The next day, Wang Yan got up and had breakfast.

I also collected some personal belongings from the prison guard, which were not much, mainly an ID card and several thousand Hong Kong dollars.

Then, a group of young and Dangerous boys in the prison gave a self-proclaimed collective farewell and walked out of the prison gate.

As expected, Wang Yan, who had just left the prison, saw a row of young men standing outside.

There were about twenty people, less than thirty. Upon closer inspection, not only were there no fewer, but there were a few more.

When the group of people outside saw Wang Yan coming out, they quickly lit the firecrackers they had prepared to celebrate their eldest brother's release from prison.

When Wang Yan walked up to them, he saw five or six of them shouting in unison: "Welcome brother to be released from prison."

Wang Yan, whose scalp was numb after being scolded by them, felt that he was a bit too public. But it’s hard to say anything, after all, they also have good intentions.

Then Li Yun, Wang Yan's top horseman, stepped forward and said, "Brother Yan, get in the car first. The brothers are all ready to take care of you."

Li Yun is in his twenties, much younger than Wang Yan. According to the system's memory, Wang Yan came together when he conquered a street, and he has been with him for two years. Seeing that Li Yun was more obedient, more reckless, and daring to fight, Wang Yan made him the leader.

Patting Li Yun on the shoulder, Wang Yan said: "I'm determined, Ayun."

Then he got on the first eight-hand van, and more than 20 people also got on and set off.

On the way, Li Yun introduced to Wang Yan some of the current situations of his men.

Just as Wang Yan thought, less than a month after he was captured, his men dispersed. Other surrounding gangs came to carve up Wang Yan's street, leaving Li Yun and a few of his men struggling to support themselves. Seeing that a street was about to disappear, fortunately Wang Yan had become famous at this time, and other forces did not dare to act rashly. As Wang Yan's reputation became more and more famous, those forces were all small organizations, and none of them could hold enough for Wang Yan's hand. They couldn't afford to offend Wang Yan, so they all withdrew from Wang Yan's territory and apologized.

Some of the younger brothers who ran away before heard that their former eldest brother was so fierce. After repenting, Li Yun agreed to let them come back.

Wang Yan doesn't want to care about these things. It's human nature and can be understood if the tree falls and the hozens scatter.

Wang Yan listened quietly to what Li Yun said: "Okay, I almost understand everything."

"We'll talk about other things tomorrow. Damn it, I've been locked up for a year, let's have some fun today."

After a while, the car drove to a restaurant. A big brother who doesn't know how to brainwash is not a good big brother. During the dinner, Wang Yan brainwashed the younger brothers in various ways and deceived the younger brothers until their blood boiled.

Everyone drank happily, and no one was unhappy. Then he went directly to the nightclub. Wang Yan waved his hand and arranged one person for each person. He hugged the two most beautiful ones and left. The treatment here was quite formal and safe. Wang Yan's body is getting stronger and stronger, and he is naturally as powerful as a dragon or a tiger. Moreover, they had been holding it in for a year, and they couldn't stand it anymore. The two beautiful girls who had been killed in a bloody battle retreated steadily and begged for mercy again and again.

On the next day, Wang Yan arrived at his stronghold in Tuen Mun.

This is a small shop. The previous owner couldn't repay the loan at high interest rates, so Wang Yan used it to cover the debt. Later, Wang Yan cleaned up and treated it as a facade. Are you a mixed society? Face is more important than anything else.

Wang Yan sat on the boss's chair he got from somewhere and listened to Li Yun's detailed report, mainly to know how much money he had.

Although the street controlled by Wang Yan is in the remote Tuen Mun area, Hong Kong Island is small and has a high population density. Compared with prosperous places such as Central and Causeway Bay, the only disadvantage of this place is its consumption capacity. There are hundreds of large and small stores on his street, and the money he can receive is far behind compared to the central areas of Hong Kong Island.

Li Yun talked there for a long time and then took out the account book and gave it to Wang Yan.

After looking at the account book and listening to Li Yun's words, Wang Yan also understood the current situation.

One of his streets can collect about 80,000 yuan a month. If he gives another one to his subordinates, it won't be much in his hands. During this year, Li Yun and the others left him about 100,000 yuan. Including the money from selling the prison, he had almost 400,000 Hong Kong dollars at his disposal.

Wang Yan was very handsy and spent almost 200,000 yuan on everything in prison. Otherwise, why would he be so safe in prison that even the prison guards would call him "Brother Yan". Being a big brother means spending money.

Waving to Li Yun to leave, Wang Yan lay down on the boss's chair and concluded his thoughts.

In fact, that's pretty much what Wang Yan was thinking about in prison. If he wants to get off to a super start and develop rapidly, he can only do it through pornography, gambling and drugs, or else he will rob it openly. But for some reasons, I can't do this. I can only rely on my status to win some favors. Although Wang Yan's current power is not even comparable to that of other big men, Wang Yan's reputation is resounding, and he is probably still popular with big men from all over the world.

After thinking about it, Wang Yan made a few calls, asked for Ni Yongxiao's contact information, and then called him.

