At dawn, the Blue Army launched another surprise attack.

However, this time, the Seventh Company fully learned from experience and lessons and just fired back in the bunker. Only when they were suddenly attacked, the personnel on guard outside and those who were hiding carelessly were smoking, but there were only more than ten people. But this damage cannot be said to be small, because there were less than 30 people left in the Seventh Company.

The confrontation lasted for a long time. The special forces wanted to press in and encountered the stubborn resistance of the Seventh Company.

Wang Yan was still the same. He directly left the team and ran to the flank to cause casualties. When the special forces found that there were too many people smoking and wanted to retreat, they were still chasing after them, outputing as much as possible and eliminating the personnel of the special forces.

However, he chased a little far this time. Gao Cheng asked him to chase for one kilometer, so the special forces were uncomfortable.

Wang Yan didn't know that the opposite team had changed a team and ran to him to practice shooting. It didn't matter if he knew it, it was the same chasing and beating anyway.

But even though this new team suffered a loss, they did not stop attacking the Seventh Company.

After the dawn operation, they raided the Eighth Company adjacent to the Seventh Company. They were all from the same battalion and helped defend an area.

After raiding the Eighth Company, they turned to harass the Seventh Company. Unlike the previous large-scale attack, this time they arranged snipers to perform precise sniping.

This was of course useless, because of Wang Yan's presence, the sniper was smoking as soon as he showed his head, and he was very accurate.

The people of the Seventh Company became a turtle, and they fought a positional war. Wang Yan himself became a gun alone, and the remaining personnel of the Seventh Company were tied down, and he attacked the special forces nearby.

After a day of grinding, Wang Yan killed dozens of people again, and the special forces were itching.

Bombardment, the Seventh Company dug a hole, and released missiles. It was easy to be exposed at a long distance, and even easier to be exposed at a close distance. Although they had an advantage in electronics, they did not completely take it down.

So they were stuck here in the Seventh Company.

Of course, at present, the only company in good condition is the Seventh Company. Even under such circumstances, more than half of the troops were killed or wounded, and only more than 20 people were left to support.

The overall situation is that the 702nd Regiment was beaten up in all directions. The only outstanding place is the Seventh Company.

Only the Seventh Company caused the most casualties. Other units were beaten to a pulp. I heard from Gao Cheng that the regiment commander has not slept since the start of the war, and his mouth is covered with blisters.

This is normal. After all, a regiment has more than 2,000 people, and all the pressure of various arrangements, deployments, logistics, etc. is on the regiment commander alone.

Not everyone is Han Xin, commanding hundreds of thousands of people and giving orders as if they were his own arm. More often, ten people in a squad cannot be arranged clearly.

Another day of struggling passed, Gao Cheng sat on the ground smoking a cigarette: "Our regiment lost."

"This is destined, they crushed us in all directions, it's normal that we can't beat them." Wang Yan comforted him, "Apart from anything else, our regiment's performance is still very good."

Hong Xingguo on the side took over and laughed: "It's more than good, it's very good."

"But we can't be proud. This is a positional war between them. If it were a real battlefield, they wouldn't even look at us. They are scattered all over the mountains and plains, trying their best to take down our headquarters."

Gao Cheng said: "Now it's hanging. It's been two days, and I guess our headquarters can't hide anymore. It might end tomorrow."

Gao Cheng was right.

Because for the special operations team, the best way to deal with a tough bone is not to bite it. But the 7th Company is always targeted. This shows that they have spare strength and are sure of victory, and they are practicing shooting with Wang Yan.

If you think about it, it won't feel good...

Gao Cheng is undoubtedly proud, and he certainly understands this, so he is not very happy.

That night, the people in the Seventh Company still didn't get a good rest. The special forces were constantly harassing and trying to tire out the soldiers. In the constant harassment, the soldiers in the Seventh Company were also constantly losing people.

Shi Jin, Bai Tiejun and others all smoked one after another. When the dawn came again, there were only more than ten people left in the Seventh Company, and the instructor Hong Xingguo was exhausted.

When it was dawn, the people in the Seventh Company didn't talk much anymore, just tired.

Those who were already smoking were lying in the back, and they were also not very energetic, chatting casually. Although they didn't have a combat mission, they didn't get a good rest either.

The special forces came to harass them, and the gunshots were loud, so they couldn't sleep. Instead, they became energetic again and stood up to watch the excitement. No one could stand such repeated tossing.

"How is it, is it still okay?"

Everyone was busy eating compressed biscuits to fill their stomachs, and Wang Yan asked Xu Sanduo beside him.

Xu Sanduo nodded, smiled and said: "I'm fine, I just want to avenge the squad leader and others."

