Wang Yan is busy building the Sihai Group here, but the development of the Tianxia Society over there is not going smoothly.

Not to mention Ax Mountain, the whole of South Korea is only a small place, and no information can be hidden. Moreover, the first batch of little brothers who were beaten away came forward to give their own accounts. Now the scum and police in South Korea basically know that there is a gang called Tianxiahui, which is frantically expanding its manpower and territory.

Wang Yan looked down on the two thousand people with varying qualities, and felt they were not good enough. That's because he was once the godfather of Southeast Asia who had thousands of carefully selected and well-trained direct subordinates, tens of thousands of subordinate subordinates, mischievous people, big babies, etc., and a world-class gang leader who could pick off many.

But this is different in South Korea. Although there are many young and old in this gang, they are all pheasant gangs. There are many large organizations with thousands of people who can really be called upon. Now that someone suddenly kills someone, and his actions are so big, he should be punished.

Of course, all this is Park Zhengyi's fault, he is too stubborn. So, is the current situation the same as when Gizhang County expanded? At that time, there were only more than 400 people in total, and only about 300 people were actually sent out, and they were sent out in groups. Now, except for the three major gangs, all the territory in Jizhang County belongs to them. And I've already done it with three of them, so I'm not afraid of stealing from them. At worst, I'll just do it to them again. So this time, Park Zhengyi only kept the normal business staff, and the rest were sent out to sweep the streets.

Even if Park Zhengyi didn't report it, Wang Yan knew the news here. After all, his service as the eldest brother for so many years was not in vain. For example, the vice president who wants to be promoted, the team leader who wants to show off his performance, etc., all have channels to contact him.

Wang Yan can understand Park Zhengyi's confused approach. Originally, he only had about twenty people under his command, running a small shop with average business. Now he has about two thousand people under his command, controlling most of the territory of Gizhang County. The eldest brother is not in front of him, and there is no one to restrain him. He is still the president of Tianxiahui, so it is normal not to know his surname.

Therefore, such a scene appeared on the streets of Haeundae District.

Hundreds of people from Tianxiahui faced off against hundreds of people organized by relatively powerful gangs. Everyone on both sides had knives tucked into their backs, and no one took action. Sibala Xibala was facing the confrontation. spray.

Surrounded by a group of policemen with guns, they listened dumbly to nearly a thousand people from both sides shouting at each other, their heads buzzing.

As long as the two sides didn't kill each other, they didn't want to care. There are so many people, and we can’t catch them all, and even the police station can’t let them go. Besides, if they were really going to kill each other, the most they could do was wait until the killing was over and then grab a few scapegoats to deal with each other. The police are so stupid, they are just trying to make a living for their families. It is you who will die, and it is the leader who will be promoted, and he is not worthy of it.

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, the leader of the Tianxiahui group felt the vibration of his mobile phone in his pocket, took it out and took a look at it, then raised his hand and waved it twice, clenched his fist and made a "shut up" sign gesture.

They are all scum. Although the social rules are as high as the sky, to say that it was quiet in an instant is a bit exaggerated. It can only be said that this group of people quickly became quiet. As for the resistance alliance on the other side who didn't know what was going on, they naturally kept their mouths shut when they saw the sudden silence on the other side.

The leader glanced at the nervous policemen beside him and answered the phone: "President, it was a bit noisy just now, but it has calmed down now. You have been waiting for a long time."



"Okay, brother."

Under the gaze of a group of people, the leading brother nodded and hung up the phone.

He glanced at the other side with disdain, then turned around and nodded to the ten useless brothers: "Follow me."

The person whose name was called didn't know why, but when the elder brother spoke, they had no room to refuse. They looked at each other and then walked towards the police outside.

As the leader walked away, he said without looking back: "I will wrong you for a few days, and neither the president nor I will treat you badly."

The eldest brother said this and still walked towards the police. It is self-evident what happened.

Sure enough, when he walked in front of the police, the leader didn't care who was the leader. He said to himself: "These ten people are provoking troubles. It's up to you."

After saying this, regardless of their reactions, the leader patted the nearest person on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement, turned around and said hello to the hundreds of people from the Tianxiahui over there who left in a hurry.

Those who were resisting from the alliance all left, smiling in victory. They glanced disdainfully at the ten people standing in front of the police over there, chatting and laughing and dispersed in the blink of an eye.

The remaining policemen looked at me, I looked at you, and then looked at the ten people in front of them, shaking their heads helplessly. Put the gun in the holster and put it away, get the people in the car and collect the team. Today, we captured a group of unrest elements who were provoking troubles and disrupting social order, which has contributed to the stability of South Korea.

Park Zhengyi hung up the phone and imitated Wang Yan's boss posture of crossing his legs and lying on his back on the sofa. He had seen Wang Yan as a boss...

This messed up and made me very passive. Although Tianxiahui will be targeted sooner or later, the difference between sooner and later is obvious.

He was not a fool. He compared his feelings with his own and put himself in their shoes. Of course he knew that Wang Yan would know the news. Through a brief contact, he gained some understanding of the boss's behavior, which is the result-oriented approach. So there is no point in saying nothing. He has only one choice, and that is to get things done.

