In the army, the Chinese New Year is very lively, and there are relatively few rules on this day.

The instructors will also organize various activities for the soldiers, such as writing Spring Festival couplets, making dumplings, etc., as well as parties where everyone performs and displays their talents.

The soldiers will also be provided with tobacco, alcohol, sugar and tea. Except for those who are on guard duty, they are free to eat and drink.

Of course, this is not the first time that Wang Yan has celebrated the New Year in the army. When he was in the art troupe, he would go out to perform to stimulate the spiritual entertainment needs of the soldiers. Later, he formed a special forces team, and it was he who led the soldiers to carry out activities.

The purpose is very simple, which is to create a collective lively and joyful atmosphere and dilute the individual soldiers' sorrow of missing their loved ones during the festive season.

This certainly works. When people are happy, they forget some unhappiness.

Here in class three, Wu Liuyi went home on vacation. Even with the vacation, he could stay at home for more than half a month. The others were together, laughing and joking...

After the New Year, Wu Liuyi came back.

He brought a bunch of things: "It's all food and drink from our house. Share it and eat it by yourself."

Wang Yan gave Wu Liuyi a Huazi. At this time, Wu Liuyi didn't say whether he could smoke in the class, so he let Wang Yan light it for him. Shi Jin didn't say anything, and even took the initiative to open the window. Everyone is happy and doesn't do anything to spoil the fun.

"How's it going? Did you go home for a blind date?" Wang Yan asked.

"Don't mention it, can you still run away? The matchmaker is really powerful. I went and came back and took the car. I stayed at home for fifteen days, exactly half a month. I didn't see the girl except for the day when I was thirty. For the remaining fourteen days, I saw at least one person a day, and sometimes two people, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. Oh, I was so annoyed by your nonsense that I couldn’t even think about going home. It was so miserable.”

Wu Liuyi's face said he wanted to die.

Shi Jin asked: "We've met so many people, but no one looks right?"

"It can't be said that there isn't..." Seeing everyone's eyes focused on it, Wu Liuyi waved his hands again and again, "That can't be said that there is."

Bai Tiejun stuffed his mouth with the food he brought back, leaned over and muttered: "Is it there or not?"

Wu Liuyi pondered for a moment, then patted his head and stood up: "Hey, by the way, I almost forgot about the real thing. That Sanduo, I went to your house to see your dad."

Xu Sanduo was very surprised: "Really, class deputy?"

"Why am I teasing you? I went there in the first year of junior high school. Your dad and your eldest brother and second brother were there..."

Seeing Wu Liuyi clumsily changing the subject, Shi Jin bumped into Wang Yan and said, "There's obviously something going on."

Wang Yan smiled and nodded: "I'm shy, I'm sorry. It seems like there's a way, so let's not ask."

After that, he stubbed out his cigarette, went over and picked up the things Wu Liuyi brought back, and started eating together. Everyone was very lively...

Wu Liuyi's incident was an episode, but this episode was always mentioned, making Wu Liuyi very embarrassed.

After he came back, he began to receive letters frequently, and he would giggle when he read them. When I replied to the letter, I scratched my head and scratched my head, and for no reason, I had a beautiful smile on my face. Just couldn't see it.

The tenderness of the iron man and the blossoming of the iron tree always bring a contrasting sense of joy. The comrades in the class like to tease Wu Liuyi about this matter to see how embarrassed Wu Liuyi is...

After the New Year, spring has also taken steps towards the north. The weather is getting warmer, the snow is melting, and the spring rain moistens everything, giving off new vitality.

Wang Yan and other new recruits had a crutch on their shoulders, turning them into two crutches. They could be regarded as turning from recruits into veterans.

Another batch of spring recruits arrived, another batch of veterans retired, and the company personnel went through another round of rotation. Including class three, two more people left and two came in.

Originally there were ten people in a team, but then one more was added due to the arrival of Xu Sanduo, but now there are ten people back.

Because Wang Yan left Class 3 and was transferred to Class 1 as the squad leader.

On the playground, Wang Yan stood with his hands on his arms, and in front of him were nine soldiers standing in military postures.

"Everyone is familiar with me, and I all know you. There are three new recruits who may not be familiar with it. It doesn't matter. We all eat and sleep together. It will only take a few days for us to become familiar with each other. The veterans have to help the new recruits adapt. Our company has no When it comes to bullying new recruits, if anyone is showing off their qualifications or acting like a fool, I will deal with you when the time comes, and don’t say I didn’t say hello to you.

In the past, the best team in our company was the third class, and everyone regarded the third class as the goal to catch up with. I was in Class 3 before, and I think it’s not difficult to surpass Class 3. Therefore, during the period when I am the monitor of the first class, I hope that everyone can work hard, not to set the third class as the goal, but to surpass them. Do you have confidence? "

"Yes!" The soldiers of the first squad responded loudly.

