"Wang Yan, the Type 85 has night vision, find a place and provide us with support."

Through the previous two battles, Shi Jin has also realized the correct use of Wang Yan, which is to let him act alone and become a separate firepower point. For the team, this effect is the best.

"Yes! Then you be careful, the Blue Army must have a lot of night vision, infrared, and thermal imaging. Squad leader, I suggest that it is best not to fight hard."

Wang Yan responded, then left the team and went up the hillside again. The idea remains unchanged, and it is still necessary to occupy the high ground.

The Type 85 sniper rifle is equipped with a four-fold optical sight, which can be adjusted for day and night use. So in such a night battle, there is still a lot of room for play...

After Wang Yan left, the other soldiers also acted quickly and dispersed. At the same time, they also left a few people to start the tank, using the machine guns and machine guns on the tank to block the Blue Army's enemies.

Soon, the jungle became quiet again, waiting for the battle to start.

This time, the first shot was fired by Wang Yan!

The Blue Army was strong, so he had to attract more firepower to gain more space for his comrades.

So when he arrived at the position and saw the Blue Army surrounding him, he directly shot and named.

The 85 sniper has a capacity of ten rounds, but obviously, there were not ten people coming.

It was surprisingly difficult. After firing ten shots quickly, Wang Yan did not wait to see the results of the battle, but performed various tactical actions to dodge. It was also in the gap between the transfer positions that he quickly took out the bullets, stuffed the bullets into the ejection port of the gun, and shot quickly after stabilizing his body.

At this time, of course, there was no chance to press bullets one by one for him, and there was no calmness of a thousand meters apart. He had to do this, shoot one shot and change places, use the gap, approach or stay away from the Blue Army, control the distance, and maintain high-frequency output.

The starry sky is bright tonight. In the jungle, you can actually see the outline of human figures moving in the distance by visual observation. But it doesn't work if the distance is too far.

Wang Yan and other soldiers from the third squad were a hundred meters away from the blue army. They could only see a cluster of people. It was not easy for both sides to shoot accurately. Even with night vision, infrared, and thermal imaging, there were still trees blocking the view.

And no one dared to raise their heads randomly, especially the third squad. After all, the blue army had more soldiers and more guns, and smoke would appear when they touched the edge. They all raised their guns and went out to shoot, suppress, and destroy the blue army's intention.

The blue army's intention was also obvious, which was to continuously compress the encirclement and surround the third squad into a trapped beast. Even if it couldn't be done, the third squad would be forced to retreat step by step.

But this was obviously extremely difficult to do. After all, Wang Yan was a sharpshooter. His firepower alone was greater than that of the third squad plus machine guns and machine guns.

Whoever rushed forward on the blue side would definitely smoke.

The battle was fierce. The blue army attacked desperately, and the third squad resisted to the death. This lasted for about ten minutes, and the support of both sides arrived.

In the open space outside the foot of the mountain, tanks were speeding, machine guns were roaring, tanks were advancing, gun barrels were flashing, gunshots, cannons, and soldiers were shouting and cursing.

The real storm has come, and the sky is dark.

Fortunately, this is an exercise. If it is a real war, then this battle will undoubtedly be tragic...

The battle lasted for a long time, and both sides fought over this jungle. At the most brutal time, the smoke in the forest even blinded people.

Finally, the sound of guns and cannons gradually stopped, and the blue army began to retreat.

Wang Yan fired dozens of shots from a distance, further expanding the results of the battle, causing the blue army to lose personnel. Until the blue army disappeared, he went down the mountain to look for his comrades.

Along the way, he passed through the blue army soldiers who were cursing and gathered together, and quickly found the organization, but the scene was not very good, and everyone was covered in dust.

Wang Yan took out a flashlight from his pocket and shone it around, then laughed: "Wow, the company commander is dead."

Gao Cheng, whose face was illuminated by the flashlight, was covered in oil paint and dirt, and looked very embarrassed. He waved his hands unhappily: "Get lost, put down the flashlight! Don't wait for me to deal with you!"

"Forget it, they are all dead, who should I deal with?" Wang Yan laughed and turned his head to see, "Hey, the instructor is here too? Okay, okay, stop talking, abide by the exercise discipline, I can't hear you talking."

"Why do you ask for a beating?" Hong Xingguo didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Gao Cheng was annoyed: "You ask for a kick."

Wang Yan shrugged his shoulders, ignored them, and turned to find the people in the class.

At this time, the soldiers of the third squad were gathering together to smoke and drink water, taking the time to rest.

"You're back." Shi Jin called out.

"Brother Yan, I knew you were not dead." Bai Tiejun was trying to make himself feel at one side.

