

Once exposed, they will be bombarded with artillery shells.

After such a busy schedule, the 7th Company finally rested and ate the relatively rich military rations one by one.

"Squad leader, you have been in the army for the longest time. Is it like this in previous exercises? There is not even a shadow of a person." Bai Tiejun complained as usual.

Wu Liuyi threw a stone over: "It hasn't started yet, what are you yelling about?"

Shi Jin smiled and said: "In fact, it is not easy to hit anyone when fighting. Especially in joint military exercises with the Air Force, it is even more so. In the joint exercise last year, we didn't even see anyone, and the director's office sent a message saying that we were all eliminated. Later we learned that the fighter jets dropped missiles and directly wiped us out. Our company commander was so angry that he didn't eat for a week."

After saying this, in order to avoid dampening enthusiasm, he said, "But we are still very likely to encounter the enemy, after all, we are the vanguard."

"Ah?" Bai Tiejun was stunned for a moment, then looked at Wang Yan, "Brother Yan, it seems that what you said about destroying a whole company and capturing the leader of the Blue Army alive is just bragging?"

"It is indeed a bit exaggerated." Wang Yan shook his head with a smile, "But it is not so absolute. Didn't the squad leader say that we are very likely to encounter the enemy. As long as we are not bombarded halfway, we will have a chance to perform."

"Yes, we just avoid the artillery fire, find the main force of the enemy, and kill some of them, then we will not lose. If we guide the artillery and bomb more, then we will make a lot of money." Shi Jin nodded and agreed with Wang Yan's words.

"When will the joint exercise be held?" Bai Tiejun asked.

"It's estimated to be more than a month. There are several exercises every year. You don't have to worry. There are plenty of opportunities." Shi Jin said, "Do your best and don't be eliminated too quickly."

"Squad leader, you are targeting me a little bit. We are all on the same tank. If we are hit by the artillery, we will be eliminated together."

Wu Liuyi glared: "What, there is no time to get off the car? What is the coordination between people and vehicles?"

"Yes, yes, the deputy squad leader is right, I will review it."

Gan Xiaoning said: "You are not serious in your attitude. Can't you speak in plain language? Write a 10,000-word review later."

"I will write your uncle." Bai Tiejun turned around and scolded, and everyone laughed and laughed.

As we all know, fighting is not about forming a square formation, where everyone stands in a row and shoots at each other. It is to separate each unit, with platoons and squads close together. Form a horn and support each other.

The most basic way of marching and deploying troops is still the same in essence.

It's just that because of technology, they are mechanized troops and have radio communication, so they are far away from each other. For example, the third squad is two kilometers away from the company.

This distance would be fatal in ancient times, but now, it is just a matter of a foot of oil. If a foot of oil doesn't work, then report the coordinates and fire at me. In less than three minutes, this place will be plowed by artillery fire.

At the scheduled combat time in the afternoon, Gao Cheng's voice and the voice of the platoon leader of the first row kept ringing on the radio, reporting various arrangements.

Everyone in the third squad, including Wang Yan, is relatively lazy. Only Shi Jin keeps making various reports.

Others either sit cross-legged on the ground or lie on their sides with their elbows on the ground, with their legs crossed and swaying back and forth. Wang Yan is in this pose.


Gan Xiaoning imitated Wang Yan and lay down. His elbow hit a stone and he sat up in pain.

"As expected of a soldier king, his elbows are harder than ours."

"You have nothing to say?" Wang Yan shook his head with a smile, "You won't hit your head against a rock?"

Gan Xiaoning smiled and said, "It's a high-tech war now. How long has it been? We are still here as a group of scouts. If it were decades ago, our sharp-edged troops would have rushed in to investigate."

Wang Yan smiled and said, "Don't be so depressed. If there is a real war, people are still reliable. The advancement of the front line still requires our army to occupy it step by step. There are opportunities to show off."

Two divisions, with a total of less than 30,000 people, and the designated war zone is so large, there must be opportunities for the soldiers to fight. At present, it is still in the stage of trial between the two sides. It is impossible to fight so fiercely right from the start. After all, there is so much training on weekdays. It is better to take action at this time to test it.

