Although Wang Yan belongs to a hundred households, during this war, he still has to be with his men so that he can organize them as soon as possible to form a fighting force.

Therefore, in a room, the fire pit in the east and west rooms was filled with the rough embryos of their couple.

These people were so tired that they were just sleeping on pillows and snoring one after another.

People need to adapt. Wang Yan hasn't slept in this kind of environment for a long time since he became a master. For a while, the snoring of these big-headed soldiers made them unable to sleep.

Wang Yan hugged his arms, half asleep and half awake, lying on the hot kang with his eyes closed to rest.

I don’t know how long it took, but a desolate horn sounded, and then the city became lively with gongs and drums and loud shouts.

"The call is coming, the calling is coming..."

"Quick, quick..."

Hearing the noise, Wang Yan opened his eyes, turned over and got off the kang.

The others are also veterans. This is really life-threatening. There is no need for Wang Yan to shout at the moment, and everyone hastily got off the kang. Of course, the forty or so people couldn't all be veterans. There must be some who had just arrived. They were sore from fighting for a day and were sleeping like dead pigs, so they couldn't hear such a loud noise. Xiaoqi, who was in charge, didn't say anything. He woke up with a big mouth, cursed, beat and dragged him to the bed.

Wang Yan ignored them and stood silently at the door with his knife in his hand. He waited for everyone to pick up their weapons, arrange their clothes and armor, and come out. After taking a look at everyone, he shouted "Follow me" and turned around. Just run away.

You can see many people like them on the way, all running towards the city wall. The gang of bastards on the opposite side all know their behavior. Once the city is defeated, every one of them will die. No one dares to be careless.

Running all the way to the section he was responsible for, Wang Yan looked at the team that was less than two miles away and could not see the end of the rapidly surging team under the dim sky. The city wall is inevitably a bit high.

Seriously, if he wasn't aware of his own strength and was still mortal, he would have wanted to jump right in and fuck him.

In a short time, the opposite side was a mile away. Without anyone saying anything, the big-headed soldiers nearby took out their shields and put them on their heads in groups of two and a half and stood behind the city wall.

Listen to others' advice and eat enough to save your life on the battlefield. Some of these people were dispersed by the Guangning Guards who followed Xiong Tingbi, and some were beaten from Fushun. They basically knew Houjin's siege tactics. Wang Yan also pulled a shield and put it on his head.

Just after he protected himself, there was a continuous sound of cannons. Wang Yan knew that they were Hongyi cannons. The range of this cannon is about five hundred meters, which is exactly one mile. The shooting range of the bow can reach about three to four hundred meters at a large elevation angle.

The Hongyi cannon's "one shot can destroy dozens of miles" must be an exaggeration made by Yuan Chonghuan and others who don't want to brag. After all, the big iron ball solid bullets will not explode, and it may be more of the big iron ball. The child is rolling and jumping on the ground, and it will die if it comes into contact with it. There is no such corrupt method.

Although Yuan Chonghuan led his men to build Yanshen to get out of the enemy tower on all sides of the city wall, the Hongyi cannon was mounted on a vehicle with wheels that could adjust its direction and cover a 270-degree range. The layout is quite sufficient, but there are only twelve Hongyi cannons in total, and after firing one cannon, due to the high power, the shooting angle has to be readjusted and the ammunition is loaded again, which is very tedious. Yes, one shot in two or three minutes is pretty good.

It was also for this reason that the artillery could not cover the enemy who was pressing forward in a large force, allowing them to rush to a distance of 400 meters, and then a continuous barrage of arrows blocked the bright sky.

Wang Yan held his shield up against the wall obediently, and the arrows pierced downwards. From time to time, he could hear a few screams. It was someone who was unlucky enough to be stabbed in the foot, or the shield was pierced. .

Compared with Hou Jin's arrows, the quality of the Ming army's shields was somewhat inferior. Coupled with the acceleration of falling, they were quite powerful. However, it pierced through the shield in a short while, and the nearest one was only two inches away from Wang Yan's eyes. Despite Wang Yan's character, he was really frightened. After all, it was only two inches away. If he penetrated it, he would have given it up today.

Wang Yan cursed and took note, then looked back and killed them all when he got to the top.

Standing up, waving his shield to block an incoming arrow, Wang Yan looked down the city.

After several rounds of arrows, the opposite side was pressing forward. The cavalry rushed forward to fire arrows, while the infantry behind carried carts and hooks and ladders to advance in coordination.

