Hu Rongqiang looked at the grateful look of Shi Xiaomeng in front of him, and knew that things were close, and couldn't help but chuckle to himself.

"Here are 30,000 yuan, take it." Hu Rongqiang took out three wads of cash from the drawer of his desk, sighed and said, "Oh, and the injury on your hand is not healed yet? It happened to be Shen Bing I just came here, so let’s go back to recuperate for a few days so you can stay with Shen Bing and your salary will still be paid."

"I'll let you know when there are any projects. As for the rest... you can figure it out on your own, okay? Xiao Meng, brother, this is all I can do..."

After listening to Hu Rongqiang's words, and then feeling the heavy 30,000 yuan in his hand, Shi Xiaomeng was almost moved, even if he was moved. Mainly, he overturned his previous view of Hu Rongqiang, and began to wonder whether he had misunderstood Hu Rongqiang, and whether his demands were too high...

"Brother Hu, I... thank you, thank you so much..."

"I treat you as my biological brother. You don't need to be polite to your brother. It's all as it should be. You..."


At this moment, the phone on Hu Rongqiang's desk rang.

"Okay, that's it. You go back first. I'll call you when something happens." Hu Rongqiang waved his hand and answered the phone: "Hello? Ah..."

Shi Xiaomeng wanted to say something, but was afraid of disturbing Hu Rongqiang's call. Finally, he glanced at him gratefully and turned away...


WeChat, Pinyidao and other outsourcing projects in the company have to be completed, and the artificial intelligence that Wang Yan values ​​​​the most also needs to continue to be developed, so even though his work efficiency is great, he worked in the company until after nine o'clock before leaving. Although there are still ten years to go, the sooner this thing is developed, the better.

Of course, the main reason is that Yang Zixi was so moved yesterday by Mr. Wang's act of buying a house in the Second Ring Road without saying anything. She didn't even go to any serious class today, let alone his class...

After leaving the company, Wang Yan went to the most popular nightclub in Beijing.

It’s been a tiring day, so feel free to relieve your fatigue.

It was still the same feasting and feasting, the same confusion and infatuation. Wang Yan ordered a glass of wine at the bar, sat in the same seat as before and drank slowly.

"Hey, handsome guy, what a coincidence."

A woman patted Wang Yan and sat on the stool next to Wang Yan.

Wang Yan turned his head and said, "Well, it's quite a coincidence."

This woman is the same as Wang Yan last time without her makeup. People who love fun will definitely not stay in one place. There are so many places in the capital and there are so many people. It is a coincidence that we can meet her twice.

"Won't you buy me a drink? Don't you still remember the grudge last time? No, you are so stingy for a grown man?"

"Although it's a bit of a waste, for the sake of meeting me twice, I'll buy you a drink. Order whatever you want."

Not paying attention to what Wang Yan said, the woman skillfully ordered a glass of wine and said with a smile, "Why, are you having an affair again?"

"Then you are so beautiful, do you want me to meet you?"

"Have you always been so direct?"

"Isn't it better to be more direct?"

The woman was stunned: "It's really good to be direct, but how can I put it, you lose the mood to have fun."

Wang Yan picked up the quilt and touched her: "Well, it seems you have made up your mind. Come on, cheers."

"Did I say anything?"

The woman smiled brightly and drank all the wine in the glass: "Did I say anything?"

"It doesn't matter what you say, what matters is what you do." Wang Yan looked at the two women walking in the door talking and laughing, then called the bartender and asked him to serve some fruits, snacks, and wine.

After doing this, Wang Yan looked at the woman: "We will meet again if we are destined to meet each other in the future. Now I have discovered a new beauty. Call your friends over. Your spending today is mine, so do whatever you want."

After saying that, with the woman's disbelief in her eyes, she took a bottle of wine from the bar and walked towards the small dining table inside.

"This is revenge, this is absolutely revenge."

The woman muttered to herself, then gritted her teeth, waved to her friends who were playing in the distance, and then called them. Why don't you just let me do whatever you want? I'm going to make you miserable.

Wang Yan didn't know, but of course it didn't matter even if he knew, and he didn't lack the money. Besides, he didn't want to take revenge. After all, there is no way to pay for revenge. He saw Wu Mei who came here with her friends. Since he met her, he didn't say anything about it, just deal with her.

Wu Mei and her friends had just ordered drinks and were warming up with their bodies swaying to the music. Seeing Wang Yan walking over, her friend touched Wu Mei and said, "Another man seduced by you, a little prodigal."

Wu Mei didn't pay attention to what her friend Xiaolang Houzi called her. On the contrary, her charm was once again proven, and she was still happy.

Seeing the man getting closer and closer, Wu Mei subconsciously judged him.