At this time, Wu Liuyi, who was standing on the lookout and smoking not far away, shouted in a low voice: "There is a situation! Quick, quick, prepare for battle!"

"Finally I'm here to work. I'll take care of one of them."

A bunch of people grumbled and stood up. They picked up their weapons and lay on the ground to look at the situation in the distance.

"Look, they are scouts. They are not like us, hiding here." Bai Tiejun complained.

Wu Liuyi continued: "If we go out to investigate, we are not as good as them. We will be greeted by artillery shells. We are the defenders, and the Blue Army is the attacker. Do you understand?"

While chatting here, Shi Jin over there had naturally discovered it a long time ago and had begun to report the situation.

"Report, Captain, I am from the third squad, and we found two tanks here..."

Under the gaze of Wang Yan and others, the two infantry fighting vehicles, separated by more than 100 meters, slowly stopped at the foot of the mountain, and then two squads of people came down from them and went directly into the woods.

"Report, they got off the car, two groups of people entered the woods and approached me, requesting instructions."

Shi Jin's report was also synchronized.

Soon, Gao Cheng's order came, asking them to attack according to the situation, and the support of the other two groups in the row was on the way.

Shi Jin didn't need to give any orders, and there was a clacking check of weapons over there, and the sound of loading and firing was heard. When Shi Jin looked over, he saw a pair of eyes that wanted to fight.

Shi Jin didn't hesitate and directly ordered: "Wang Yan, go occupy the advantageous terrain and conduct sniping. Wu Liuyi, you take three people..."

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Yan had already rushed out with two guns on his back.

He bent over and moved quickly in the sparse woods. In just a moment, he disappeared.

"Big beast." Gan Xiaoning muttered.

Shi Jin said: "The main thing is to contain them, don't fight them head-on, and keep your manpower. In less than ten minutes, the first and second squads will be here. Do you understand? Don't be stubborn. Also, pay attention to Wang Yan's situation and cover him."

Wu Liuyi waved his hand: "Don't worry, we still need him to cover us. Let's go. Gan Xiaoning, Bai Tiejun..."

He pointed at a few people and left quickly, seizing a favorable position, hiding himself in advance, and giving a fatal blow by surprise...

Wang Yan ran to the hillside behind, and his direction of movement was diagonally forward. But he didn't really run to the top of the hillside. After all, this is a jungle. Even if it is sparse, it is still a jungle and will block his vision.

He only ran to the halfway point of the mountain and ran into the enemy on the opposite side, and they were running up the hillside.

Wang Yan had already seen the soldiers of the Blue Army. The three-man team came up here. Looking down, the soldiers of the two squads were almost in a straight line, scattered on the hillside. They slowly advanced forward under the cover of the jungle.

At this time, a crisp gunshot rang out, breaking the silence in the jungle, and it swung far in the jungle, startling the birds.

The three people on the slope also heard the gunshots, and they took tactical actions to avoid them at the first time, and then fired to suppress them, while not forgetting to be alert.

Wang Yan quickly took the Type 81 rifle he was carrying in his hand, and fired three shots. The three soldiers were stunned for a moment, and then put down their guns dejectedly, and did not move again.

Then Wang Yan rushed up, taking advantage of the high point, and did not use the Type 85 sniper he was carrying, and he took the Type 81 rifle and accurately called the names. The three people who had been eliminated were stunned.

Therefore, the battle did not last long. After a few minutes, the dense gunshots gradually stopped. The jungle was filled with smoke, which was the smoke from the performance equipment that marked the elimination.

Wang Yan ran wildly on the hillside, chasing a few retreating people, and shot them all out with a few shots.

At this time, Shi Jin's voice rang out: "Wang Yan, retreat! Quick!"

"You are Wang Yan?"

During the retreat, he passed by the three warriors who were eliminated by him first, and someone stopped him.

"It's me." Wang Yan smiled and patted his shoulder, "Do you know where I am? If you have something to say, write to me later and I will reply. Now, dead people should not talk."

