Li Zhongjiu started out with Shi Dong, but in the world, everyone is a scumbag, and it would be a joke to say that he has much affection. In particular, he is a relatively self-centered and proud person.

Whenever big things happen, be calm, maintain a clear mind, maintain an elegant and calm posture, and not be swayed by emotions. This is a required course for those in power.

Therefore, the first time he received the news was to confirm Shi Dongchu's life and death, and then analyze what would be beneficial to him after Shi Dongchu's death, and how to maximize his benefits. Finally, it is time to study who killed Shi Dongchu. As for whether Shi Dongchu had this or that in mind after his death, he didn't say that.

If the person standing in front of him was not a senior police officer, he might still be able to show off. But now that people have given him an explanation, it is better for him not to cause trouble. Otherwise, if he is charged with obstructing law enforcement and detained for at least two days, nothing will happen to him.

Let’s forget about this normal car accident. Whoever believes it is stupid.

He has a lot of say in this. Except for those who were later reported missing after being reclaimed, the ones he killed were all normal deaths. None of them are good things, no one knows who.

The most powerful people in the Kinmen Group, besides Shi Dongchu, are him and Ding Qing. He asked himself whether he had done it, and since everyone was in the Tiger sect, it would be most beneficial for him if Shi Dongchu sat in the position of the eldest brother, so who needed to say anything?

Entitlement is poison. Even he, the former second brother and now the third brother, wants to be the eldest brother. Not to mention Ding Qing, the former eldest brother and now the second brother. No matter how big a brother you are, you don't like having a silly little guy pointing fingers at you.

It was nothing more than taking advantage of the fact that they were the main force of the Qian Tianxia Association in the Tiger Faction and suffered greater losses. Ding Qing felt that there was an opportunity to completely unify the Kinmen Group, so he killed Shi Dongchu. Then he was just trying to make peace with Tianxiahui, and promised them a huge profit to catch them and work with the Tiger Faction to contain them. And Ding Qing is the second brother, so he is not given for nothing. He has a certain prestige within the Kinmen Group. It is natural for him to be the eldest brother.

"Hey, Li Zhongjiu, what do you mean by this, huh?" Ding Qing looked at Li Zhongjiu with wide eyes: "You suspect that I was the one who instigated the car accident? Does that do me any good?"

He really suspected that Li Zhongjiu did it. After all, this guy's ambition is unabashed, and he wants to be a big brother for a long time. By killing Shi Dongchu, he can completely control all the power in the Tiger Faction. If he and the Tianxiahui just settle down and let them contain the main force of the Beidamen Sect, wouldn't they be in power?

"Don't you know if there are any benefits?"

Li Zhongjiu is a stubborn person. If he identifies it as Ding Qing, then it is Ding Qing. When the King of Heaven comes, he will also be Ding Qing.

Ding Qing frowned: "The police officer said it was a normal car accident, didn't you hear? Drunk drivers were caught, did you hear it?"

He really had no reason to kill Shi Dongchu. Originally, he was the next president, and he was now fighting fiercely with the Tianxiahui. He killed Shi Dongchu. What benefit could internal and external troubles do to him? This not only weakened the cohesion of the Kinmen Group, but also allowed the Tianxiahui to take advantage of it, and also delayed his normal development plan.

You must know that although the Kinmen Group and Tianxiahui are about to lose their minds, Tianxiahui is very particular about it. If you are serious about business, you will compete seriously. If you are not serious about business, it depends on who has the toughest methods. Even though his power map was invaded, he didn't stop making money at all.

Therefore, although his logistics has never worked for Sihai Group, his normal delivery and profits have not been greatly affected. The construction company is also developing in full swing, because Sihai Group and Tianxiahui are not involved in the construction industry for the time being, and other gangs are not his opponents, so they can make a lot of money.

It would be really nice if we didn't have to pay for medical bills and bonuses every day while fighting, and we had to pay pensions if we were killed.

