The next day, Wang Yan woke up early, took out the map he bought yesterday, and looked at it carefully.

It wasn't until he watched for more than two hours that he heard movement next to him.

That was when Li Quan on the right woke up. He ran to the left first to wake up Zhang Guangshan, and then the two started fighting...

But I still have a good heart and know how to respect my elder brother.

Wang Yan also understood these two people. Zhang Guangshan was a tough guy, and Li Quan was also a tough guy, but he thought he was better than Zhang Guangshan. The two of them refused to obey anyone and would do whatever they had to do.

After a while, the two of them had enough trouble and came over to knock on his door.

"Come in."

"Brother Yan." The two came in and greeted in unison.

I'm a bit reckless, but I still have some brains. I used to count Wang Yanheng in the village, but yesterday this eldest brother killed five or six people. It was really like killing a chicken...

"Let's go and eat first." After saying that, Wang Yan put on his shoes and took the two of them out.

We randomly found a restaurant, and the three of us ordered a table and ate. I ate quite a lot last night and digested it after a good sleep. The three of them are all big-bellied men, Wang Yan is even more so. Don't look at two big and three thick sticks, they are useless.

However, everyone has their own preferences for this South Korean delicacy, and Wang Yanxiao couldn't stand it. Either it's sour, or it's sweet. It's not really spicy. He still prefers Chinese food, Chinese food.

It's not that there are no Huaxia Hotels here, but in Wang Yan's opinion, anything with an 'authentic' brand is not authentic at all. There's nothing you can do about it. After all, if you want to make money when doing business in a different place, you still have to cater to the local people's preferences.

Fortunately, the three of them are not particular people. They don't talk about this and that. Just eat enough.

After eating, the three of them each took a toothpick and took a walk while picking their teeth.

"Brother Yan, what should we do next?" Li Quan asked.

"Yes, Brother Yan. The bed in that little shabby hotel was too small. I didn't sleep well yesterday. I thought I could enjoy myself when I went abroad, but it turned out that it was not as comfortable as the big bed at home." Zhang Guangshan looked innocent.

Li Quan couldn't listen anymore: "You can pull it off. I asked you to snore to wake me up from across Brother Yan. You were snoring like a damn old sow. You haven't slept well yet?"

"You fart, I never snore when I sleep."

Wang Yan couldn't stand the buzzing of the two mallets: "Can you two shut your mouths and calm down for a while?"

Zhang Guangshan muttered: "I don't snore even if I close my eyes..."

Rolling his eyes, Li Quan stopped talking to the fool. He turned to Wang Yan and said, "Brother Yan, do you have a plan?"

"Let's wander around for two days to see how things are going." Wang Yan glanced at the two of them and said, "Let's just suffer for two days and wait until we find a place to stay before we can enjoy it."

The two nodded and said nothing.

In the following days, the three of them slept in the dark hotel at night and wandered around looking for a suitable place during the day.

Two nights later, three people stood in front of a KTV in the business district of Gizhang County.

After two days of observation and visits, Wang Yan finally chose this place.

This is a high-end place that integrates catering, leisure, and entertainment. The owner is a stick man with less than twenty people under him. Judging from what I have observed, there is no contact with other major forces. As for what I haven't observed, let's talk about it when the time comes. If it doesn't work, just run away. As for now? Grab the motherfucker.

"If you start using your hands later, be gentle. From now on, they will all be your little brothers. Don't kill them, you know. Of course, if they are ignorant, just kill them. Your own safety is the top priority."

Afraid that these two tigers would ignore each other and kill one of them, Wang Yan gave an instruction.

"Don't worry, Brother Yan."

"I promise it'll be okay."

The two people, holding knives and gearing up, answered in a very tacit understanding.

Nodding, Wang Yan walked in first: "Follow me."

The two people behind looked at each other and followed him with a smile. They know that this company provides entertainment. Why come out? Isn't it just to fuck foreign bitches? From now on, it will all be your own business, and you don’t have to spend money. It’s not about doing whatever you want, just a few.

Wang Yan has never been a player who talks too much. He walked to the bar in front and said to the little guy there: "Call your big brother out."