"I told you not to say such things, it's unlucky, it's as if you're all dead." Wang Yan patted Xu Sanduo on the shoulder, "This exercise is a win for our company."

"What about our regiment?"

Wang Yan raised his eyebrows, surprised by Xu Sanduo's enlightenment.

Gao Cheng said on the side: "Of course we lost. Our company is the spearhead company, and the spearhead was almost wiped out by the blue army. How can other units be good?"

His voice was hoarse and it felt very difficult to speak. His lips were chapped and he was in a very bad state. It wasn't just him, most of the soldiers were like this. But Gao Cheng was even worse, after all, he was the chief officer, and his burden was heavier.

Yesterday Gao Cheng told Wang Yan that it would be nice if he could smoke too, so he wouldn't have to think about anything and could just lie back and watch the fun happily...

Xu Sanduo stopped talking and just buried his head in eating biscuits.

Wang Yan patted his shoulder and said nothing. No one was in the mood to chat, so he certainly didn't have much to say.

Not long after the quiet time, the shouts of the alert soldiers were suddenly heard.

"Here they come! Here they come! There's movement here!"

"Prepare for battle!"

Instantly, Gao Cheng shouted, and the soldiers took action upon hearing the news, with the sound of "click, click, click" of loading the gun.

Wang Yan still picked up the sniper rifle and aimed at the first time, looking for the position of the Blue Army.

After a while, the gunshots rang out, and the two sides fought again. Wang Yan left the trench and ran out to the flank again, and there was a burst of precise sniping.

Unlike the previous retreat when the Blue Army saw the wrong opportunity, this time they attacked desperately, with hundreds of people suppressing and surrounding them in a fan shape. With the cover of trees, smoke bombs, and accurate shooting, they suppressed the Seventh Company so much that they couldn't even raise their heads. When they raised their heads, they smoked.

At the same time, they also allocated a considerable force to encircle and suppress Wang Yan, who was constantly shooting from the flank. They wanted to fight with Wang Yan with bayonets.

At this point, Gao Cheng didn't understand that this was the last shudder.

"Don't hide, fight them." After saying that, he took out the walkie-talkie again, "Wang Yan, don't worry about us, the exercise is probably over, just let them go and play with them."


Wang Yan responded and looked back at the Seventh Company not far away. Gao Cheng was already smoking and was cursing while taking off his helmet, but the cursing was full of energy and could be heard clearly from dozens of meters away.

It fully expressed Gao Cheng's relaxation at the moment...

Shaking his head and smiling, Wang Yan suddenly moved and went straight to the hillside behind. Since Gao Cheng said not to bother with them, he would expand the battlefield. Only by moving can the largest strategic space be pulled out, which is the essence of guerrilla warfare.

Wang Yan is well aware of this.

The soldiers of the special forces were also determined this time and did not let Wang Yan go. They were even very happy in their hearts, because it was finally their turn to chase Wang Yan all over the mountain, which felt really relieved.

But they were wrong. In their pursuit, Wang Yan kept fighting back, and they kept smoking.

If they wanted to shrink the encirclement, then Wang Yan would not fire a single shot, run desperately, and disappear in the jungle in the blink of an eye. No one knew where he would appear next time, and it might even be in the opposite direction.

Bang~ A gunshot.

A soldier of the special forces on the position of the seventh company smoked, raised his hand helplessly, put down his gun, stood up and walked aside.

"Good!" In an instant, Gao Cheng and others, who were all smoking, laughed and cheered, cheering for Wang Yan.

"Wang Yan, kill them!"

"Come on!"

A bunch of people shouted loudly, full of energy, and no longer looked absent-minded and listless before.

When the people in the seventh company cheered, the special forces began to focus their fire on the direction where Wang Yan was, and there was a burst of gunfire again.

Wang Yan ran in the jungle and kept firing back, so the special forces began to smoke again.

This repeated struggle lasted for a whole morning. Finally, the last soldier of the special forces smoked, ending the battle.

"Wang Yan!"

Yuan Lang, who had been smoking for a long time and chatting with Gao Cheng and others, stood up and called out loudly.

"Come out, you've made me smoke. Let's sit for a while and chat."

After a while, Wang Yan, who was dirty and looked very embarrassed, came back with a gun.

But no one thought he was embarrassed. If possible, everyone wanted to be as embarrassed as Wang Yan.

"How is it? Are you happy to see an old friend?" Yuan Lang laughed and opened his arms.

Wang Yan went over and was knocked down by Yuan Lang: "I knew it was you. You are the first one to attack me saturatedly after so many exercises."