Wang Yan looked over when he heard the voice, and he knew at a glance that this kid was dead.

"Don't talk too much, dead man." Wang Yan teased and asked Shi Jin, "Are we the only ones?"

The only ones who gathered together were Shi Jin, Wu Liuyi and Gan Xiaoning. Including Wang Yan, there were four people left, and the team had lost more than half of its members in combat. There was also the tank, which had already been labeled as obsolete.

"Isn't this obvious?" Wu Liuyi took over and asked, "You were the one who covered me just now, weren't you?"

Wu Liuyi and Gan Xiaoning were scouting outside before, and when the war started, they also fought and retreated. Wang Yan did devote some of his energy to support, otherwise Wu Liuyi would have been exhausted long ago.

"Isn't this obvious?" Wang Yan replied with a smile.

"Fuck, you kid..." Wu Liuyi punched Wang Yan with a smile and gave him a cigarette.

"How were they eliminated?" Wang Yan lit his cigarette and asked.

"It's a bombardment. We are the last hope of the Seventh Company, and we are all smoking." Gan Xiaoning said, "We calculated the coordinates to bomb them, and they calculated the coordinates to bomb us. The three of us are very lucky. We don't know the real artillery. Can you still survive after being bombarded?"

"If it were a real cannon, the company commander and the others wouldn't necessarily emit smoke."

Wang Yan turned to ask, "Squad leader, what are our plans next?"

"Reorganize the remaining units, we will join the Sixth Company next."

As soon as he finished speaking, smoke started to rise from Wang Yan and others' bodies.

Shi Jin was stunned for a moment, and his tense body relaxed instantly, and he said with a smile: "Okay, now the hope is gone. It's none of our business."

Wang Yan moved his position to avoid being choked by the smoke and looked up at the sky.

"It's okay now, Brother Yan, can you talk?" Bai Tiejun came up.

Wang Yan kicked him gently and asked, "Why is it missing?"

"The Blue Army must have been angry. They plowed this place, and it was no use even if we moved our positions." Gao Cheng walked over with a smile, "Do you understand now? No matter how good your martial arts skills are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives."

Wang Yan smiled and said: "If this is true, I might be able to struggle again."

"That's not going to happen to you yet."

"Maybe I won't tell you."

"Okay." Gao Cheng laughed, then turned around and shouted, "We have all the Seventh Company. Prepare for a night march. Get out of the war zone as soon as possible. Go back and have a hot meal and have a good rest."

Immediately, the Seventh Company packed up their things and marched overnight with other units participating in the battle to withdraw from the battlefield.

Wang Yan didn't tell lies. If it were a real cannonball, he could really dodge it. Now he is very mysterious. Before the bombs come, he will have some impulses on a whim, seek good luck and avoid bad luck, and escape intact.

But there was no danger, they were all laser signals, and there was nothing he could do. The laser swept away and he was eliminated in smoke. As a fighter with limited mobility, he has limited space to perform.

Unless the seventh company was completely wiped out and no one gave him orders, he would not obey the reorganization, join other companies, and go out to work on his own. As said before, he can really control the Blue Army command center. But the result is definitely not good, after all, he is unorganized and undisciplined.

During the march, Gao Cheng comforted the soldiers.

"Don't be discouraged, our Seventh Company has already shown its might. Do you know how many people were there in that battle just now? We alone have nearly a thousand people on both sides. Didn't you see the rows of chariots and tanks? Do you think it's just that? What about our fight? Our entire regiment was mobilized in this battle, and we basically used everything we could.

These things are far away, let’s talk about the near ones. Preliminary estimate, our company commander said that we worked for two hundred, one for two, which is enough. If there is a real war, I believe we can do better.

So, don’t be all dejected, cheer me up. Let's go back, let's eat and drink well even for dinner, and then have another day's rest. How is it? "

"Okay! Okay! Okay!"

The soldiers of the Seventh Company responded.

Bai Tiejun asked: "Who is frustrated?"

"Can we be discouraged?" Gan Xiaoning laughed, "We have done a lot and deserved a lot of credit, but I am just a little sleepy and have no energy. I think the brothers in other classes are the same. The company commander must have misunderstood and acted on his own. So sentimental."

In this way, without saying a word, everyone marched in a hurry for several hours back to the station.

At this time, it was already dawn and the night was about to dawn.

Everyone got out of the car in a daze, sobered up for a while, went to the cafeteria to eat the prepared breakfast, and then returned to the barracks tiredly. They took off their clothes one by one, threw them on the ground, and fell asleep with their blankets covered.

Wang Yan did not go to bed directly. He went to the water room to wash his clothes first. Seeing him like this, Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi thought for a while and decided to do the laundry together.