Wang Yan nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, the voice is very loud. Then I won't talk nonsense, let's start practicing now. Run ten kilometers first, led by the shift deputy, within forty-three minutes. It can't be completed. Practice more at night.”



"What if it's done?"

"Isn't that what it should be? Are you speechless? Get out of here!" Wang Yan cursed with a smile, and then shouted the command, "Yes, turn right! Run and walk!"

Seeing the soldiers in the class running, Wang Yan strolled to Gao Cheng who was standing next to the playground.

Gao Cheng took out a cigarette from his pocket and gave one to Wang Yan. Wang Yan took out a lighter and lit it for Gao Cheng.

After saying this, Gao Cheng puffed out his smoke and said, "Yes, it's quite similar to that."

"What's so difficult about being a squad leader?" Wang Yan said with a smile, "Who dares not to listen to me?"

Gao Cheng paused for a moment: "You are right. But being a squad leader is not just about making people afraid of you. You have to learn from Shi Jin, you know?"

"You still don't trust me, company commander? It's nothing."

"Just know it yourself." Gao Cheng said, "I have high standards and strict requirements for you. You have to lead the first squad for me. Form a left and right hand with the third squad, so that we don't have to use only one knife in the future. Next time we exercise, we will directly use fists on the opponent, left hook and right hook, and knock them out."

"I guarantee to complete the task."

At this time, Wu Liuyi ran over: "Squad leader, how do you feel about taking office as a new official?"

"You are scolding me, right? What else can I feel, it's the same."

"You are just a mean person, I care about you."

"Then why don't you let everyone care about the female comrade who wrote to you?"

"You're not finished, right?" Wu Liuyi glared.

"Hey, Captain, look at him, can't he afford to play?"

Gao Cheng laughed: "I'm curious too."

"Oh, why are you all like this?" Wu Liuyi was speechless, he wanted to say something, but couldn't say it, and he jumped up in anxiety.

"What's the big deal?" Gao Cheng patted his shoulder, "You are not young anymore, it's time to get married."

While speaking, he handed Wu Liuyi a cigarette.

Wu Liuyi was really happy, he has now begun to consciously save money. And smoking is the biggest part of his expenses, so naturally he saves money from here.

Before, Wang Yan saved money from him, now he saves money from Wang Yan. Of course, the main reason is that he knows that Wang Yan basically doesn't spend money on smoking, he just gets it from the leader.

In this way, with Gao Cheng and others, Wu Liuyi really saved a lot.

This matter is that as long as you are willing to lose your face, you will not lack cigarettes. Of course, Wu Liuyi has a face, he will still buy cigarettes, but he buys less. He told Wang Yan many times that he wanted to quit smoking, but he still hadn't succeeded...

Wang Yan became a squad leader, and his life was no different from before. It was really a piece of cake for him to manage nine people and do some ideological work. Even if the squad leader had some writing work to do, it didn't take much of his energy and was easy.

He lived like this day after day, training his soldiers all day to help them improve. In terms of physical fitness, it only took a few months to catch up with the third squad.

If we talk about the overall combat effectiveness, then the first squad he led is definitely stronger, much stronger. After all, he is here, and he alone is enough. More people, even if they just shoot randomly, are useful, not to mention that their shooting results are not bad, and they are the best in the field troops.

In the several exercises they participated in, the performance of the first squad was excellent.

In the fall, this day, it was still dark, and the various units of the 702nd Regiment gathered urgently. Just like the previous exercises, they didn't even eat breakfast and set off directly to the designated location.

The place was familiar, as it was the place where Wang Yan participated in the first exercise. However, the scale was different this time, as it was a confrontation between two regiments, with the 702nd Regiment being the Red Side.

Due to the rich experience of the Red Side, the first thing the 702nd Regiment did when it arrived at the location was to build fortifications and conceal itself.

In the past, it was Shi Jin who received the order and made the report, but this time it was of course Wang Yan.

The basic arrangement was no different from before. It was nothing more than using jungle green camouflage tarpaulins and some branches for camouflage. Then dig some trenches for temporary hiding.

Wang Yan arranged for his soldiers to be on alert in all directions, and he himself hid from the sun, using a telescope to observe the situation, and occasionally contacted Gao Cheng with a radio walkie-talkie to report.

He squatted like this for a long time, until the sunset, when he finally discovered the situation.

"Report to the company commander, the first squad has found the enemy in the forest on the southwest side, the number is unknown. Request further instructions."

After a while, Gao Cheng's voice came from the intercom: "They are about to come over, what instructions are there? Go after them! Support will take five minutes, you have to take control, do it if you can, retreat if you can't."


Wang Yan put the intercom in his pocket and looked at the soldiers around him: "Did you hear it?"