Li Zhongjiu didn't want to be useless with this beep. His eldest brother's body was still cold, so he had to show his attitude.

"Okay, stop saying these things that you and I don't believe. The president's body is still bleeding. Let's take care of the president's funeral first, and then we can settle the accounts."

After saying that, he glanced at the old bastard who was watching the excitement.

"Yes, the top priority now is to take care of the president's funeral affairs. If you have anything else, let's talk about it later." The balding old bastard received the look and understood, walked out of the team and said: "As for the position of president It's empty, and we still have to deal with Tianxiahui now, and we can't live without a director. Therefore, I propose that Director Zhang Xiuji handle some daily affairs first. Director Ding, Director Li, and all the directors present, what do you think? ?”

Before anyone else could speak, Zhang Xiuji waved his hand: "Hey, I have ignored these things for a long time. I still have to look at Director Ding and Director Li."

The balding old bastard said: "Director Zhang, don't be humble. We know your abilities and your qualifications are there. Isn't that right, everyone?"

"Director Zhang can do it."

"You can believe it."


A crowd of old bastards cheered, and everyone else looked at Ding Qing and Li Zhongjiu when they saw this.

Li Zhongjiu smiled slightly: "Of course, Director Zhang is the most qualified person now, let him be the one. What do you think, Director Ding?"

Ding Qing nodded, acquiescing.

The Imperial Sun Sect has been completely wiped out by the two of them, and they have no power at all. It is more appropriate to be a middleman for the time being. It's not like you really want that old bastard to be the president, or you can just put it up there as a mascot to give your brothers a name. Don't think that if Shi Dong appears, the Kinmen Group will be in chaos. Stand firm and don't allow the world to take advantage of you.

The real power is still in the hands of the two of them. If Zhang Xiuji is ignorant, he will have to fill the sea within three days.

"That's it. We'll wait until the president's funeral affairs are settled. I've been careful lately and don't let the world take advantage of the situation. Let's break up."

Li Zhongjiu looked deeply at Ding Qing and left with his younger brothers.

The eldest brother's funeral is not important, his safety is important. Now that Ding Qing dares to kill Shi Dongchu, he must be fully prepared. He was also caught off guard, so it was better to be careful in case he was killed. It's better to make a strategic retreat first to avoid Ding Qing's sharp edge. If he had been prepared, let alone his eldest brother's funeral, even his own father's funeral would not be easy to deal with today. The winner would have to be decided.

Ding Qing was wronged, and he even felt a little aggrieved by the way Li Zhongjiu looked at the murderer. He is a mafia gang brother, a successful businessman on the surface, how has he ever suffered from such cowardice?

Looking at the suspicious eyes, Ding Qing cursed Xibala. I still can’t explain this, it’s getting darker and darker as I describe it.

He shook his head, got in the car with Li Zicheng and left.

There will naturally be someone to take care of Shi Dong's funeral, so they are not needed. And he had to take advantage of this time to prepare, otherwise what if Li Zhongjiu went crazy and killed him directly.

In the car, Ding Qing looked at Li Zicheng beside him, held it in for a long time and asked, "Did you do it?"

Li Zicheng was stunned for a moment, frowned and gave Ding Qing a fierce look: "Let's start the game, Xiba... what do you think? What good will it do us if Shi Dong is dead? Huh?"

Ding Qing cursed and rubbed the place where he was beaten and muttered: "I can't find who did it. Now that Shi Dongchu is dead, we are in big trouble. Do you think it could be Li Zhongjiu and Tianxiahui... "

Li Zicheng looked sideways out of the car window and heard no movement during the words. He turned to look at Ding Qing, who was frowning in thought, and said, "Hey, continue?"

Rubbing his temples, Ding Qing muttered: "Do you think it's none of other people's business, but the Tianxiahui, or is it Wang Yan who did it? He wanted us to fight to the death with Li Zhongjiu, and in the end he just took it easy. profit."