"Fuck, wait for me to write a letter to curse you to death!" One of them shouted at Wang Yan's back.

"Then let's see who curses more dirty." Wang Yan laughed and ran away.

The soldier also laughed, turned around and said to the two comrades beside him: "He's a good guy."

"Yes, but I'm going to write a letter to scold him when I go back."

"I'll scold him too. Damn, he just fired two shots and let him sneak attack."

"That means we are not qualified. He was close to us, but we didn't see it."

The three of them put cigarettes in their mouths and sat on the hillside to analyze...

"Good job, Brother Yan, we have completed one-fifth of the goal."

Seeing Wang Yan coming back, Bai Tiejun laughed.

"Are they all alive?"

"You are so strong. You pressed them on the mountain alone and they didn't dare to look up. We did it easily." Gan Xiaoning laughed.

"I eliminated two more." A soldier next to him took over.

Shi Jin patted Wang Yan on the shoulder: "You did a good job. Keep it up. Get in the car and go."

In just a short while, they had packed up their things, and the three squads got in the car and drove along the hillside.

The two tanks had already fled. Since they were already exposed and their manpower had been dispersed, they naturally had to retreat.

The third squad was moving forward because of tactical necessity.

They couldn't go out to investigate, and they had to stay in the front. And there was a battle there just now, so there would definitely be artillery shells coming in a while.

Sure enough, less than two minutes after the third squad left, Gao Cheng reported on the radio that the area had been covered by artillery shells, and asked them to seize the time to build fortifications again and hide. He also praised the third squad for its heroic fighting and its record of killing 20 enemies without any casualties. He also said that this was the first shot of the 702nd Regiment, and he would treat the third squad to a drink after the exercise.

"Is it safe this time?" Wu Liuyi happily hugged Shi Jin's neck.

"Who can predict the future?" Shi Jin waved his hand and pressed the corner of his mouth.

"It's only been a year, it's going to be done soon." Wang Yan said with a cigarette in his mouth, smiling, "As long as you keep up the form, it's safe to sign a four-term contract. Besides, we've just started, with more than 20,000 people fighting, how can it take more than ten days? There are many opportunities. And won't we join forces with the Air Force later? The battle will definitely be bigger then.

We are just trying to protect our capital now, and first achieve the basics, and then there will definitely be opportunities for us to perform. Squad leader, your name is Shi Jin, you have to work hard. If you want to laugh, laugh out loud, don't hold it in."

"You're the only one who talks too much." Shi Jin laughed, "But you've also made great contributions. If you hadn't suppressed us just now, I'm afraid we would have lost a few people."

"We are all brothers in the same squad, don't say those sour words." Wang Yan waved his hand, "My credit is all because of your good command by squad leader Shi Jin, the proper cooperation of squad leader Wu Liuyi, and my good execution. That's it."

"Brother Yan, you can be a big official." Bai Tiejun came over and gave a thumbs up.

"When I become a high-ranking official, the first thing I will do is kick you out for being too talkative. Why didn't you let someone kill you just now?"

"Hehe, it's all thanks to you. Not only did you not let anyone kill you, you killed three people."

Gan Xiaoning said on the side: "Tell me, tell me, is there any justice? Just like that, you killed three people."

"How many did you kill?"


So the group of people started to discuss lively again, each killing a few people, and talking in detail about the wonderful expressions on the faces of the blue soldiers they saw.

Although they were talking about it on the way to the transfer just now, it doesn't delay continuing now. This is a record, and you can talk about it when you have nothing to do in the future. When you insult others, you can also talk about the heads, which are all capital. After retiring, you can also talk about bragging.

But Wang Yan believes that there will be someone among them who will attribute his record to himself. This is of course a small matter.

It seems that the people in the third squad are a bit heartless. But this is how war is. They are just the most basic soldiers. It is not their turn to think about tactics and strategies. All they do is to execute.

Besides, it was an exercise, and we just experienced a great victory, so it was inevitable to laugh and joke...

I would like to thank the good brothers who voted for the monthly ticket, recommended ticket, and read the book silently for their strong support!

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