He walks with his head held high and his eyes are bright, which can inadvertently give people a sense of oppression. She couldn't tell what brand she was wearing, but judging from her experience, it was not ordinary material and should be worth a lot of money. For a woman like her to be able to look at her calmly, it means that he has seen women who are at least as beautiful as her, or even more beautiful than her, and may have had in-depth contact with her. It also shows that he is very confident in his own strength and confident that he can conquer her.

To sum up, he is not bad at all and is a knowledgeable and wealthy player.

Wang Yan walked closer, put the wine on the table, and blatantly glanced at Wu Mei's deep groove: "Are you interested in a drink?"

Just like Wu Mei said to Wu Di,

As a woman, it is good to use the charm of a woman to conquer every man and make them obey and obey her words. Only in this way can I maintain an enviable state for a long time. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and for some women, intelligence is their strength. But for a woman like me, appearance is my strength. So, is there anything wrong with being good at using my strengths to conquer men and the world?

My intelligence is not innate, it comes from experience as a man.

Good women go into the kitchen, bad women go everywhere.

She is a woman who knows what she wants and has a clear understanding of men and women.

Wu Di is obviously not a man who conquers the world, and the fame and fortune he pursues is far different from Wu Mei. He is just one of the ordinary men.

Wang Yan thought that if Wu Mei was able to fall in love with Wu Di, they might just have nothing to do and find a young man to adjust the relationship, and they would have no results in the end.

As for the tears during the process, they were more like crocodile tears. As she said, she just used her own advantages.


Wu Mei's friend at the side looked at Wang Yan, came over and put her arms around Wang Yan's neck, lying next to his ear: "My sister is a female seductress, and ordinary people can't subdue her at all. I won't disturb you in casting spells, let's go."

After saying that, she patted her shoulder and turned around to play with the man.

"Your friend is very beautiful. As expected, birds of a feather flock together."

To be honest, Wu Mei's friend is not bad looking either. Mainly because it was the first time we met, and Wu Mei was probably very annoying, because it was not a woman conquering a man, but a man simply playing with women. You can't have your cake and eat it too, it's not realistic to want to be together...

Wu Mei didn't know what Wang Yan was thinking, but she just smiled charmingly and said, "Are you saying I'm more beautiful?"

"Of course, otherwise there are so many people here, why would I find you?"

"I like men who are honest and direct."

Wang Yan shrugged: "I like women who say I am honest and direct." As he spoke, Wang Yan opened the wine and poured two glasses.

"Let's have a drink together?"

Wu Mei raised her glass happily, clinked it with Wang Yanliang, and drank it all in one gulp.

After drinking and the atmosphere, Wu Mei blushed slightly. Sexy, full, flaming red lips parted lightly: "You don't look like someone who often comes to a place like this."

"Isn't it a coincidence that I met you when I came here." Wang Yan poured her another glass of wine: "Let's share a glass of wine together."

Wu Mei picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, looking at Wang Yan charmingly: "You don't want to get me drunk and have bad thoughts, do you?"

"Have I not been obvious enough?"

Wu Mei didn't expect Wang Yan to admit it like this. She was stunned for a moment and said: "You are really direct."

Wang Yan poured the wine and raised his glass: "Is this a direct toast?"

Wu Mei rolled her eyes at him angrily, and said, "It's no fun to drink like this, how about we play a game?"

This is because she is interested in Wang Yan. Otherwise, she is just looking for fun, so she can't just waste her time with a random man.

"playing what?"

"Roll the dice, truth or dare."

Wang Yan raised his glass: "Do you want to drink this glass directly before playing the game?"

"Of course." Wu Mei raised her glass and clinked it with Wang Yan: "Cheers."

Just shake the dice, not to mention that Wang Yan also has some gambling skills. He took out the dice, arranged them in the space, and then put them back. With this move, not to mention the king of gamblers and the god of gamblers were all in vain.

The next time, the two of them rolled the dice in the nightclub. In order to take care of Wu Mei, Wang Yan let him go whenever he had nothing to do.

The two of them also had a tacit understanding. If Wu Mei lost, she would take a big risk and just drink. Of course, Wang Yan would also drink with her. If Wang Yan loses, then he is telling the truth. Wu Mei is such a shrewd woman. She just asked some questions about daily life to judge Wang Yan's strength.

Of course Wang Yan understood what he was thinking. To be honest, Wu Mei's level was really far behind if she wanted to trick him. But considering that, he was happy to cooperate. This is a very good running partner. After all, Yang Zixi will get tired of it after a long time, and Wu Mei's work should not be comparable to that of Yang Zixi. After all, the two are different in rank.