"Hello, I'm Ni Yongxiao, who's there?" The phone was connected, and Ni Yongxiao's voice came from the other side.

"Brother Xiao, I'm Wang Yan. Do you have time to come out and have a drink together?" Wang Yan said.

Ni Yongxiao was stunned for a moment, obviously not thinking what Wang Yan was asking him to do, and then he smiled and said: "Hahaha, the famous King of Hell asked me to make an appointment. He has to make time even if he doesn't have time."

The business in the prison is so prosperous and the money is made every day. As a well-known big brother in Hong Kong and Kowloon, Ni Yongxiao is also involved. Although he didn't know why Wang Yan asked him to do it, he gave him some face.

After agreeing on a time and place with Ni Yongxiao, both parties hung up the phone politely.

Wang Yan would have nothing to do if he stayed alone. He didn't want to cause trouble in the short term, so he could only make a fortune by being silent. So wearing big pants, a big vest, and slippers, he went out to inspect his territory, his territory, and his country.

This is incredible, in broad daylight, the world is clear. Along the way, Wang Yan saw more than one case of stealing, fighting, blackmailing, and teasing good women. There was chaos everywhere.

Of course, Youyao's mood was completely shattered. Return to his stronghold and summon his men.

"Brothers, I just went out to take a look. To be honest, I am very disappointed in you."

"A bunch of bad guys are blatantly causing trouble on our territory. This is a slap in my face, and it's a slap in your face."

"If trouble occurs on our territory, it will affect the business on our street. If business is not good, there will be less revenue."

"The charge is so little, do we still have money to spend?"

"Brothers, this is destroying our jobs."

"Brothers, answer me, what should we do about this behavior of not letting us eat?"

Li Yunmang was not stupid. On the contrary, he was very good at causing trouble. He raised his arms and shouted, "Kill them!"

The remaining boys were encouraged and shouted: "Fuck them to death! Kill them to death!"

Regarding Li Yun's behavior, Wang Yan cast a satisfied look. Li Yun was delighted, this was a step closer to the boss's heart.

"Okay, brothers, I'll make a rule."

"Anyone who looks for trouble in our territory from now on will be beaten to death by me."

"Brothers, don't harass other people's bosses. They ask us to eat. We should help them as much as we can."

"I hope to see a clean street, don't let me down. Do you understand?"

He was responded to by the younger brothers shouting loudly: "I understand."

"Very good. Now let's go out in groups of three and kill those sons of bitches." Wang Yan took the lead and walked out.

The younger brothers scattered and if they saw anyone looking for trouble, they would go up to them and beat them up without saying a word. He was beaten up by a group of bad guys and screamed for his father, then thrown directly outside the adjacent street.

In one day, the bosses who opened their doors for business were satisfied, and so were the people shopping. It also allowed everyone on this street to see Wang Yan's strength, and he was able to stay stable for a while.

As long as it can be maintained in the future, the business on his street will definitely be booming.

The time quickly arrived at the time agreed with Ni Yongxiao. After Wang Yan explained something, he went to the agreed place.

Wang Yan made an appointment at a well-known restaurant in Tsim Sha Tsui. Tuen Mun is not close to Tsim Sha Tsui. Are you looking for someone to do something for you? Let’s not talk about whether it can work or not. You have to show how much you value them. This is why Wang Yan's current reputation does not match his power. Otherwise, why would Wang Yan have to come in person? It can be done with just one phone call.

When we arrived at the appointed hotel, we saw Ni Yongxiao appearing with a few bodyguards after a while. At this time, Ni Yongxiao had already dealt with the four major bankers under his command, and he was in high spirits.

Wang Yan made a good gesture, stretched out his hand and took two steps forward: "Brother Xiao, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Ni Yongxiao shook hands with Wang Yan and said with a smile: "It's my pleasure to meet Brother Yan, but now many people meet and can't see you, haha, I must have a drink soon."

Wang Yan looked at Luo Ji behind Ni Yongxiao, and then smiled and said: "Brother Xiao said it was not that exaggerated, haha, it's serious, it's serious. Come, please come inside." With that, he let Ni Yongxiao in.

Ni Yongxiao was not polite and left a few bodyguards to guard the door. He took Luo Ji and followed Wang Yan to the private room inside.

Soon the food and wine were served, and the two of them complimented each other and ate and drank. Ni Yongxiao had a good drinker, and Wang Yan was the best at him. In addition, Ni Yongxiao was well-educated and Wang Yan was knowledgeable and memorized. The more they chatted, the more speculative they became.

After eating and drinking, Wang Yan asked the waiter to bring a pot of tea and gave Ni Yongxiao a look that said, "I won't tell you, but you will understand."

Ni Yongxiao saw that this was about to talk about business, so he asked Luo Ji who was standing aside to buy two packs of cigarettes and dismissed him.

At this time, his father Ni Kun was still dead. Although Luo Ji had worked for his family for five or six years, he did not dare to trust him easily.

Watching Luo Ji close the door and go out, Wang Yan said: "Brother Xiao, you also know that I just came out and am not as strong. You coming here is a compliment to my brother."

"We had a very interesting chat. As for me, I won't talk nonsense."