The man looked at Wang Yan and the two people who followed him, and looked for the boss when he came up. Coupled with the two strong men behind him who were not easy to mess with at first glance, it must be that the person who came was evil, and he said politely: "How many times?" Wait a moment, I'm going to find our elder brother."

After speaking, he pretended to be calm and walked inside.

Wang Yan raised his head to the two people behind him and walked in slowly with the kid.

The man looked back and saw that the three of them were following him, so he quickly turned around and started running. He had to report the news to his elder brother to avoid being caught off guard. If the eldest brother wins in the end, he will be the unlucky one. Of course, he didn't think those three idiots could win. After all, there were nearly twenty of them. It was not easy to deal with three idiots.

Seeing the kid running upstairs, Wang Yan didn't care and continued walking slowly. After a while, I heard Xiao Da shouting loudly: "Come out, everyone. Someone is knocking on the door. Come out..." Then there was a jingling and messy movement.

By the time Wang Yan slowly reached the third floor, there were already more than a dozen people standing in formation at the top of the stairs with knives raised.

After seeing that there were only three people, the elder brother in the floral shirt behind him angrily cursed "Sibala" without even thinking about it. He even hit the younger one on the back of the head: "There are only three people, why are you shouting so loudly?"

Wang Yan didn't care about that, he stepped up and kicked the person in front off the ground, hitting the person behind him, and then bullied him up.

Zhang Guangshan and Li Quan were not behind either. When they saw their elder brother taking action, they quickly raised their swords to meet him.

After five minutes of thunder and banging, Wang Yan sat on the sofa, poured a bottle of beer over his hands, and watched the two younger brothers, who were covered in blood, punching and kicking each other with grinning curses and "grass mud horses".

The two of them had too little fighting experience, so they relied on their height and strength to fight with them. This means that Wang Yan acted quickly, otherwise the two of them would have been hacked to death.

"It's almost done. If you beat him again, he will be killed. Bring the big brother in the floral shirt over." Seeing that it was almost done, Wang Yan stopped the two people who were venting their anger.

If they hadn't known that they were not born to the same mother, they would have thought that they were brothers. I saw both of them kicking the person lying on the ground hard and spitting, then they turned around and walked to one side to pick up the beaten flowers lying on the ground. Shirt brother.

The eldest brother in the flower shirt was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen and covered in blood. He was still being held in front of Wang Yan by the two men.

Wang Yan looked down at him: "I will be the boss from now on, and this place belongs to me. Is there any problem?"

The flowered shirt forced his head up, vomiting blood and said with difficulty: ", big brother, Park Zhengyi." Of course he was not convinced, but because of Wang Yan's behavior, he could guarantee that , as long as he says no, or says harsh words, or talks about his background, he will definitely die here immediately.

Wang Yan turned around and shouted loudly to the people lying on the ground: "Do you have any questions?"

The eldest brother had already given in. There was no need for them to struggle. They endured the pain and said, "Hello, eldest brother."

It was better to speak with fists. Wang Yan nodded with satisfaction: "Everyone, get up, prepare your ID cards, and come over one by one to report. Those who don't have ID cards, find someone to help prove it. I'll talk about vilification first, everyone try their best. Don’t betray me. Who would betray me?”

After a pause, Wang Yan glanced around and said slowly: "I will kill the whole family of whoever is proved. If the person who is proved betrays and gives a false address, then whoever helps prove it, I will kill the whole family. I will Say this, come on.”

After hearing Wang Yan's murderous words, a group of people quickly struggled to get up. Two of them were beaten too hard and could not get up, so others helped to help them get up.

"Two people will help him up, and then find me a pen and paper." Wang Yan looked at Park Zhengyi who was like a dead dog at his feet and ordered. Not all people are, but most of them are self-interested. Now that the eldest brother has changed, these people don't want the new eldest brother to misunderstand, and no one cares about Park Zhengyi.

Zhang Guangshan and Li Quan didn't understand Wang Yan's gibberish, but they understood that it had been done, and they would have the final say here from now on. The two of them grinned, thinking about the wonderful life that was about to come.