The city wall not far away also started firing volleys of firecrackers at the city wall, and the cannons there were also constantly firing.

Hot weapons are indeed crushing against cold weapons. Wang Yan saw that a shot passed by and it was obvious that an irregular loophole was created. There were also those who fired guns at the city. A single volley shot down a lot of them.

The Ming army totaled less than 20,000 people, and they suffered many casualties yesterday. There are 60,000 people on the opposite side. Even if the Ming army killed a lot of them yesterday, there are still more than 50,000 people. And there are less than 20,000 people on my side who still have to guard the four-sided city gate. After all, the opponent is not a fool. He pretends to attack and mainly attacks the real and the weak. The defense may be focused in a certain direction, but he does not dare to press forward with large forces.

The next step will be like yesterday, Hou Jin's death squads will board the city, hold the hole and wait for their own people to come up...

Mr. Wang was still as brave as ever, fighting back and forth within his own defense line.

As for the two dissatisfied Xiao Qi, Wang Yan saved them both once. One of them kept up with him, but the other Wang Yan did not see the due respect in his eyes, so the Xiao Qi unfortunately died in the battle. …

At noon, it was still the same watchtower, where Yuan Chonghuan and Man Gui were watching the battle.

After Mangui looked around, he remembered the young man he had lifted up, and then looked at the area where Chen Baoning was responsible, looking for Wang Yan.

Without searching too much, Mangui saw Wang Yan at a glance. Without him, it’s really too damn eye-catching.

When he looked over, Wang Yan was screaming and chopped off the head of an enemy soldier with a knife. Under the spurts of blood, Wang Yan, who was dressed in blood-colored armor, looked like a murderer.

After staring for a while, Mangui helped Wang Yan check the numbers. In just a short period of time, he saw that he had killed six or seven people.

Nodding with satisfaction, Man Gui completely remembered Wang Yan.

Yuan Chonghuan also noticed Wang Yan. After seeing him killing him, he couldn't help but smile and said: "It seems that General Man has another powerful general under his command."

Mangui cupped his hands and said, "I accept Lord Yuan's good words."

Yuan Chongzhuan is the eldest brother, so he deserves some respect, even though he looks down on this guy.

Yuan Chonghuan didn't care, he was just a small soldier, so what if he could fight? It's just useful to him, just do it casually.

Without saying anything more useless, Yuan Chonghuan said: "The general thought..."

In the besieged city, the two of them discussed the current situation in a decent manner.

This battle was much more miserable than yesterday. With Wang Yan's body and skills, he was very tired and had to cut three swords. With him protecting him and fighting back and forth, eight of his men were killed, seven were seriously injured, and eight were slightly injured. This reduced his number by more than half, making him, Wang Baihu, even worse than the general flag. You can imagine how difficult it was today. And know.

Wang Yan didn't work this time. Although he didn't have many subordinates, he, Wang, managed to recruit hundreds of households. Not to mention that the rest of them were following his lead. There was definitely no problem in obeying the command and giving orders was unimpeded. of. After all, the remaining ones who were still standing were basically seriously injured or dead, but Wang Yanshao saved them all.

Leaning against the city wall to avoid the wind, Wang Yan panted heavily and drank water slowly. He looked at his men who were as tired as dogs and laughed while touching the corpses and beheading them. If I had a little wine or a cigarette at this moment, it would feel like that.

After a while, when Wang Yan had almost calmed down, Sun Fugui, who had a bloody streak on his face from his forehead to the corner of his mouth, limped over and said, "Let's go to Master Qianhu."

Wang Yan stood up and said, "Is it important?"

Sun Fugui waved his hand, spat on the corpse beside him, and kicked him: "It's okay, it just hurts, damn, these bastards. But to be honest, if you were here today, you probably wouldn't be able to bear such a heavy blow. hurt."

Wang Yan stepped forward and helped him down the city wall: "I suffered a lot of casualties. How are you doing there?"

"More than ten people have died and more than ten people have been seriously injured. I don't know if they can survive. Others have also been injured to varying degrees, and basically don't have much fighting power."

There was not much sadness in Sun Fugui's tone, as if he was not talking about people's life and death. After serving in the army for many years, his men didn't know how much tea they had changed. It was no big deal if they died. They were already numb.

The two chatted for a while, and soon arrived at a residence not far from the city wall.