Once done, not only can you get back the lost points, but you can also add some.

Not doing it well... Just like the first time he killed that person, stabbing him eight times in a row, the knife avoided the vital part, and he remembered the miserable scream. He remembered the last knife applied to his neck, the gushing blood splashing onto his face, and the warmth. He also remembered the complex look in the man's eyes of madness, regret, and relief at the end...

Park Zhengyi shook his head hard and stopped thinking. Light a cigarette, take a deep puff, and puff out the smoke in a relaxed manner, planning your next move.

Late that night, the three eldest brothers, who were organized to fight against the world, clamored for the most joy, and their whole family disappeared.

The next night, Tianxiahui did not send people out to fight with knives. Instead, they came very politely in twos and threes to have interviews. It was much more enjoyable this time, nothing bad happened, and a group of little brothers were recruited very smoothly.

As for those who disappear, no one cares. Everyone knows that the world will do it, but no one has any evidence.

With this starting point, the progress of expanding the territory has been much faster. Apart from the fact that the three major associations don't want to see the world grow smoothly and compete with them to compete for the market, and just try to get in touch with each other, there is basically no decent resistance. The three major gangs here in Ax Mountain are no longer enough. If Jizhang County was not defeated the first time, there would be no chance for him in the future.

To use the evaluation of Tianxiahui by the Jing Police Department of Fushan City: it is the fourth largest gang after the Tiger Faction, Diri Faction, and Beidamen Faction.

They have identified the Tianxiahui as a very harmful organization, and they must find a way to kill it before it develops and grows. But as the information they collected increased, it became increasingly difficult to start.

Fushan Town Police Station, conference room.

The police chief and his men were in a meeting, and the main discussion was about the Tianxiahui.

"Tianxiahui has a complete organizational structure and clear channels for advancement..."

One person held the materials recorded in the Tianxiahui in his hand and read aloud.

After hearing this, the director glanced around: "The superiors have said that the Tianxiahui is the fourth largest gang in South Korea. We will never tolerate this kind of cancer. If you have any opinions, please tell us."

A section chief sitting next to the director spoke: "I think the main focus should be on Park Zhengyi and the mentioned behind-the-scenes manipulator named Wang Yan."

The director nodded. Although what he said was nonsense, his attitude was still good. The police station lacked such talents.

If there are those who are flattering, there will naturally be those who can still do things. The director turned to look at a section chief on the other side: "Director Jin, tell me what you think."

Section Chief Jin nodded and said: "I think what Section Chief Cui said makes sense, and Captain Han also said in his introduction just now that Park Zhengyi is just the president on the surface, and the real big brother is Wang Yan. It's just our The information is limited, is there any more information about Xiangju, Captain Han?"

The Xinghan captain stood up respectfully: "This is what we have at present. This was collected through one of my former informants. He is a Chinese who appeared in Jizhang County more than a month ago, and then relied on his superb He controlled the industry of an entertainment street by force and recruited those people. Tianxiahui also started with these. He once said that whoever dares to betray will kill his whole family. According to the current information, this Wang Yan is likely to be Smuggled here. As for more detailed information, we need to wait for news from China and a more in-depth investigation from our side."

The director frowned and asked, "Who registered his household registration?"

"The director of the Gijang County Police Station personally handled it."

"I understand, you continue, Chief Jin."

Everyone is the director, maybe he is half a level above him, but they all know the basics. Isn't this normal operation? Everyone falls in love and kills each other to see who has the best means. He can sit in this position, and he doesn't even believe that he is clean.

Section Chief Jin thought for a while and said: "We don't have any good solutions at the moment. It's useless for us to attack those industries that are involved in the world. On the contrary, we will only alert the snake."

The world will be a gangster, with prostitution, gambling, protection money, loan sharking, entertainment centers, etc., these are all insignificant things to them, and there is no clear affiliation on paper yet. They are well versed in this kind of business, and they can just call a gang to do it. There is no use in arresting them, and some people happily take the blame. It's okay to just scan it twice without any pain or itching, but if they are ignorant and always ruin business, then don't even think about it.

There are only more than 2,000 people now, and there will only be more in the future. How many lives of these police officers can they pay for? So as long as they can't convict Park Zhengyi and the man named Wang Yan behind them, everything they do will be in vain.

It's a new century, and the police can't do things without reason. Evidence must be found to convict him, especially the man named Wang Yan.

The others nodded in agreement, and there were some blind colleagues around them who pretended to have their families destroyed by gangs, but they still made a decision and then acted.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Section Chief Jin continued: "So, I think we should be prepared."

"Tell me about it." The director complimented him at the right time.

"One is the investigation of several gang leaders whose entire families have disappeared recently, as well as several missing cases in Ji Zhang County. The first is undercover agents." Section Chief Jin said: "There is little hope of tracing the previous disappearances. After all, they are all Knowing that it was them who did it, they are still so confident, they must have dealt with it long ago..."

Chief Cui seized the opportunity and took advantage of Jin's breathing time to say with a look of approval: "Chief Jin's analysis is correct, and it is basically the same as what I thought. Although undercover agents need to work their way up step by step from the bottom, the results are relatively slow. , but to deal with Tianxiahui’s rapid expansion but unable to handle it in a short period of time, undercover is the best way.”