Yuan Lang lay lazily on the ground, smiling proudly, and said with some regret: "It's a pity that I couldn't blast you to smoke. Otherwise, I wouldn't have fought for so long."

Asked someone for water to drink, Wang Yan drank tons and tons to quench his thirst: "Why did you come to exercise with us?"

"Don't be so self-indulgent." Yuan Lang said, "Your 702 regiment is a top armored regiment. We have to find a competition every once in a while to test it. But you are defeated. I knew you were awesome, but I didn't expect you to be so awesome. . Three battalions have come over in the past two days, and you have beaten them all to pieces.

The exercise is about to end, so I applied again and came back to practice with you. I wanted to get back at you, but I didn't expect that the whole army was wiped out. Now it's really over, just now, when you eliminated our last soldier. "

"Oh, it seems that you are waiting for us?"

"What do you think? We found your headquarters yesterday and raided it this morning."

Gao Cheng said: "I said, they are beheading, and they should not fight positional battles with us."

"No, no, no. We should be able to fight any battle." Yuan Lang waved his hands repeatedly, and even closed his eyes to enjoy the sunshine.

"What are you pretending for?" Gao Cheng looked down on him, "But you still couldn't beat us? It's not you who was wiped out, right?"

"We didn't do anything to Wang Yan."

"What's the matter? Wang Yan is not from our company?"

Yuan Lang shook his head with amusement, but he had to admit it. He said, "If I were you, I would wake up laughing even when I was asleep."

"I have woken up laughing several times."

Yuan Lang didn't care about Gao Cheng's bad temper, and turned to ask Wang Yan, "Come with me."

Wang Yan shook his head, "I'm staying well. I will go to the military academy next year. I heard it will take half a year."

"Okay, there is a long way to go."

Gao Cheng cleared his throat and said unhappily, "I'm right here. Can you talk like this in front of me?"

"We are all family. It's the same whether it's with you or with me."

Gao Cheng thought Yuan Lang was shameless, so he turned around and left without talking to him.

Yuan Lang seemed to have won, and he sat up and greeted: "That soldier, that soldier, it's you, yes, it's you."

Xu Sanduo walked over hesitantly, stood at attention and saluted: "Hello, Chief."

"You are good, what's your name?"

"Report to the chief, my name is Xu Sanduo."

"Okay, I know. Go." Yuan Lang laughed in Gao Cheng's dangerous eyes.

Xu Sanduo saluted again and turned back to the team...

In the original play, Yuan Lang was captured alive by Xu Sanduo in this exercise. Of course, Yuan Lang did it on purpose. After all, he had a gun but didn't use it, and he had to play with Xu Sanduo. After a chase, Yuan Lang didn't resist and became Xu Sanduo's captive. From then on, the two of them had an indissoluble bond.

Although Wang Yan was the most powerful this time, Xu Sanduo's performance was indeed good. He almost persisted to the end and caused certain casualties to the special forces.

Who is strong and who is weak, all of these were seen by Yuan Lang.

Xu Sanduo is a good soldier, there is no doubt about it, so naturally he caught Yuan Lang's eye.

However, it is useless to catch Yuan Lang's eye. After all, Xu Sanduo is not Wang Yan. He still has to participate in the selection and finally stand out before he can join the special forces.

Wang Yan is different. If he agrees, Yuan Lang will definitely handle the transfer as quickly as possible, for fear that Wang Yan will regret it and add more variables.

As for the other psychological tests, no one will doubt that Wang Yan is a strong soldier. Because strength is not innate, but polished a little bit. In this process, people believe that Wang Yan is top-notch in psychological quality and mental will...

Yuan Lang laughed with Wang Yan for a few more words, and after receiving the news, he led his men to retreat. Before leaving, he once again told Wang Yan that the special forces was the most suitable place for Wang Yan, and he said that he must get Wang Yan.

Gao Cheng cursed at their figures as they went away: "I have never seen such a disgusting thing, and I must get you."

He also imitated Yuan Lang's appearance, which made people feel cold all over.

He asked Wang Yan, "What do you think?"

"No idea." Wang Yan shook his head.

"Okay, go to work, pack up quickly, and go back to have a good meal." Gao Cheng waved his hand.

He looked at Wang Yan laughing with the soldiers in the class and others, and felt a little uncomfortable.

Because he deeply understood that he could not keep Wang Yan after all.

Wang Yan's individual combat ability was too strong. Such a soldier could only be accommodated on a bigger stage...

He shook his head and continued to tell the soldiers to pack up.

Wang Yan and others were all talking and laughing in a relaxed manner, and the soldiers were talking about another amazing deed of Wang Yan...

I would like to thank the good brothers who voted for the monthly ticket, recommended ticket and read the book silently for their strong support!

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