"The purpose of establishing slaves is self-evident. The purpose of surrounding Jinzhou City is to lure us to rescue. This time you will be the vanguard to open the way. Be careful in everything."

The more than 3,000 people in Wang Yan's hands are not comparable to those of other generals.

Just look at the people running forward in a strict military formation in front, and then compare it with the black and black water behind, slowly rising, and there are even some fucking gossips.

Man Gui also knew the situation. Wang Yan and his troops were the most capable team under his command. Especially the cavalrymen who opened the way in front were basically those who had fought in the field with Jiannu.

Wang Yan nodded and said, "Don't worry, sir, my scouts have already traveled thirty miles. They are all reliable brothers who have been with me for a long time. If there is any situation, they will be discovered immediately."

Sending some scouts is a normal operation. In many cases, the first thing that starts a battle between the two armies is the scouts from both sides. The opportunity to strike first affects the outcome of a war to a great extent. Wang Yan had been tossing behind enemy lines for so long. If he had not been able to detect the enemy's movements in advance, he would have died 800 times earlier. Needless to say, the scouts under him are all veterans with rich combat experience, and they are definitely sufficient.

Man Gui nodded and said: "That's good. Report any enemy information as soon as possible. Don't act recklessly. Go ahead."

"Yes, sir."

Wang Yan clasped his fists and accepted the order, then rode away.

After receiving the order, Mangui led more than 20,000 people to rescue Jinzhou.

In fact, after Wang Yan sent military honors and money, Mangui became the eldest brother in the Liaodong Army. Even Zhao Lijiao, who was also the commander-in-chief, was not easy to use. But the system is just that. Yuan Chonghuan is the nominal eldest brother of Liaodong and the top military and political leader. If he doesn't listen, he is rebelling. It turned out that people had been surrounding him for seven fucking days, so why did Yuan Chonghuan order Man Gui to rescue him? I've been thinking about it for a long time.

Of course, Wang Yan was just making fun of Yuan Chonghuan, but in a head-to-head battle, Ming Dynasty really couldn't defeat him. But hard power is not enough, so tactics must be used to make up for it. But Yuan Chonghuan's tactics are to be a fucking bastard. Maybe he has never thought about attacking in his heart.

Those had little to do with Wang Yan. He rushed to the team ten miles away and led the way to Jinzhou with his men.

Of his more than 3,000 people, only more than 1,000 are cavalry, and the rest are all infantry. The more than a thousand cavalry were captured by him from Houjin, otherwise there wouldn't be so many excellent horses to arm him. Basically all the war horses in Liaodong were with Yuan Chonghuan, and they had been training for such a long time. But when Jian Nu came over, they all defended Ningyuan...

But despite this, the infantry under him have all received serious cavalry training. They can be converted to cavalry as soon as there are horses. Although the combat effectiveness may be a little worse, there is no problem at all in hedging and fighting with the wind. After all, after such a long period of training, even the most rubbish soldiers under him have higher combat effectiveness than the gossiping veterans behind him.

No one in the entire team spoke, there was only the sound of neat footsteps, walking forward silently. Just like a deep pool that is calm on the surface, has no waves, and has no bottom, just waiting for the prey to stir up microwaves, and the long-brewing thunder to strike out of the water...

Previously, they were stationed in front of Ningyuan. Ningyuan was only over a hundred miles away from Jinzhou and less than two hundred miles away. It could basically be reached day and night.

We set out early in the morning, and by noon, we had already walked half the distance. The location at this time is near Huludao four hundred years later, about seventy miles away from Jinzhou.

Wang Yan received a notice from behind, saying that he was asked to stop and have a rest and eat before leaving.

There is nothing wrong with this order. Although soldiers are expensive and fast, the situation is different now. The Jin soldiers and horses have made it clear that they want to fight with them, and there will definitely be encounters on the way. They can't do it to begin with. If they work too hard and get tired all of a sudden, and they wait for work, they won't be able to deliver food.