Inside the house, Chen Baoning was sitting on the kang, and four other people were standing on the ground.

Seeing Wang Yan and the others come in, Chen Baoning said: "Okay, everyone is here, let's talk about today's situation. Come on, you talk first." As he spoke, he pointed at the person in the back.

"Report to Lord Qianhu..."

Listening to other people's reports, Wang Yan wondered whether Chen Qianhu was full of six hundred households, or whether he had swallowed up a few, or killed a few, or both, and sighed with emotion about the great Ming Dynasty. After finishing the calf, he went to Wang Baihu to report the situation.

Wang Yan bowed and said: "Reply to Qianhu, the master, the villain... uh, died in battle under the humble command of the subordinates..."

Chen Baoning smiled happily after listening to Wang Yan's report, especially when he heard "80 to 90% of the head count", he smiled even more happily, and his grin was so good that it went ear to ear. This was all his fault. After this war, with the achievements he has made, it is possible for him to be promoted to a commander or a commander, and then to be promoted to general Xianwu or Xuanwu.

In fact, there were far more heads than these. There were also many who were kicked away by Wang Yan and stabbed by his younger brothers. In addition, there were also many whose heads were smashed, and less than ninety of them were intact.

"Okay, okay." Looking at a group of hundreds of households who were looking at Wang Yan's achievements, Chen Baoning said: "The thieves are powerful, so you don't need to be discouraged. After surviving this time, the emperor will not treat us badly. Okay, everyone Let's go eat and have a good rest after fighting for a day. I don't know how long this battle will last..."

"Resigning from humble position..."

Wang Yan slowed down a beat. He hadn't been someone's little brother for a long time, so he was a little uncomfortable.

After walking out of the house, a man from a hundred households came over to talk to Wang Yan: "You are so good, you actually got so many heads."

They knew about Wang Yan's situation, but they didn't take it seriously before, taking it for granted that he was just a kid who got lucky. Unexpectedly, when the results were reported today, the battle losses were the least and the results were the most. Only then did I realize that the boy surnamed Wang who was lucky enough to be in the position really had a lot of tricks up his sleeve. They did not suspect that the results were falsely reported. After all, when the heads were turned in, the numbers did not match the reported numbers. That was no joke.

Wang Yan grinned modestly: "It was all the other brothers who worked hard, otherwise we wouldn't have achieved so much."

A group of people pouted, after all, they are fucking kids, they just can’t hide things. How could such a stupid kid fight so fiercely? This is really...he lost his head in vain.

Sun Fugui had a little more contact with Wang Yan, but he didn't think Wang Yan was a fool. Besides, if a fool has such a record and is good at cheating, then he is also a treasure for promotion and wealth.

"Hurry up and eat. We still have fights tomorrow. Let's go."

Wang Yan followed them to the cooking place. First-line captains like them didn't get any special treatment during the war. They ate the same food as the big-headed soldiers on the city wall, except that they could get large pieces of meat without robbing them.

Besides, now that Ningyuan is under siege, Big Big Big Brother has run away, making it clear that there are no reinforcements, and only the less than 20,000 people in the city are guarding it. Under such circumstances, if these people dared to enjoy themselves as usual without anyone else, Yuan Chonghuan would be so furious that he would pick up a knife and chop people.

There was no time to eat in the morning. Wang Yan, who had been hungry all day, ate two large bowls of dry rice and a lot of meat. With his mouth full of oil, he helped Sun Fugui to the serious injury concentration camp behind, and found some cloth to help Sun Fugui. Treated the wound.

In the cold weapon era, when the two armies fought on a large scale, in fact, only a few people died on the spot, and the majority died of serious injuries. This is mainly due to the backwardness of medical and health care in ancient times. To put it bluntly, some injuries may not be cured but they may still be alive depending on their own self-healing ability. However, they are sent away after a short treatment. This is really a matter of fate. Hard or not.

Wang Yan thinks that Sun Fugui is quite good. He can help him a lot, regardless of whether his fate is tough or not.

After finishing it, Sun Fugui went to find a place to practice on his own, while Wang Yan climbed up the city wall and returned to his territory.

"Master Baihu..."

After this battle, the remaining sixteen people quickly put down their jobs and said hello when they saw Wang Yan coming back.

Wang Yan waved his hand: "Okay, let's eat. We're no longer adults. Now I only have sixteen brothers under me."