Hearing this, Li Zicheng was stunned for a moment, thought for a while and shook his head and said: "Not necessarily. You must know that in more than a year of confrontation, except for the stalemate in Guangzhou at the beginning, we could not win in other places. We have always been at a disadvantage. Tianxiahui is completely capable of defeating us in an upright manner, so there is no need to play this trick. Tianxiahui has its own rhythm. They have always played steadily and will never rush in easily. It has been more than a year, and there is still a lot to be done. That time?"

"And if Wang Yan really did it, he should kill both of us. After all, we shot him before and killed Park Zhengyi. Judging from the information we have about him in the past year, he is not a person who likes People who are playing tricks. If they really wanted to kill us, they would have done it long ago and would not have waited until today. Therefore, I don’t think the Tianxiahui is very suspicious."

After listening to Li Zicheng's analysis, Ding Qing nodded and temporarily put down the idea.

"The two people who are most suspected are Li Zhongjiu and Zhang Xiuji. After all, Li Zhongjiu has been thinking about getting the position for more than a day or two, and Zhang Xiuji..." Ding Qing rubbed his head: "Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore, Shi Dong came out He is already dead, and it doesn’t matter who he is. We must be prepared and not let Li Zhongjiu take over. Otherwise, both of us will die."

Li Zicheng nodded. Needless to say, even if they came to power, Li Zhongjiu would die.

"Contact Han Yongzheng and ask him to take over the affairs there and bring people back. Send someone else to do the affairs of Tianxiahui. We need him now."


When they arrived at their club, Ding Qing, Li Zicheng and several confidants discussed it all night.

It's so hot now that I can't even think about sleeping. If you are not fully prepared, everyone here will die and no one will be able to escape.


The next day.

After studying all night, everyone dispersed after only taking a short nap.

After they separated, Li Zicheng drove alone to the chess club he frequented and found his contact.

He handed all the evidence he collected during this period to Song Xinyu, and the two played Go.

Dropping a particle randomly, Li Zicheng asked: "Do you know everything about yesterday?"

Song Xinyu casually brushed away the strands of hair sticking up from his forehead: "I know, Captain Jiang and the others held a meeting overnight."

"What should I say? Am I..." Li Zicheng was a little uneasy. Although he knew the result, he still couldn't help but think. After all, this was what he had been looking forward to for a long time: "Can I report back to the police station?"

Not surprisingly, in Li Zicheng's disappointed eyes, Song Xinyu shook his head at him: "I still need you to continue to lurk."

"I know." Li Zicheng shook his head mockingly, stood up and said, "Let's stop here. I'll talk to Section Chief Jiang. I believe he didn't tell you the specific plan."


Song Xinyu looked at Li Zicheng walking away and sighed. Over the years, she didn't know how many times she had seen Li Zicheng's disappointed back. After taking this road, how can we turn back?

Li Zicheng drove to the abandoned building complex again and opened the iron door again.

Captain Jiang said dissatisfied: "You shouldn't have come at this time."

To be honest, if he didn't hold Li Zicheng's police information, Li Zicheng would have a bottom line. Just because of his arrogant attitude, the grass on the grave has already grown three feet high.

Maybe it turned out that Li Zicheng didn't hesitate to kill him, and there was also this disrespect in it.

"I want to know what your plans are."

Captain Jiang took out a cigarette and lit one, threw the cigarette to Li Zicheng, took a puff of smoke, looked at Li Zicheng who was lighting the cigarette and said: "Shi Dongchu's death was so sudden this time, it disrupted our plan. , but this is also an opportunity.”

"Regarding Shi Dongchu's death, who do you think did it?"

Li Zicheng said: "It's either Li Zhongjiu or Zhang Xiuji."

Captain Jiang smiled slightly: "It's the Tianxiahui."

"Tian Xia Hui? We have analyzed it..." Li Zicheng repeated the analysis he and Ding Qing had made: "So, Tian Xia Hui is unlikely. Unless... you have evidence?"

"Does it matter if there is evidence?"

Li Zicheng was stunned for a moment: "Do you want to provoke hatred between the Kinmen Group and the Tianxiahui and escalate the battle?"