Wang Yan waved his hand, and the messengers around him rode out in a sensible manner, shouting orders to stop the troops and rest and eat. After a while, the entire team stopped, took out the dry food, dried meat, etc. that had been prepared in advance from their military bags and started eating.

Now there is no preferential treatment for the officers. They all have the same rations and the same food. Even Wang Shoubei eats that stuff.

When marching and fighting, eating and drinking is a big thing. Of course Wang will not forget the army rations. He had already organized manpower to improve it, and now that's what he eats. Wang Yan didn't pay attention to the specific details. He issued an order and asked a group of barefoot doctors and cooks to poke Gu.

What I'm eating now has an average taste. It's a dry cake made from a mess of Chinese herbal medicine mixed with grains, preserved fruits, etc. Soak it in water until soft and eat it with bacon jerky. Anyway, the requirements of military rations can be met. .

Just when Wang Yan was thinking about this and had just eaten two bites, two fast horses came running from far ahead, carrying the dust and approaching. Before the horses could stop, they both jumped off the horse and ran two steps "click" He ran to Wang Yan who was sitting on the ground and knelt down on one knee: "Master Bing, there is an ambush of Jiannu near Yanli Mountain fifteen miles ahead, with three to four thousand cavalry and more than ten thousand infantry."

Wang Yan waved his hands back and forth to drive away the smoke and dust in front of him: "Have you been discovered?"

"No." The soldier smiled sheepishly and said, "But we killed a few of the slave-building scouts. It's noon now and we're probably going to be noticed soon."

"Go ahead, keep an eye on the enemy's movements and report back at any time." After saying that, Wang Yan turned around and called the messenger: "Go and inform the commander-in-chief behind you and ask him for any instructions."

"Yes, sir." After swallowing the contents in his mouth in twos and twos, the ordering soldier mounted his horse and galloped towards the rear.

Sun Fugui said: "Sir, you don't really want to fight with them, do you?"


Wang Yan looked at the officers who were looking at him and asked calmly.

"We only have one thousand cavalry. Although the remaining two thousand people have been trained, they have no combat experience. I am afraid they are no match for the Jiannu cavalry. And their infantry...the group behind them can fight with the wind. , if this is not good, then our entire army will be annihilated."

"Old Sun, we haven't even started a fight yet, and you want to wipe out the whole army?" Wang Yan glared at Sun Fugui: "I'll fine you half a year's share, and you'll have no future."

Sun Fugui didn't care about being fined, and said with a smile: "It would be great if I could get fined..."

Wang Yan punched Sun Fugui, looked around, looked at the officers and said, "If you can't beat us head-on, we'll find a way. It's impossible to lead you to death. And don't forget, we still have a secret weapon." .Besides, I’m only seventeen, and my mother-in-law didn’t even ask for one, but I haven’t lived enough yet.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone laughed out loud, regardless of their status. This defensive master is good at everything, but he is still a junior brother. It is really interesting. As for what the secret weapon is, they all know that it is an explosive pack that explodes into pieces.

Wang Yan didn't mind being laughed at by the group. He mainly wanted to relieve the tense atmosphere. Although basically all of his officers had fought guerrillas with him in the slave territory, but those were small-scale encounters. Compared with such large-scale battles involving tens of thousands of people, especially when friendly forces were ineffective. In this case, it would be a lie to say that you are not afraid.

After they had eaten and rested for a long time, the previous order came back with Mangui's instructions: stand by where they are.

After a while, Man Gui came over first with a team of people. When he saw Wang Yan, without saying a word, he asked directly about the military situation: "How is it? Has Jiannu discovered us?"

Wang Yan nodded: "Our brothers killed several scouts on the opposite side before, and now it's almost time to find out after so long."

Mangui frowned and said, "What do you think?"


"Fight?" Man Gui shook his head and said, "The terrain is open and flat. What should we fight with?"

"Sir, they only have three thousand cavalry, and we have a similar number. In terms of infantry, we even have twice as many as them. We have to test it no matter what. And...if we don't fight, we can't explain it..."

Of course Man Gui knew that he had to fight. The reason why he said this was just to hear an answer from Wang Yan that did not require a direct confrontation.