He pressed his hand, not letting the soldiers speak, and started tactical arrangements directly. Some people will control the tank fire suppression, some will flank to support, and some will face the enemy head-on.

Needless to say, of course, Wang Yan will face the enemy head-on. He took on this task alone.

After the arrangements were completed, the soldiers scattered, and the tanks roared and drove straight to the edge of the woods, which also attracted the attention of the enemy, but no fire was opened.

The tank opened fire.

The tank quickly maneuvered at the edge, and the machine gunner controlled the machine gun and fired at the woods.

Soon, a clear gunshot sounded from the other side, which was the enemy's counterattack.

Wang Yan held up a 85mm sniper rifle, used the trees as cover, and rushed forward while sniping. Suddenly, smoke began to rise in the distance.

In the scope, Wang Yan saw that the blue army soldier who was shot was wearing special warfare equipment and was carried by his comrades to run desperately, leaving a long smoke. They didn't want to stay here and expose their unit characteristics.

But unfortunately, Wang Yan already knew where they came from...

Their counterattack was not resolute. When they found that Wang Yan's side was fighting fiercely, they retreated decisively. Wang Yan also counted and found that there were more than ten people coming, five of whom were smoking, and he killed three of them.

This is indeed very decisive. Because the two sides fought for less than two minutes, they had to be decisive.

Normally, in actual battles, the map can be expanded to several hundred meters when the two sides fight with 20 to 30 people, and it can last for dozens of minutes under constant pulling. If both sides are not resolute, they can even fight for most of the day.

If the blue army is not resolute this time, it will take less than five minutes for them to be wiped out.

"Don't chase, retreat!" Wang Yan shouted to the pursuing soldiers and quickly arranged to move the position.

On the way, Wang Yan began to report the situation.

"Company commander, more than ten people came, we killed five. Now move."

"Retreat 200 meters to the east."

Gao Cheng gave an order, then asked, "Have you figured out what's going on?"

"I figured out a little bit. Judging from their equipment, they seem to be from the special forces. They look familiar to me, and it's probably Old A."

"The regiment commander has also learned bad things. When he told us, he said the other side was a reinforced regiment. Now the special forces have jumped out. Okay, I know. The special forces are playing tricks, be alert."


Wang Yan quickly led a group of soldiers to retreat and hide again.

When they were doing fortifications again, a new soldier asked, "Squad leader, are special forces the same as special forces?"

"It's almost the same, they are all top soldiers."

"Is Old A very powerful? I don't feel that way, but he killed several of us? The name doesn't sound right, it's not domineering at all."

"Special forces, special training, special missions. The name is just a code name, it can be Old A or Old B, it doesn't matter. Don't look down on them, they were just conducting reconnaissance just now, they are not serious yet. Maybe missiles will come in a while, don't take it lightly."

Wang Yan laughed and chatted with the soldiers, and waited until dark, each of them got their own military rations to eat and drink. It feels good to eat military rations for two days occasionally. After all, it tastes good and replenishes energy. But no matter how delicious the food is, it can't stand eating it every day.

Fortunately, it's just the beginning, and everyone is still eating very fragrantly.

And in a place behind the mountain, a group of people were eating and chatting.

"Captain, the firepower of the other side just now was quite fierce, and the shooting was also accurate. We just started fighting, and they killed five of us. I feel that Wang Yan might be here."

"No need to feel, it's him. In the entire 702 regiment, no one else has this ability except him." Yuan Lang laughed, "I specifically asked before the exercise. This kid is an officer. He is now the squad leader of the first squad of the seventh company of the third battalion. He leads the soldiers well. I heard that he played a major role in the previous exercises and has a strong combat effectiveness. One squad pinned down a company and beat them up."

"Then do we still fight here? Or change the direction. Wang Yan is too fierce, I'm afraid it will be difficult to fight."

Yuan Lang snorted and laughed: "Although we had more people before, the terrain was also limited. We were attacking and defending in such a building. His physical fitness was too abnormal, and he took advantage of it.

It's different now. This is In the field, we are fully equipped, how can we be afraid of him? If you tell others, people will laugh their heads off. Don't we have artillery? Tell the back, aim at that forest and give me a saturation attack. The helicopter also moves, and launches a few missiles. I'll see if he can escape from my Five Fingers Mountain. "


Qi Heng was silent for a while, and said: "I thought we had to fight head-on."

"Are you stupid? You have artillery but you don't use it, you fight him head-on? Hurry up, just fire a round of salvos and kill him first."

"Wang Yan will definitely scold you and maybe even beat you up when he finds out."

"This is war! Not playing house. Besides, can you watch him beat me up?"

"The key is that we can't beat him." Qi Heng showed a helpless expression, and then called for artillery fire...

I would like to thank the good brothers who voted for the monthly ticket, recommended ticket and read books silently for their strong support!

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