Finally, after drinking for an unknown amount of time, Wu Mei couldn't stand it anymore: "Okay, okay, I won't play anymore, I really can't drink anymore." She wandered around the world, in her words, traveling all over the world. Naturally, he is also a veteran in the wine shop. Regardless of male or female, most people simply cannot use it. After all, if she doesn't drink well, then she can go to all kinds of cats and dogs? No matter what, she had to protect herself.

Wang Yan raised his eyebrows and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp. He stepped forward and hugged Wu Mei into his arms: "Then let's go."

Naturally Wu Mei didn't say anything, she leaned on Wang Yan and was carried out.

This is such a logical thing. In fact, it was already decided when Wu Mei and the two of them were destined to be together.

After finding a five-star hotel nearby, Wang Yan carried Wu Mei into the bathroom...

The next day, Wang Yan woke up early.

I have to say that Wu Mei did not live up to his expectations. Last night, Wu Mei acted like this and then again, it was really amazing. The feeling given to Wang Yan is not inferior to that of Zhao Jingyu in "Only Thirty". Anyway, it's just comfortable.

Open the legs that are riding on you, get up and go to the hotel gym to exercise.

To be honest, eating every day without restraint is harmful to the body. But not to mention that he is full of energy, he is not afraid even if there is a deficit. After he goes out, the system administrator will arrange for repairs, and then he will still be the same Wang. In other words, it is an iron-clad waist.

After exercising, she went back to the room to wash up and then came out, Wu Mei also woke up.

Looking at those strong and beautiful muscles, Wu Mei couldn't help but think of the madness last night, and her face turned red.

Wang Yan put on his clothes and said, "The room fee will be paid tonight. You can have a good rest. I'm leaving."

"Wait." Seeing that he was about to leave, Wu Mei hurriedly called out.

Stopping, Wang Yan turned to look at Wu Mei in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"Leave...leave a phone number and contact me again..."

Although he knew that she was pretending, Wang Yan accidentally felt his heart flutter again when he saw Wu Mei lying on the bed half naked, her eyes blurred, her red lips slightly raised, and she was about to say goodbye. It's not that he can't control it, but the opposite side is really beautiful.

Wang Yan didn't hesitate, took off the clothes he had just put on, and threw himself directly on the bed under Wu Mei's charming smile...

After taking another shower and leaving his phone number, Wang Yan left the hotel and went to work.


Another two days passed in the blink of an eye, and Shi Xiaomeng experienced a painful struggle.

It's not that he doesn't want to borrow money, the question is who should he ask to borrow money, and who can lend him money?

Cheng Feng, he usually borrowed money, and took another 20,000 yuan as a deposit. He really couldn't open his mouth for a while. As for Wu Di, he knew the situation well, that is, it was enough to feed and clothe himself, and forget about the thousand or eight hundred he usually spent on small trips. These tens of thousands would definitely not be useful.

His parents at home knew everything about the situation, and they pointed out that he had to become successful so that he could enjoy life. How could he help? As for relatives and so on, they all know that he is hanging out in the capital, so it would be nice if they don't open their mouths to him, but they still want to borrow money from others?

Brother Wang can do it, but when people come to see him, they have already taken so many things, and Hu Rongqiang only gives 30,000 yuan because of Brother Wang's face and it is really difficult for him, so he can't ask Brother Wang anymore. .

Moreover, the 30,000 yuan that Hu Rongqiang gave him before was used to buy the latest mobile phone for his girl. After losing 4,000 yuan, he lost another 6,000 yuan to pay the rent. After changing hands, 10,000 yuan went out, and he only had 20,000 yuan left in his hand.

He also asked for the price of the wine that Brother Wang had brought before. It was five thousand, a real deal. Those nutritional supplements can cost 10,000, but this is only 15,000, still short of tens of thousands.

At this point, he really had no way out.

He asked Cheng Feng to help find a kindergarten teacher job for Shen Bing. After all, this was the capital, and it would be really difficult for Shen Bing to find a kindergarten teacher job here based on Shen Bing's conditions. It has to be Cheng Feng, a local snake and rich second generation, who has the means to make it work.

Of course, he never imagined that Cheng Feng would donate money to the kindergarten and pay Shen Bing a salary just to make his wife smile.

Does Shen Bing love money? She might be able to say proudly that she doesn't love her. After all, Shi Xiaomeng is acting like a bad guy now, so she should follow suit, right? But later, every time Cheng Feng moved her, it was with money...

Just when Shi Xiaomeng was at his wits end, with no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth, Hu Rongqiang called and informed him to go to work...

Thanks to brother (Fu News) for the reward of 500 coins for continued support.

Thanks to Brother (Carbon-Based Life) for the 100-coin support.

Thanks to the five big brothers (Langyuhuitou) (Yiganghe) (Crazy Old Seven) (Invasion Ruyan) (zhengjinzong) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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