After waiting for a while, a younger brother limped over and brought a notebook and pen. Wang Yan took them and started recording them one by one.

He was not kidding, whether he was innocent or not, if he said he would kill the whole family, he would kill the whole family. There were many people who didn't deserve to die, but they all died. This is not a question of humanity, it is a matter of rules, and rules must be upheld. Whoever dares to challenge will have his whole family killed.

Loyalty is because there are not enough chips for betrayal. This sentence may not be entirely true. After all, there are still heroes who bravely sacrifice themselves and fight to the death in the face of high-ranking officials and generous salaries. But they are a minority after all, and most people still don't have such a firm will. Besides, what kind of loyalty can a group of scum of society expect? Moreover, he is also a Chinese, controls a large number of sticks, and does not rely on killing for money, but on influence?

After recording the family conditions of these people, Wang Yan asked them to disperse and deal with their injuries. After all, they were all gangsters. Maybe they had never been beaten so hard in their lives, but they definitely had experience in dealing with them. There were also some gauze, trauma medicine, etc. here. As for the man who was beaten to death by Zhang Guangshan and Li Quan, he was sent to a nearby clinic, and he paid for the medical expenses.

The whole process didn't take much time, so that the customers were not disturbed, and the KTV changed hands. This is perfect, otherwise all the money lost would be someone else's money.

As for Park Zhengyi, Wang Yan also asked him to deal with the wound and was not in a hurry to deal with him. After all, people are here, and four or five of his younger brothers proved to him that he must have some brains if he can control more than ten people.

In fact, Park Zhengyi has already given in. There is really no one behind him. Originally, all he wanted to do was deal with paying someone else to do Wang Yan today. But when Wang Yan came out today, he was a little scared. My parents, sisters, wife and children were all written down in Wang Yan's little notebook. And Wang Yan's fighting power is so strong. If he didn't kill him immediately and let Wang Yan run away, then his whole family would definitely die. It's better to be honest and obedient.

"Brother Yan, look..." Zhang Guangshan rubbed his hands and came up with a smile.

He glanced at him angrily and saw that Li Quan's eyes were also shining. Wang Yan had no choice but to say, "You two let people cut you like that. Doesn't it hurt?"

Li Quan said nonchalantly: "It's not a stabbing. It's just a superficial wound. It just looks scary. Just put some medicine on it and it'll be fine. It won't be a big deal."

Zhang Guangshan nodded fiercely on the side.

Wang Yan rolled his eyes at the two of them, and waved his hand to call the one who was not seriously injured: "Help them take care of their wounds, and find two women to accompany them."

"Yes, brother." After bowing, the younger brother took the two of them to the other side to apply medicine.

Someone brought some food, and Wang Yan drank and ate meat alone...


The next day, in KTV.

"Brother, we have three floors here. There are..." Park Zhengyi, whose face was even more swollen after a night's rest, introduced the situation.

After listening to what he said, Wang Yan had enough.

To sum up, pornographic gambling is not harmful. The house is in Park Zhengyi's name, and there is more than 35 million Korean won in cash, which is about 25,000 US dollars.

There are also many surrounding forces, and it's quite a chaotic mix. It's normal when you think about it, after all, there are millions of people in Jizhang County. As for the strongest Kinmen Group, they also have considerable influence here, but they are still mainly concentrated around Busan city.

Wang Yan asked: "What's the situation on this street?"

"Other stores are similar to me, they all do this."

"Aren't there any big gangs?"

Park Zhengyi explained: "There is not much money here, and the big gangs don't like it."

"We swept the street tonight."

"Yes, brother." Park Zhengyi said subconsciously, and after he finished speaking, he reacted and asked carefully: ", do you mean to conquer them all tonight?"

Wang Yan nodded: "Just like you."

"But there are more than 20 shops in this street, almost 400 people, and some of them have guns. We...we only have 20 people, and we are all injured. Don't you think about it?" Park Zhengyi said. Courage to dissuade.

He couldn't do it without persuading him. If it were so easy, this street would have been unified long ago. Is this stupid? Just open your mouth and wipe out a street? Can I beat a gun again if I can fight?