The bold ones shouted: "After this battle is over, your lord's men will make up for the vacancies. And based on our military exploits today, it is unlikely that the emperor will give you a thousand-household promotion as soon as he is happy."

Sitting down against the city wall, Wang Yan said: "It seems impossible to promote you as I said before, but don't worry, I will remember it. When the battle is over, I will report it to you and reward you for your merits." Live well."

"Hey, if you say this, we can rest assured. No matter what, we have to live to be an official."

It seems that Wang Yan is easier to talk to and not as cold as yesterday. In addition, the remaining big soldiers are much older than Wang Yan, and he saved them again today, so he unconsciously became close to them.

Wang Yan smiled and talked to these people. The remaining sixteen people and the wounded who could come back alive were his soldiers.

Today is the twenty-fifth day of the first lunar month. According to historical records, the battle will be over tomorrow. It is estimated that the battle will not be too fierce, and these people should all be alive.

Today they rotated a little earlier, around 11 or 12 o'clock, which means that they had to come back at 3 or 4 o'clock to prevent the cold.

Wang Yan fell asleep this time, because he didn't get much rest yesterday and had to fight for two days, so he couldn't stand it anymore.

At around four o'clock, Wang Yan woke up a group of his men who were sleeping deeply and went up to the city wall to change rooms.

His recovery ability is far beyond ordinary people. After sleeping for a few hours, when he comes out and the cold wind blows, he is already energetic. Covered with a ragged quilt, he looked around boredly, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Around five o'clock, a farmer came up with hot soup and rice, and Wang Yan followed suit and ate a few bowls.

Before six o'clock, which was still about the same time as yesterday, there was a commotion in the Houjin military camp opposite, and then a military formation formed and pressed over again.

The city was buzzing again like yesterday morning, but after a while, all the personnel were in place.

Wang Yan was so good at this that he straightened the two shields and put them at the corners, fearing that God would not care about him and would keep them away from them.

After a few waves of arrows and artillery fire passed, Wang Yan stood up and took a look. Today, the enemy was not as aggressive as the previous two days. The cavalry came up and fired a few more waves of arrows before being bombarded back. After a while, I saw thousands of cavalrymen galloping westward on the opposite side.

Wang Yan knew that Juehua Island had been discovered.

Many generals died in battle, more than 14,000 soldiers and civilians were killed, food and grass were robbed, and more than 2,000 ships were burned to the ground. After the great victory at Ningyuan, when the reward was given, there were 2670 soldiers killed, and more than ten people were captured. Damn it, Wang Baihu has contributed more than a hundred heads in the past two days. It turns out that how this battle was fought is really a mystery.

The top soldier may not know, but Wang Yan doesn't think that Yuan Chonghuan and Man Gui and other senior brothers don't know. But now the situation is that Ningyuan is surrounded and unable to help. He guessed that this was also the reason why Man Gui and Yuan Chonghuan later fell out.

This again involves the question of whether Yuan Chonghuan is a serious person.

Before, the eldest brother of Liaodong was running away, and a lot of food and supplies were lost on the road. This Houjin massacred Juehua Island, and there was a lot of food and supplies...

Wang Yan shook his head and thought no more. He was just a member of the Hundred Households. He was not registered yet. He was only promoted temporarily. The specific reward would not be determined until after the war. He is truly in a low position, and his words are not light words, they are farts. The current strength is too weak to control the situation. We still have to develop and develop.

Wang Yan stood on the city and looked at the well-equipped Houjin cavalry below, and unconsciously thought of the Eight Families of Shanxi Merchants. Seriously, no one would believe that the armors on the people below have nothing to do with those people.

After being surrounded but not attacked, and after a few fruitless tests, Hou Jin withdrew his troops in the afternoon.

On the one hand, Juehua Island has gained a lot, and on the other hand, the owner of Mao Island has led his troops to fight guerrillas behind enemy lines and steal homes.

Of course, these are not things that big-headed soldiers should consider.

All they knew was that the battle was over and they survived again.

I don’t know who started it, but gradually, the sound of ‘Great Ming Dynasty’ was heard in the sky above Ningyuan City…

Thanks to brother (XZ Hui) for the 1,500 coin reward.

Thanks to brother (1989 Lulu Cat) for the 100-coin reward.

Thank you to the reading user (Lao Li) for the reward of 1666 coins and the monthly ticket support.

Thanks to the three elder brothers (no need for nicknames) (Brother Nihui) (what the hell is the name) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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