In this battle, the tactics of war are of no use. The detour is full of mountains, and you don't know how long it will take to make a detour. Besides, their combat effectiveness is already poor, and they are no match for them if they divide their forces. Jinzhou in front is besieged and the city will be broken at some point. They don't have to go, but they can't go without fighting.

"In this case... we can only fight them at Yanli Mountain, that is, the terrain there affects the performance of the cavalry..." Man Gui muttered: "I will leave Jiannu's cavalry to you to deal with, what do you have? idea?"

"My subordinates requested that all the war horses be given up to my soldiers. In comparison, they..."

"Give you all."

Wang Yan nodded and continued: "If we charge head-on, I may not be able to rush through Jiannu. So I thought of luring Jiannu's cavalry away, and then looking for an opportunity to defeat him. In this case, the pressure on your Lord's side will be greater." …”

"It doesn't matter, 20,000 infantry is very good against 10,000 infantry. It's much better than letting the cavalry mow grass. But you..." Man Gui said: "Don't be brave. If you can't beat, get out as soon as possible. For the best, keep the green hills and don’t worry about running out of firewood.”

"Yes, sir."

Wang Yan responded without saying anything more. Because of him, Huang Taiji attacked early and brought more troops than in history. In addition, Jinzhou City had not been repaired.

And once Jinzhou was broken, the last pass outside the pass was Ningyuan. With so much land lost and so many soldiers and civilians killed, even if Zhu Youxiao didn't kill him, his own conscience would be uneasy.

So in this battle, he has to fight high and low, and he has to win.

After some time, the large troops from the rear caught up. Man Gui quickly made arrangements and had all the horses given to Wang Yan. Wait until everything is settled before continuing on the road.

Now that this is done, everyone knows that a war is about to begin, and most of the people behind them have no intention of gossiping. Only some of the veterans were still chatting and laughing.

The whole journey was silent, and after walking for more than ten miles, they climbed over the first hill of Yanli Mountain. Looking at the crowd of people on the opposite side, Wang Yan said to Man Gui beside him: "General, my subordinates are going down."

Man Gui nodded heavily: "Take care." If Wang Yan died, he would be reluctant to do so. They are both a military hero and a wealth-gifting boy. They have been working together for so long, and their relationship is quite deep.

"Adults, please be more careful."

After saying that, Wang Yan rode forward and walked in front of more than 3,000 people. After giving an explanation, with shouts, the entire front row of cavalry broke away from the large army and rushed directly towards the opposite hilltop.

Man Gui did not move. He was waiting for Wang Yan to lure the cavalry away, and then their infantry duel began. If the enemy cavalry had not been lured away and they had followed, they would have killed and injured thousands of people in one damn charge. The losses would have been too great.

Seeing Wang Yan leading the charge, the cavalry on the opposite side couldn't bear it. They accelerated and started charging. At the same time, the infantry also pressed up and started firing arrows.

The distance between the mountain cols in the middle is not that far, and the cavalry can only rush forward in an instant. So shooting arrows is of no use to them, it's too fast. If you put it far away, you can't hit it. If you put it in, you will shoot your own people. In this round of arrows, only a few unlucky ones under Wang Yan were shot down, and the others were basically unaffected.

As the distance got closer and closer, the cavalry began to fire arrows at each other, causing damage to each other.

No matter how close the distance was, Wang Yan led the team to make a U-turn and run to the side.

This change was a bit unexpected. The other party thought it would be a passionate showdown between men, but in the end, these people ran away. After rushing a few more steps, he saw that the infantry on the opposite side were all on the slope, so he turned his horse and chased Wang Yan.

After making a circle, Wang Yan pretended to lead his men to kill the infantry on the opposite side. It has to be said that there is indeed a difference in the quality of the troops. When they saw the cavalry coming, the people on the other side just panicked for a moment, and then they reacted and started shooting them with arrows. If Ming's infantry were in this situation, they would probably just throw away their fucking weapons and run away...