"You'll know in the evening. First find me a Korean teacher."

Wang Yan has no idea of ​​​​explanation, because people's cognitions are different. If you speak beyond other people's understanding, they will think you are stupid. If he doesn't see your actions, he will think you are stupid.

Of course, these are based on the speaker's own strength. If a player who doesn't know anything talks nonsense, then he is an idiot. Obviously, Wang is the former.

After Park Zhengyi left, Wang Yan turned to look at Zhang Guangshan and Li Quan, who were laughing and joking on one side: "How did you enjoy last night?"

"Oh, don't mention it, brother, it's so comfortable. The main reason is that the little girl is young and tall enough, unlike the old ladies we are looking for at home." Zhang Guangshan looked intoxicated.

Li Quan also agreed with his face, and Zhang Guangshan said that he was upset.

In fact, it's not as exaggerated as the two of them said, but they just arranged the best here for them. After all, this is not a good job anywhere. It is rare for a young girl to be young, but in comparison, there is still a gap.

"Looking at the two of you, how can you succeed in finding a young lady like that? Then you won't be able to find celebrities in the future? It's such a bullshit."

Li Quan didn't even think about it: "I think it's quite annoying. Is that a celebrity? You found her just when you asked her to? It's good now. I was quite satisfied with that girl yesterday... Oh my god, why did you hit me?"

Zhang Guangshan, who was standing next to him, couldn't stand listening any longer, slapped him and said, "Brother Yan said he would look for it, and he would definitely be able to find it. I think Brother Yan was talking about you, what a bastard."

Celebrities are just that, let alone in a place like South Korea. Not to mention the little stars who can be found on demand, you can find them even in the A-list and above the A-list. The only difference is that they have a little bit of respectability.

Can plutocrats and wealthy people become first-tier celebrities? That's so powerful. In their eyes, this Ernie and that Oppa are nothing. It's just that if you can get to that point, you won't see a woman who can't walk, and there is no need to forcefully force yourself to cause trouble. After all, big stars are still influential, it's just that they are not worthy of being spread out.

Wang Yan waved his hands dumbfounded: "Okay, stop making trouble and be serious. It's not okay to hang out here without knowing how to speak. I asked that stick to find a Korean teacher for you two. Study hard, okay? ?I will check it then, and if it fails, see how I whip you two."

"Ah? Still studying..." Seeing Wang Yan looking at him dangerously, Zhang Guangshan quickly changed the subject: "Don't worry, Brother Yan, I will definitely study hard."

Seeing Wang Yan looking over, Li Quan quickly raised three fingers: "Brother Yan, I promise you, I will definitely learn better than him."

Wang Yan was unwilling to pay attention to these two mallets and waved his hands impatiently: "Do whatever you want."

At night, Wang Yan took Zhang Guangshan, Li Quan and Park Zhengyi, who was trembling with fear, to the door of the nearby store: "You three are blocking the door, don't let anyone escape."

After saying that, regardless of the three of them, they stepped in.

Park Zhengyi was desperate. As a rival on the street, he knew what kind of players these people were. Are you stupid enough to go up and challenge yourself?

Zhang Guangshan and Li Quan didn't care. The two of them obeyed Wang Yan's words and believed that he could do it. Without this pig brain, they wouldn't be able to follow Wang Yan to rob and break into the house. You must know that there were about five, six, seven or eight people who were with Wang Yan at that time, but now they are the only ones following.

After a while, Wang Yan walked out with his face as usual. Except for blood on his hands and blood spots on his clothes, there was nothing unusual.

Wang Yan looked at Park Zhengyi and said, "Go back and find two people and ask them to go up and do what I said. Tell them my exact words."

There were more than twenty shops in a row, and no one noticed them, but there was no movement. After all, it is normal for me to be nice to you today and to be nice to him tomorrow, and no one wants to be destroyed.

After explaining the matter, Wang Yan still asked Zhang Guangshan and Li Quan to guard the door and walked in himself. He also wanted to fight quickly, and it would be too strenuous to lead the others. It would be like starting a battle without shouting twice, which would cause trouble.

