(I have something to do today, I have been busy all day, and I am very tired. I thought I could write four thousand, but I got a little sleepy halfway through writing. Two thousand words is not enough for full attendance, so I just left it like this. These two thousand words are just fine, don’t blame me, brothers. . Go to bed early, good brothers.)

Shi Xiaomeng took a taxi back to his company in Zhongguancun in a state of confusion.

That's 10 million. It's a question of whether he can live another 40 years in this life. Not to mention working for 40 years without food or water. It's really a huge fortune.

Ten million kept flashing through his mind, thinking that with this money, he could do this, he could do that, and the sweet memories with Shen Bing in his mind collided and flashed...

But to be honest, ginger does have to be old and spicy.

Unlike that trash Cheng Feng, who casually mentioned any conditions and wanted to exchange anything with them, it was not at all serious. Comparatively speaking, that old bastard Cheng Shengen asked for five million, so he just gave him the power, let alone the ten million he shouted later.

He admired himself for being able to walk all the way out of the teahouse. He never thought he could have such courage.

Girl... I gave up 10 million fucking dollars...

Unknowingly, he walked to the door of Wang Yan's office. Shi Xiaomeng opened the door and walked in without knocking.

Wang Yan had just finished the meeting not long ago, and while he was chatting, he saw Shi Xiaomeng, who was still a little confused when he opened the door and came in. He didn't care about knocking or not. He stood up with a smile and pointed at the tea table: "Sit down."

The two of them sat opposite each other, and Wang Yan was fiddling with the tea set again: "Why are you still so tired after going out? Why are you surprised by Cheng Shengen's failure to log off?"

"A little bit." Seeing Wang Yan playing around in the show, Shi Xiaomeng raised his head blankly: "Brother, in the eyes of you rich people, everything can be traded?"

It was normal that Shi Xiaomeng, who had never seen the world as it was, couldn't accept it for a while when the chairman of such a large group company was sitting across from him and talking to them about some dirty business.

"Dividing people, what is the deal?" Wang Yantian was shameless and did not use himself as an example: "Just like Yang Zixi, what I paid for is her body. As for whether she likes your guy named Wu Di Friends, it doesn’t matter to me at all.”

"But when it comes to you, what Cheng Shengen spent money to buy is for you to leave Shen Bing, and what he buys is your feelings for Shen Bing. There is no standard for measuring subjective feelings like feelings, but there are other things. They say feelings are. It’s priceless, it’s just that the price isn’t high enough.”

"To put it simply, as long as you don't want Shen Bing, then you can get whatever you want. What do you think? Will you give up Shen Bing?"

Shi Xiaomeng lowered his head and thought carefully about what Wang Yan said.

"Xiao Meng, the most vulnerable thing in this world is the human heart." Without waiting for him to think more, Wang Yan said something meaningful and then asked, "What conditions did Cheng Shengen give you?"

"Ten million, and I will be given a position above the manager level in Dade Group." Shi Xiaomeng covered his head in pain and said, "Brother, to be honest with you, I almost agreed."

Compared with what Wang Yan said as long as he gave up Shen Bing, he would get whatever he wanted. It was only 10 million, and he couldn't bear it anymore. After all, he was still full of passion at that time, but if Cheng Shengen had said a larger number to calm him down, he didn't know whether he would have stayed.

"In today's society, we cannot say that there are no saints, we can only say that there are basically no saints. It is normal to waver in the face of temptation, and you don't have to blame yourself. If it were you, maybe I would accept it." Wang Yan comforted: "The result It's good after all, but you didn't accept it after all, and you didn't compromise, right?"

As he spoke, Wang Yan put a cup of tea in front of him: "Actually, I'm very happy that you didn't compromise. At least I didn't misjudge you. Xiao Meng, take a long-term view. You must have love, and you must have bread." Brother, I won’t brag to you. In three years, if you don’t have a net worth of 100 million, I will make up for it for you.”

Shi Xiaomeng quickly shook his head: "Brother, I didn't think too much about doing it with you. It's fine now, as long as I can eat enough."

Wang Yan didn't say any more, because Shi Xiaomeng's rank was there. No matter how much he said, Shi Xiaomeng couldn't imagine it. And what he was talking about was net worth, that thing was an asset, not cash. After the developed product has been put into operation for a period of time, and then financing is opened, one or two rounds will be enough.

"Okay, let's have tea and get out as soon as you're done. You don't have the heart to work like this right now. I'll give you a day off. Go back and have a good rest and stay with Shen Bing. Don't always dwell on what happened in the past. The right way is to base ourselves on the present and look to the future. No matter what I say, it is my personal opinion after all. You just need to listen to it. It is far less important than your own understanding."

Shi Xiaomeng smiled naively and did not refute, but just drank tea silently. He was very upset now and really needed a good rest.

Wang Yan didn't bother him. To be honest, if someone offered money to buy his sweetheart Qingmei before he was favored by the system's living father, it's hard to say what would happen.

After drinking a pot of tea, Shi Xiaomeng said something to Wang Yan and went home. He had to be very stable, and his heart was pounding because of the 10 million yuan.

Wang Yan packed up the tea sets and worked seriously all day. He didn't leave the company until eight o'clock and went to Yang Zixi's place.

Because Wang Yan asked for directions and Yang Zixi was anxious to drive a small sports car out to compete, the driver's license test was passed very quickly. In the past week or so, the driver's license has been issued.

Now that the certificates have been obtained and they are still working so hard, Mr. Wang, as the financial backer, cannot do anything. I bought a 911 before, and also got a Beijing A car brand, and there were about 300 of them.

What did Yang Zixi say the day she saw the car? Well...it was quite comfortable...

You can't say that Yang Zixi is stupid or something. Maybe she also knows Wang Yan's temper and will never tolerate her shortcomings, so she doesn't bring trouble to herself? Anyway, the house was in Wang Yan's name, so she only had to live in it. The car was owned by the public, so she only had to drive it. There had never been any trouble in her name.

Of course, she knew that there was absolutely nothing wrong with Mr. Wang's temper. If she dared to prick her, then Wang Yan would definitely not tolerate her bad temper.

At Yang Zixi's home, when she heard Wang Yan opening the door, she hurriedly ran to the door, threw herself into Wang Yan's arms, and said aggrievedly: "My dear, I miss you so much. You haven't been here for three days." Come see me.”

Wang Yan has so much business, he just comes to see Yang Zixi occasionally. Besides, he has enough time, and this can keep him fresh for a while.

"Okay, I'll change my shoes." As he spoke, Wang Yan patted her back.

Yang Zixi stood up very sensibly and helped Wang Yan change his shoes.

Looking at Yang Zixi who was squatting on the ground untying his shoes, Wang Yan said: "Why are you back so early today?"

Does she have a new car? Besides, she is also very good at pretending to be a good person, so she is destined to drive around the streets and look for people she knows well. Lin Xia and Wu Di, who were being controlled by him, couldn't escape.

Yang Zixi curled her lips: "It's not interesting, lift your feet..."

Wang Yan shook his head in amusement, knowing that he was pretending enough.

She really doesn't have many friends, basically none. To be honest, Lin Xia only counts half of them. This is because she has good connections in college.

It's not like she didn't know the rumors about her former colleagues and so on. In those people's mouths, she was basically the same as what she had said. So she just went to those people and cheered them up, and looked at their angry, jealous, and jealous expressions, wishing they could replace them to relieve her anger.

Another one is Wu Di. Just looking at his appearance in front of the car, her little thought was gone. After all, it is not from the same world and cannot give her what she wants.

Thank you (Feifei Feifei is here) for your continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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