Wang Yan didn't really want to go. When he saw them firing arrows, he took a turn and turned away from the battlefield.

Seeing this, the Houjin cavalry behind them also fired arrows and chased after him. Their mission is to fight in the field, to eliminate the living forces of the Ming Dynasty. As for these three thousand cavalry, they were well-organized and must have been carefully trained by the Ming army. If they were completely wiped out, it would still be a huge blow to the Ming army, and rewards would definitely be indispensable.

Wang Yan led his men and horses, firing cold arrows to the back from time to time until they were some distance away from the frontal battlefield, and then they stopped on a hillside.

Wang Yan greeted: "Take out everything."

Hearing Wang Yan's words, hundreds of people in the front row took out... explosive packets from the packages on their horses.

When everyone was ready, Wang Shoubei raised his arms and shouted: "Brothers, fight with me..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Yan killed the Houjin cavalry who was chasing down the slope without saying a word. As the distance got closer, Wang Yan lit the fuse, pulled the bow to the full moon, and shot out the arrow with a small explosive pack...

The Houjin cavalry did not pay attention to any other cavalry team except the saboteurs at home. When they saw the Ming army rushing towards them, their speed not only did not slow down, but also increased by three points. Screaming, drawing the bow and shooting arrows...


In this battle, Wang Yan himself was slashed twice, and more than 1,500 of his subordinates were killed and injured. On the other side, only a few hundred people saw the opportunity and ran away, and the rest were wiped out.

There was no way to deal with such heavy casualties. After all, his men were the more than a thousand people who followed him and were experienced in fighting. The rest were not good enough, and most of the casualties were among the remaining two thousand. Even if he had explosive packs, it was the first wave that made the greatest contribution, and the remaining two parties fought together. He couldn't just blow up all of his own people...

The battle here was over, and there was no time to count the number of people who had captured this and that. Some of the slightly injured people were left to take care of the seriously injured people, and they were beheaded and found the corpses. Wang Yan quickly returned to both sides with the remaining more than a thousand people. The battlefield where infantry engages.

The quality of the Ming army is indeed quite different. If 20,000 people beat 10,000 people, and they can be held down and beaten, the Ming Dynasty is indeed about the same.

The advantage of cavalry over infantry is unparalleled. In addition, Wang Yan broke out from the rear, and more than a thousand people rushed straight through. Of course, swords and guns have no eyesight, and the two parties are entangled, and some unlucky people will die tragically under their own swords...

With the addition of more than a thousand experienced cavalry, Hou Jin's 10,000 men simply could not hold out for long. Wang Yan led his men to charge back and forth, and the soldiers of the Later Jin Dynasty collapsed. The battlefield completely changed from the situation where the Later Jin Dynasty was slightly superior to the Ming army chasing the soldiers of the Later Jin Dynasty. The Ming army used all their energy to suck milk. They were much braver than before. These are all bloody heads. Promotion and wealth depend on this...

When Wang Yan found Man Gui, he was sitting covered in blood and resting under the guard of his own soldiers.

"Sir, are you okay?"

"It doesn't matter, it's all Jiannu's blood. After all, I haven't been on the battlefield for a long time, so I'm a bit useless." Mangui sighed for a while, then burst into laughter: "You kid can do it, Jiannu has three thousand Many cavalry have been eaten by you, this battle was a blast..."

Wang Yan shook his head and said: "Sir, there are nearly two thousand casualties. The loss is too great..."

"Where are the slaves?"

"Hundreds of them ran away..."

"This is a great victory." Man Gui stood up: "We lost two days of troops and wiped out more than 3,000 Jiannu cavalry. Isn't it enough? This time, after the siege of Jinzhou is solved, we will judge the merits When the reward is given, I guess you will be the general. The youngest general in the Ming Dynasty, hahaha..."

"They are all promoted by adults."

"You..." Man Gui smiled and punched Wang Yan: "Go, tally up the results of the war and report them to me, and quickly spread the news back to the capital to make the emperor happy."

"Yes, sir."

Wang Yan responded, got on his horse and returned to the place where the cavalry had been hedging before, and began to finish.