After all, you have to wash it morning and night. If you wash it first, you will feel comfortable afterwards. Once you wake up from a sleep, you will inevitably be unwilling to move when the time comes.

In the water room, three grown men were washing clothes in three rows.

Wu Liuyi asked: "Did you forget it? How much did you do?"

"How can you not have that skill? Forty or fifty people must have it. What about you?"

"How about you say you can't remember? You killed so many people, no one can remember them. I only did eight, and I remember them one by one."

"There must be some who are successful in the scan, but I don't know." Wang Yan said, "We will have statistics later. The equipment is all numbered. We will know when the time comes."

Wang Yan glanced at Shi Jin and said with a smile, "Anyway, with this record, the squad leader will definitely be stable next year."

"Not necessarily, not necessarily." Shi Jin lowered his lips and waved his hands modestly.

Wu Liuyi laughed: "You're still pretending, hypocritical!"

"I'm still saying that, there's still one year left, who knows? But looking at it now..." Shi Jin nodded with a smile, "Although I can't say it's 100% sure, I still have great hope."

"Lucky Star is here. This is the God of War. Don't forget it."

Shi Jinxu kicked Wu Liuyi: "What do you need to say? Even if it doesn't matter, I am the squad leader, so don't I have to do ideological work for him? Then what else is more suitable than the wine table? Wait for the dinner It’s over, I’ll treat you to dinner then.”

He looked at Wang Yan.

Wu Liuyi said: "Is it nothing to do with me?"

"How can I do it without you? I treat you, and you pay for it."

"It's all little things."

Just like that, the three of them chatted and laughed in the water room, washed their clothes, wiped their bodies briefly, and then returned to the class to sleep.

Wang Yan didn't sleep, he was energetic. When he came back at night, he took a nap in the car all the way. Although it was not very comfortable, it was enough rest for him.

So he squinted for a while, and when everyone in the class fell asleep with the sound of snoring, he got up and went out to the library to read quietly.

After sitting for a while, Gao Cheng walked in with a bunch of things.

"Why are you here? What are you doing if you don't sleep?"

"I'm energetic and not sleepy." Wang Yan asked, "Company commander, what are you doing?"

"Our company's exercise summary report is still being written. I am not thinking that there are many books here. With the immersive experience, my writing will be smoother."

Gao Cheng sat across from Wang Yan and asked, "How are you doing? How much have you done?"

"I guess there are forty or fifty."

"Good guy, I estimate that our company has done more than two hundred, and you can do fifty yourself?"

"There were many battles at night," Wang Yan said. "At that time, I was suppressing people on the hillside. Whoever broke out towards our class would be named. We fought for so long, but they didn't hit me. So, Can we shoot more? When the blue army retreated, I fired dozens more, so I had to hit a few. "

"Let's wait for the statistics. We will know when the time comes. Let me see if you are bragging."

"When have I ever boasted, company commander?"

"What you said is too scary. If you want to say twenty or thirty, there must be some. Forty or fifty, I can't be sure." Gao Cheng took out his cigarette with a smile and lit one himself. Throw the rest to Wang Yan.

"Go back, you can just squint for a while."

"I'm really not sleepy. I can run five kilometers now without any problem. Besides, there's nothing wrong today. I slept too much during the day and it's hard to sleep at night."

"Then I won't be bothered. You can make up your own mind." Gao Cheng was suffocating a cigarette with one hand and scratching his head with the other, frowning, "I'm telling you, don't think it's easy for me to be the company commander. This report can cost me half my life." , It’s really torturous.”

Wang Yan lit up a cigarette and smoked it, then smiled and said, "What's so difficult about this? Just tell the story of the war, re-analyze the situation, and then write down the lessons learned. How simple."

"What's wrong? Do you mean you know how?"

"I will say that I have never been an official or written a report."

Gao Cheng smiled: "Come on, come on, please give me a few words."

Wang Yan coughed, appeared more serious, and said: "In 2004...at 4 o'clock in the morning, our unit gathered urgently, following the order of the regiment headquarters..."

Wang Yan recounted what he had seen and experienced as a grassroots soldier, and Gao Cheng was stunned...

"You're really not sleepy, are you?" He confirmed again.

"Then write it." Gao Cheng threw away the pen and paper, "As for what you just said, it's basically the same, except for the orders from superiors and the deployment adjustments of our company. Write down everything you just said, and come back I'll copy it and make up for the mistakes. The lessons learned must be profound. If you can, I can't bear it anymore. I'll treat you to dinner later."

After saying that, Gao Cheng stood up and left, his steps brisk...

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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