In this way, Wang Yan's family was promoted one by one. Although I was very careful, it was night time and people were coming to play, so it was inevitable that there would be a few in debt. Seeing Wang Yan's ferocious appearance, he turned around and ran away in fright. Then the two boys who were blocked at the door came back very politely and started talking loudly.

In fact, Wang Yan also deliberately chose night. After all, they are all for entertainment, and the sound is relatively loud to distract attention. If it were daytime, Ding Dong would be a bit conspicuous, and he would have to pick more than 400 people. It's not that he's afraid. If he really wants to kill them, he can probably kill forty or fifty of them with these things. There were forty or fifty corpses and blood all over the ground. The impact was no joke. Except for those with brain problems, most of the others were frightened. In society, people are interested in prestige and money. No one wants to lose their lives. Even if things go wrong, he can chase more than 300 people with a knife and chop them.

But that would basically be courting death. After all, he killed so many people, even if they were all scum, it would still be sensational and explosive news. The South Korean authorities will never tolerate his mistakes and appoint him to be tortured to death...

The subordinates from the following families watched Wang Yan lead the two of them in one by one, and came out soon after. Park Zhengyi, whose face was very pale, followed him inside, and it took him a long time to come out. There was probably something big going on, and seeing how they ended up here, I couldn't help but step forward to inquire. Then they were arrested and beaten, bruised and swollen, they took their ID cards and reported their family members...

As for Park Zhengyi’s warning, he said that several people had guns. Indeed, there is, but Wang, who has not taken action for many years, must have arranged it clearly. When you go up there, beat the eldest brother until he can't move, and then deal with the rest of the younger brothers. In terms of his strength, he can kill one person with one move.

From the last house on the street, Wang Yan walked out with a cigarette under his arm and a big bag in his hand.

Overall, it was quite smooth. Everyone took care of themselves, and no one said they would risk their lives with them. After all, if they really had that kind of ability, they wouldn't be able to control just a small store, but it would have already grown or driven people to death.

Throwing the bag to Zhang Guangshan, Wang Yan opened the cigarette and took out a box, only to see the word "China" shining brightly on it. He didn't ask Park Zhengyi before, and he didn't expect that this last family was extremely Chinese.

Of course, the Chinese Wang Yan was not used to illness, so he still beat him. When you are away from home, the ones who deceive you the most and mistreat you the most will always be your compatriots.

Zhang Guangshan took the bloody bag, opened it curiously and took a look, then his eyes lit up: "Oh~~so many guns."

Inside the bag were nine pistols and several boxes of ammunition. This gun ownership rate is not low. He can only say that Park Zhengyi is really a loser.

"Let's see, let's see..." As soon as he heard the gun, Li Quan walked over quickly, then took out one and gestured.

Zhang Guangshan is still reliable. Without Wang Yan's words, he just goes up and kicks him: "You are such a tiger, fuck. These are all human beings, and you are trying to show your mother. Hurry up and get in, Silly Bi."

Li Quan was at a loss and didn't dare to beep. He glanced around nervously and saw that no one was paying attention, so he quickly put the gun into his bag.

Wang Yan opened the cigarette and handed the rest to Li Quan.

Li Quan took the cigarette, lit it for Wang Yan first, then took out two cigarettes and gave one to Zhang Guangshan, who was trembling, and lit it for him.

"It has to be Huaguo Cigarettes. Those over here are all bullshit." Zhang Guangshan, who finally got the win, took a breath of cigarettes and said excitedly: "Brother Yan, when are we going to fire two shots?" Huh? This is the first time I have seen a real gun in my life."

Wang Yan thought for a while: "It will be almost done once we control Ax Mountain. Don't be too anxious."

"How long will it take?"

Zhang Guangshan is like a child. When he doesn't get what he wants, he wilts like a deflated rubber ball in an instant.

After taking a puff of cigarette, Wang Yan made an estimate: "If everything goes well, it will take about half a year."

Thanks to my brother (all of you here are salted fish) for your 100-coin reward for your support.

Thanks to the five big brothers (Otaku Fatty) (chenkkkkkkkk) (Flower Disciple) (Pindao named Zhang) (Last Train After 80s) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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