Explosive packets cannot be exposed, so after returning home, I told my younger brother who was still alive to keep his mouth shut. He should be satisfied if he could get promoted and make a fortune while he was still alive. If anyone talks too much, the whole family will be killed.

As for the heads of those who were killed by the explosion and had traces on them, the cavalry simply stepped on them back and forth until they were no longer in shape and no one could see what was coming...

After cleaning the battlefield, the results of the battle were tallied up. A total of 7,000 enemies were killed, and 3,000 intact heads were recorded. Man Gui, grinning from ear to ear, wrote a battle report on the spot, dividing it into two copies, one for Yuan Chonghuan, and the other for Yuan Chonghuan. One copy was sent directly to the capital to report the victory.

Mangui was not used to Yuan Chonghuan's problems. Yuan Chonghuan's only contribution in this battle was to send him to rescue Jinzhou, and there was no other use for him. The other abilities of the civil servants may be a bit boring. He is very powerful in grabbing credit, but he cannot let that old boy Yuan Chonghuan get away with sharing the credit.

All his subordinates were disabled in this battle, and the order he received was to rescue Jinzhou, but now this situation used to be difficult. But there were no other instructions, so they could only rest on the spot, rescue the wounded, and wait for the next order.

In the evening, I received a reply from Yuan Chonghuan. I gathered the troops and horses that were still capable of fighting and waited to rescue Jinzhou with the large forces tomorrow.

The next day, Yuan Chonghuan sent 20,000 troops over, and the remaining 10,000 troops from Mangui, a total of 30,000 troops, were led by Mangui to continue the rescue of Jinzhou. As for the injured men and horses, they were later transported to the rear for treatment and recuperation.

Originally, Mangui had an encounter with Houjin's grain transport team, and then retreated back to Ningyuan. Therefore, from beginning to end, Jinzhou had no reinforcements and had to push through. But this time, because Wang Yan flapped his wings like crazy, maybe this victory gave Yuan Chonghuan confidence, and he felt that he was superior to others, so he had to fight hard to win.

Or maybe Mangui's victory had nothing to do with him, and he was a little anxious, hoping to perform well without being blamed. After all, as the leader of the military and political affairs, a big victory has nothing to do with him. If Jinzhou still holds firm, if he does not take advantage of this hard-won victory to make progress, then it is not a matter of inaction. He will live to die. .

When Huang Taiji received the news of the defeat, he immediately deceived him and almost lost his balance.

He came out with a total of more than 60,000 and nearly 70,000 people, and he just made up his mind to grab some supplies and go back. Originally, he had a good idea. He would surround Jinzhou and fight first. It would be best if he could defeat it. If he couldn't defeat it, he would surround Jinzhou and bring in reinforcements. And once the reinforcements are defeated by them, Ningyuan in the rear will definitely be weaker, and they will fight Ningyuan again. In this way, a city will definitely be destroyed, and then with the strength of the army, they can rush directly to the gate of Shanhaiguan...

But despite all his calculations, he failed to count on a direct confrontation. More than 10,000 people did not defeat the Ming army's trash. That is to say, he had robbed supplies from two cities before, and his hands were much richer. Otherwise, he would have retreated home to farm now.

But now he can't hold on for long. Once the Ming army comes to support him, he won't be able to survive at all. Moreover, this defeat itself was an unparalleled blow to their military morale. Therefore, we must fight quickly, otherwise we will easily lose ourselves.

Just like this, Huang Taiji directly ordered the army to attack the city. It is no longer the small fights before, but the life-defying gong. After all, the Ming army's support will arrive soon, so it won't work if it doesn't happen soon. He can't defend the city with 20,000 people. What's the point of defending the city with 50,000 people?

That night, they worked until midnight. Under the guard of Zhao Lijiao and 20,000 defenders in Jinzhou City, there was another fierce battle all night to no avail, and at the same time, it caused a certain degree of casualties among Hou Jin soldiers and horses.