Captain Jiang nodded, with an instructable look on his face: "It's not that I look down on you, Wang Yan is really much better than you. Our side, Ax Mountain, Guangzhou and other places have begun to jointly handle cases, and have sent many undercover agents. The world will It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a sieve. In this case, we have not found any evidence to accuse him. Therefore, if we want to escalate the battle between the Kinmen Group and the Tianxiahui, let Wang Yan spend more energy, Then as time goes by, he will definitely show his flaws."

"And this time can be said to be the best opportunity. News came from my colleagues on the Ax Mountain side. Yesterday, Zhang Dongrui, the president of Tianxiahui, transferred a total of about 3,000 official members from various cities. Do you know how strict their assessment standards are? Harsh, they are almost catching up with ordinary elite troops, they only have about 7,000 people in total."

"Through the mouths of Wang Yan's two brothers, we know the destination of these people. One group is sent to Little Japan, and the other group is sent to Bangkok in Taiguo. So..."

Li Zicheng frowned and said: "So you want to use the reason that the Tianxiahui has fewer elites and is empty internally, so you killed Shi Dong to transfer the internal chaos of the Kinmen Group, and have no time to take care of the fact that the Tianxiahui is so brainless to provoke hatred between the two factions?"

"This is not important. What is important is that in the current situation of internal and external troubles, no matter Ding Qing, Li Zhongjiu, other gang veterans, or even the middle and low-level juniors under his command, what everyone needs is a mutually recognized Isn’t that the reason?”

This is not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Kinmen Group was originally at a disadvantage in the battle with Tianxiahui. If things go on like this, it will only be a matter of time before the Kinmen Group is destroyed. The guys at the bottom may not matter, they are not that important. Anyone with a bit of power doesn't want to see the Kinmen Group civil war and be annexed by the World Society. Therefore, it is the common interest of everyone to survive, keep the Kinmen Group, and keep their own wealth. Then these people are given a reason, and when the Tianxiahui is empty, it is natural for the battle to escalate.

Li Zicheng thought their method was okay, but he always felt that he underestimated Wang Yan. Frowning, he asked: "The time when the world will dispatch manpower will be before Shi Dongchu's death, or after?"

Captain Jiang didn't understand why he asked, but after thinking about it, he replied: "Shi Dongchu's death time was late at night, so their deployment of manpower must have been a previous order. What's wrong? What's the problem?"

"Wang Yan issued this order before Shi Dongchu died. Don't you think it's strange? Considering the social impact, battles between the Kinmen Group and the Tianxiahui rarely involve thousands of people. But the scope is very large. There will be conflicts every day in cities where they have controlled a certain amount of territory and in cities where they are attacking."

Li Zicheng looked at Captain Jiang as if he were a fool: "Then what does it mean that he transferred so many people? It means that the remaining people are enough to deal with us, so he went to expand overseas territory. Since he knows that the world will The selection criteria for official members, then you haven’t considered their combat effectiveness?”

"Hey, what's that look in your eyes? You brat." Captain Jiang said unhappily: "You can think of problems, but why can't so many of us professionals take them into consideration? Really..."

"I'm worrying too much." Li Zicheng nodded: "Then who will guide you? It can't be me, right? That's almost like asking me to die directly."

"Of course not. We have other people. As for who that person is, you will know when the time comes." Facing Li Zicheng's probing eyes, Captain Jiang shook his head, made a clenched fist gesture and said, "This time Our goal is to wipe out the Kinmen Group and Tianxiahui in one fell swoop."

After saying that, he looked at Li Zicheng aside: "The time when I need you has not yet come, so prepare to fight against Tianxiahui. This is the last time. Regardless of success or not, you will return to the police force after this time. "

"The last time?" Li Zicheng was full of doubts. He had heard it too many times, and every time he was not happy for nothing.

Captain Jiang patted his shoulder and nodded heavily: "For the last time."

