In February of 2008, the old bastard who was born in Daban, Japan, became the eldest brother after working in Hyundai for twenty-seven years.

Wang Yan's strength is limited and he has no key role in influencing matters of this level. So what is supposed to happen will still happen, and it will still be this old bastard who comes to power.

Of course, he also gained something and made some loyal and reliable friends. Although his strength has not improved by leaps and bounds, it has also taken a further step forward.

In the past year, Tianxiahui has occupied a place in major cities in South Korea, and various traditional industries have flourished. Not only does it provide a large amount of cash, it also provides a lot of free labor. After all, the borrowed money has to be repaid.

Under Wang Yan's secret control, the Kinmen Group underwent a major change. After all, the former Kinmen Group was a joint organization with some people holding shares, which was not good for Wang Yan. So he slowly moved people into the Kinmen Group and used some means to win over all their shares. At the same time, the upper and lower positions were all changed, completely turning the Kinmen Group into a centralized organization.

Later, he followed the model of Tianxiahui, opened the ascending channel, and conducted layer-by-layer screening. What did the former Kinmen Group want to do? As a leader, he must have thought of standing in Shi Dongchu's position. However, this approach is a redistribution of interests and can be regarded as a major reform within an organization. Since it is reform, we must break the old rules and establish a new order. This approach is basically to cut off the entire Kinmen Group. Within three days, he will either have a car accident or disappear. Anyway, he will die a bad death.

It's much better for Wang Yan to do this now. After all, Han Yongzheng and Lin Mingzhe seized power on behalf of two factions before, and many elders disappeared, which was equivalent to breaking the original community of interests. Later, after integrating the entire Kinmen Group, many of them were eliminated. Those who are ignorant are basically dead, and the rest can't make a few waves.

With the cooperation of Han Yongzheng and Zhang Dongrui, Wang Yan's order of mutual exchange was perfectly executed.

They are all brothers. Zhang Dongrui and Han Yongzheng don't understand why they want to fight to the death.

Wang Yan had power and huge profits, but he still gave these two people some respect and explained patiently.

He is not afraid of the rebellion of these two people, and he does not talk about the security force that was improved after he was assassinated twice. He does not talk about the several new villas he later bought on another hilltop. He does not talk about the weapons in his space, nor does he talk about himself. of extraordinary force. Let’s just talk about the people he placed up and down, covertly and covertly. The greater possibility is that Wang Yan already knew about it when they first contacted the manpower...

And there is another power in his hand, the one that has been doing things for him. Those were all selected by him after sifting through them. He has a firm control over everyone's information. He has a stick in one hand and a date in the other. He is proficient in this skill. If you are obedient, you will be rich and rich, but if you are disobedient, it will be easy...

Besides, Wang Yan didn't care about anything except checking the situation from time to time and taking control. The two of them are rich and powerful, and apart from occasionally taking orders, they are completely independent. It is an extremely difficult decision to give up the glory and wealth you already have and strive for an uncertain future.

Wang Yan believes that the two of them can carry it clearly and won't be overwhelmed...

One thing I have to mention is Zhang Guangshan and Li Quan.

As a subordinate of the system, Wang Yan was very interested in the two of them and had been taking good care of them in the past few years.

In comparison, Li Quan is useless. In fact, when it comes to performance, he is much better than Zhang Guangshan. ………

But because of this, the huge sense of accomplishment, and the surrounding environment, this kid got hooked. After Wang Yan found out, he had someone take him back and break one of his legs without saying a word. After the operation and two days of observation, and after confirming that there were no major problems except for some minor sequelae, Wang Yan sent two younger brothers to take care of him and threw him directly to Ax Mountain Prison. In a word, if he can't quit, he will be killed.

Speaking of Ax Mountain Prison, I have to talk about Ding Qing. Apart from the unpleasant journey as a strong man who was confirmed not to be sick when he first arrived, the rest was a beating from time to time, but life was pretty good.

Wang Yan was not afraid of anything else, he was just afraid that Ding Qing would get sick or something. If he died, it would be him, Wang, who would suffer, so he just let it go after feeling sick for the first time...

As for Sihai Group, logistics has now been opened all over South Korea. Unless there are special circumstances, it will arrive in one day. Not only that, the international business now no longer has two small broken ships, but one new ship with sufficient tonnage and eight small broken ships. From the transnational logistics business, large-scale import and export trade has started seriously.

At the same time, taking advantage of the convenience of logistics, we built an online shopping website, which is still OK.

After all, everything about its communication software is difficult at the beginning. After surviving the early stage, and after the product has a certain number of users and popularity, the continued development will be much smoother. Moreover, Wang Yan can always maintain product iteration, which is hard for anyone to do. Besides, he is not short of money. The advertisements are flying all over the place, and the effect is naturally to attract people. Now we are developing into Europe and the United States, and are in contact with some capital. They have been waiting for a long time...

Some other industries are also developing well. Last year, Qiao Pai Pao released the epoch-making Pai Pao, officially opening the door to smartphones. Anyone with a brain knows what the next trend will be, and they are all planning on smartphones.

Wang Yan is no exception. He also invested in building a factory. No matter how good or bad this thing is, when it comes out, it will be money. In fact, it is not much different from what the strong wind blows.

As for the research on the secret medicine formula, only mid-range medicinal materials have been replaced in more than a year. At the same time, foreign experts synthesized one of the elements, but the chicken feathers were not used.

There is no difference in the essence of the many prescriptions that Wang Yan has given out. They are all intended to replenish qi and blood, strengthen muscles and bones, and strengthen the body. However, the effects of so many prescriptions naturally have strong and weak effects. At the same time, each prescription involves dozens to hundreds of medicinal materials, and the amount of each medicine is strictly determined. It is truly A slight difference makes a thousand miles, and the change is gone. So the elements that are synthesized separately are that thing?