After daybreak, without waiting for Ming reinforcements to arrive, Huang Taiji did not send anyone to continue fighting in the field. After gathering his troops and horses, Huang Taiji led his men to retreat directly. There was no point in spending any more time.

He came here to search for supplies, not to attack the enemy and consume more supplies and soldiers. Even if he wiped out all the Ming troops who came to support him, it would be of little use. After all, Ningyuan dared to continue sending people over, and there were still many people in the city. It was no different from the last battle at Ningyuan, including the current battle against Jinzhou. It is better to get out as soon as possible to avoid getting caught in a tug of war. His own family knew his own affairs, and if the Ming army really refused to let him go, he would not be able to afford it.

Therefore, when Wang Yan and others were still thirty miles away from Jinzhou, they met the messenger from Zhao Lidejiao... and camped on the same spot, waiting for instructions...

The battle of Ningjin, no, after all, Ningyuan was nothing, the battle of Jinzhou should have ended like this. This battle lasted for ten days, and the result of the battle was that Hou Jin returned with a huge defeat.

This battle was a real victory. The arrogance of Hou Jin was eliminated, and it was also revealed to the outside world that for such a huge empire as the Ming Dynasty, even if the sun goes down, it is not something that small barbarians can spy on. Even without teeth, it is still a tiger.

Wang Yan's little wings flapped even louder...

In the afternoon of the same day, Zhu Youxiao, who was planing wood, received the news of yesterday's victory at Yanli Mountain. When he saw the words above about defeating the enemy by 15,000 in one battle, Zhu Youxiao was so happy that he wanted to jump up.

"Good fight this time, good fight..."

Wei Zhongxian complimented with a smile on the side: "It's all because of the Emperor's Sacred Heart Temple's calculations and discerning people, that led to yesterday's great victory. The greatest credit goes to you, the Emperor."

Zhu Youxiao was stunned for a moment and thought about Man Gui and Wang Yan. Of course, the most important thing was Wang Yan's affairs. He laughed loudly: "What Daban said is reasonable, what he said is reasonable...Wang Yan contributed a lot to this great victory." No, with a victory on his side, Jinzhou's troubles will be solved, and there are also the three thousand heads he sent last time, my dear friend, how do you think I should reward him this time?"

"Back to the emperor, a young hero like Wang Yan can do so much at such an old age, and now is the time when I am employing people in the Ming Dynasty. I thought it would be better to promote him as soon as possible to save money. The wasted time below can also contribute greater strength to our Ming Dynasty."

After all, Wang Yan gave him a gift, and in his words he expressed his gratitude to his father-in-law for his love, but he only followed his lead. In Wei Zhongxian's heart, he is considered one of his own. So talking now, seeking benefits for one's own people, and increasing the right to speak in Liaodong, why not do it.

"Daban is right. People like Wang Yan cannot be compared with others. Talents should be promoted." Zhu Youxiao nodded with satisfaction, frowned and said to himself: "But what position should we give him? Mr. Soldier? No...it's still worse. With so many people thinking about it, it's easy to make people jealous...Deputy commander-in-chief? No...Big companion, what do you think about giving him a general?"

Wei Zhongxian nodded and said: "I don't know what a blessing it is for Wang Yan to be so loved and cared for by the emperor. I think that in name, you can be a general or a guerrilla, but soldiers and horses... I think it is better to be placed in those It is better to give Wang Yan more people, and they can play a greater role. If Wang Yan had led the troops in the Battle of Sarhu, it is hard to say what the outcome would have been..."

"Well...I know." Zhu Youxiao nodded in approval: "Big companion, go and spread the news, so that the people of this capital can be happy..."

"Yes, Your Majesty, this old slave resigns..."

Wei Zhongxian responded with a smile, bowed and took two steps back before walking out. He was thinking about how to let that boy Wang Yan know Wei Zhongxian's contribution and pay more attention...

No wonder he was like this, Wang Yan was really good at fighting. Liaodong was beaten and retreated steadily. Wang Yan was the only one who made a lot of gains every time. He wouldn't worry if he didn't have such a person in his hands...

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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