Li Zicheng stared into Captain Jiang's eyes and looked at each other... With a sneer, he turned and left without saying a word.

"The old bastard of grass mud horse."

This is what he wants to say to Captain Jiang most at the moment...


Ding Qing could find hackers in China to hack the police intelligence department, so naturally Wang Yan could do better. He was even a very technical and comprehensive computer master.

Even without relying on computer technology, he could accurately find the task force responsible for handling the Tianxiahui in the police station, which were some of the undercover senior officers in the Tianxiahui, relying solely on his banknote ability.

Just like Section Chief Cui sitting humbly in front of him now.

"That is to say, you, Fushan, Shou'er and other local police stations have joined forces to make Tianxiahui and the Kinmen Group fight to the death. When the time comes, will you also do it with me?"

Section Chief Cui nodded: "That's right, Mr. Wang."

Wang Yan asked: "Do you know how to operate it specifically?"

"Mr. Wang, what I know is limited. This is a matter for a higher level. I heard from the director that there are even people from the High Procuratorate of Shou'er and Hushan..." Section Chief Cui stopped talking and turned to worry. Said: "Mr. Wang, this time it's really..."

Before he could beep more, Wang Yan waved his hand and interrupted: "Tell me what you know."

Section Chief Cui did not dare to say more and quickly stopped talking: "The police station in Shou'er has undercover agents in the Kinmen Group, and their undercover level is quite high, and there are more than one. So they plan to use one of the undercover agents to lobby the Kinmen Group. The other middle and high-level officials instigated a large-scale battle with the Tianxiahui. In addition, they also had other means, although they were somewhat unclear. But according to my analysis, because of Shi Dongchu’s sudden death this time, they just wanted to use their hands to High-level undercover agents control the Kinmen Group.”

Wang Yan nodded and said, "Is there any other news?"

"No, that's all. I had a meeting at the police station all night. I came over to see you right after the meeting, because I was afraid of delaying your important event."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Section Chief Cui. Thank you very much for the information you provided." Wang Yan looked at his subordinates standing in the distance: "Come, help me see off Section Chief Cui."

"Thank you, Mr. Wang." Section Chief Cui bowed and followed the younger brother to show off.

Wang Yan lit a cigarette, lay on the sofa and puffed out eye circles.

This year is 2006, and in a few months it will be 2007, and in a few months it will be a new round of political competition in South Korea.

I had long thought that such a day would come, but I didn't expect that this day would come so quickly.

Tianxiahui and Sihai Group, one is a large gang that suppresses South Korean gangsters, and the other is a newly emerged Internet tycoon, both of which are firmly controlled by Wang Yan.

And he is very close to some congressmen and dignitaries, so how can others believe him when he says there is no problem.

Of course, there are indeed problems. Since Wang Yan took control of Ax Mountain, he has been fighting with these people.

Even if Wang Yan doesn't have this idea himself, it won't work if he doesn't want to get involved. Because his status and influence have reached, countless interests will tie him up to play. It doesn’t work if you don’t play. If you don’t play, you will die.

Wang Yan didn't know what Captain Jiang was saying. If he knew, he would laugh to death.

He wanted to catch them all in one fell swoop, but before he could catch them all, his whole family would be dead.

Section Chief Cui understands clearly that the main thing is control.

In fact, Shi Dongchu's death was beyond their expectation, because they must have made an accounting with Shi Dongchu before. After all, they had cooperated before and everyone was familiar with it.

Now that Shi Dong is dead, they have to change their plans, and they all arrive together. Therefore, the incident escalated directly. Let's do it first outside the market for entertainment.

Although Wang Yan didn't expect that they would take the opportunity to take action, he just had to pay attention at all times. After all, if everything goes well, he will be behind enemy lines. If you regret it when the time comes, you can kill a bunch of idiots.

Thank you (book friend 20170119035544366) for the 100-coin reward for your support.

Thanks to the three big brothers of (Langyu Huituan) (Haotian 0723) (Everything is Successful) for their continued support.

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