When the key points are reached, the key information is revealed to him and the key point is at his place. The rest is not something he can ask for, but is given by his superiors.

The director nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "I can trust the professional abilities of you two. This analysis is clear. It just so happens that the world will expand rapidly, and it will be so difficult to deal with. Let me see, you two will do it together this time , and can also look for breakthroughs in many aspects. Report to me any time you have news in the future, what do you think?"

The eldest brother has spoken, what else can the two of them say? Everyone should sit upright and be respectful.

The director said with a smile: "Okay, that's it. I'll wait for your good news and let the meeting end."

Watching the director go out, the two section chiefs looked at each other with disdain.

It's said that we do it together, but it doesn't mean that each of us does it separately. Moreover, they have all been warned recently that the director is about to be promoted. We are all section chiefs, you are so stupid.

In fact, sometimes people may actually have a lot of feathers...

Park Zhengyi didn't know what was going on here, but on the third day he knew that the police came to check on the elder brothers who had disappeared a while ago. He was investigating secretly. He still didn't understand what was going on.

Although he was confident that he had handled the matter cleanly, he still had to tell his elder brother when he was being targeted by the police.

After hesitating for a long time, Park Zhengyi let out a sigh of relief. He would die sooner or later. He gritted his teeth and dialed Wang Yan's phone number.

"Talk about something."

Hearing the faint voice without any emotion from the opposite side, Park Zhengyi stood up and bowed subconsciously: "Hello, brother, we are being targeted by the police. Today... today I received news that the police... the police came to investigate those who were dealt with. People are missing."

He was a little scared, not because he was afraid that the police would catch him, but that was nothing. He was afraid that the big brother opposite would kill him.

"Has everything been dealt with?"

"Brother, don't worry, it's absolutely fine."

"Just continue to act according to the original plan. Also, they may send undercover agents, so be careful. That's it."

"yes, Sir."

After hanging up the phone, Park Zhengyi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and escaped...

This trivial matter is not worth Wang Yan's big fight. It's not easy to find an obedient person, but this little stick is okay. After all, his previous level was not very good. Give him more time to grow and talk about it later.

With the speed of Tianxiahui's development, it was only a matter of time before he was targeted. Wang Yan didn't care, so he just needed to pay attention.

Now is a good time for the development of Tianxiahui. After all, the three strongest gangs have merged, but it is also a struggle for survival, and the face is at odds with the heart. Moreover, the three big gangs have just merged. It is not a simple process to go on the right track. Now they don't have much energy to take into account the situation here. The little power they have in Busan is useless except for causing some minor troubles. If Wang Yan hadn't wanted to see if he could take over the Kinmen Group and have a mutual exchange of ideas, he would have killed those little sticks here long ago.

Tianxiahui can develop step by step, digesting personnel, territory, industries, etc., while continuing to encroach on the south. After a while, I guess Ax Mountain will be the one the world will talk about.

The personnel recruited by Sihai Group have not been fully recruited yet, and it will take some time. Wang Yan has been writing development documents recently, and will start working on it when the time comes. He plans to launch the chat software first, and, among other things, conquer Asia except China, and then compare it with Europe and the United States. When smartphones are popularized, it will be convenient for him to launch other products in the future. Quite a few, they took off immediately.

As for why China was excluded, it is because Tencent has now gone public in Hong Kong and has more than 300 million domestic registered users. Then what else is he doing, just burning money? He uses the money to buy shares of several game companies here. If it doesn't work out, he gets the agency rights in China. He puts on a double shell and returns to China to cooperate with Tencent. Whatever he does to make a profit is better than burning money. It’s better to compete with Tencent.

The logistics side is also recruiting people. For low-level employees, they will first recruit a group of family members within Tianxiahui and then recruit employees from the public.


Nearly four months have passed in the blink of an eye.

In the entire Ax Mountain, except for a few places where the three major gangs were shrinking, the rest of the territory was completely controlled by the Tianxiahui.

After this period of development, Tianxiahui has nearly 5,000 younger brothers. After taking control of Ax Mountain, the uneven quality of these individuals became somewhat of a hindrance, and a vigorous selection process began.

In the end, only one thousand people can be left out of the five thousand people, and these people will join the security company under the Tianxiahui Group. The remaining people go to various entertainment venues to run traditional businesses.

Originally, Wang Yan wanted to recruit all those people into Sihai Security, but after thinking about it, he decided not to do it. The main reason is to make the Sihai Group a little more pure. Even if people who are interested know that the Sihai Group and the Tianxiahui Group are the same company, at least they don't seem to be colluding. The requirements are not high, just deceive the people. This is also for the consideration of politicians who will cooperate with him in the future.

Therefore, a new group company was opened by Tianxiahui, and the original employees of Sihai Security were transferred there, and at the end they were also third-level team captains. Not only did he separate the two, but he also strengthened his rule over Tianxiahui, which was a good thing.

Thanks to my brother (who has been reading for more than ten years) for the 1,000-coin reward.

Thank you for your continued support, brother.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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