In addition, various other industries are also booming, especially in the past two years due to the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States. Generally speaking, they can make a lot of money.


In the sea view villa on the hillside, Wang Yan put down the phone in his hand and frowned in thought.

It was the second day after the new president took office, and he had just received a call from a cooperative official.

This old bastard immediately proposed a rectification plan the day after he came to power.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is coming for the Kinmen Group and Tianxiahui.

The next day, the old bastard directly issued the order.

To say that the power of the country is not a joke, if it is serious, it cannot be resisted by an individual or a small group. On the day the order was issued, thousands of venues were closed across South Korea and thousands of people were arrested.

For a time, the street atmosphere changed drastically. There were no longer those people hanging around in the past, and the air seemed to be much fresher. The people think this operation is very good. After all, they have been deeply disturbed by it and have been very annoyed for a long time. Now that it is happening, it is not very good. It is also because of this that Li Mingbo's approval rating rose a lot just a few days after taking office.

But is it that simple? Not to mention other small gangs and sects, the number of peripheral members of the Kinmen Group and Tianxiahui has reached more than 100,000. In this operation, how many can you catch if you try hard? The remaining people may quit the gang out of fear and stay at home for a short period of time. But the situation is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change. Once this trend passes, people who have been holding back for so long will only become more chaotic without the restraint of the gang.

Considering the development of the real world, Wang Yan established an artificial intelligence laboratory.

This doesn't even mention the wisdom, experience, etc. that Wang has gained from reading so many books, being the big brother so many times, and experiencing so many things. Just look at the real world where giants at home and abroad are throwing money at it, and you still can’t understand what’s going on?

And in comparison, it has more advantages. Unlike other companies, it has no knowledge of all directions of artificial intelligence, such as autonomous driving, deep learning, biometrics, data mining, etc. Waiting for this and that, I don’t believe they can’t get away with so much money.

As for the huge investment in R\u0026D and limited implementation scenarios that people criticize, that has little to do with Wang Yan.

To be honest, he made a lot of money in the film and television world. He didn't feel bad at all. He didn't care if the group was ruined, he just smashed it.

Therefore, he will focus on two aspects in the future, one is artificial intelligence, and the other is the improvement of secret medicine formulas.


The stars and the moon rotated, the spring and autumn changed, and in the blink of an eye, the time came to November of the year 19.

His logistics company and Internet company were all separated and listed on the market. They are also internationally renowned multinational giants. Slowly, a lot of money was evacuated, and the profits from some other businesses of Sihai Group were all invested in those two projects.

The formula has been changed one after another in the past ten years or so. It has been replaced with expensive and three-flavored mid-range medicines, which has reduced the effect a lot, still has side effects, and it is not cheap. The side effects Wang Yan mentioned are always excreted from the body within a certain period of time by the body's natural metabolism. After all, he is a professional Chinese medicine practitioner, so he understands this. Now it seems that it is still far away.

Artificial intelligence has made considerable progress, and its various branches have achieved remarkable results. As far as the current world is concerned, saying that he is the world leader is a bit bragging. After all, he does not specialize in everything, but there is nothing wrong with saying that he is at the forefront of the world.

Don’t talk about anything else, just talk about R\u0026D funding. In terms of investment in artificial intelligence, he has been number one in recent years, and he is only a few steps behind the second place. And he also spent money or shared data to acquire some technologies from other top companies. Of course it's not comprehensive, but having that direction would save a lot of effort. Of course, some black methods were also used, but the results were not very good. After all, if it was that easy, the real world shouldn't be like that.

The Chinese New Year will be over in more than two months. If everything goes as planned, it's time for him to leave.

So recently he has been reading information in the laboratory.

He already remembered the prescription, and the changes this time were not big, so it was not very difficult to remember it. That is to say, he really can't remember the detailed experimental data, otherwise he will avoid many detours in the future.

As for artificial intelligence, there is too much information. It's unrealistic to remember everything. He doesn't have photographic memory, and whether his brain capacity is sufficient or not is one thing.

Therefore, he has to memorize as many key algorithms and development directions as possible within two months. I went back and reproduced it bit by bit based on my memory. He has not been in vain for more than ten years. His computer technology is LV5. Over the years, his software and hardware technology have improved due to his specialization. After he writes out the core stuff, he can then open a company and find someone to write it with him.

It's just that the technology is definitely not as good as it is now. After all, it is the collective wisdom of a large group of experts and professors, and no one can reach that level. But it won't take him long to move.


New Year's Eve.

Wang Yan had a drink with Zhang Guangshan and Li Quan.

Zhang Guangshan was fine, but Li Quan's leg was broken by him and he walked with a slight limp.

Wang Yan didn't care whether Li Quanji hated him or not, as long as he was always respectful to him on the face and didn't make any small moves behind his back, he could do as he pleased. As long as he can't see that, no matter what Li Quan thinks, he doesn't hold a grudge. After all these years, Li Quan has come here peacefully...

After drinking the two of them down, Wang Yan walked to the top of the mountain and looked at the sea.

There is nothing in this world that he deserves to cherish, that is to say, he has not been able to get rid of all the information.

As for Ding Qing, Wang Yan stopped dealing with him after beating him for two years. It was okay at first, and I knew how to resist and commit suicide, but later my whole spirit and spirit were shattered and I was completely useless.

Wang Yan has no intention of picking on him anymore. The price he has to pay has already been paid, so he has been living well and eating well until now, but he is so fat...

Wang Yan shook his head and thought no more.

Pull out the panel and select Return...

A burst of blue light flashed...

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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