"I'm looking for you, Brother Xiao, this time, but I have something to ask for."

"I know Brother Xiao, you specialize in the business of selling fans, and you have a lot of money. I am short of money, and I want to borrow some money from you."

"I will give you a profit of 35% of the principal in half a year. I wonder if Brother Xiao will agree."

Wang Yan wanted to borrow money for a while. He had a head full of stock information, and if he calmed down for a while, he would be able to hit the banker hard. Ni Yongxiao was the richest person that Wang Yan could think of. Although the other people also had a lot of money, most of it was in real estate. Cash still depends on big bankers like Ni Yongxiao.

Ni Yongxiao pondered for a long time, and Wang Yan drank tea quietly without disturbing him.

For a long time, Ni Yongxiao looked directly at Wang Yan: "Brother Yan speaks, of course there is no problem. I wonder how much Brother Yan wants?"

Wang Yan didn't think twice and said directly: "Of course, the more, the merrier."

Looking at Wang Yan quietly, Ni Yongxiao pondered for a moment: "Okay, Brother Yan, I have about 10 million US dollars in cash that I don't need in the short term. I will lend it to you."

Ni Yongxiao also had the idea of ​​​​forging a good relationship and selling personal favors. After all, Wang Yan is now recognized as the strongest in Hong Kong and Kowloon, and he does not want to offend.

Another thing is that he has done great things in prison. In the past few decades, there have been fewer people in prison in Hong Kong? Why is it that Wang Yan is the only one who succeeds when others fail? He didn't know what Wang Yan wanted the money for, but looking at the prosperous gambling stall in prison, he had an inexplicable trust in Wang Yan.

What's more, the profit of 3.5 million US dollars in half a year is really not low. His financial management and stock trading designation cannot make that much.

The market is so big, no matter how much he sells, he still has to sell it bit by bit. Money can't make money, so he would be very upset if he kept the money.

Seeing that Ni Yongxiao was so cheerful, Wang Yan still tried to persuade him even though he knew what he was saying was fart, "Brother Xiao, Hong Kong Island is too small. If you have nothing to do, take a look outside. It's a vast world, and there's a lot to be done."

"I should not say something, why are you selling it on Hong Kong Island?"

"Look at the great United States, what a free country it is. The people there need you. I seem to smell the ink of a beautiful knife. What a charming smell it is."

Southeast Asia may be okay, but Ni Yongxiao in the United States is really not good. He had thought about this problem before, but the gap in strength was too big, and he didn't have the channel yet. Without discussing this with Wang Yan, he moved his hand without leaving any trace.

Wang Yan thanked Ni Yongxiao, and the two chatted for a while and then dispersed.

Walking leisurely on the road, looking at the flashing neon lights around, I sketched a blueprint for the future in my heart. In Han Chen's words, "I, Lao Wang, have great ambitions and will definitely give you no chance to sweep me away."

Regardless of anything else, he took a taxi and returned to his small shabby house. This is a gift from the system and was created after more than ten years of hard work.

Ni Yongxiao contacted a general he cooperated with in the Golden Triangle when he returned here. He talked about the matter and got a positive answer. He hung up the phone with satisfaction. In a villa worth 100 million, sitting on a chair worth more than 100,000 yuan, thinking about his father.

As for Luo Ji, after sending Ni Yongxiao home, he directly contacted his immediate boss, Lu Sir, and reported today's meeting between Wang Yan and Ni Yongxiao.

After Sir Lu got the news, he was also restless and directly contacted Huang Zhicheng and the two of them to figure it out together.

Ever since Wang Yan turned a prison into a casino, he had been registered in the police force and directly climbed to the top of the police force's internal rankings. There is no way, Wang Yan is too harmful. Compared with thief kings and gangsters, they are serious and old. Ordinary people only harm the rich and the common people. Wang Yan directly dug into the roots of the police force, and his force value was extremely high. Perhaps because many of them failed to benefit from it, Wang Yan was very popular in the police force.

Don't blame them for being nervous, it's no wonder that a fierce man and a drug lord can do good things.

Huang Zhicheng and Lu Sir analyzed it for a long time, but couldn't figure out anything, so they had no choice but to give up and tell their immediate superiors about the situation. Finally, the news reached the police station in Tuen Mun.

When the Tuen Mun Police Station learned that Wang Yan had returned to Tuen Mun, they had already sent people to monitor him. They were also frightened. After all, Wang Yan had committed some major case and he would be beaten if he couldn't solve it. He had a big family to support, and they were afraid of losing their jobs. What's more, Wang Yan is the young and Dangerous boy with the highest force value in Hong Kong. Who knows if he will kill the police when he is crazy? They are afraid.

Wang Yan started cleaning up the streets after he was released from prison today. They didn't say anything. After all, maintaining regional stability was a good thing. But this time after receiving the news, I was on tenterhooks. This time something was really going to happen. They had no choice but to send more people to monitor Wang Yan.

Wang Yan knew nothing about it and he was not interested.

He knew that Luo Ji would definitely spread the news about his meeting with Ni Yongxiao, but so what. He didn't do anything else. Even if he did, they still had to provide evidence.

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